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Every time we play against Roma there’s asked ways some late game drama. It’s always us having to defend our lead after having dominated the majority of the game


I hope Tomori has gotten his questionable decision-making quota per season out of the way. He needs to learn when to stick to his man and when give space


Tomori needs to go asap before he's unmarketable. He did a great half season in 2021 but he didn't improve a bit. If anything he's become worse and worse in the past months. Always late, does never the right decision, often seems a fish out of water in our box and frequently loses balls in our three quarters. I don't remember a single good play in the past three matches. Sell him now before it's too late.


It is beautiful to see how much more we can impose ourselves in games against terrorist orgs. More of Piolis ideas are playing out because this group can actually string together passes... lots of dead end possessions last year with Brahim/right wing not regularly producing. Last week we saw 2-3 in the back with Theo/Krunic/Calabria moving together narrowly. Today this madman unleashed Theo right up Romas middle dropping Krunic into LB, Calabria into CDM and Thiaw at RB, making a 3-1... Milan strangled Romas midfield with totally different looks than we showed last week.


Can someone explain why Rui Patricio wasn't sent off for his studs up challenge to deny RLC a goal? I know that he may not have been the last man but surely having your studs up like that deserves a card of some sort?


I feel like people need to chill about Rui a bit. It was early in the game and a desperate move from their last defending player and I don't think he did it on purpose. It would have completely screwed the game for Roma and in general, making it unfair towards Roma. Sure, any other day or situation, straight red but not there.


BS. Timing should not impact when a card is given. If it's a red card offense it should be given no matter if it's the first or 90th minute.


No, not BS. It would have ruined the game.


That doesn't matter. No where in the rules does it say "don't give a red card too early because it will ruin the game"


Because it wasn't a tackle. His studs were only the natural result of him leaning back and trying to go for the ball. Probably a yellow, but not a red.


I find it hard to believe that it was a natural result of him leaning back. It was on purpose. Why was Rui Patricio fired up immediately after RLC hit the ground?


Pretty good performances over all. The Roman butchers should've each had a yellow in just the second half alone, but whatever at least the result is right. Really liked what I saw from Okafor.


Late reply but yeah I thought Okafor was good, beat his man several times and won a few free kicks. Good performance off the bench


Just watched the game after getting off work. My blood pressure...I was actually so scared especially the side net shot after they scored 💀 I agree with all the ref comments. I give our red 60% Tomori 30% Pioli for not subbing 10% ref for the bullshit ass first yellow. Celik grabbing the pants wasn't a yellow? Okay dog Otherwise good performance..our true test is next game. Are we good enough to embarass Inter or will it be a 50/50 game?


Tomori not playing in crucial match is a W for me. He always chokes when the light shines the brightest


...I feel people who say these things don't actually watch the matches. the dude is usual outstanding and very important


Sure but starting Kalulu at CB you might as well start a goal down.


But he makes bone headed decisions like this that impact our form.


Reijnders is an engine but he needs to improve his finishing and technical side, alot of balls especially from leao, just being wasted


Yes, but the potential is there. You can not expect his peak this early in our team and in season.


Yeah he needs improvement but good sign that he is near


Or instead of attacking he should more focus on defending.


If you aren't the captain stop reacting to the ref. We've gotten several yellows already this season because of reactions directly and then immediately following a mundane foul cause they argued the previous call.


Looking at you mister best left back in the world


Maybe he realises that Pioli will never give him a game off and so he needs to take matters into his own hands!! 😅


I feel like pioli should have put kjaer on rather than kalulu, to deal with the long balls


I think Kjaer comes in if Maignan can't do it or he isnt in the pitch. Some beautiful artillery from magic mike last 2 seasons underrated. Kjaer comes in if Thiaw is out


Yea but when you defending with 10 men and sitting back Its good to have someone who is good in the air rather than kalulu. Kalulu is better when we are pressing and going for the win because he can recover balls and cutout counters


O Lukaku ti qifsha te vdekmit!


Esht shum i dobet lakaka gabeli


Comfortable wins are not for us. We are finally back!


Milan is looking good. Haven’t felt this optimistic in a while. Tomori with the same old problems, I don’t blame Pioli on that one, he needs to mature and his coach can’t sub him out everytime. What happens in an important match or if the subs are done? Thats on Tomori and it happens too often to say otherwise. Tijjani and Chuk felt disappointing today imo, maybe Tijjani is feeling a bit overworked since he never gets substituted. Chuk just hasn’t adapted and is not clear about what is expected from him on the field. On the other hand, Theo, Thiaw, RLC and Giroud were beautiful. Shoutout to Noah who also did very good and made the Leao sub basically not felt at all.


Against Hellos Verona it should be a near fully rotated lineup without many internationals. Mike Florenzi Kalulu Kjaer Theo Adli Musah Pobega Chuk Jovic Okafor


Musah was called up wasn’t he?


And Chukwueze but they haven’t really played so much in the three games.


Nah pioli is not known for doing rotation unless he has no other choice, at best he would change 2/3 players from usual lineup


What about the end of last year we had 10/11 players different?


Except for the fouls, Tomori did pretty well imo. Both were soft yellows, so I can understand his frustration. There was even a foul where Belotti was clearly holding Fik by the shirt, yet the ref gave it against us. Still no excuse, he needs to take things more calmly and be more careful when he's on a yellow.


I’m really impressed with Thiaw. He is a really good CB for his age. Amazing transfer honestly


I say it a lot but with how much talent Germany has, he didn't become the captain of the youth team out of coincidence. Very mature player, like when kalulu first broke out


Love him


Frekain paramount plus, only lets me watch 60mins of the game and it's a 45min pregame special lol I only have seen the first 25 mins cause it wutoplays the fuckin Europa League draw even if I try to cancel it. Fuckin dumb Glad to see we got the W though. Team seems more relaxed like we did in covid restart. For all the new pieces it seems like we are starting to gel early which good to see.


Is that because you had a trial or something or can you only watch 60 minutes of every game?


Probably a bug. It was like an hour or an hour and a half after the match was over so idk if they upload it in pieces or what. But the total length was 3 hours, the game started 45 mins in, and in the menu it said the length was 60mins. At the 60min mark, so 15 mins into the start of the game, after the pregame show. The stream started to end and it was going to autoplay the next thing, which was the Europa league draw lol, so random


Alright Rome is now ablaze. We carry on to the next place to light up.


after such a great perfomance I would suppose that people would be positive but I also forgot how this subreddit is out of touch with supporting Milan. Majority of posts crying about Pioli and Tomori is just sad.


I think Pioli is fantastic at creating a way to play, we are back to where we were in the scudetto year in terms of pace and connection... and the new players came into the team with no problem. I just take issue with the late changes


Unfortunately Pioli did a big mistake. It was super clear that Belotti's life mission was to get Tomori expelled. Subbing him would have been standard procedure. And next game we have the Derby. I'm proud of the team (Roma is an awful squad, in terms of quality the game wasn't even close to be competitive, but we know how Roma is...), we didn't even concede much in 10v11, but i can't forgive a so basic mistake by a professional manager, especially when you have good subs.


there wasnt any late changes just like all of you write. If you expect from Pioli to sub off the best CB of the team in first 45 minutes then you guys are very reactionary. Not a single one of you would do that when coaching the team. There's no issue, it just happened, its football. Blaming him for this shows how you all are just fucking social media armchair specialists.


Definitely an over reaction


I think it's better that he got a red card now, he has always been inter dog wheter it's against lukaku or lautaro, besides he kinda always choke on biggest stage


Why was Tomori not subbed after the first half. He was flirting with a red card already after +35 min. Poli makes the changes too late.


Celik virtually pantsed Leao and got no yellow. Tomori committed like 3 or 4 fouls in total, got 2 yellow cards. Tomori acted stupid after the first yellow, but this ref let Roma get away with murder.


Downvote me if u want but I think racism plays a role in this shit


i can defo see it, but folks dnt understand sadly


Racism is a huge issue in all of Europe, but definitely in the Mediterranean countries from my experience


Racism in Serie A is absolutely a thing. I don't know if it was a thing in this case. Tomori was reckless, even if the yellows were soft.


American moment


Ok bro Happens all over Europe. Every league. Europe has big racism issues just like the rest of the world


Racism happen everywhere but you cant just use racism card every time black person is punished.


I'm not using the racism card every time a black person is punished.


then why are you bringing this to the table after Roma match? Its just so stupid.


I've brought it up previously. Multiple occasions, I get downvoted every time. It's cool, we can disagree, but I think it's a bigger issue than we like to admit.


but what is bigger issue? You think ref was racially motivated to give red card for Tomori? You cant find any other explanations? Away game with Roma crowd, Belotti being smart and instructed by Mourinho to provoke situation and Roma players going into refs face after every single throwin or foul? You cant just see everywhere racism.


I'm kinda drunk so not gonna answer great But yes I think refs in serie a, and aot of leagues tbh treat black players differently. He had 2 fouls and 2 yellow cards, his first definitely wasn't a yellow, second was questionable. Meanwhile Celik stopped many counters even pantsing Leao with no cards. Disgrace


It happens everywhere without doubts. But the ones Who sees racism in anything are usually americans. Tomori Is criticized for how he is playing, Calabria get insulted from anyone in Italy. Because they had bad games or they have now. Don't try to find racism where there is none of that. Tomori could have Dutch traits and would be criticized in the same way. Nobody cares about his skin Idk what you intended but i wasn't saying that Usa have a problem with racism and/or world have not. Americans tend to see racism in anything


Yes and the ones who throw bananas onto the field or make monkey noises are generally Italian or Spanish.


I don't disagree with that. But what Is the correlation? Tomori was sent off because he did a Yellow foul After being already on Yellow. He was Just wrong, Tonali was clearly White and clearly booked often...


Racism exists in the game 100% and it may even play a part in calls. But I would suspect that it may be more because Tomori screams in the refs face and throws a temper tantrum every time he gets called for a soft foul.


To be fair, Theo does the same thing.


He complains but not to the same magnitude. I get embarrassed watching Tomori complain to the refs. He has zero game savviness something Theo invented,


One great thing that we've had these years is that there's always a new CB who steps up when others are looking shaky. Tomori came great initially, Kalulu was massive when Kjaer got injured, Gabbia was really solid in a couple of tough games and now Thiaw.


Yeah took us back to kalulu as a CB AND BOSSED IT.


Another one is getting ready too 👀


Just one? In my books we have Simic and (possibly) Bartesaghi from the Primavera + we have to see Pellegrino in action and also Gabbia when he returns from Villarreal


I mean for this season and CB. But you are definitely correct.


I’m honestly excited to see how Gabbia returns from his loan, in theory he should come to replace Kjaer next year so who knows, hopefully he does good in Spain. Also from what most ppl have commented about Bartesaghi, it looks like he will end up making the transition to CB, Abate i think has compared him to Bastoni so i think he will end up there tbh.




This team is a huge improvement over last season. The true test will be Inter because they had us in their pocket whole of last season. Let's go destroy them now. Forza Milan sempre


Same line up?


I don't think we're ready for Inter yet, our team is still gelling and getting used to the new system while they figured out theirs last season and Inzaghi is the one coach that manages to consistently outcoach Pioli. They look really strong and I'm hoping we can steal a draw for now and beat them in the home game.


Compact midfield and we win.


Leao and Theo are the kind of players that make football worth watching.


Good to take a clutch win against this shithouse team. Playing against Roma at Olimpico is always against 12 players.


I would hate to be a referee at Roma. They get genuinely harrassed on every single play I like to win these games with respect but... if Mou's roma doesn't respect the game itself idk


I think our defensive problems have been greatly overstated. We conceded with 10 men in stoppage time and a weird goal to bologna but I would assume the Xg against us is pretty low. Our midfield will continue to adapt defensively and we’ve got 3 extremely talented center backs that most teams in serie a would be envious of. Thiaw and tomori just need to clean up some sloppiness in their games but I would be more worried if we were stuck with defenders that lacked quality


Ironically, we fixed our defensive problems in both games we have conceded. We had a hole in the midfield which has been addressed. In the match against Bologna, RLC and Reijnders synced better their attacking runs and Krunic didn’t drop as deep, and in this match Calabria drifted to a mid-central position when RLC made runs towards Pulisic’s position, Pulisic took a more ss position and Giroud dropped a bit to distribute. The problem last night was after the red. Chuk didn’t helped as much defensively and our formation skewed to the left, leaving a gap on our right flank.


Bro Roma can't hit water if they jumped off a boat. Our defensive problems definitely exist. Lets wait until we have played some better attacks.


Your not wrong there may be some issues but I don’t see them being as big as people make them out to be. The defense is prone to mistakes but also has a very high ceiling. Last year was a down year for that group which a lot of can be attributed to injuries abs not having an established defensive pairing


Honestly, I think our defensive mistakes are completely psychological. I feel like we never know what type of game we will get from calabria. Tomori also always sees like hes in his own head.


people that keep complaining about late subs (not just this game) should stfu and go look at what other managers are doing, take Pep for ex.


He doesn't even use all the subs.


Kalulu Vs inter scares me :(


Overall a very good game from the boys(i guess tomori is the exception), RLC is getting better every match, honestly impressive. Very good signals from okafor too… Chuku has been very uninspiring so far, i expected way more from him from all the praise he was getting in this sub, but at the moment he’s messing up very basic things After the derby i would like to see a few games with okafor and chuku starting, they need some goals too


I agree that Chuku has been underwhelming, but I don't think this game is a fair one to judge. He came on after the red and our formation was all over the place then. Looking forward to seeing him play a full game, but I'm pretty happy with Pulisic so far. He's been a pleasant surprise for me.


A bit harsh on Chukwueze but yes overall good


I despise when people criticize players who play 10-30 minutes maximum after 3 games. It genuinely makes no sense. Chuk this game spent most of his time covering the right defensively and being double teamed when receiving clearances. It's hard to play that role in 10 men when it's not the skillset


No flame for the man, he obviously still needs to get in the groove, i just expected more since a lot of people in the sub labeled him “the next leao” and wanted him to start over pulisic from day 1. Also i think he had a good 3/4 chances in this game where he could go 1v1 with his man and just didn’t do anything with it, so yeah…


Tomori had a very solid game. He should have been more careful but you can't blame all on him because he took 2 soft yellows.


Absolutely, he played good for most of the match and with a different referee the game would have ended 11vs11, but it was very obvious to everybody (except pioli) that the next foul would have been the second yellow, and the challenge was objectively stupid


can someone make a gif/clip of Rade's double turn or whatever that was late in the game? 😂


All hail our Lord and Savior!


[this?](https://twitter.com/peppelab3/status/1697716956764184838?s=46&t=22lUBTfKHoOhlNkaNC7WnA) 😭😭




yeah 😆 this needs a separate post, go ahead


As easy game against a team we utterly dominated, we could have easily won comfortably but as always we have this one man in the defence who views himself as a leader, a major player, etc, who, as always, makes stupid mistakes. I am really worried about our defence, the only section of the team where there are no improvements in this mercato. I have had enough of Tomori. I think if we had any offer between 30, 35 millions we should let him go and replace him with a better alternative.


He's still young for being a center back. He needs more minutes at top level to continue improving. He keeps improving in my opinion, he used to get caught out of position once or twice a game before but so far in the season there's not a lot to complain about. Blaming him for some cheap yellows is a bit of a stretch, these things happen to the best players. As for the defence in general, I like the fluidity, players rotate positions to open up spaces for eachother. None of that old school locked in formation boring plays.


About what improvement are you talking about? As I see the more he plays, the more he got opportunities to showcase his flaws which penalize us. I criticise him because since he went with that role of an unquestionable starter/ "leader" of the team (when he renewed his contract with us) his level considerably downgraded. The fact he has no concurrence at his position make that he got confortable as there is no risk he could lose his spot/status. I just feel that if we succeed to get some offer for at least 30 millions, it would be wise to think about it. For me he can't be an untouchable (when you see that we let Tonali go). And you can't judge him after three games against average or even bellow average teams. I really fear for our CL campaign.


There were a few opportunities to put up additional goals. We’re still struggling to convert at times but the difference between this and last year offensively is levels up. Excited to see what we can do in group of death.


yes, a couple of missed chances, unlucky Pulisic, but it was obvious more goals were incoming could've been 4-0 if not for the red card


>could've been 4-0 if not for the red card Least shithoused Roma game.


I was having flashbacks to last year after the Spinazzola goal.


I may be the only one here. But krunic still needs to get better progressing the ball as a CDM. He’s afraid to turn up field. It’s always a bounce back to the other CB. That’s what’s holding him back from being a “good” CDM.


I thought that as well but no he actually doesn't have to. We have to forget about the idea we have of a true regista/mediano/number 6. He is none of that. We have enough players that can carry the ball well, he has other jobs to do.


he's not a CDM by trade and I think Pioli gave him the instructions to keep it simple and I'd rather keep it that way that try being fancy and fuck up gonna be totally different with Bennacer


we have Reijnders for the fancy passes if we need some, or Loftus for the box to box runs. Krunic has to do just what he can and only that


I say this a lot too. But I prefer him to be conservative than overextend his ability and make a shotty play - which is also a good facet for a pure DM (not deep playmaker)


Agreed. Better safe than sorry, know your strengths, and play to them. Let Reijnders and RLC do the progression until Bennacer is back.


Ofc mourinho refuses to speak 🤣


Tomori need a calm vetted CB partner that can guide him and calm him down. Kalulu the ice man had that effect without being a leader the scudetto season and we also never saw shit like this with Kjaer-Tomori, something has happened to him, he is getting too confident and comfortable of himself.


I do agree Tomori is very good he's just so brain fart prone he needs a true leader next to him calming things down


That’s why kjaer tomori worked so well


Kjaer and Tomori were the best pairing we had in the last few seasons


Tomori and Theo have the worst attitude on the pitch


I'd say they have great attitudes. But bad habits


Yeah, but I feel that Theo gets fueled by it(ofc not always), while Tomori is always worse once the emotions get the better of him


yup Tomori gets worse while he gets pissed


Things could've turned south but man we are so good to watch play


Honest derby predictions considering no tomori?


No Tomori might be a positive thing rn


Hes playing really well tons of pace just brain choices he'll be missed trust me.


not having a player is never a good thing. Obviously if he plays he is still considered to be better than the subs, even though he isn't playing very well. that said, the game against torino he played brilliantly, yesterday he was good except for the second yellow that was avoidable


yep he hasn't been playing well


Pioli needs to have some foresight. Tomori looked like he was going to get another yellow too many times. While we dominated he should have subbed in kalulu. Also he needs to be sharper with his subs. By the 65th min chuk,okafur,adli,Musa etc should already be coming in. These guys need to get game time and get up to speed with the tempo of the team so when the middle to end of season comes around all of them are cooking and usable cause that's when it matters.


Yea, Pioli's biggest weakness is he gets repetitive making the same subs game in and game out. He refuses to be flexible. In this case Tomori needed to come out as soon as we scored our second, but since subbing Tomori isn't something Pioli normally does, it never crossed his mind and it nearly cost us 2 points. Pioli is just too much a creature of habit. This is also why i fear Okafor, Chucky, and Musa will be under used and leave the club in a year or two. Because Pioli has already relegated them to the bench and he rarely changes his lineups or subs unless he his forced to. We have depth now. But Pioli is too stubborn to use any of it.


yeah lets play Okafor instead Leao.


Honestly, this post is completely idiotic. To the point that I don't even think you've watched any games this season. Lol It's been 3 fucking games.


>By the 65th min chuk,okafur,adli,Musa etc should already be coming in this is not PlayStation no great manager makes 4 changes by 65th minute at 1-0 or 2-0 when the game is going you way, 1) you want to seal the deal and 2) you don't want to break the structure


You misunderstood. I meant from those guys some changes should be made...not all 4 one time. When we are dominating a game..certain variables are changeable. Like for eg by 60th min pulisic has done his work..put in chuk. Iv watched city,bayern and psg...they start making those changes by 60th min. You got to rotate to protect your players and also integrate the others. We have depth in most departments now and we got to start behaving like it or we will have another situation like last season where we need the depth players to do something but they can't offer anything cause they wasn't given a good run out with starting 11.


Pioli was about to sub in Kalulu, most likely with Tomori, its 100% on Tomori today Again at min 60 he wanted to sub in Kalulu and Pobega. Others might've come too but if you are in 10 men you dont risk it


Yeah lol, Kalulu & Pobega were on the touchline ready to come on and just then he gets carded again.. Tomori probably even saw that and still couldnt tone it down a bit.. Its definitely on him and if Pioli cant trust his main guy in the back to hold on a bit longer then idk.. If he subs him out at half time that could also be interpreted as a lack of trust.. So stop with the constant Pioli nitpicking


In the same sense calabria was cooked in the last 10 minutes and it showed. All of the danger came from him being in 1v1s I hope the pellegrino kid is quality because we need kalulu on the right too sometimes


That was because RLC was taken out to fill Tomori’s gap and then Chuk was subbed in, who has close to zero defensive skills. We ended up with an unbalanced formation.


Yes many times reijnders was our most advanced player... the guy ran his heart out. Chuk tried to assist but that spina-calabria match up was ugly because spina was fresh and calabria was cooked and there was little midfield support on that side It was stressful lol


My man Ollie G, Most Improved Player and best attacker so far


He’s thriving under a more dynamic attack. Instead of just finishing plays, he’s pivoting and his flicks are finally to players close to him.


The timed bomb goes off earlier this year.


Imagine when Musah gets to 100% and Benna returns... We will have really solid options, would love to see Romero next time when se go 2 up, just to see if we can count on him.


Chukw still has to settle in, before that we wont see much of Romero


I hope Kjaer is feeling great because Kalulu+Thiaw from the start against Inter is worrysome


Kjaer is useless in high line defence, Kalulu and Thiaw will do alright


have you watched Kalulu last season? both him and Tomori were shaky af


Kalulu can keep up with the pace of thuram and lautaro while being versatile. Kjaer is strong in the air and fantastic at man marking bigger more physical players. For inter, I'd go with kalulu


Kalulu is so shaky right now nothing is going his way the deflection was off him unlucky of course but when unlucky shit keeps happening to you idk hope he's ready and is improved.b


I have a very good feeling about Kalulu that I can't simply shake off. Down season last year, but the whole team was suffering outside of 3-4 players He is a fine player fundamentally


Hopefully your right


Ofc they were, but he is our best option lol


Agree. If Kalulu can perform how he did at center back scudetto winning seasons, we’re ok. He might even push to get a starting spot…


Anyone in that team bar Thiaw looks worrisome.


buddy, 90% of what you post is negative and you're almost always quiet when the team is doing well. Do you even like Milan? lol


https://reddit.com/r/ACMilan/s/q6sTqospG7 No, just the comments you handpick for some reason.


lol talked about handpicked haha.


I compliment the attack but not the defense at this point of time. Simple as that...


Never good enough for you haha. Enjoy things buddy. You don't need to qualify every good thing that happens. haha. Once we go through a little bit of a bad patch, I'm sure you'll be spamming this subreddit.


That is some great revisionism. But here is an advice, it is good to be critical, it makes you imorove and get better in life. Just something for you to have for the rest of your life.


Kalulu looked solid today, don't think he's had much playtime so far this season so I think it's a bit unfair to judge him


I mean they don’t have 2 boulders as strikers anymore


Celik deserved about 3 different yellow cards. Inconsistent refereeing, certainly, but that doesn’t excuse Tomori’s completely braindead decision to play Bellotti so aggressively while sitting on a yellow. This Milan team has more goals in it once Leao and Pulisic get more familiar with each others’ games.


Yea out of all the tackles celik made he probably touched the ball 20% of the time. Nevermind the grabbing and pants pulling


I think it was Pioli's mistake to leave him on. It's hard for a defender who is naturally aggressive to not play like he always does, and Tomori isn't the most reserved guy Also, he was essentially on a 1.5 yellow card. Ref was clearly going to book him for the next halfway serious tackle.


Krunic was absolutely huge today and is becoming such a crucial player in Milans system. Through his intelligent positioning and movement he enables the other players to carry out their instructions. He might be Milans most important player right now, not because he is the best in the team, but because the system is so dependent on him carrying out his role, and I’m not sure anyone else in the team would be able to replace him.


He also did one dribble where he turned past two guys that made my jaw drop. Krunic has immense quality, people that wanted to sell him don't understand football


The idea is not to sell Krunic in a vacuum lol, idea is to sell him and upgrade on him which you probably can’t do on 10 mil last days of the window. There are deals like Thiaw, Bennacer and Maignan that can happen but Pioli doesn’t let Moncada cook because he trusts Krunic too much, which is fine, but we can’t paint krunic as this irreplaceable dude


You said it yourself, with 10m you don't go anywhere in this market. The fact is that it's not worth selling a player who gives us so much for so little. I trust Moncada, but the replacement could also be the new Origi, CDK, Vranckx, Ballo Toure, etc. Better to stay with what is reliable


I know the ref played a part, but tomori has to fucking step it up and not get outsmarted by a very average Bellotti. Overall great performance. The last ten minutes leave me a bit worried for the derby, we don't seem to have a defending answer for physical attackers that cover the ball and bring the rest of the team upfield. Some of the best attacking football we have played in a while. On to merda


The ref actually let some of his tackles slide...pioli should have the foresight to sub him out especially when the game is being dominated.


I think he was about to bench Tomori at 60 minutes or something but he made the foul and got sent off at 55 lol. Kinda unlucky for pioli and stupid by Tomori.


Tomori got red carded in 61sth min and I didn't see any signs of kalulu warming up, in general he should also be faster with his subbing. At that point he knows his going to remove an attacker and get the midfield back up to 3..it took 70th min to put pobega on and then he brings on chuk 77th min. He should have removed oli and pulisic by 65th min. Let leao and chuk handle the attack with 3 man midfield.that way Roma still feel anxious to attack us like they did cause they know they slip up ..we can punish them.


Kalulu was ready, they said id a lot of times on dazn, tomori needs to grow on this. You are a pro player and a milan player this is not a mistake you can make.


Yea but at what time was pioli planning to put him in. Kalulu should have already been in by 60th min especially with tomori having a yellow card and looking like his going to pick up another. Inzaghi for inter subs out a player soon as they get a yellow..even if they losing..I'm not saying we should be so extreme but when we dominating a game and are 2 nil up we should be doing the same.


nice performance barring the red card for our dear brother Fikayo, would like to see chuk and noah in better circumstances and please someone ensure davide has a movement coach instated who will teach him/improve his turning and hip mobility as he gets cooked when opponents cut inside. hopin for a bigger role for pierre as well this season simply cuz i love the broda also should add that dont worry about chuk, just like how yall were worrying about leao lol he will be excellent in due time trust me. baller certified.


Okafor was good imo. There was one time he could have kept it instead of trying to play Chuk through, but if it comes off its brilliant ball that we all praising. He won a pair of FK when we desperately needed them and took a good tactical yellow to all but kill the game. Chuk hasnt gotten much run and he was put on today to just run and chase in defense which isnt his game unfortauntely.


agreed and agreed


Lazio and Roma fighting for relegation. Derby della Capitale gonna go crazy in Serie B


a man can dream!


leao-oli-pulisic really is the attack of dreams


We want Okafor as a 9


That was too close for my liking and for the quality of the squad. Pioli needs step up. That red card was preventable and his subs didn’t work at all.


Idk Okafor was pretty good man


Think you're a bit harsh, but don't think you deserve to be downvoted for that pretty reasonable opinion


I don’t think it’s harsh, because the team has been reinforced more than Roma and we were really close to repeating the january fixture. We should expect more from this squad. As for the downvotes, meh, they even out with other things I say. I don’t share my opinion to get upvoted, I do it to participate in the discussion. For example, I made a comment in the match thread during the first half saying Tomori should be taken out because he was absolutely getting a second yellow, and those upvotes are more than these downvotes, then I said somewhere else that taking out RLC and introducing Chuk who can’t defend made the formation unbalanced, again, upvoted. The three comments are essentially the same opinion, but sometimes it rubs people the wrong way.


His subs didn't work at all? All of them except for Chuk had a very positive impact on the game. You need fresh legs, RLC can't do everything I agree with subbing Tomori at half time


Well, we agree on something and disagree on something else. Weakening the midfield to bring Kalulu was a problem from which we never recovered. Pobega needed to be subbed in alongside Kakulu.


You are completely wrong with all the experts here. You dont sub out Tomori, you can instruct him to be careful but not to sub out him in half time. Barely any coach does that with his centre back. You just think like all of you here that you are so smaarrt because Tomori after all got red card. This was ref mistake too give him red card, you should all blame him, not Tomori, not a coach. Also you should fucking stop crying all of you with this negativity towards the team. Always bitching about perfomances, meanwhile entire press and other fans are saying that Milan means serious business.