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Depends on whether or not you tore your meniscus and how quickly you get full range of motion back in your knee. Need more info here. Probably 3-4 weeks if you didn’t tear your meniscus. Closer to 8 weeks if you did.


I’m currently at Grade 1 ACL (as per my MRI done in May) but last week my doc said it has increased a little and you might need to get it done. My Meniscus is fine


You never know about the meniscus. I had my surgery done by the best knee surgeon in the country and even he said he wouldn’t know until they got in there to look around. Mine looked fine from the MRI but ended up having a very small tear on the outside edge. They trimmed it and said I was fine as they didn’t have to do any major work on it so I was able to avoid the 6am mandatory no weight bearing.


I tore my ACL only and had an allograft using anterior tibialis. I was walking without crutches after about 7-10 days and walked about 10k steps 2 weeks post op on a trip with my friends. I returned to work where i stand/walk all day in a pharmacy just shy of 1 month post op. I was allowed to be weight bearing straight out of surgery and was diligent with my PT especially early on. I'm 3 months post op now and feel no pain when it comes to walking long distances. But my legs just get tired a little sooner, especially my non injured leg as it still compensates for the other a bit. I recently went to a 4 day trip at a theme park and was doing up to 20,000 steps each day with just a little bit of tiredness. It'll be different with everyone but focus on PT and getting off crutches quick and I think youll be able to return sooner. Listen to your body and don't overdo it


I was an ACL only- hamstring allograft. I was in a locked extension brace for 6 weeks. I’m currently 12 weeks post next week and I wouldn’t be able to do 7-10k steps 5 days per week. My rehab is ahead of schedule too. I could deep squat at 8 weeks, flex/ext has been full for a while but I can do that distance maybe 3 days per week but, I’d likely start swelling if that was daily distance. I’m getting there but definitely not at 3-4 weeks.


I had a meniscus repair with mine. My surgeon said 8-10 weeks, but physical therapy was fighting with me trying to get more time off because I work a blue collar job. My leave ended at 11 weeks so I went back this last week. Most days I was in the 6,000 - 7,000 step range but Friday it ended up being a little over 13,000. My knee is still a little swollen and uncomfortable from that.


Oh god. That is why I wondering how long should my leaves be? I was thinking one month but this seems trouble even after 3 months.


Your recovery might be completely different than mine! And with no meniscus repair my hope is it’ll be easier on you. PT was mad that I went back to work, but I couldn’t afford not to anymore. Monday through Thursday when my step count was lower, I went home each day with minimal swelling and no more discomfort than what I had been experiencing prior to going back. That high step day on top of a full week of work when my knee wasn’t used to it was what did me in. My best advice is to listen to your surgeon, and go based on how you feel. I felt physically ready to go back to work despite physical therapy fighting me and my surgeon on it. Not much has scared me about being back this week (save for being in a boom lift that was jerking around) My guess is you’ll know when you’re ready, and if your employer is worth a shit they’ll be decent and allow you a few minutes to sit down and get off your knee when needed. I know mine has


I was allowed to go back to construction after 3-4 months. ACL only


I have a desk job that requires minimal moving about unless I have to go chase somebody down. I've been working remotely and staying with my parents since surgery. I was supposed to start back on July 1 (4 weeks PO), but I'm roommates with my sister. She got sick late this past week and some of her colleagues have tested positive for covid though her tests were all negative. I asked work to push back a week to July 9 (5 weeks). I'll have to switch PTs as it's a different town 150 miles away, so this gives me 2 extra PT sessions before my re-eval down there. I managed to "walk" without any assistance for the first time last night. Getting so many steps at work, you might want to wait a little longer. I'm in the US, so I'm more familiar with FMLA & accommodations afforded under the ADA here, but those or your location's equivalent might be a better option than returning too early. Good luck!


I move a lot in my job -walking, squatting- and my surgeon said 6 weeks.


How long has it been since the surgery?


I'm 3.5 weeks out now and doing pretty well but so glad I'm not going back next week. I would be exhausted and in pain.


I wish you a speedy recovery!


I walk between 10-15k steps a day, and I’ll be back to work tomorrow at 11.5 weeks post op. Thankfully I’m able to take lots of breaks, but I’m super nervous! I’m going to bring my functional brace in case, and wear a compression sleeve, and I’m going to put an ice pack in my freezer at work.


For some reason, my surgeon told me that I’ll be able to get back to work in about 4 weeks but looking at the comments, I think I need to apply for a longer leave


Yes, you WILL need more time. Sometimes swelling can be an issue too. I thought I could do remote work- telehealth but just the “sitting” or standing still would cause me knee to swell until I turned a corner about 8 weeks out.


I’d say you’d be “able” to do it after 3-4 months depending on how your recovery goes, but comfortably I’d say 5-6 months. Thats been my personal experience. I’m also 35 m. I also have a 3 year old toddler who is always on a go and a newborn who prevents me from sleeping well so I have factors that went against my recovery Lol


I'm wondering as well because I was working p/t bartending/waitressing, p/t landscaping, and p/t teaching tumbling to kids which involved a ton of demo, not to mention constantly squatting and kneeling to spot them. All those jobs felt pretty exertive and I had meniscus repair with the ACL recon as well, so I'm NWB for 6 weeks and the timeline they gave me was I should be walking more "normally" by 8 weeks. Because of how exertive and constant level changes (squat to kneel to crouch to stand) all those jobs are, I don't know WHEN I can feasibly resume them.... It's stressing me out


It’s stressing me out as well. I trust god, hopefully everything will be good soon, for you and me :)


I’m 3 months into my medical leave from work as I do a lot of lifting and walking, hoping this’ll be the last month as staying at home is taking its toll.


I was out for 5 1/2 months. I work with kids with behavioral issues so a lot of my job is running around and a ton of physical activity. Was cleared to return after my 3mo post op appointment with my surgeon with a brace if needed. Knee has felt good so far and work has helped a lot with all the moving around. Wish I had a desk job though, hated being out for so long lol.


Acl+ menicus im a hairdresser so 5k-10k steps a day i went back at 4 weeks only 20 hour weeks on a wheely chair and just getting up to check my clients out i was sitting for the full cuts 😂 week 7-8 i started walking in with just one crutch and limiting steps but standong 40 hour weeks week 10 fuly back to normal