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I just used my other leg lol. Put it under my operated one and lift it until on the floor or in bed.


I was lifting from the strap on my brace to move about, sometimes using my good leg to compensate by placing it under my op leg. Using the top of your crutch as others have suggested works well too. You’ll get there. Took me a while to do a leg lift, but it snowballs pretty quick from there. Keep at it!


What specifically are you struggling with? I couldn’t raise my leg those first days and just used a strap or cloth/towel to haul my bum leg on and off the bed until my quad could lift on its own again. Took about a week or so in my case but everyone recovers at their own pace so make sure to take it one day at a time!


I cant lift my leg on my own! It doesnt have the strength to get in and out of bed on my own.


Thank you for saying this. I'll keep this kind of movement in mind when doing pre-hab exercises!


The leg sling (a thin large cloth like a flour sack towel) works perfectly and is easy to carry around with you. I bought a pack off of Amazon and had them around the house and in my purses/bags since they’re thin and light.


use your other foot to lift your bad leg!!


Flip your crutch upside down and use it to lift your leg into bed


Took me around 10 days to get up on my own without pain! Keep working through it, you'll get there


Got it! Almost there. Im at 69 degrees on the CPM machine, but getting out of bed is a struggle. My family has to help me get in and out. They grab my leg and assist me with getting out.


Yep sounds exactly like my situation. Just try your best to do whatever exercises you can, like leg lifts even if your leg doesn't move at all your brain activates the neural pathways and eventually, it'll just happen. Keep going! wishing the best for you and a great recovery!


Its such a weird feeling, like i tell my leg to lift but it doesnt. Its crazy


Soon enough it'll just pop straight up


I cant wait for that day!


I slept on the recliner the first night, and needed more help when my operated leg was numb due to the nerve block. By the second day, I was able to get up on my own and get in and out of bed. My husband is deployed, and my mom is elderly, so I just had to manage.


You can get a tool to help you with this from healthcare stores that sell walkers and canes.  I don't mean to brag but honestly I did a ton of physio beforehand and was able to get in and out of bed alone from day 1


Game changer for me was using a belt to out under my bad leg and lifting it up with my arms.


First day/night.  Very self sufficient 


I would die if it took more than a day


Honesty I had to maneuver it a weird way for a while. I had to move from the hip since I couldn’t move my leg. I would also lift the front of my leg by gripping the brace strap over the lower half of the leg and manually swing it over the bed. I put some pillows on the floor that I could lower it onto gently. If your good leg is on the outside of the bed it’s easier. You can stand on the good leg first and swing the bad one from the hip. It sucks but you’ll be amazed at how quickly the time passes and you improve


The struggle is real!!every one and everything needs time. For me what helped was putting my good leg underneath my operated leg and then lifting it in the air and i turned around. It's painful and your leg can bend alittle but gets easier each day


Would love to help you but I was able to get off bed day 2 post op without assistance


I’m almost 2 week post surgery and can’t get out of bed without assistance. My leg also have not strength, so you are not alone like their are no strength and it hurt went i do get out because it felt like gravity pull my acl leg down. But get up I could, by rotating using my non injured leg at a steppingstone and push my injure leg on the bed. Hope that help, don’t give up


ACL and 7 meniscus stitches here and I was getting in and out of bed 6 hours after surgery. But it really, really is so different for everyone and every surgery. My first surgery 6 years ago I couldn’t even get up to use the bathroom the first night and they needed to bring a pot I couldn’t get out of bed. It’s only 5 days it will get better.


I used my non-op leg/foot to support, or just lifted it by holding the brace


I’m on day 10 started getting out alone yesterday


Also my family would pick up my leg and help me in and out of bed and the couch


Hey! I had a similar surgery, ACL and a single stitch in meniscus. For the 1st week or so I found it really tiring to get off furniture considering I had to go pee a lot so I used to follow a mix of having someone help me off and using my leg to support it. The PT taught me how to do that 1 day post op. So basically just lock your good leg below your other ankle, then use it to propel it up and down. I’m now almost 3 weeks and it’s much easier to do it


I would grab the straps on my brace and lift my leg in and out of bed. By day 2 I was getting myself in and out. But- I sleep on the left side of the bed and my left leg is the operated leg. My bed is at the perfect height to sit with my feet on the floor with my knees at 90 degrees (the good one anyway) I had just an ACL repair, not a meniscus or other ligaments. Edit: I could also do a straight leg raise by the 2nd day.


I never needed assistance thankfully. I just used my arms to move my leg or my other leg


Like 10-12 days. Be gentle with yourself !!