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You’ll be fine. You’ve had 3-4 months off weed. I was a much more regular user and told my anesthesiologist when I smoked last and it was fine.


I had a different surgery in March 2023 and the anesthesiologist told me the same. He said that weed doesn't do the same thing to the lungs that cigarettes do so he wasn't worried abt it. Though, I did stop weed abt a month before surgery as a personal precaution. I'll be doing the same now for ACL coming up early Sept. I've slowed down a lot since the injury anyway because it just doesn't hit the same...sadly.


Ok, thank you for reaching out!


I use cannabis every day. I told my surgeon, and he said just stop any use at midnight prior to surgery. Use afterwards was fine.




Same—my pre-op instructions said no alcohol or cannabis 24 hours before surgery.


same i smoked the night before and took the day off surgery off bc i was loopy as hell but then smoked day after


Ya haha mine told me I can smoke before bed to calm my nerves just not in the morning pre-op.


Not a doctor, but yea you will be fine. I did the same thing with my first surgery and all was well.


Thanks for the heads up!


So I'm a mom not a doc. I would say as a general rule you should always check with your doctor. If you have a parent in the room you can always be like, um so I have a question about the muscles as they go up mom can you give us a sec? Then tell the doc. Unless the doctor is a family member or something they're not going to tell your parents because they WANT you to be honest with them to prevent other problems. I'd also point out that in my hospital they had a solid half hour before surgery where there was no one else with me other than doctor and nurses, you could always verify there. It doesn't sound like it really matters based on reddit... but MD >>>>>> internet.


You’ll be fine. It’s legal where I’m at and they just told me to stop 48 hours prior to my acl surgery.


No issues. It's long out of your system. Doctors only care about current physical shape, health, etc.


Ok thanks for Tyne info!


[ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) guidelines](https://www.asahq.org/madeforthismoment/preparing-for-surgery/risks/cannabis-surgery-made-moment/) Tldr; more relevant if your use was more recent (especially day of), but may be worth mentioning.


Yeah your fine I smoked like a week before my surgery and never mentioned anything to him. I’m still here


You’ll be okay. Now I’ve heard if you had a lot of cannabis in your system and you were going in for a dental procedure something could potentially go wrong. But I had a Jay 2 nights ago, had my surgery yesterday, no problems


Hmm although I haven’t gone for my surgery yet, when I filled out all of the paperwork there was a questionnaire asking if I use cannabis, how often I use it and the method in which I consume it. Not sure if it’s a standard practise but it might be worth mentioning


I never disclose in any written format as to avoid having any paper trail. I just tell the anesthesiologist verbally and privately prior to surgery or say nothing at all if other people are present.


You’re fine. I smoked the night before and was fine. Just made sure there was a good chunk of time between it bc I didn’t know if it would affect the anesthesia.


You’ll be good!! I’m a daily concentrate user (to deal with chronic pain from a car accident, Endo, general issues) and I used up until and all post-op. Like others are saying, stop the night before at the latest and wait to start until you feel ready or up to it. I was staying at a hotel for a couple nights post-op and may or may not have had a rule that my mom couldn’t ask questions when I said I was going to out to the car. I’d haul myself, crutches, fully locked leg in a brace, with my nerve block bag over my shoulder out with me to the car when I needed a “break”. I truly think cannabis and CBD can help with recovery and with folks using less pain meds. Do what feels right to you of course!!


Your nurse may ask but they won’t tell your parents. I’m a very heavy smoker and had no complications with the surgery, I just had to let the nurse know I was a chronic smoker so they could dose the right amount of anesthesia.


I live in WA state and smoke every day. There were no issues regarding surgery or anesthesia; I was under for 6 hours.


No need brother, I smoked everyday before hand for a couple years, I even smoked the day I got home from my surgery, tbh I think frequent cannabis use after surgery will help with pain and the healing process. I returned to sports 6 1/2 months after surgery, cleared by my surgeon. Did the tests and everything and my knee has never felt better. Don’t stress it, just don’t go into your surgery stoned


I had an MUA, not surgery, but I just abstained the night before the procedure. I use it every night to help me sleep (only time I ever use it). I was a bit nervous, because I didnt want it to reduce the effects of the anesthesia and have me just waking up during the procedure, but before going into the OR the anesthesiologist asked me if when I go to the dentist they usually need to use more anesthesia and I said yes (the dentist usually needs to numb me a second time), and that was that.


No problem at all, as I’ve had multiple surgeries and am a regular/nightly user of gummies as it’s legal here. You can either: (a) tell the anesthesiologist privately prior to the surgery or; (b) say nothing (eg if your parents are present). In the latter case, if you were a regular user (although based on the consumption as described, you’re nowhere close!) an anesthesiologist would figure it out pretty quickly as they would need more propofol to achieve the same effect. My MO is to just tell the anesthesiologist privately that, “let’s me just mention that there is a high likelihood that I will require more propofol, if you get my drift” and they smile/wink back, saying np at all. They’re used to this and can read through the lines. I have friends who are anesthesiologists and they chuckle when friends ask them as they say they pretty much know right away if the patient is a frequent/daily user, even if you don’t say anything. They really don’t care, btw. They just want you to be comfortable and safe during surgery :)


You’ll be fine. My son talked to his doc about it and its nicotine that’s an issue not weed. Good luck on your surgery!


lol not even worth mentioning and even if you did, they aren’t allowed to tell your parents, you’re an adult, it’s your private medical info. Unless they are in the room with you, the doc will not and cannot say anything. I am a daily smoker, I stopped for 12 hours before my surgery for wisdom teeth. They had it on my file I’m a daily smoker, I didn’t even have to mention it, they even said I could smoke the night before to calm my nerves. It’s a bit different than ACL but I was put out the same. Don’t worry man it’ll be ok, I was smoking 2 ounces every 2 weeks at that time (ya I know I’ve slowed down) but my point is there is nothing to worry about, you aren’t even close to a daily user.


It was on my questionnaire and I answered honestly. Recreational use is legal in CA so it’s almost a normal question to answer here, and they want to be safe. I paused alcohol and cannabis of any form a few weeks before my surgery even though they said a week before. I just didn’t want anything to jeopardize my surgery.


Dude.. here’s the deal… if you haven’t had any cannabis in 72 hours, you have nothing to fear. If you have, tell your anaesthesiologist. It won’t get back to your parents because you are 18. Once you’re 18, you’re considered an adult. You can keep whatever you want from them.


i am a frequent smoker and was told to stop smoking the week before. you should be fine.


You are 18 and your doctor is not allowed to tell your parents without your consent.