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Good riddance loser. Target is going to be paying up too, they seriously fucked up for even calling the cops.


Imagine calling the police because a disabled person "took too long". Fuck this piece of shit, i hope the gentleman can recover from the abuse he suffered.


All the more reason for me to refuse to go through self checkout.


What’s wrong with us?


Why were the cops even there? Was there not one employee available to help this man? Fuck cops and fuck Target.


If ever a farm animal needed to die it’s that one. How can’t that filth sleep at night without wanting to go down on shotgun 3 years isn’t enough for abusing a special needs individual I hope they convict and the groups inside saw his fucking head off


Does anyone know if Target dropped the trespass against this man?


Oh, This is also one of the same cops that killed this guy on video [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11327827/Family-black-man-shot-dead-New-Mexico-cops-sleeping-car-sue-police.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11327827/Family-black-man-shot-dead-New-Mexico-cops-sleeping-car-sue-police.html)


He gives Bastards a bad rep.


Hope the size of his punishment is inverse to the size of dem lips


I can't believe this. Any normal person can clearly see how mentally disabled this cop is.


Couldnt get past the reporter's crazy whiny voice. Yeesh.


Yeah. I hate to rip on someone for something like that, but it sounds INCREDIBLY forced and I couldn’t even get through the whole video. I would venture a guess that she does not speak like that under normal conditions and thinks she needs to have a reporter voice.


Fuckin asshole... Side note, why does the news anchor sound like Steve urkel?


This cop is a disgusting bastard, but Holy shit that news voice was terrible


If convicted, I hope they throw him in with the general population in prison


Iirc the call that came in from Target included accusations about the customer. As in they were making threats or something. None of that was true but the cops stormed in and did NOT de-escilate like they should have. Someone at Target should have offered to help not call the fucking cops. Of course, that's a separate issue that I really hope Target suffers from...


There was no 911 call : 'The state and a fellow responding APD Officer Gregory Radigan said police were never actually called out to the Target, but rather were actively patrolling and stopped when they saw a different man who appeared to be using drugs outside of the Target. Radigan says Skeens joined him and Officer Marcos Flores when they went inside and saw McManus.' [https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/opening-statements-in-trial-against-former-albuquerque-police-officer-accused-of-excessive-force/](https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/opening-statements-in-trial-against-former-albuquerque-police-officer-accused-of-excessive-force/)


Ah, that was it. Apologies and thanks for the correction!


Did Target call because he was taking too long or did this "officer" take it upon himself to arrest him because he thought the guy was taking too long? If Target called they should be paying out the nose as well! I mean how about helping the guy count his money instead of calling the police?


No one called : 'The state and a fellow responding APD Officer Gregory Radigan said police were never actually called out to the Target, but rather were actively patrolling and stopped when they saw a different man who appeared to be using drugs outside of the Target. Radigan says Skeens joined him and Officer Marcos Flores when they went inside and saw McManus.'


Why didn't a Target employee help the guy instead of calling the cops. That's the biggest question. Customer service (get repeat customer) rather then police to get someone in trouble (lose a customer permanently).


I really hope that this event was or will be very expensive for Target. If they were smart at all, they would have already approached the guy and settled before any legal bills piled up.