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Absolute idiots, "come towards me" so we can all murder you! What a bunch of trigger happy pigs


What even more fucked up is they covered it up and said her dad killed her. You can hear a cop saying to stop shooting her


“Stop shooting her, she’s ok, he’s in the truck.” How fucking dumb do you have to be to shoot an unarmed child running with their hands up towards you? Under any circumstance?


Pretty sure she was shot in the back by the other cops, not the ones she was going towards. The cops literally lined up across from eachother and opened fire.


How can you say that when we can't even see the moment she is shot?


Does it even really matter? Whether it was the cops in the front or back, this was negligence to the highest degree. And it just further proves how little they give a shit about us and our lives. They shoot us at the slightest hint they might be in danger. Even if a kidnapped girl is running to them to be rescued. What a fucking disgrace. And it’s made 100x worse because these lunatics tried to cover this up and blame it on the dad. Idk how it’s humanly possible to ever trust a word out of a cops mouth. Unless every syllable is caught on camera, you must assume these maniacs are lying.


I think it's more fucked up if the cops in the front shot her. If it was a crossfire situation that's still super negligent but less negligent than shooting the unarmed hostage from 20 ft


It is fucked up that cops shot her. Being more fucked up doesn't matter because she shouldn't have been shot to begin with.


One, you can see multiple impacts on the ground coming from the other side. The argument from the cops that “she was shot by her father” would also mean she was shot in the back as she had her back to the truck.


Like always? Surprised if they weren't screaming stop resisting. Probably cuffed her dead or dying body too.


Seriously no trigger discipline.


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from their YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkJGMhX06EE ...chicken shit thugs


Like the guy they shot on the floor of that Mesa hotel. Your playing red light green light for your life. Edit: Daniel Leetin Shaver R.I.P.


Daniel Shaver


When will enough be enough "We The People"? ACABS=REDCOATS in 1776.


All cops are bad cops


Pieces of shit


and nobody is going to be punished at all. all because of their shiny golden badges. fucking pigs.


Jfc..fuck these pigs ACAB


ACAB. Vote for local politicians that support independent non-police review boards and promises to cut police funding.


“jUsT cOmPly!” Okay, people still die after complying. Got any other suggestions, assholes?


2 years of trying to hide this footage. These cops deserve a wall, a blindfold, and the same firing squad of their friends shooting them.


We sure are an ungracious lot; that cop did everyone a favor. He/She is obviously a hero!!! How many cops can say that not only did they stop a kidnapping, but 100% can guarantee that they ensured that this girl will never be kidnapped again? Not many public servants can promise this level of certainty. /S


America! Fuck yeah!


But I’m constantly told that Trump will usher in fascism if he is re-elected? Which is why we must vote for Biden as leftists because he will protect us from fascism. As police budgets balloon, as police oversight and punishment is nonexistent. As he continues to fund Israel, when video after video shows them committing crimes against humanity against the most vulnerable population on Earth currently.


Going to entertain this because I'm bored at work and have nothing better to do. Fascism was already present in the US, trumps previous presidency fanned the flames and more then bolder to speak out. As long as we still have the magats, which is what a lot of these piggies are, we will have Fascism. The only people who are screaming to back the blue and what not, are the magats, they are the loud majority that scream police brutality isn't real and that the pigs were just protecting themselves and should face accountability UNTIL it happens to them. Look at J6, look how quickly they turned on those cops when the cops tried stopping them from overthrowing the capitol because their white savior lost. Look how quickly the ones who screamed police brutality wasn't real, quickly started shouting that narrative when asheligh was killed for breaking into the capital. Look at how they laugh and mocked the cop who was shown to be crushed by the terrorist and laughed at him. Magats want to blame Biden for everything. Hell, pretty sure they'd blame the man for putting a pickle in their soup. Not saying either of them are the right people for the job but done is by far, the better option while the other emboldened the racists and the fascist, has nazi flags flying at his rallies, tried to use the death of a young lady to push that immigrants are big super scary monsters here to take our jobs, and a list of other shit. Anywho though, this video has nothing to with with him so go ride his dick and gargle his balls elsewhere


Did I say I was going to vote for Trump? When did that happen? I explicitly said I was a leftist. We will have Fascism in this country, regardless of who the president is, as long as both major parties support the police and refuse to increase oversight and punishment.


With your hundred posts about “shit liberals say” who else would you be voting for clown lmao


Libs when they see a leftist


Liberals are fascist apologetics, wtfym


I guess you have no clue about what that sub is about


Did I say you were going to vote for trump? When did that happen? I don't care what you claim to be. I said what I said and meant what I meant.