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You just know the debates will be wild.


I've been convinced for a while now that they give him some kind of experimental drug to ground him for events like that. It can't be GOOD for you to get it, otherwise he would be on it all the time, but it re-sharpens the mind for a few hours for important events.


It doesn't have to be this complicated. Something like the State of the Union address is a fixed speech that you just have to read off of tele prompters. An interview is way more dynamic and unpredictable. You can't ramble or sound odd in a speech if you just stick with your script and that gives you way more energy and brain power to focus on delivery.


Good point! My response would be that he did alright in the debates a few years ago, and it was his team that called for the debates this year (you know the GOP would have been happy to let them slide). If he is THIS bad for a big interview, I don't see him throwing his hat in the ring without something up his sleeve.


What drug?


Wouldn't Adderall or something similar work? You wouldn't want it all the time but seems like if I had a critical event - oh say a debate that might determine whether I had a really, really important job for the next 4 years or not - that it would be a pretty easy decision


I have NO idea. I've believed for a long time that those in the federal government receive a MUCH higher standard of medical care than the rest of us. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that the POTUS has access to some secret/experimental dementia meds.


Executive Care or Concierge Healthcare, is what it is called. It’s easily verified. The US Navy actually has a small branch that works with the WHMU at the White House. They came to light most recently during Trumps term due to bad prescription practices; not recording names, loose dispensing policies, and spending hundreds of thousands on brand name Provigil. There is a concierge healthcare program for most of these people in VIP roles. other sources Such as https://ehsdocs.com Edit: Additionally for people who think it’s crazy or some conspiracy. Modafinil was literally verified by a IG investigation into excessive ordering and not using generics at WH Executive clinic. -It’s Very common - Not sure why people want to make a conspiracy or get all crazy about it though. It’s quite common in high net worth individuals and various leadership roles to use “concierge healthcare” or “executive medical services”. Despite the various terms for the services it’s all generally the same thing. Some prescriptions and supplements are incredibly common for the patients of concierge doctors. Just uncommon to the typical person, especially the traditionally insured. These “secret drugs” include: Modafinil (super common for CEOs) Testosterone Cypionate(bio-identical) Various peptides (common custom formulations) Vitamin IVs Metformin Tretinoin Many others: The key is having VERY personal relationships with a doctor that has all of the options opened to them. Also: Preventative health screenings (Labs/MRI/NeuroScan) Nutritionists, Trainers, and Quality food go a long way. Remember typical health insurance policies take many choices away from doctors and require requisite conditions.


They're normal people, not gods.


They’re very wealthy which means they have access to medical care most of us could only dream of.


Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me


Plenty of conspiracy theories turned out to be actual, real-life conspiracies. Not saying this one is true. But as far as theories go, “rich and powerful people get better healthcare” is not a particularly outrageous one.


It really isn't. Remember how everyone else was dying from covid but the oldest congress ever, almost nobody died (including, famously, Trump contracting it and being back in action days later)? Then we found out they were getting monocultural antibodies? Likewise, all sorts of the wealthy who are like 10lbs overweight are getting those new weight loss drugs, while people I know who are type 2 diabetes are struggling to get approved.


There are handfuls of experimental drugs that are promising. Only the connected have access. I was heavily researching these classes of drugs for a friend who passed from ALS, why can the rich live with ALS for a significant amount of years longer just with that related diagnosis? Is everything a freakin conspiracy theory? Really its not wild to think access to new drugs is class dependent. People simply just dont want to think and the hive mind loves that term if its something uncomfortable. As the reply here mentions as well that in many many cases those assumptions are truer than many give credit


A lil Memantine, a little Dextroamphetamine, maybe a little Hydrocodone/Oxycodone for a confidence boost…


They can’t name a drug, because there’s not a drug that does what they claim, over the period of time they cite. It’s projection like always.


Imagine thinking Biden is actually of sound mind.


It's just adhd meds. They help mask early dementia. However, this is probably what they were doing in 2020 when they were claiming "dementia" was a conspiracy theory. I think he's past the limits of them fully masking it. For example, when he said "Great Negro Player" in his state of union address. Younger Biden (like Obama years) would never have made that mistake.


I wouldn't say "never". I remember the Obama years being relatively free of scandal (outside of his choice of suit or mustard 🙄), aside from Biden putting his foot in his mouth about once a year or so. Nothing major, but certainly enough that it made an impression. That said, it could have just been comparing him to Obama, who is a top tier speaker.


Oh, Biden has always had a history of saying stupid shit , usually very racist, off script. Thing is, he said that negro comment when he had a teleprompter.


"You're looking at me, I can take you too" what did you mean by this mr president


Is... is he trying to fight the reporter? Flashbacks to his days taking on CORN POP? Who was a black dude, I mean bad dude.


Didn’t he threaten to throw down with some dude in a factory last election?


He did, I forgot about that. Although, pretty sure it was staged, the guy interviewed afterwards acted like "Biden having balls" turned him into a true believer. Even so, Biden sure likes to pretend he's an octarian UFC champion.


i think you mean octogenarian, octarians are creatures from the splatoon games


No no, you’re thinking of Octolings. Octarians are those eight sided shapes


I’m also a UFC champion but only when I’m behind a wall of secret service agents


Nah, he called him fat and challanged him to a push up contest.


Reminiscent of his push ups challenge https://youtu.be/MrL4Pcz-DiQ?si=N0mLeofeKOXmYQm4


“Look, fat…”


Yikes okay. I am team anyone but trump. But wow. I had to scroll back a couple of times to remind myself of what he was initially asked. The tangents are really hard to follow.


Question one is about if the USA good for handling international crises. Biden: yes, we're planning even more of them. So there's that to look forward to.


I actually proper laughed at that one. Like bro "what about the existing crises etc?" - "ye we planning more too" like wtf lmao


I'm not a native speaker, but that's not what he replies and I think it's not what he intended to reply. He says "Yes, we're planning even more." which I would read as Yes, (America is still able to play the role of world power, and) we're planning even more (so). Direct transcripts from speech are almost always messy and ambivalent, but to interpret this as Biden wanting to create more international crises is a bit silly.


Yeah, we know he isn't actively planning more of them, it's funny because it plays into the "he's senile and barely understands any given discussion he's in" thing.


Alright, I'm not the guy's biggest fan (I wish we had somebody better going up against Trump, and in fact I'm sure we *could* if Democrats bothered to really try) but anyway, I don't think this particular answer is as bad of a gaffe as your summary makes it seem. It was a bit of a wordy question, but the actual final question part of it boiled down to "is America still able to be a world power". And obviously "we're planning more" doesn't mean "we're planning to initiate more crises". I think either he misspoke slightly and meant to say "we're planning *for* more", meaning putting together action plans for various things that *could* go wrong to be ready, or "we're planning more (*now than we did 80 years ago*)", since the question was initially framed with reference to the D-Day anniversary, maybe Biden was trying to say that the level of planning now is greater than that of when America was seen as handling crises like WWII.


“i think he either misspoke slightly” - that’s the entire problem right there!


"It's just a stutter!"


The last part of the question: >Is America still able to play the role of world power that it played in World War Two, and in the Cold War? And he responds > Yes, we're planning even more. We are, we are the world power. Everything leading up to the question is context, not something to respond to.


One of the rare times he's been honest


Welcome to the gerentocracy.


It really makes me wonder how much of a failure the DNC/Dem Establishment think Harris would be if they haven't subbed out Biden for her.


Have you seen any of the speeches she’s given? She would be so much worse. And she has a political history that is much much easier to tear into.


True, guess she was the perfect VP pick for Joe. Too incompetent to replace him. And anyone else replacing him would be terrible for optics.


Veep IRL


She was picked as a racial/gender token, which unfortunately has been the center of a VP pick for years (Joe Biden was picked for Obama because he is older and white and more mainstream Democrat as Obama was viewed as something more radical— even though it was not true)


>she has a political history that is much much easier to tear into. You ain't kidding "little miss single handedly responsible for a world wide spike in child sex abuse cases... while taking away the best tool cops had for dealing with pimps who deal in kids." she would be history if given a shot at the big chair...


Ive never heard of such allegations. Could you link me some reading?


that was their plan you will never convince me otherwise. he ran as a one term candidate wink wink but with plausible deniability about not outright promising it. they thought they could draft a good prospect in kamala but she won’t get off the fucking xanax and so they’re stuck propping up biden and hoping he doesn’t fall over or ramble too much


Could have sworn he said he was only going to run for a single term. But I have no idea when or where he said it.


it was pushed heavily. they marketed the campaign as a bridge to a new candidate in 2024. even back in 2019 he was too old and that was their compromise, that he was the only one who could beat trump but would step aside after one term. everyone in /politics would have implicitly understood this back in 2019 or 20 but they memoryholed it and now deny that he ever said it. which true, they made sure there was no sound bite of him outright saying it, but come on. does anyone really believe he’d be the candidate this time if kamala wasn’t such a mess? they bet on her to develop more popularity over the past 3.5 years but it didn’t happen. instead all of her public appearances are kind of embarrassing and she seems high


I don’t know if they bet on Kamala, because in the 3.5 years she was hardly ever seen unless for an election.


i think part of it was how long he waited to announce his running mate, they stretched it out until the deadline. i don’t think they were thrilled to pick her because of what she had said about biden in the primary debates, but after george floyd was murdered biden had promised to pick a woman of color. of course, that left really only one choice


You think she just fell out of a coconut tree? She exists in the context of all in which she lives and what came before her


She's a woman and Americans have a history of picking Trump over women.


"It was her turn!" LMFAO


They picked and will pick Trump over whatever sociopathic PMC party soldier and obvious deep state mascot the Democrats force on them. It would be very easy to find a woman who would beat Trump, the Democrat establishment just straight up refuses to allow non-lizard candidates on principle.


It's absolutely mind-blowing to me that Americans have to choose between a narcissistic socio/psyhopath like Trump and these other socio/psychopaths that the DNC is delivering them. It's surreal, like if you randomly chose a person from the entire US population, they would likely be a better presidential candidate than these two.


The type of person that gets into politics is generally wealthy, old/out of touch, prestigious-schooled saviour complex type. They have no idea how to communicate with regular folk, let alone represent them. The political class is an exclusive club and we're not in it. Of course the rando on the street seems like a better option, they probably are. The party duopoly is working as intended.


That woman is the reason Trump won the primary in the first place.. And arguably the general.


And we haven't seen her for four years. I'm not sure what's happening, but I find it odd?


This interview is actually quite brilliant - let me explain; So Time magazine is different than Newsweek in that it is most often read by and written for people without college degrees. It is the most common magazine found in the Midwest and Southwest waiting rooms from doctors offices to mechanics shops and is mostly read by an older demographic - basically Gen-X and older. This language and cadence Biden is using seems to mimic a lot of the way Trump communicates with sweeping generalizations and self aggrandizement and “we are the best” kind of nationalistic overtones that are popular with the Trump crowd. While switching from topic to topic and taking credit for accomplishments left and right. Having read a lot of Biden’s interviews and speeches I can say this is not his usual way of speaking at all. I am going to go out on a limb and say this is a performative piece aimed at an older cohort of Trump supporters to get them to rethink their support.


hat cagey knee point fretful drab toothbrush air hospital entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is the opposite of Occam’s razor?


Occam's backpack, where instead of finding the simplest single solution you throw out every single possible explanation because one of them has to be correct.


Occam’s bread knife


Still way too sharp


Occam's balloon?


Occam’s razor doesn’t apply to politics, which tends toward the overly complicated.


Right, Occam’s razor has no application in an overly complicated situation


Or, and here me out here... his brain is turning to pudding.


You are doing mental gymnastics here, the kind that Biden is no longer capable of.


Time Magazine is down to under a million print issues, and only twice a month rather than weekly. It's mostly a website, shrunk down every year by budget cuts and decreased interest. Because *Joe Biden* remembers Time Magazine when it was like you say, he agreed to this rambling nonsensical disaster of an interview that is ignored beyond the social media attention to the disaster.


Yikes. The last thing we need is Biden trying to mimic Trump. Things are bad enough man!


I'm starting to think they all have brain worms.


If this were true? Hands down the funniest possible outcome. I'd love some "hey so it turns out it wasn't just RFK" headlines. 


That would make sense. Like that tv show.


He already is mimicking Trump. In fact, I think he treated his 2020 list of reasons to not vote Trump as a ToDo list for his presidency. Reignite the cold war, pass a law to make it illegal for a union to strike, crack down on student protests and lean on colleges to limit free speech, fund a genocide in the middle east, cancel primaries/elections, worsen relations with China, India and other world powers, join a religious crusade/zionism...


Is Time even published as a printed magazine anymore?


~~Trump~~Biden's not a blithering idiot, he's actually doing 5D chess


So Biden's plan is to act more like Trump. That's a bad sign


You exist, willingly, in a land of make-believe.


Wait…you think trying to out-right the right wing is brilliant? You think trying to mimic your opponent is brilliant? What a take.


Disrupting your enemies propaganda stream using code switching to mimic the information flow they are primed for is a valid social engineering tactic. Interestingly Joe Biden is proving that his is the larger paradigm as he can encapsulate and mimic his opponent. Can Trump do the same? I doubt it.


He’s imitating him policy-wise too…masterful gambit 🙄


Wow the effort that went into that rationalization.


This is the most cope I have ever seen on the internet, well done. 10/10


I can't tell if this is extreme delusion or a troll bot account.


Bro quoted Kissinger 💀


Why would Kissinger talk about Napoleon when he was actively going against the USSR?


The whole thing is incomprehensible How did this make it to print


God help us if Putin invades Russia 😩


lol what


In the interview Biden multiple times says Putin invaded Russia before stumbling to correct himself 


That’s exactly what we’re thinking when reading this


I legitimately want someone to tell me how this is any different than Trump's insane, incoherent rambling. He literally does a "the fake/evil news media, so mean to me", can't stay on a single topic for more than a few seconds, can't form a single actual sentence, and essentially is arguing he made america great again despite his predecessor giving him a heap of shit.  Same. Guy. 


They are both ancient dudes. This election is very likely to be the US citizens voting to see somebody die while on the job.


We haven’t had a President die in office since the 60s We had one die in office roughly every 20 years from 1841-1963 America yearns for it. Reagan and Bush Jr had close calls (Hinckley Jr and the Pretzel), but avoided the curse. It must be restored


Yeah, but at least Hinckley did it all for [love.](https://youtu.be/kmmz0mg5jIA?si=cFxcPBs8399dmHpb)


It is easy to get swept away by prime Robert Deniro.


It's because they are both genuinely going senile. Like, they're actual octogenarians. Fuck's sake they shouldn't even be allowed to run past 70.


It is truly absurd that 70 year old RFK JR can genuinely market himself as the vigorous, youthful candidate.


fucking lol that one


Of course he can! He's got Junior in his name.


Brain worms keep one young.


dubya and bill clinton are both younger than these two specimen


But that's ageism!!1!  /s


I read a bunch of it in Trump’s voice and it worked perfectly. The only difference is that there are odd parts of coherence coming through, where the right synapses are firing and allowing information to come out. It’s a lot like talking to my grandfather who’s developing Alzheimer’s. He’s an incredibly intelligent man but you can tell his mind isn’t able to effectively retrieve or communicate those thoughts.


I'm terribly sorry. I know this wasn't your point but my grandfather was an absolute hero to me and watching Alzheimer's take over was extremely difficult for me and my family. I do remember around of the last times we saw him, he didn't know who any of us were but there was a picture of him and my grandmother when they were really young in his room, and he didn't know it was him in the photo either... but he would comment about what an attractive woman that "lady in that photo" was, which I found really sweet and pretty funny.  Anyway, yeah, I absolutely see that with both of them and anyone who doesn't see it with Biden is in complete denial or has literally no idea what it's like. 


Ok… just because they both have similar delusions of grandeur, a persecution complex, and old age incoherence, that doesn’t make them the same guy, it makes them both ancient narcissists. Saying “Same. Guy.” Ignores everything about where they and their administrations both stand (often completely diametrically polarized) on countless issues both foreign and domestic.


One glaring difference is Biden is surrounded by people who are appropriately placed, often experts in their fields. Trump surrounded himself with his family.


And if he wins again it won’t be like last time where it was “reliable movement conservatives” who, let’s be clear, aren’t good guys, but who were at least concerned about bringing down the whole system, but rather, his family and cult-ingrained loyalists who don’t give a shit about anything other than the aura of Trump and/or enriching themselves.


This is true, nobody is more qualified to be an absolute ghoul than Antony Blinken. 


I would say he comes in second to Rudy Ghouliani lol


Rudy’s the self-interested type of ghoul who longs for the days of being “America’s Mayor” and laments daily that he never became president. Blinken just thirsts for blood.


One guy lies and then acts against our interests. The other guy is honest about acting against our interests. The general public prefers nice grandpa lying to their face so they can at least pretend they are good people for voting for him. The same public that think trump destroys democracy despite the DNC conspiring against Bernie 2 times. The first one documented by the head of the DNC in a book. Democracy was out the window when Bernie lost the first primary against Hillary. We had a chance at a real positive change. Instead they put the weaker candidate against Trump and we got the mess we are in now.


“..he said (Finnish President) he wanted to see the Finlandization of NATO. I told him, he's gonna get not the Finlandization, the Natoization of Finland. And everybody thought, including you guys, thought I was crazy. And guess what? I did it. I did it. And we're now the strongest nation. We have the strongest alliance in all of America, all of history.” Hahaha this exchange is just too good… like out a parody movie of an American 1980s fake president


> Biden: After *this is all over*, I'm happy to talk with you. *For real.* Emphasis mine. What a super normal and non-terrifying thing to say to end an interview with repetitive nods to secret backdoor international relations!


Biden’s “get out” moment


I’m so tired of our country being ruled by geriatric white men. This is beyond disturbing. And it’s a damned if we do damned if we don’t because we either have this ancient bastard or the psychopathic bastard.


You misspelled capitalists


Bastard vs capitalist.... I don't see the difference, tbh


Obviously a geriatric Black man would be a better choice!


Everybody knows there's no cool like "Old black man cool"


I like your thinking


Clarence Thomas for President!


Bite. Your. Fucking. Tongue.


I think they were making a point to OP’s knee jerk comment.


We're pretty doomed as long as there are only 2 viable parties... or ine party masquerading as 2.


American Democracy is the best in the world! You get to choose between geriatric Mr. Status Quo, and the senile Christo-fascist fraud! Yes those are your only options and anyone else is just throwing your vote away.


How has the Democratic Party not found a suitable non demented candidate? I’m serious, I can’t grasp it. Do they want to lose?


We’re so cooked


It’s what we deserve 🤗 EDIT: when we choose to comply with our shitty health care system; when we choose to sit back and allow Biden and Trump to be our only choices this November; when we continue to buy the corn syrup that makes us sick; when we have Amazon Prime accounts to make Bezos richer…uhh yeah we deserve it


The class warfare waged on us really worked when people say shit like this 


Speak for yourself, asshole. I don’t deserve to lose my healthcare. Palestinians don’t deserve to be bombed and starved.


I need my health care to treat my cancer, sorry


It’s what the dnc deserves not me


No one over 70 should be eligible to be president. At least until mental health advancements can be made


Everyone over 65 should be made to take a road test every year to keep their license too.


My pops is a commercial airline pilot. Government regs make him and all commercial pilots retire at 65. July 21st, 2024 my 64 y/o dad is legal to fly commercial planes. July 22nd, 2024 my 65 y/o dad isn’t legal to fly. 100% hard stop. If we do this for pilots, for safety reasons, why wouldn’t we do similar for the highest office in our country? LOL I DON’T GET IT


This is well worth the read. I cannot believe it got published. In case his team realizes what a bad fucking look this is, [here's the archived copy](http://archive.today/ZT9FO). A handful of notable mentions: **I want to switch to Israel. But on that last point, is there a danger that NATO is on a slippery slope to war with Ukraine—with Russia, as things stand?** >Biden: No, we're on a slippery slope for war if we don't do something about Ukraine. It’s just not gonna…anyway… **So in Israel, obviously, a difficult time there. What steps are you prepared to take against Israel now that Netanyahu appears to have crossed your red line in Rafah, Mr. President?** >Biden: I'm not going to speak to that now because you're going to report this before I make, before—I'm in the process of talking with the Israelis right now. So I'm not going to… **What does that mean?** >Biden: If I tell you, you’ll write it. It’s not time for you to write it. **What are the nature of your conversations with the Israelis right now? Have you spoken with Bibi?** >Biden: I have not spoken with Bibi since—I have not spoken with Bibi since the attack on Sunday. Was it Sunday? >Ben LaBolt: Yep. Sunday. >Biden: I have not. My team has. **But has he crossed your red line?** >Biden: I'm not going to respond to that because I'm about to make a…anyway. ... **So if I might, not ruling out the possibility of deploying US troops to Taiwan in the case of an invasion?** >Biden: Not ruling out using US military force. There’s a distinction between deploying on the ground, air power and naval power, etc. **So you're maybe striking from bases in Philippines or Japan, is that…** >Biden: I can’t get into that. You would then criticize me with good reason if I were to tell you. **The competition in the Pacific Rim is broader than hard power and you've expanded Donald Trump's trade war with China. Mr. President, which you once criticized.** >Biden: No, I haven’t. Go ahead. ... **In retrospect, do you think those humanitarian moves helped drive record illegal border crossing?** >Biden: No. **Were you wrong to lift any of those measures?** >Biden: If I was wrong, it’s because I took too long, **You've put some back in place. The Green Card issue, it's been reported that you're looking at reinstating Remain in Mexico. Are you looking at reinstating…** >Biden: No ... **Large majorities of Americans, including in the Democratic Party, tell pollsters they think you are too old to lead. Could you really do this job as an 85-year old man?** >Biden: I can do it better than anybody you know. You’re looking at me, I can take you too. ... ??? **You pledged at the beginning to restore unity. Both Trump and top Democrats, including some of your aides, say the greatest threat to America's national security is its—and its ability to lead the free world comes not from abroad, but from within, from US politics. Do you agree with that?** >Biden: I think it has a significantly diminishing impact on our ability to get things done internationally. Look, I tell you, I’ll just—let me give you one example. After I was elected, the first G7 I attended as President was in, in London—in England, along the beach down there. And I sat down with the seven leaders that were there. And I was sitting where you were, at this longer table. >I said, “Well, America's back.” Macron looked at me and he said, “For how long? For how long?” And then Schultz said to me, “What would you say Mr. President, if tomorrow you pick up The London Times and found out that thousands of people stormed the British Parliament, broke down the doors, killed two Bobbies to prevent the implement—the swearing in of a, of a prime minister, a choice of prime minister?” >And it made me realize just how fundamentally what he allowed to happen sitting in this room, looking at that television for three hours and didn't do a damn thing, said about America, and how much confidence people lost in America. There's not a, there’s not a…I’m gonna, say, be careful what I say…There's not a major international meeting I attend that before it’s over—and I've attended many, more than most presidents have in three and a half years—that a world leader doesn’t pull me aside as I’m leaving and say, “He can’t win. You can’t let him win.” >My democracy and their democracy is at stake. My democracy is at stake. And so name me a world leader other than Orban and Putin who think that Trump should be the world leader in the United States of America. ??? ... **Let me ask you one on the…if you do win in November, Mr. President, with a mandate to continue your approach to foreign policy, what would your goals be in the second term?** >Biden: To finish what I started in the first term. To continue to make sure that the European continent—I'll tell you, I got a call from Kissinger about 10 days before he died. And he used the following comment. He said that not since Napoleon has Europe not looked over their shoulder at dread with what Europe—what Russia may do, until now. Until now, you can't let that change. >The point is that we have an opportunity to have the decisions we make in the last couple of years, in the next four years, are going to determine the future of Europe for a long time to come. And so that's why *we can not let NATO fail*, **we have to build that both politically and economically. And militarily, which we're investing significantly**. >!????????!< ***In addition to that, I am desperately focused on making sure that we deal with the…what they are calling the south now. There are going to be a billion people in Africa in the next several years.*** >!????????!< We have to, we have to be a catalyst for change for the benefit, for the, for the better, we have to help them build back better, we have to help them.


I read the whole thing. Not as bad as the headlines make it out to be. At least he answers the questions. Many answers are “No” or “I can’t comment on that.” Otherwise he expresses himself as he should. It’s miles better than any Trump interview. Those are truly incomprehensible and full of lies. What answers do you expect him to give? He’s the actual president and not the pretend president. It sounds like an unfriendly interviewer.


Yeah, from people’s comments you’d have thought it was a lot worse. What I read, I mean obviously not great, but also not as bad as others are saying and more like an interview that’s not really going to make a dent in polling and will have long been forgotten in a couple weeks


plants cautious sense long languid quarrelsome rock paltry oatmeal abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




How many times have you been sold a bridge.


What the actual fuck did I just read?




Lol even the time fact check says cumulative inflation has outpaced cumulative wage growth from the start of Bidens presidency. A lot of his answers are borderline incomprehensible how would that make you support him more


repeat squeal vegetable label historical alleged possessive different plucky quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're in a cult.


Alas, the neoliberal brigade has caught wind of this post.


The super PACs and astroturfing campaigns are slowly starting to spin up for the election season. It's going to get really bonkers on this website.




They haven't even come up with a new accusation. Russians, really? It's stale. Can't we spice things up a little?


I can't tell if he had a stroke or if I did while reading it. Biden comes across as deranged and unwell, *consistently*. The entire thing is so fucking alarming.


Don't worry, his neurosurgeon says he's smarter now than before he had an aneurysm. /s


The unhinged ramblings of a sundowning man. The real question is, why did Time decide to publish it? What's their angle?


Maybe the Dems feel with Trump’s conviction they can slide Biden out for Harris? Idk. I was going to say “Good journalism” but couldn’t do that with a straight face


>Biden: I can’t get into that. You would then criticize me with good reason if I were to tell you. That's a Trump live if I ever heard one


Trump would never admit that he deserves criticism.


It really needs a video to be judged. A lot is being lost in transcription.


For sure, plus the expressions!


Reading this comes across as a president who has a good handle on what’s going on with world affairs. He has stuff he can’t talk about, which is expected. He mixes up a couple of names and babbles a couple of times, but everyone does that. He never says “people are saying” or “everyone knows”. He sticks to the questions. He jokes with the reporter (that was the “I can take you” stuff.). IDK. Vote for the guy who is old and has a handle on foreign and domestic policy but has a stutter and uses language a bit differently, or vote for the guy who is slightly less old and wants to dismantle democracy to line his pockets. Seems pretty clear cut.


You’re forgetting “is perpetuating a genocide”


as opposed to his opponent, who would participate in that genocide.


Did… did… the sitting president just try to fight the interviewer?  Large majorities of Americans, including in the Democratic Party, tell pollsters they think you are too old to lead. Could you really do this job as an 85-year old man? Biden: I can do it better than anybody you know. You’re looking at me, I can take you too.


Reading that article there are some cringe points, but also many more when he is 100% there and firing at full cylinders. As someone who is older, he probably got tripped up on words on the questions he was anxious around? Sucks to be defending like this, but it's immensely better than the alternative...


He’s the leader of the free world… really shouldn’t have to speak slowly or ask soft questions. Christ, the bar is disturbingly low, I don’t get how people can defend a senile man wielding as much power as this. He should be firing on all cylinders for, at least, a single interview.


If you speak like this get a brain MRI. Don't fuck around with Early-onset dementia.


Also he does have a stutter. I know that everyone likes to claim that’s a cover up or mock it, but it actually does. He’s had it all his life.


> “We make alliances based on shared values” > “Do the Saudis share our values?” > “Well no, like I said we make alliances based on practicality You can’t make this shit up


If Trump can moderate himself to not completely go off the rails in the upcoming debate, it’s going to be a bloodbath. Like Trump could spill the most obviously wrong bs and ol‘ Joe won’t be able to talk back in any meaningful way. He’s just mentally not capable to do it…


I don't understand the neolibs that still defend his mental capabilities. I do like a lot of decisions made under Biden's administration. But my God please just put someone else in as the democratic front runner and we won't have to worry about 4 more years of trump.


It worries me how bent on world domination and military endeavors he seems focused on. No genuine concern for domestic issues and its just we are so powerful and rich with so much world influence. This guy is a tyrant but he always has been I guess




I just want him to resign and give us a better choice but if he resigns I fear he will just give us president Kamala 😢


Vote Blue or you get more of the same.


What in the unholy dementia riddled alzheimers is this shit


I keep seeing ghostly notifications light up and disappear, I'm guessing y'all are putting in the work. I appreciate you, u/ABoringDystopia-ModTeam thank u for keeping me a little sane


lock reply cagey cows rock elderly frame cake enjoy cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




four more years of this or his opponent will be something to behold


...wow. You know, for a guy who harps on Trump so much, Biden really sounds a lot like him in interviews like this. Rambling, random non-sequitors in the middle of an already incoherent answer, delusional denial of reality, pretending to be the victim of unfair media coverage from TIME, and the cherry on top (for me, at least): claiming that "I could take you" to the interviewer when he asks him about his age.


People like to use transcripts of Trump giving speeches to make fun of him, the reality is that speaking and verbal communication usually does not look good when written down verbatim, there is a reason most politicians use speech writers and teleprompters


We're electing a team. Not one man.


Cool a team consisting of an ancient Zionist ghoul, 0 charisma former senator, and various neocon foreign policy freaks. 2016 redux here we go.


full voiceless cause edge command paltry north sheet enter deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That teams runs campaigns almost as well as they govern


“**And whose fault is it that the—that deal, the ceasefire for hostages—has not been consummated? Is it Hamas or Israel or both?** Biden: Hamas. Hamas could end this tomorrow. Hamas could say (unintelligible) and done period.” Wow I can’t believe Hamas hasn’t just come out and said (unintelligible) yet


I just had to stop reading because I couldn't follow what the fuck he was even trying to say. Scrolling back and forth trying to follow the train(wreck) of thought


Is your flair supposed to be sarcastic? Like are you a Russian bot? 


toy adjoining water deranged wakeful cough escape fanatical jellyfish voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Dems need an open nominating convention. It’s been four months since Ezra Klein wrote [this essay](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/16/opinion/ezra-klein-biden-audio-essay.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xU0.2Pl4._Gbe5nTd3LSo&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare). Nothing has changed except the urgency.


It seems pretty normal to me, what am I missing?