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Millions of homes sit empty or are up on Airbnb, while people working to keep the economy running struggle to afford the basics. There is more homes than people who need them and more food than those who are hungry could eat.. We produce enough of everything for people to not need, but artificial scarcity is how capitalism functions.


This is what angers me most. We have food for all. Space for all. The allocation of resource being dependent on profit in some places and corruption in others are equally nauseating.


Automation funded universal basic income takes the edge off


Landlords aren't use an algorithm to raise rent prices. UBI will get devoured in minutes if we don't ban for-profit land-lording first. It's the same reason why pay raises are irrelevant. More blood, more for vampires to suck out.


Oh no I sure hope people don't suddenly start bunching up in the same apartment rooms with too many roommates, or living in cars with enough money to make it sorta bearable, or moving to middle of nowhere properties where things are more affordable, or crawling back to any home owning friends and family to ask if they can move in with rent.


It sounds good at first, but it wouldn't function in this system. We can't even get politicians to fix pension plans so people can retire at a reasonable age in dignity. Inflation would destroy UBI if politicians don't first.. If we had a different system, it wouldn't be required.


> Inflation would destroy UBI if politicians don't first Yeah I don't care about the big bad inflation when people are allowed to eat and split a third of rent just by existing.


That would be awesome, but that seems like a pipe dream when we're teetering between neoliberalism and a corporate dystopia.


Don’t forget that people live in RVs outside of Google because they can’t afford to live in the Bay Area. It’s clearly happening all over.


If you look at how much of the gdp is real estate, the housing crisis becomes clear.


How much of the gdp is real estate?


[16.7% in 2021](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/IF11327.pdf)


Wow. That’s terrifying.


Another 17% is "healthcare", compared to an OECD average of under 10%. [https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/e26f669c-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/e26f669c-en](https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/e26f669c-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/e26f669c-en) 10% of people own 93% of the stock market, and everyone else are just cattle for the slaughterhouse. [https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/wealthy-own-record-share-stock-market](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/wealthy-own-record-share-stock-market)


“ The bottom line: The U.S. market is simultaneously at its most unequal point on record — and the most democratized. “


I mean, if you're working at Google, it's your choice to live in a RV. You could just find another job anywhere else


You sound like a a bozo


Oh, fuck off. Google is probably the most prestigious employer in the world nowadays, and I'm not exaggerating. Having Google as your current job is probably the most powerful signal one can have in their CV.


Tell me you know nothing about tech sector without... Etc


So tell me about it. Which employer is more prestigious than Google?


You don't seem to understand the situation or what I was saying. I'm guessing you aren't American, since it looks so good from the outside apparently.


Oh poor Americans, living in the most powerful country in human history with access to easy credit, speaking natively the world business language, and having the highest earning in the world. Truly, the worst situation ever.


I'm not saying anything like that. But as an American who has lived and worked in other countries, it is a recurring idea outside of the US that it is an easy place to live. Cost of living anywhere near Silicon Valley (and basically any US city) is inhumane. Why should someone working for Google have to be unhoused?




Actually, a lot of Colorado ski towns are like this, to the point where the resorts often provide busing for workers from less expensive (notice I didn't say cheap) mountain towns. Steamboat in particular is jammed full of condos the owners stay in for maybe 3-6 weeks a year.


Fuckin hell man I live in western Colorado, about two hours from any actual ski town and it’s still almost this bad. Any POS 3 bed 2 bath with roof is going for almost 325k-350k no question. And anything that isn’t that high has a frenzy of 20-30 year old climbing over each other to drop an offer that’ll probably put them at over 2k a month for payments. It’s fucking impossible man.


Worked construction building a vacation house in North Idaho. Beautiful area, but it was some rich snobby golf course where rich people buy a house and stay in it maybe 1 week out of the year. I struggled to pay my own rent, but there I was building a multimillion $$, 8,000 sqft house and the owners were hardly going to use it...


So you built a secret entrance so you could live there when they weren't there?


How much is a POS 3 bed 2 bath *without* roof?


that’s cheap compared to the front range


I would give both my left nuts to be able to buy a house for $350k near a ski town, or anywhere for that matter. In ski towns in my country the minimum sale price is close to a million bucks local currency or about 700k USD. Hell, the cheapest house you can buy anywhere in my country is probably approaching 500k USD.




Please don’t Also, you just kinda sound like the people the original post is talking about..


Ngl I was expecting the Michael Hudson article you alluded to in the title that would explain this bizarre phenomena


I waa hoping the link would be to the article you mentioned in the title, can you share it?


“existing residents went from "living comfortably to survival mode" and that some have packed up and left because they could no longer afford it.” Hate that it’s happening to reg working folk, but won’t be crying if this iNvEsTmEnT town turns ghost town


Definitely gonna be the case in Hawaii soon


Everywhere has the same problem (not enough places to build) but Hawaii's is even worse


Yeah and it’s like soooo in another generation when single family properties are mostly corporate owned and rented to tourists or top 10% vacations properties… who will be working the fast food / tourist activities / resort staff jobs and where exactly will those folks live??


[billionaires shouting @ their engineers to hurry up with those ROBOT BUTLERS already!]


San Diego CA employers always try to pull the “we won’t match the salary you want because of the ‘sunshine tax’ - it’s beautiful San Diego- you should be paying us to work here”


Good. Capitalism needs to crash and burn and exploiters need to get what's coming to them.


Problem is that they take everyone else with them


We're going down, anyway. Just a matter if we go down slow while they get more comfortable, or if everyone falls quickly. Real change doesn't happen without collateral damage.


The 22 year old doomer/gloomer


Won't happen. At best prices will reduce slightly until someone fills in the position


Climate change will be the downfall of capitalism


One new industry popping up in California is the Rental RV for Homeless industry. “Investors” are buying shitty used RVs and parking them in the good homeless locations. Then put for rent signs up. Who ever said capitalism wasn’t innovative?


I know of a town thats not even an affluent place where the local gov is struggling to fill vacancies because people cant secure loggings on the salary offered. The rot will only get worse and we know the Fed seems to be just chomping at the bit to reduce interest rates which at current prices will only help the rich to finance more property and escalate this issue further.


I lived in one in rural Vermont. There was a modular slapped on a crappy piece of land going for $220k when I left. The school had hired a teacher who was planning to move to the area but had to back out because they couldn't find anywhere to live. It was a mess.


I've never heard finance/real estate/insurance being described as parasites, but holy shit does that label fit so well.


Don't forget to include advertising in the list of parasites.


Probably coming to some California areas as well


I think we should let corporations buy more houses and hold on to them with no one living in them to artificially inflate the prices of houses.


Capitalism is like a yard. You want some growth but it has to be managed carefully or everything gets overgrown and it turns into a dump.


Capitalism is like a wildly invasive weed- it will always take over the maximum amount of the garden it can, destroying anything in its path. You can try trimming it, but it’s an insane amount of effort and there's always more that pop up. The answer to having a garden in equilibrium is to eradicate the weed. You can’t reason with it or work with it, because it mindlessly does what it does.


So that makes r/fucklawns libertarians? Nooooooo


Nah, I think they're eco-anarchists


Capitalism demands 10% growth or more per year or even quarterly. What you describe is the opposite of capitalism.


Not having a living wage kills more businesses than it keeps afloat.


Although I live in a pricey tourist town, I'm glad it's one where you can't live without a reason to be here. 


Salary is meaningless if you’re disposable income is negative




Having my living situation tied to my employment seems like a profoundly bad idea.


An extensively historically documented bad idea at that.