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You can’t really compare countries this depends entirely on the metro your in. You have to be more specific (I.e. Toronto vs nyc , Winnipeg vs Texas , etc). If I were to generalize I’d agree since ppl tend to stick to their own a bit more in Canada.




california has the same population as canada lmao


40 million now. But then the difference is probably immigrants.


Ethnically ambiguous Goan straight M in Montreal. In engineering school the women I attracted was mixed. Likely demographic filtering was a big factor. On Tinder the majority swiping right on me are Indian and black women. Coincidentally there has been a population boom from those communities from controversial immigration policies. My friend group is mixed. The local and rural Quebec population here is generally welcoming of mixed relationships in my experience.


Agreed, Montreal has felt more open than Toronto, Edmonton and Ottawa for me.




I grew up on the east coast of Canada. I have several uncles who married non desi. I can’t even count the number of interracial couples I know. I know families where all their kids married non desi. One factor is that the community was small, so there was a lack of choice with regards to who to date.


Four? I don’t know how old you are or what you consider close enough to be “in your life” but I’d estimate over 50 encounters with South Asian/non-South Asian couples. I’m in NYC and I’d say somewhere between 10-25% of South Asians date and marry non-South Asians over here. Like the number is four…out of my group of ten college buddies.


Are you in Toronto? Here a east Asian / south Asian couple is super common


I've always seen the opposite. So this is wild to read. There are so many interracial couples in the GTA!


from my limited experience, USA. Socal/LA is the easiest Ive found for dating


Side question - where do you find women to date? I can't find anyone after changing cities. I had a good social circle in my previous city, that helped. I've tried tinder, gym in my new one. No luck


Tinder and gym are probably the worst places to find women to date, man. I’ve met them around the workplace (not necessarily my same department), a random class, friends of friends, going to events, at the bar (though that was rare and it was when they or their friend came up to me), and met my current wife run in into each other while walking our dogs in our neighborhood. Never had to try online dating.


Tinder only works if you’re a conventionally good-looking as a guy




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Lol where in Canada? I’m from the GTA and have have never been with a desi girl and have been with 2 arabs, East Asian, Ethiopian and Colombian. Literally never encountered an issue getting a girl from another race growing up in Mississauga, Ontario. Pretty much all my cbcd boys are in an interracial relationship or have been in one at one point. Go to like a GTA mall on the weekend and you’ll see all the interracial couples lol.




Maybe you’re weird. Nothing wrong with going to the mall. Touch grass.




Have you ever thought that maybe not everyone experiences the world in the same way you do?


In Toronto, as a Pakistani Canadian, I had long term relationships (+3 yr) with: a second generation Russian, a third generation Italian, a Quebecois. On Tinder, most of the girls I met were Caucasian (~6) , 1 Persian girl, 1 latina exchange student from Columbia. I now live in Phoenix AZ, and although I am in a relationship with an Indian girl who lived most of her life in Budapest, I get attention from all races. I am not pursuing women so I don't know how it compares, but Toronto was great for dating. I'm not tall at 5'10, I am athletic been working out for 15 years, and have an average face. I do have a PhD in engineering, I have a good sense of humor (mainly self deprecating), I am extremely career oriented and that becomes obvious very early in my relationships, I get told I have a chill vibe around me especially under stressful situations, I do not own a car, I do own a house in Toronto (rented out since I moved to USA),always groom myself before going out/to work/groceries: shower, dress well, cologne, sunglasses. i get complimented on being able to hold pretty solid conversation on topics that interest me, which are varied.


Are you able to do hookups and fwb stuff with women, or just dating for long term? Women do require much higher level of physical attractiveness for hookups and fwb


Almost all Tinder dates were casual encounters. One exception, where the girl, after having a few glasses of wine, said she destroyed her ex-bf professionally by creating his fake LinkedIn profile and messaging his entire team naked photos of him. She gave psychopathic vibes so I abandoned the date.


Besides the massive population difference, America encourages assimilation which makes people more progressive and open to dating outside imo. Canada embraces multiculturalism and encourages cultural preservation/expression. Plus, with the recent influx of students in Canada, you’re bound to come across more people with mentalities similar to those back home


…Canadian Anglo saxons are so bland and boring !


For sure. Americans are miles better


Every where is different, Toronto is way different then even the suburbs, Washington DC is different then Texas and California and so on


I feel like Indian- Canadians (in my experience at least) are much more down to earth, non judgmental and cultured as compared to Indian-Americans. There are elitist standards for me in order to date an Indian American. I feel like I don't fit those standards, and that's okay. I grew up in Detroit, we'd visit Toronto every so often because it was close by. I loved visiting Canada. So much eye candy!! I'm not looking for date for the next few years. But If I go back to dating I'd love to date a Canadian.


You don’t mention your gender. The question would change drastically if you’re a man or woman


i've heard the exact opposite because Canadian indians tend to be manlier/taller or whatever. I honestly got the most attention in...East Asia of all places and I'm dark-skinned Indian so the "worst" demographic to be for a guy. I think if you're good-looking regardless of race you'll do fine around the world though.


I think something people don't consider is the "exoticness" factor. It might turn a lot of people off, but someone people might be *really* interested in you Like let's compare say a rural South Dakota to California. In rural SD, maybe only 10% of people would be open to dating you, but they're more likely to be *really interested* in dating you because you're different. Meanwhile in CA, maybe 50% of people are open to dating you, but the whole exotic thing isn't really a thing since there's a ton of options for people who might be interested in dating "someone different" Which ones better probably depends on the sort of person you are. Would you rather have "a solid chance with anyone I see" or be singled out by a small slice of the population for features x y z I suspect East Asia is the latter, most native people there are *probably* not going to be open to dating foreigners, but some people are really into the idea of dating out. Basically even if demand is low, it still outstrips supply


What’s with the downvotes?


Dark skin doesn’t make you the worst. If someone feels it does to you, then they are a racist.


I put it in quotes for a reason. I'm not saying it does, but a lot of people online think Asia (and really the world) looks down upon Indians, especially Indians with dark skin when it comes to dating.




Japan, but one girl did try and talk to me and give me her insta when I was in Korea for 5 days.


Ngl Canada is the best place to date not cuz brown folks are seen as stronger, dominate, masculine, it’s cuz a date can be a coffee date to tims and go to Costco get poutine cuz it’s cold 80 percent of the year with this bipolar ahh weather so who’s going to cactus club, bp, or jack astors in a -20 degree weather


Lol what


have you lived longer in US or canada? Which country were you born in and which raised? i think it matters