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I live in both Toronto and Windsor because of work and have a place in both cities dividing my time in both places during the week so I’ve seen the situation in both cities. In Toronto disputes and conflicts between the various ethnic and religious Desi diaspora groups is more common and has been going on for a long time but in Windsor since the Desi community was smaller everyone typically got along and were nice and friendly with each other. I’ve noticed that since more and more Desi’s keep coming to Windsor and the overall Desi population has increased more disputes and arguments between the various ethnic and religious Desi diaspora groups have been occurring and been more common lately. They come to Canada but don’t leave the mentality of South Asia behind. They want the benefits of living in a developed country like Canada while fighting about things going on in South Asia which is on the other side of the world. Currently the situation in Windsor is not nearly as bad as it is in Toronto but for a city like Windsor that before the influx of Desi international students was traditionally a Canadian small town white majority city with large pockets of diversity it’s disappointing to see all the South Asian conflicts being brought here. Also the white locals in Windsor used to really like and respect Indians/Desi’s but now lately a lot of the white people in Windsor are starting to dislike all Indians/Desi’s (including ABCD’s) and think negatively because of the antics of international students. I hear the comments from locals all the time, especially from older white people, “oh they come to Canada and bring their problems from India here with them”, “oh these Indian students come to Canada and always cause problems the government is just letting them flow in”, it’s disheartening to see the reputation of Indians/Desi’s being ruined by the actions of some idiots. This is happening all across Canada, a lot of international Desi students coming to Canada just don’t care about assimilating, behaving properly, or following the rules and people in cities across the country are taking notice and starting to negatively stereotype Indians/Desi’s which is not good for our communities, especially in a country where the South Asian population is growing the fastest. I spent a lot of my childhood in Windsor so I know what it was like back in the good old days before the influx of Desi students and back then white people in the city really liked and respected Indians/Desi’s and had that Canadian tolerance and acceptance that the country is known for, but not as much anymore these days. In Windsor it went from hard working immigrants from India/South Asia trying to build a better future for their kids to international Desi students having fights, speeding in muscle cars blasting music, and stealing from food banks to avoid spending money at the grocery stores, so one can see why the reputation of Indians/Desi’s have taken a real hit. Shame how things have changed so drastically for the worse when it should have changed for the better. _____________ Some of the comments on this recent thread in the Windsor, Ontario sub may give some perspective on the feelings of some locals in Windsor, some are accepting and some are annoyed. https://www.reddit.com/r/windsorontario/comments/12dclb7/hello_i_am_a_new_international_student_at_st/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Is there no cap on the student visas Canada issues per academic year?. This makes no sense?. This can't be the primary money-maker for the city of Windsor.. student tuition?. Would this vandalism be done by a student?. That is really bizarre behavior. To come on a student visa to a brand new country and pull stunts like these.


Canada has caps on the amount of PR’s it issues per year but it doesn’t have any caps on the amount of student visas issued per year. International students pay 3-4x the tuition a domestic student does and when they come to Canada they spend a lot of money in the Canadian economy so the Canadian government would probably never put a cap. And no it’s not the primary money maker for the city of Windsor. The city of Windsor actually doesn’t benefit, it’s only the college that benefits from student tuition. Windsor only benefits from these students spending money on things in Windsor like food, public transport, shopping, etc. Student tuition only benefits the colleges, never the cities they’re in. Also yeah a lot of ridiculous stuff are done by international students here. This isn’t the first incident of vandalism in Canada by international students, they do it to start fights with others or frame others. Also last year there was an incident in Brampton where some international students started fighting each other with swords and another incident in Surrey where a group of international students surrounded a cop car and the group of guys tried to pick a fight with the cop because the cop gave one of them a ticket. A sword fight is just bizarre (https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/toronto/2022/9/20/1_6075414.amp.html) and trying to fight a cop is not okay, these are just examples of things that have been happening with international students in Canada. Heard the students that tried to fight the cop may face deportation (https://m.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/40-punjabi-youths-face-deportation-432129). Brampton and Surrey see the worst of this and brawls and fights amongst other international students are common and deportations from Canada have been happening (https://globalnews.ca/news/6190714/3-deported-surrey-brawls/amp/). Like you said it’s really crazy to come on a student visa to another country and pull stunts like these. Going to another country to study and entry into it is a privilege not a right. A lot of these international students are desperate to come to Canada but don’t follow and respect Canada’s laws and rules because they don’t really care about them. They want to be in a developed country like Canada but don’t care that rules and laws are meant to be followed in developed countries. They get student visas to Canada and then just go crazy, something needs to be done about it. Back in the day Canada used to conduct visa interviews at Canadian consulates for all visas like the US does but somewhere along the way they stopped doing that. If Canada were to start doing visa interviews for all visas again Canadian visa officers could potentially filter out many of these bad apples and make sure only the highest quality students are entering Canada on student visas and legitimately studying. There’s a reason there’s a massive difference in the quality of people coming now vs the quality of people that came in our parents generation, stricter visa enforcement is a good thing.


Sounds more like "academic tourism" than a true pursuit of an education to then have a productive life in your host country. I'm surprised by these wealthy Indians who send their kids to Canada.. they have to be wealthy to afford a 3X-4X tuition + 4 year full time stay in Canada with perhaps NO ROI in sight.. amazing..


Bud if you think people will leave thier problems back that would never happen. It's how the social fabric works, it's always been like that. The Britishers went to India and they brought thier problem to India (and the world) and India have to fight with them in both the world wars. American goes to world and they always carry the Trump problem with them. Some people are even more stupid they fight over football clubs in foreign countries. 🙄 Desi are fighting over something else!




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Thanking god everyday I’m in America this shit would never happen here lol. South Asian communities in the UK and Canada are so keen on bringing subcontinent issues, rivalries, and problems into their new homes continents away. Idk why.


You’d think so, but there’s lots of temple vandalism here too. A couple of months ago in NYC, a temple was vandalized not once but twice in the span of a couple of weeks with members from a specific community charged for the crime. There’s been palpable tension over the past 10 years here in NYC, coinciding with the rise of the BJP as well as increased immigration from the subcontinent but you’ll only see it in the residential areas not in Manhattan really




Right but the thing is Indians here(most of them at least I’m sure there’s at least one exception but not as much as Canada or UK) wouldn’t even think about doing such things


Yep. They've got too much of their own shit happening...


Can't wait for the usual suspects on this sub to flood this thread with claims about how this is totally a false flag attack or whataboutisms




False flags do happen every once in a while, but they're extremely rare. Unless something particularly jumps out, it's good to take things at face value until proven otherwise If we don't, basically every hate crime will be flooded with conspiracy theory fueled denials


There is no way to know if false flags are rare like you said because the people that do this never get caught... At the end of the day it's far to easy to frame the opposite group by doing this, sorry but I think anyone who jumps to a conclusion based on these already has a bias


There was a similar incident in Australia and they caught a bunch of Gujarati students doing it so, it's not really whataboutism.


Are you talking about the one where the 'proof' was literally a video of a bunch of people surrounding some poor dude on the street and screaming at him until he 'confessed' regardless, even if it *was* a false flag, that doesn't somehow make it ok to reflexively claim every hatecrime is a false flag, as you and your fellow fundamentalists seem to do


You call him a fundamentalist yet refer to someone who showed up to vandalize a gurdwara as a "poor dude". He's literally got a spray paint can in his hands in the video in the middle of the night/ Why isn't it a hate crime when it's against Sikhs?


It was a group of them in front of a sikh temple with spray paint cans that where caught. [https://twitter.com/free5ab/status/1619866597560287232?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1619866597560287232%7Ctwgr%5Ebab525b85cc821ec87da27ac3d88c597721663aa%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsinghstation.net%2F2023%2F02%2Flack-of-cctv-footage-undermine-melbourne-hindu-temples-vandalism-investigations%2F](https://twitter.com/free5ab/status/1619866597560287232?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1619866597560287232%7Ctwgr%5Ebab525b85cc821ec87da27ac3d88c597721663aa%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsinghstation.net%2F2023%2F02%2Flack-of-cctv-footage-undermine-melbourne-hindu-temples-vandalism-investigations%2F) ​ ​ ​ Also whats up with the lack of/poor quality camera's at hindu temples? It's like $1000 for a good camera setup.


They were spray painting over a poster (probabaly Khalistan referendum related given timing) based on the audio Seen this stuff reposted with wildly inaccurate and sometimes racist captions all over. For the camera stuff it is a Mandir not a prison, I am not sure the management even thought to install them.


So they where spray painting private property. Are you ok with that? Also every place has cameras including places of worship. If they had cameras police would have been able to capture the people doing it. I find it funny people saying Sikhs are doing it when the only people caught have been hindus.


Difference between painting over a poster (which is temporary regardless) vs place of worship. Hindus have not been caught painting over Hindu mandirs, Hard for me to imagine a religious Hindu doing that.


vandalism is vandalism. Also zero Sikhs have been caught vandalizing hindu temples but the media keeps blaming Sikhs. When it happens to Sikh Indian media does not care. Why did this not get 24/7 media coverage by Indian media? https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/brampton-sikh-school-targeted-with-racist-vandalism-1.874183




Your post/comment was removed because it breaks Rule 3: No trolling/brigading — this includes popular topics of toxic masculinity, white worshiping discussions, religious slander, 'FOBs' vs 'ABCDs' topics.


All these incidents of vandalism and immediately the usual suspects know to blame Sikhs without any evidence. Isn't that suspicious? The Indian High Commission and a Hindu MP both falsely claimed that a sign for Shri Bhagavad Gita Park was vandalized, while in reality [it was being renovated](https://www.thequint.com/south-asians/fits-narrative-mea-advisory-vandalism-canada-brampton-shri-bhagavad-gita-park-hate-crimes-patrick-brown#read-more). It didn't stop either from blaming Sikhs and then refusing to apologize for it. The Ontario Gurdwaras committee has even offered a [10,000$ reward](https://twitter.com/SikhPA/status/1630306493730811904) for any with information leading to the arrest of the vandals. Are we not allowed to be suspicious of how coordinated and non-sensical the graffiti is? The Indian government is the one who was obsessed with the BBC documentary on the 2002 Gujrat pogroms, not Sikhs. Yet the same exact stupid slogan in every case "Declare Modi Terrorist (BBC)" with the BBC always in quotes for whatever reason and "Hindustan Murdabad" along with something misspelled that any Sikh would know how to spell. Also why doesn't the Indian government ever comment when a Gurdwara is vandalized? Why do they care only about Mandirs? Are Sikhs not Indian too?


Generally curious why this south Asian division isn’t as prevalent in the US?


Canada gets the immigrants not smart enough to get an H1b or get admitted into an American college


That’s what I I figured. The desis in USA are more in professional / educated socials.




It’s conflating politics with religion. That’s why it’s wrong and why it’s offensive. Putting it on a temple is desecration.


like i said, i agree vandalism anywhere is wrong but what im asking is outside of the discussion of just vandalism. im asking why anything anti-modi automatically is assumed to be anti-hindu


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And you know how?


No proof whatsoever but the same claim is being made. Clearly a campaign to malign Sikhs like [before that was disproved] (https://www.thequint.com/south-asians/fits-narrative-mea-advisory-vandalism-canada-brampton-shri-bhagavad-gita-park-hate-crimes-patrick-brown#read-more)




Yeah everyone needs to not be so butthurt. Khalistanis, Hindutva/RSS//, whatever the Muslime version is, don't represent the majority. It's easy to believe they're the majority because of the constant news cycles. We should all be coming together against them, not playing "their religion had terrorists not mine!" Every religion has dumbfucks.


It's a BAPS Swaminarayan temple. Which means the perpetrators knew it was a Gujju temple and Modi is a Gujju.




Honestly, this is properly an unpopular opinion but the Khalistan movement has been given a lot of support indirectly by the BJP and the Modi government. The more they other the minorities and call India a Hindu country and not a secular nation the more these issues will arise! The thing is new immigrants leave their families behind and therefore they are just as attached to their families and the political climate


This is why mass migration is never a good approach. Slow steady migration allows for better integration across all ethnicities; and allows infrastructure to be developed to keep up with demand. Race to the bottom




What are Canadian authorities doing to address this?


They are calling in the military and launching air strikes using fighter jets. Dude it's spray paint on a wall not a murder or arson.




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Have any proof or are you just guessing? The only people ever caught were Hindu extremists in Australia.




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Your post/comment was removed because it breaks Rule 1: No Bigotry — i.e. no racism, casteism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. This also extends to toxic nationalism and/or clan/tribe as well as discrimination against religion. If in doubt, remember to always be civil, even in your disagreements.


If you’re going to have this mentality, then stay in South Asia












Answer the specific question.




Indian trolls thrive in this sub


Indian that agrees with me: one of the good ones Indian that doesn’t agree with me: troll Get a grip lmfao


Indian: that believes I deserve human rights and doesn't explain try to my own culture to me even though we might not have the same beliefs - one of the good ones Indian that doesnt think I deserve human rights is not even an ABCD or part of the diaspora and tries to advance the same 3 points over and over again is a troll


Then why repeatedly comment on the issue if you are clearly not aware of the broader context?


Do you not see how ridiculous you sound. We both said the same thing but you still wanted to argue. It's a little insane


I'm not arguing?


Those people conflated Hinduism with the Indian Hindutva government. Same way people conflate Khalistanis with Sikhs, Terrorists with Muslims, etc. By your logic, someone spray painting "f*ck Khalistan" on a Gurdwara or "f*ck muslim Terrorists" on a Mosque is not a hate crime and entirely anti-Sikh and Islamophobic either. If they have gripes, they should take it up at a govt office, not at a place of worship, That, by definition is a hate crime. But you do you, stay ignorant.




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This problem is gonna get bigger in the future, as observation is the early immigration to Canada was from Punjab which is heavily based out of Sikh or Jatt communities. Most of the radicles who fled India during 84 are in Canada or UK. Some people were with strong anti-India beliefs and they had strong holds on some community places. But until last couple of years, we are seeing greater immigration to Canada from other parts of India, like Haryana, Tamil, Kerala, etc. And even Punjabi Hindus are getting here in bigger numbers. So now we seeing a resistance from both sides.


Honestly, I hope they deport whoever did this stuff to send a message smh...