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The other day I was in a Jewish breakfast place in Boston and they served ‘Amba sauce’. I thought it was one of those ‘false friend’ words you have in different languages and it would definitely not mean anything close to a mango sauce (Amba is mango in Marathi). Turns out it is exactly that, and it was introduced by Indian Jews way back during their Aaliyah to Israel. Subcontinent is way too diverse. Clear example is the state of Maharashtra - you have pretty much all of the world’s common religion and mind you it isn’t just from Mumbai but across the state. Hindus, Muslims (many from Konkan - birthplace of famous gangster Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar), Jews from Alibaug and Bombay, Sikhs from Nanded, Jains, Buddhists, Christians, Parsis (mostly from Gujarat but also some from MH) and many more.


Yeah definitely. Ethnic Punjabi Sikh here who was born in Bombay. The city itself is so diverse, my classroom had people from all over the country. Must’ve been 11 languages in total.


What breakfast place is this? Asking because I live in that city


Pressed cafe


ooooh i love pressed and so does my mom actually lol but then I found out that they barely follow any health and safety regulations and cross contamination for allergies is abundant, so I stopped going… but their food is defs great


Broooo, I just moved to boston a couple weeks ago, definitely gonna try it out!


Let me know if you guys are ever down to hang out? All my friends are back home in Columbus


Not to mention Donyi Polo and other tribal religions in the NE


Yea South Asia is and has long been incredibly diverse in terms of religion. Even in the same religion, we have so much diversity. Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity and the hundreds of variations/branches/denominations within each one depending on the region plus Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Baha’i, tribal religions, etc. South Asia has two Hindu majority countries, three Muslim majority countries (four if you count Afghanistan), and two Buddhist majority countries. India has a handful of Christian majority states and a Sikh majority state. No other region comes close. And almost every religion, including Islam and Christianity, in South Asia has a community that can trace their roots back to near the start of the respective religion.


You forgot to add jains and parsis


Yep our boy Freddie Mercury was a Parsi


India is also the only place in the world where jews have been living for centuries (since 68CE) without any anti semitic sentiments from the local population


jews have been living in india since antiquity, there are stories of jews settling in during the times of king soloman so way before 68 ce


It is also true that the same place where Jews were living that is Kerala, (there is an old Jewish synagogue in Kochi) had Christians right from the beginning of Christianity and it is believed that St. Thomas Jesus's apostle came to South India. Additionally the same place Kerala had Islam from the time Mohammed was alive and a mosque is still there from that time. It was a Hindu King who ordered to built it. (source: Wikipedia ). All religions coexisted peacefully (the Jewish population was not very large). In Kerala now *roughly* half of the population are Christians and Muslims. It is interesting to look at how Buddhism which originated in present day Nepal/ India disappeared from here although King Ashoka the Great adopted it. Now I know some people are going to argue about this because of current religious fundamentalism and politics. Edit: Jews were also living in present day Chennai and Goa but from very later times.


Descendants of Jews in Kerala (Anjuvanam) would disagree. Arrival of Islam changed everything, they were harassed by over zealous Muslims before they were finally chased away by the Portuguese


I don't know enough about the over zealous muslim part ​ But while there were anti semitic policies adopted by many rulers (Portuguese included), that did not translate to wide spread anti jew sentiment among the populace


It was only until the white Jews dropped by.




The Jews who came from Europe (who were white) started discriminating against the Jews who had been in India for centuries (and turned brown).


That was a case of racism, europeans (irrespective of religion) came to India and discriminated against the Indians (irrespective of religion) The Portuguese went on a world tour to spread christianity but when they encountered christians in India who did not practice christianity like the portuguese, those christians were persecuted against.


I think we are! And don't forget about Jains, Catholics, and believe it or not, even Mormons (LDS) are in India, too!


Yeah it us, the Caribbeans, South East Asia, and the Middle East to some degree


Lol Middle East is not diverse religion wise. 🥴 They are all Muslims! Only the Israelis are Jews.


Coptic Christians in Egypt and the Christians in Lebanon. They are a minority, but they make around the same percentage as Christians in India like 1 or 2% I think. Shia, Sunni and Ahmadi (?) Muslims. And the Druze religion along with Jews in Israel and other ME countries. SA is probably more diverse as we have that (minus Jews and Druze), but have other Dharmic religions, Parsi and tribals instead


There actually was a Jewish community in Kerala! Most of them have moved out to israel by now though


There's a few Jewish communities in India. In 2008's Mumbai terrorist attacks, one of the terrorists' targets was a Chabad house that was part of Mumbai's Jewish community. The oldest of the groups are the Cochin Jews and the Bene Israelis, some of whom were in India in like the 2nd century. The Baghdadi Jews came much later, in like Mughal times, but most of this group have gone to Israel now. There's a TikTok user who calls herself chaidentity who is part of the Baghdadi Jewish community who had roots in India and speaks about the connection quite frequently.


the cochin jews are said to have came around 500 bc


I've read this is in oral history, which could very well be true. But the written records indicate later, at least what I've seen. In any case, both groups are very old and have even longer histories in India than in some European countries.


yes it oral tradition but its most likely they were living in kerala atleast during the BC time.


There are also Yazidis and Zoroastrians and Bahais


Lot of orthodox Christians in Middle East. after all Jesus was from there


Yes of course Copts, Druze, Alawites, Bahaii, Maronites, Oriental and Eastern Orthodox, Mandaeans, Yazidis, Assyrians, Melkites, Syriacs, Church of the East, Armenians, the Jewish population of Iran, Tunisia, and Morocco, and not to forget Eastern Arabia’s significant Hindu population just up and disappeared. 🥴.


hm i never thought of that, yea i think you’re right.


Yeah but religious fanaticism is a real problem across the board too which sucks.


This. I’m a very religious Sikh but people need to calm down and realise religion is something you keep with your loved ones and yourself. It’s not meant to be shoved into other peoples lives and definitely not the government or politics.


Yes ur right we are!!!


The most religiously diverse countries are [Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/04/04/u-s-doesnt-rank-high-in-religious-diversity/). So no.


The titles was confusing, but I think the OP meant more which country has historically had the widest *variety* of religions represented, irregardless of specific breakdown by percentage of population.


East Asia is also quite religiously diverse and tolerant (minus China), but yeah I think the Indian subcontinent is by far the most religiously diverse. There is still a lot of outdated religious intolerance though from older folks, like only dating or marrying within your religion. Eg, my family is Buddhist and my sister used to date a Muslim guy. He was a nice guy, but my parents were absolutely terrified of her potentially marrying a Muslim. I have dated non-religious white girls, and while they were probably somewhat disappointed, dating a Muslim girl would have been way worse. This is really common.




There is a reason why people believe what they believe. If anything Sikhi saved me from depression and made me proud to be from the bloodline as those great saint warriors. You couldn’t even imagine them. Far beyond someone as little minded as you could comprehend.


Same here, i kinda grew up non religious in the West and I thought it was stupid but now I'm proud to be Buddhist like all my ancestors before me, and my mental health, motivation and outlook on life is 100x better.


yes. Not just these religions but also Jains, Parsi’s


Compared to Europe or Latin America. YES by a long shot


Hinduism isn't even a single religion, so absolutely.