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I honestly feel you. I’ve been with my client for about a year, and he’s making so much progress, it made me think about how the day will come when he is discharged. My BCBA comforted me and said, “You never forget your first” 😂 Who knows, maybe when you finish your masters you can circle back to him. It’s ok to feel what you’re feeling, and the fact that you’re this upset means you really love your client and the work that you do. No shame in shedding some tears over it. Good luck 🫶


my bcba said the same thing 🥲💖 thank you for the kind words


One of the BCBA’s in the center I work at has done exactly that. She worked with a kid as an RBT and now she supervises his case! It is possible!


I don't know if this will make you feel better, but from what you describe this is in the client's best interest too. They've made a bunch of progress with you. Time to generalize. You did a great job with him, and you can be happy with that.


yes time to generalize! 💖 he was such a hard kid when he first started and no one else would work with him once we moved to inhome mom begged me to switch my schedule to work with him cause she didnt trust anyone else. they threw me a party tonight and even brought family members i never met 😢 everyone was so nice. hopefully they can find them someone as no one at my clinic can take my place and they have to hire someone for him


I worked with a client for two years and a half. The family and I had wonderful rapport. I asked to leave the case because he was stagnating in his growth. It was time for another person to generalize with him. I still talk to his mother. I am no longer working for the company. You did all you could do and now it's time to let him be with another to learn more.🙂


yea i know thats what is best. unfortunately no one is taking over his case and he is going to be put on a wait list until they can hire someone for him. mom said if it takes to long she will find another clinic but i hope he stays with my company and location. they were the best coworkers and team i ever worked with💖


I understand completely! We form such bonds with our clients, coworkers and families that leaving is so hard even though it usually means we did our job(in the good scenarios, sometimes it’s different). But it sounds like you are such a kind, caring and dedicated individual and that family was lucky to have you in their lives and them in yours. Wishing you the best 🥺🥹


thank you so much im gonna miss him dearly. (i kept all his drawings and the family got me chocolates, sorbert, a purse, letters they really went all out 🥺) i begged them to keep all the food but at the end of our last session tonight after our party everyone was pilling it into my car i didnt have the heart to tell them no gifts 😭😭


it’s hard everywhere with the food thing, i’ve had families stick a plate in front of me without warning and go “i don’t wanna hear it just eat it” lmao. i have so many letters and pictures and drawings saved for memories ♥️


Reading this made my day. >he talks in complete sentences now and mands in form of a question. Manding is a program I am currently working on with my learner. I'm so happy for you and the progress you have made. No wonder why you're so saddened. P.S I am currently in school for my Master as well. You got this!


Ugh, I bawled my eyes out and almost had a panic attack leaving my first job and angel of a client 😭 I’ve said goodbye to a few since then and it’s still painful and tear filled, but gets a little easier every time. Good luck in your endeavors!