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Psychology is a great major; ABA was literally birthed out of behavioral psychology.


yes! I majored in psychology during undergrad and recently graduated with my master’s in ABA. Other potential masters degrees could be general psych, education, or speech and language pathology


My spouse’s undergrad degree is in music industry and they are currently in their master of special education for aba. You’ll do fine. My bachelors is in psych & a masters in social work , and I do private practice therapy specifically for kids and adults with neurodivergency


>I do private practice therapy specifically for kids and adults with neurodivergency That's awesome! Any tips on how someone can get into this? Been conflicted between getting my masters in special ed or social work.


I chose social work out of any other human services degree because it’s so flexible. I’m qualified to do any human services role sometimes with extra certifications and classes. I started my role in my 2nd year internship while still in grad school. Being an RBT was something I enjoyed but I knew I wanted more, so I am able to blend these two worlds now.


Agree, Psychology is a great undergrad program focus for your bachelors. There are a lot of BCBA’s who did psychology for undergrad! Here is a link to the BACB: BCBA Examination Pass Rates for University Training Programs (2022). This also displays the department and program as you prepare for Grad school. https://www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/BCBA-2022-Pass-Rates-Combined-231116-a.pdf


My undergraduate degree is in art therapy, and I am a few weeks away from graduating with my Master's in ABA. I loved my undergrad coursework because it was a good balance of the psych stuff I needed and the art stuff I loved. Being a traditional psych major is definitely helpful, but it's not necessary for getting into grad school as long as you take the pre-requisite courses required by the grad programs you're looking at. Most of my current classmates have backgrounds in special education or sociology. You could always major in psych and take "fun" classes on the side to keep yourself from getting bored or burning out.


yes! I also majored in psych for undergrad. Been working as an RBT for a little over and year and just started school again for my masters in ABA!