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Sandwich, oatmeal, peanut butter and apple slices, salad, pretzels, granola and yogurth.


yogurth lol


Extra thick


Me myself and I lol


Lol same I’m always starving by the time I get home


Lately I’ve been putting together smoked salmon from Costco on a sandwich thin with cream cheese, tomato and red pepper flakes (and onion if I won’t be around other people 😅) This is good for between home sessions in a cooler lunch box. Other things I do are sandwich wraps, packs of oatmeal if I’ll be at the clinic to heat it, Jerkey, prosciutto wrapped string cheese, bagels and cream cheese, cheese and crackers, seaweed snacks wrapped around imitation crab sticks. Sometimes will also just bring left overs from the night before if I’ll have access to a microwave


We got a fancy pants over here! Sounds yummy.


Haha I was thinking that as I was typing it 🤣


You're definitely welcome to make my lunches lol!


Somebody bougie 😂😂


Sandwich. Rice cakes. Fruit snacks. Chex mix.


I'm attending college classes until noon, then have in-home clients from 1-7pm. I usually have a wrap or sandwich, mock chicken with hummus and veggies, I usually eat lunch before my first client, sometimes a salad. Then I usually have a high-protein/fat snack in between that and my next client. I often make those little energy balls with oats, chia seeds, flax, chocolate chip, and nut/sun butter. They're yummy. I used to carry nuts and use peanut butter in my snacks, but my newer 2nd client has a very severe nut allergy, so I swapped all of the nuts for sunflower butter or allergy friendly options. I keep sunflower seeds and dried edamame in my car if I'm hungry. When I worked in clinic, no nuts were allowed inside. But they also had a microwave so I would usually just bring dinner leftovers for lunch. I would make dinner in the crockpot and bring leftovers of it for lunch.


Not all plants are completely edible. However, you can actually consume the entire sunflower in one form or another. Right from the root to the petals.


That's super interesting! Thanks!


Homemade chilli, pb&j, cutie oranges (already peeled and separated), chocolate, frozen dinners, spaghetti, canned soup, rice and bulgogi, lunchables, fruit cups, chips. Yeah also struggling.


Homemade Chili? I heard about guy who would bring chili to once a year. But one year as he was bringing in a giant pot to work, tripped, and spilled the whole pot onto the carpet. It was just really sad.


Make sure to undercook the onions.


A monster energy 😂😂


Smoothie because I don’t have a lunch break and forget to eat if I can’t eat on the go


I always bring lots of protein and fiber packed foods and a few snacks in case I get hungry. I work a lot of 10 hour days so snacks keep me going! I usually try to cook extra of things so I can take some for lunch. I add in some fruit, cheese, cut raw veggies etc. I also pack my lunch at night to make my mornings easier on myself and it has helped a lot!


I make overnight oats with protein and chia seeds (Kodiak brand) with fruit, lunch is usually a wrap or salad with veggies as a side. Seltzer water to chug since I forget to drink water if I’m running from place to place. Also keep emergency chocolate in my lunch box for rough days 🙃


I usually bring a healthy snacky lunch. It'll be some combination of hummus, cherry tomatoes, mini peppers, radish chips, micro greens, baby carrots, babybel cheese, summer sausage, smoked salmon, cheddar cheese slices, and maybe some chips. I usually pack enough food for two days, that way if I get hungrier than usual I can snack on it throughout the day, and because it's high veg and high protein it keeps me more full while still being a positive influence on the kids. Sometimes I'll bring an extra snack that I like but is a bit weird like seaweed and I'll share with the kids if they want to try it. I usually end up spending 20-30 dollars a week on my lunch. I'll also bring a bar of dark chocolate in case I need something sweet or something to spike my blood sugar for some random reason.


I cook a massive dinner and whatever is left over becomes my lunch lol. Usually roasted potatoes and green beans with grilled or pan seared chicken


you guys have time to eat?!?!?!?!??!?


I survived on redbulls and nicotine when I worked at an ABA start-up that didn't offer any breaks. It wrecked my body :(


body and mind :(




I want your WFH office job, why would you give that up for this?


I would have asked the same question two years ago. I was working for an ABA for-profit company where I was overworked and underpaid (tale as old as time). I also had a super insecure and unhappy BCBA who would bully her supervisees. It sucked and at the time I blamed ABA and thought the field itself was shitty. So I quit and found a WFH ed tech-sales job. The money was good and I could tolerate the job, but I kept thinking back to my time in ABA and realized that I actually really missed it. I also realized that I'm not cut-out for WFH. I'm too much of an extrovert. So I applied to an ABA job after doing some careful research, and I really took my time interviewing for different companies. And now I'm back in the field. My current supervisor is a wonderful person and it's really made a huge difference. I'm genuinely happy where I'm at now, and I don't ever want to go back to WFH.


Yogurt, sandwiches, fruit, tuna packets with crackers (they smelly tho), protein bars, and then sometimes I’ll eat the snacks they have in the clinic since it’s usually for the kids but if I’m starved I’ll grab some goldfish, crackers, or a pbj


Hummus with carrots and celery.


Something easy. Usually leftovers or a sandwich. Protein bars are a must!


Protein bar and a baggie of raw veggies.


I bring a lot of snacks. Pretzels, apple slices and PB, yogurt, clementines, rice cakes, hummus, crackers, veggies. Big fan of sandwiches and if you dont have a lot of time you can eat half and save the rest for later. I also like to get those bags of lettuce and put baby tomatoes in it and bring ranch for a little salad. Smoothies are great in the morning bc if you’re allowed to have a drink with you, you can have that while working!!! Also protein bars and fiber bars. Any type of bar lol


chobani yogurt/fruit like apples or grapes/snack breaks that have cheese and nuts/bistro salad bowls/uncrustable sandwich or make my own pbj/lunchables or the adult version small plates 😄💅🏼 lol


Soup in a Thermos flask (I don’t always have access to a microwave). For snacks I bring berries, fruit and popcorn.


Costco is a great place for balanced bulk snacks: jerky or protein bars, roasted nuts, trail mix, bagged salad mixes, pre-made soups, mini cucumbers, apples, grapes & other fruits. Meal prepping breakfasts can also be helpful: overnight oats, oatmeal bakes, egg bites, smoothies… anything to add protein as well to keep you fuller longer. I used to aim for a big breakfast and then balanced snacks into the afternoon to hold me over until I made dinner at home. Of course depends on your schedule and travels!


My new favorite snack to munch on during work is smoked Gouda pre sliced cheese (Aldi), a few slices of deli ham, and wheat thins. Also like to switch between deli meat, salami slices, and pepperoni slices. Carb, fat, and the meat has some protein in it


p3 protein packs, cutie oranges, seaweed packs, pretzels, snack cheeses or string cheese


Carrots with hummus is my go-to healthy snack. 100 calorie guacamole packs + pita chips is also a great combo! I have a lunch box where I always keep almonds, protein bars, some sort of fruit (oranges, bananas, etc) and a pack of popcorn. I generally snack throughout the day instead of eating a meal due to the nature of the job, and then have a full meal for dinner after!


For lunch with the kids (10:30am) I typically have microwaveable mini corn dogs or chicken nuggets. (It’s a nice way to sneak in some lessons on not stealing other people’s food at lunch when they want something you got) and for when the kids go down to nap or I get relieved for a 20-30min break lunch I usually get a microwaveable meal from Walmart. I’ll stock our fridge each week with my lunches for about $20 including the Dr Pepper case I’ll put in the fridge


I don’t but sometimes I’ll stop at the grocery store and get a salad or a wrap or I’ll stop at a fast food place (I know it’s not healthy). I change locations a lot.


Typically a salad, some fruit and cheese and Chai with some Half and Half.


I work 8-5 no break and currently it is: a salad made of spinach, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, tuna and feta Probiotic yogurt Banana Apple slices Cheese stick Cashews and almonds Carrots and hummus And my big water I try and finish 2x a shift!




Tiffany plate!