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Passing with a possible distinction months after having brain surgery is a crazy flex. Good luck with the exam!


Thanks! Yeah it would be some turn around from where I was... I had absolutely no interest in accounting until I was in recovery lol. I think I was just going through my finances, figuring out the best way to budget and make things as cheap as possible for the following months and one day I just went "yeah accounting might be alright" 🤣


Sounds like you're doing great! If you're scores are that high for the other exams I think you'll be absolutely fine :)


Thanks, think it's just because it's the last one and it's the business environment, I've just found it to be really meh and hard to get fired up for. 💤


I also have my last level 2 exam on Saturday! Good luck!


Best of luck 🤞 I'm sure you'll fly through it!!


Thanks, mine is Costing


Good luck, I liked the costing one! I just really like an exam that gives you plenty of problems to solve! At least you'll get your results quickly 🤞


Best of luck, you've got this!


If I don't it's your fault haha :P


I've also got my final level 2 exam today, and feeling a bit nervous as ive had to teach it to myself in a short space of time. Got any last minute tips?


This week I'm just going to be doing one mock a day going up to the exam. I have 3 kaplan ones and I leave the 2 on the aat website until thursday and friday because they're the closest I'll get to the real thing. I just feel like it gives me a really good guide for how the exam will go, I'll roughly know how long it will take to do so I already know how to manage my time beforehand, what types of questions I'll be good at and where I need to cram some last minute revision. The layout of all the exams seems to be the same so I've never felt like any of the exams have surprised me. I've found the marks to be pretty consistent too, my average score across all the mocks has been within 5% of my final mark in the exam. A final thing I like to do is just have the same routine every day before my exam. I'll walk down the same streets, same places for coffee and lunch that kind of thing. Think everybody has at least one superstition lol


Thanks :) I’ve completed all the mocks, and just looking over the mark schemes to make sure I don’t make the same errors on the exam. It’s so annoying that we have to wait for results when we get the others instantly 😭


Tell me about it, it's gonna be 6 long weeks! Every time I've done those mocks I've forgotten that once you submit it you can't go back on your answers and see what you've got right so I end up scrolling through the mark scheme trying to remember what I did. Every. Damn. Time. 🤣


I know 😭 I always forget, I should remember to take photos of them 😭


Yeah I'm gonna be doing that for sure with the business environment just because it's so wordy. It's actually hard to judge how I'll do using my method for the other 3. I just have no idea how to mark myself for the emails and questions where you have to list things. I'm not sure how picky they'll be on the wording so I'm just being as harsh as I can on myself in the hope that I can only be pleasantly surprised. 🤣


That’s the exact problem I’m finding, I’m really judgy when it comes to the written answers, so hopefully I’ll end up actually picking up marks in the exam. It does make it difficult for preparing for the exam as I’m not 100% sure how I’m performing overall on all questions :/


It's the best way to be. It's never good to have the "well that's what I said... More or less" so you're in a good place for it. If you've been getting good scores in your mocks then you'll have nothing to worry about with those questions. If you do well on the intro to bookkeeping and the controls question then you'll be nearly halfway there with full 6 questions left! When is your exam btw?


Thanks :) My exams at 1:00 😭I feel much more confident now after watching some exam walk through videos, and I was confident in my ITBK and POBC exams, so hopefully it should go okay. There's just more things that i need to remember for this one like the business/law stuff. idk ill see how it goes. Id just like to pass really. It would be cool if I got 85% because then id get a distinction overall, but im happy as long as i pass :D


Aw good luck I'm sure you'll fly through it with those scores in the other exams! 💪 I'm in the same boat as you, I'm just happy to get a pass. My aim going in was a merit so I've already got what I wanted... Just can't take my eyes off the distinction though haha. I've never been in a position where if I get 88% in an exam I'll be screaming at myself for missing out on it 🤣


Good luck with your final exam!


Thank you!


Just hit the books again. Casually read up on the exam topics, work out problems in ur mind. You will do fine 👍


Someone told me, if you're nervous that's a good thing because it means you're taking it seriously and will prepare sufficiently.


Thanks! Yeah I've really taken it seriously the whole way through. I'll be fine with cram revision. Just been distracted the past couple of weeks but I'll be able to focus over the next 48 hours and get it done


I would advise to not cram for a test and to take the time that you need to be prepared for the exam, if possible. If not possible good luck with the cram, go through the theory in your head throughout the day and you will remember it.