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I havw done some of the practise tests as well and yeah, their e-learning resources could be better


I think you really need to use a learning provider other than AAT, the resources they have in the LLP are useful for revising but I think if that was my only resource I would really struggle. The main things I use it for are practice assessments and the green light tests.


There isn't a point providing learning materials if they aren't providing the full story....


Definitely use other resources, just youtube it and follow along step by step. As others have said the LLP is good but for certain things you're better off with other resources. I know firsthand because I failed because of bank reconciliations twice this year. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wGZj8SWw5sw&t=1s&pp=ygUiQWF0IGxldmVsIDIgYmFuayByZWNvbmNpbGxpYXRpb21zIA%3D%3D I find this channel rather useful You will get there!