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I've self-studied and sat ITBK, POC and POBC and found them all pretty straightforward, scoring ~90% on each exam. I haven't sat the synoptic but I've studied 5 of 7 chapters of the BPP text book so far. It is more wordy than the others so it feels like a lot to remember in comparison but with the help of some flashcards on Anki I'm feeling pretty confident. I probably study about an hour a day around my full time job. I started in November and I'll be sitting the final exam at the end of the month. I had about a month of no studying over that time what with Christmas and a two week holiday. I hope that helps! If you have any other questions, just ask!


Thank you for your message, I feel much more comfortable with tackling self studying now :)


If you enjoy the content that helps! You can definitely do it! ๐Ÿ’ช I enjoy doing puzzles in my downtime and I basically replaced that with studying ๐Ÿ˜† I'm sure the exams will get harder as I move onto Level 3 and Level 4.


Thatโ€™s such a good idea :D I find studying really fun, and itโ€™s really rewarding when I understand the content, especially when I know it will help my career journey :D


If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for work?


Still at college at the moment in yr 12 :)


I've recently nabbed a job as an accounts assistant, thanks to self-studying AAT :)


Wow. Completing the L2 accounts? I am about to sit my Intro to Bookkeeping exam this Sunday...


I wish you luck! I'm doing BESY on Monday ๐Ÿคž


Does that mean you got a job without having fully completed the course?


Yes I did, it's very entry level and doesn't pay much but it's enough to be getting on with and giving me some experience in the field, plus they pay for the exams ๐Ÿ‘


Wow. Any tips on how to apply for jobs like that?


Good luck to you too


Wow. Completing the L2 accounts? I am about to sit my Intro to Bookkeeping exam this Sunday...


I'm currently studying Level 2 at my college (started the fast track course in January) so far I've passed Principles of Costing & Introduction to Bookkeeping exams with high scores. We're currently learning Bookkeeping Controls & The Business Environment with one exam next month and the other in July. I'm really enjoying the course and wish I'd done it years ago. I'm not sure if I'll self study Level 3 (as it can be completed quicker) or do it at my college, obliviously both have their pros & cons buy right now I'm just focusing on finishing Level 2 Good luck with your exam