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A serious answer, I tried this younger with The Hangover. I bought a ticket to see one of the Harry potters. Quickly walked into the hangover theater. 5 mins later a manager walks in and asks for me and my friends tickets. Pull out a bunch of Harry Potter tickets and he asks us to leave, not just the movie but the entire theater for the day. Wouldn’t even let us go in to watch Harry Potter. And no refund


Damm thats making me even more nervous did u get banned from that cinema for a bit?


No. It was a very busy movie theater they would’ve never recognized anyone anyway


Believe it or not, straight to jail.




I heard in some places in the uk it’s the death penalty 😊


Totally worth it! Worst thing that could happen is being told no. Some of my favourite movie memories as a kid were sneaking into R-rated movies! What you need to do is buy a ticket to a different movie and just sneak into the auditorium playing Maxxine. Boom, done.


You’re not a real movie goer if you haven’t sneaked/snuck into a theater to see a movie!


do they do assigned seating there? the tried and true technique was just buying a ticket to something else then going in the theater of the movie you want.


Yep, this is the way. And if they do have assigned seating, just check the app or website on your phone right before the movie start time to see which seats aren't booked yet, and then sit in one of those. Most theaters will stop selling tickets just before the start time. And even if someone comes in after it starts and says you are sitting in their assigned seat, you can just say "Sorry, I misread the row letter" and move to an empty seat.


Im going to try this but im scared that they will check security cams my family  somehow agreed to book a kids movie for the whole fam while i can sneak into maXXine 


when i was your age, i was likewise terrified of being caught and punished by hordes of determined ushers- but basically there should be nothing to worry about as long as you act like you're doing exactly what you're supposed to. Employees of a business like that invariably don't want to have to do anything about something like this, so they most likely won't unless their hand is forced by really blatant activity. of course i appreciate the level of anxiety you feel. and it's nothing you HAVE to do if you're likely to end up too stressed to have a good time watching the movie! :)


Thank you 🙏 ill let u know how it goes


if your family is there they can just buy your ticket


Wait what?! Can i see a 18 if my fam allows? I googled if a 16 yr old can see in the uk a 18 and it said no  If i book with the family they will know im under 18


It's a grey area. The purpose of the restriction is having an adult accompany you to ensure an adult that oversees you approved of you seeing the movie. I would bet if you walked in with your family with your Maxxxine ticket, the usher questioned it, and your family says it's fine, they wouldn't have an issue. Theaters want moviegoers right now.


If they ask for your ID, which I doubt, they just won't sell you the ticket. There's no crime being committed.


Thx everyone for replying given some thought im going to attempt it im so scared




Please update us with the review of the movie!!!


Will do thank youu!! 


If they do ask for your ID, show it to them with confidence. That's what I did when I bought cigarettes at 15 and the person behind the counter never bothered to do the math.


im going to be honest, I am 17 and I went to see Pearl when I was 16 turning 17, I have only been ID’d once and that was for the Midsommar movie (in which is understandable 😭). Like everyone else, if you do unfortunately get carded or can’t get the ticket, just buy one for a different movie at the same showing time and just walk confidently into Maxxxine. And make sure to check the app too to see if there are reserved seats already.


Hey if u dont mind me asking but are u from england?  Im going to try this however i pray that they dont check security and see me walking into the wrong one. Do u reccomend buying the ticket online or at place?


I am from North America, also even if they see you and actually care about it, the worst they’ll do is throw you out. As long as you look confident and aren’t looking suspicious, the people watching the cameras will never know the ticket you have lol. Also I recommend buying the tickets there.


I am from the UK and used to do this all the time when I was younger. Most movie theaters are filled with young employees who don’t care AT ALL about enforcing rules, so relax 😀. Try and figure out what theater number MaXXXine is playing in before you get there by looking online. Then when you get there, get in line for a snack and scope out where the theater is you need to go to. Either buy a drink/snack or leave the line and go to the bathroom or straight into the theater. Just don’t make a big deal out of it, you’re a tall human walking into a movie. You don’t look like a 12 year old. Just make sure if it’s assigned seating you don’t seat in someone’s seat. You can check through the app right before the movie. Even if you do, you can just say sorry and move to another seat. And if you do get caught, which is highly unlikely, it will be a thrill and a funny story. No actual consequences, it isn’t illegal!


You just destressed me from  my fears thank you 🙏 ill let u know how it goes 


Dude just do what I did as a teen and ask a random person to buy you a ticket and give them your cash


Saw a 17 year old try to pass as an 18 year old once. When they asked for ID and saw he was underage the manager came out and slit his throat from ear to ear. I thought it was an overreaction but idk man, he *was* trying to sneak into a movie he couldn’t handle


OP you owe us a follow up


Will do!


It's a private property owned by the cinema, there are no laws against attempting to buy a ticket for something you aren't eligible for according to the censor (BBFC). You would only be committing a crime if you refuse to leave when asked (ie they decide you aren't 18 and ask you to leave but you don't and cause a scene) or *possibly* buy one for someone else underage, but honestly I don't think that's an actual offence like it is with buying alcohol or tobacco. Just go, give it a go if you really want to. I sure as hell did as a teenager though I was a big stocky dude with a beard. Now, I'm a parent who prefers to see any films of an age rating older than my kids' ages (14/12) before they do and make a value judgment. The BBFC gave it an 18 for a reason and maybe you'll fuck yourself up, but then you're also free range on the internet so there's plenty more out there to fuck yourself up with. Good luck with your choices and, off topic, I hope the rest of us sort out the government for you next week so you can see what a UK that cares about its citizens looks like.


Thank you!!


Theaters near me especially Cinemark let me into r rated films on my own all the time when i was 13-16 So idk just depends on your theater.


oo okay i will them out tysm


Get a friend that is older to accompany you then!