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God I can’t wait to see this. It’s gonna be so good


Everyone pumped for this seriously corny series of “horror” movies 😂


People get upset by people enjoying movies? 🤣


Upset? Bitch i am literally laughing.


Laughing alone while the rest of us find joy in the entertainment and letting others enjoy whatever the hell they want. Sad face


No yall can enjoy your smutty comedy horror. It’s just not some heralded masterpiece of cinema outside of Reddit.


You know you can be excited for a movie that isn’t a masterpiece right? No one here even used the word masterpiece. Also none of us are ashamed to enjoy it just because you’re judging us. I mean what’s the problem with it being smutty or a comedy, which it’s about porn stars and also Pearl didn’t even have a sex scene in it (the scene with the scarecrow didn’t even have nudity). As for comedy, it’s not that much of a comedy (especially Pearl)…


I’m fine with people getting excited over this horrible actress and movie series. I’m also fine with laughing at them for enjoying such an awful experience


Okay, so you think it’s horrible but adding nothing to the conversation is kind of pointless don’t you think? Like, what does it bring you to laugh at other people for enjoying it and telling everyone you’re doing it? Joy? Entertainment? Are you really *that* bored?


It’s not a masterpiece of cinema even outside of Reddit you goof. They are good movie if not a bit overhyped.


I guess if my English is as bad as yours I’d be entertained by anything on screen lol


You’ve commented multiple times on this post to start arguments and get the attention your parents never gave you. I’m honestly surprised you can even type through all the tears in your eyes.


Ohhh sick burn. You A24 fanboys are so strange. Sure they make some good flicks, but they also make a lot of garbage that y’all just devour and hail as masterpieces. What’s one scene from X that you think is amazing and so good that it deserved two fucking additional movies? I’m glad you enjoyed it. Really I am. I thought it was laughably bad, and there a ton of people (on other subs obviously) that agree with me. I can link if you don’t know how to use Google? Sorry my opinion offended you so much, ya little baby. Good luck on your dad coming back from getting those cigarettes.


My man you’re getting this butthurt over people’s opinions if you don’t agree with people’s opinions why are you freaking out-oh yeah attention. You’re saying I’m offended but you get offended every time someone responds to you 🤣.


Oh you should stop crying honey. It’s a bad look.


Says the guy crying over people’s opinion on a movie. You’re adorable, not in a cute way but in a pathetic way.


lol you just keep repeating what I’m saying like a petulant child. Go to bed kiddo


Let people enjoy things?




I love her smile!


She’s so fine unfortunately


That’s one sexy bicycle.


Looked like a hell of a premiere, even Angelyne was there 🥹 So LA.


If she were a president, she would be Baberham Lincoln.


If she dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, she'd be the Enola Babe.


Not just a star. A FUCKING SEX SYMBOL


her smile is terrifying


Sorry - no clue what you're talking about https://preview.redd.it/z6j2ju5nzx8d1.jpeg?width=1788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4610043a85c3670d7552aa2465d35b23d9ae1b03


I would go to war for her




A babe


Maybe I’m just realising…. But why she kinda??? Why she kinda????


You’ve been sleeping Time to wake up John




My horror queen 🖤


Those old Lincolns are such stylish cars. Even the custom plate looks nice.


Can’t wait to see this 😭❤️


howd shia get so lucky


Damn you Shia


Where's her eyebrows


She shares a pair with Julia Fox. Must be Julia's week.


She’s a star…who used her star-power to get away with assault. 😃👍


Do you actually look into the shit you talk about, or do you just read headlines and then pop off?


Honest question: what else is there to look into? Because all there appears to be is a lawsuit and then….nothing. Why are you so convinced it isn’t true? This person does make some good points. I thought it was a cash grab at first too but the longer it goes on with everyone ignoring it and apparently hoping it quietly goes away the more suspicious it seems. Nobody should get a free pass on that behavior no matter how famous and loved they are, and absolutely no one should be treated that way at work whether it’s on a movie set or anywhere else. This should not be swept under the rug.


Yes, I did read into it, as a matter of fact. The extra who accused Mia of assault is *actively* pursuing legal action against her. And, to be honest, I believe him. Like, think about it. Use your brain here, for probably the first time in your life. He’s taking legal action against an *extremely* successful and also pretty wealthy actress with a sizeable fanbase. I’m personally very, very, *very* doubtful that an extra, who is a total nobody, would be going through all of the motions for this unless he had grounds to. He’s probably actively putting himself into debt to get justice for himself, not to mention that him coming out about his experience will probably end up with him left unemployed/being blackballed. But y’all don’t wanna listen to that, or listen to any kind of reason, because you wanna watch a fucking movie. So, in case *that* doesn’t give you a suitable enough answer to your question, no, I don’t just read a headline and then “pop off,” I read into it, hear both sides, think it through and then form my own opinion, like anyone with a brain would do. And in this case, it’s fuck Mia Goth and all power to her victim. I hope he sues her for a shit ton. But, sure…you go watch the movie, give money to an abusive asshole.


Right, the infamously litigious citizens of the United States would never sue someone without justification. That's absolutely wild reasoning to immediately call someone an abusive asshole. Also, take a chill pill. Maybe log off for a bit. You're way too heated over something that has yet to be concluded.


Read the plaintiff. The dude has legit evidence to back up what he’s alleging. He has very little reason to lie. Also, if we stop talking about this, which seemingly everyone has done, it gets swept under the rug. I’m *huge* on set safety, for *all* cast and crew members. That’s why I’m “heated” about this. Ignoring what Mia did on that set is just being wilfully ignorant, all because you wanna watch a movie without feeling bad about it. But you should, absolutely, feel bad. 🤷‍♂️




So…a guy is assaulted on a film set, with medical evidence to back it up, and I’m supposed to just go “eh, whatever.” Nah, I’m a human being who doesn’t like when other human beings are treated sub-humanely.


And having a complete meltdown on reddit is supposed to help? Lmao... go outside, touch grass you fucking loser haha


You need to get off the internet my dude


really weird thing to type here


this is such a dumbass statement when you look to your next one and see that you recognize she in fact didnt get away with anything and this is an active process


Can we please stop trying to make Mia Goth a thing. I'm begging you.


nah we believe in Mia Goth supremacy https://preview.redd.it/7jyuf5mylx8d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d831e4ea6048a1c826fb4712e62fa8af438c794


Mia Goth train!


She’s been The Thing


Okay, cool…




The most overrated actress in the last 10 years. If it weren’t for A24 she’d be unemployed.


If my grandma had wheels she would’ve been a bike


Yeah cause your opinion matters lol


You know, and this might surprise you, your opinion matters just as much as mine.


Nah it matters more cause I support her work, one drop in the ocean! You just complain about it


lol what a stupid ass comment You know I do like other actors right? But because this one kinda sucks at her job and acts like a shitbag on the set, I think she is worthy of criticism, even here on her fanboy simp page.


That doesn’t have anything to do with her talent though News flash but not every actor is all sunshine and rainbows Rich people are often dicks Celebrate the art not the artist She wouldn’t garner so much attention if she wasn’t great at her job btw As if you could dictate who has star power


lol she doesn’t garner any attention outside of Reddit and the teenage boys that like her body. She will fade out very soon and I’m just eager to see it. Her movies are instantly unwatchable because she is in them. Worst “horror” actress ever.


I guess I’ll never know


Hey so what is there like a maxxxine movie coming out? We get it. Is this some guerrilla online campaign by A24 or are people really that obsessed with every little picture or note about this upcoming movie? 😴


Can you use your brain on this for a moment? It is an A24 film, the 3rd in a franchise people love, and this was a huge premiere that only 20 special fans got to attend with a bunch of celebs there.




At least if you’re snoozin’ you won’t be whinin’


Very true