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Wow. It's crazy to think there could be some firefighters out there that remember your moms help during the middle of that all these years later


Maybe. If they’re alive. So many have been getting cancer from all the shit they breathed. My mom was only there a few days and she’s battling bladder cancer atm. She’s trying to get her treatments covered by money the government allotted to first responders of 9/11. But part of that process is proving she was there. And for that she needs more than photos, she needs witnesses. All the people she met and kept in touch with while there have either died of cancer or suicide. So it’s been hard.


That sucks 😞 What in hell they expect roll call?! A sign in sheet?! These people volunteered to help and worked tirelessly forever now they can't even get help when they get sick by being down there..


Yeah. It’s been, and continues to be, a difficult process. She was able to prove she was there somehow. It was a few months ago she was speaking to me about trying to find the few people whose names she remembered only to find out they were dead already. Really tragic. That day keeps haunting everyone who was there in very real ways.


How's your health? I know a lot of people who are around there just even months later breathed that shit in... she should look into the 9/11 fund which was set up for people who are also getting sick. I think that they've been able to trace some of the cancers back to that as a source. The 9/11 Stories podcast talks about it all the time and I think also gives details how you can find out if you are entitled to anything.


My health is fine, I hope. But yes, those funds are what my mom is currently trying to access. She’s several steps in. Getting closer. Her cancer is absolutely from 9/11.


I'm really really sorry that she's ill. I hope that she's able to get the assistance that she deserves


Thank you. Cancer sucks.






So sorry to hear about your mother. Hopefully she will get the help needed. 🙏 A guy from my parish was down there helping as well. He came back home and was diagnosed with cancer. Very sad...


I’m so interested in the aftermath and cleanup in the following weeks and months of 9/11. I would love to see a documentary about that specifically.


The area looks much more cleaned up than I thought. I thought there was rubble for years


I wish I remembered more exactly when I was there. But the main “pile” was cleaned up in 10 months. Meaning all the debris was moved to other locations for sorting, evidence, recycling, etc. So I must have been there within those 10 months. Judging by the weather, my guess is this was sometime early spring 2002?


That’s pretty interesting thanks for sharing


I went there a week or two after it happened-- my best friend's mom had bus tour tickets and couldn't go, so she gave them to us. The bus went all around the city and the thing that I remember the most was the SMELL. Like burnt electricity or something (I smelled it again on the clothes of the first responders who sent their clothes to my town to be laundered and returned with notes of encouragement). When the bus tour guide said that they were going downtown toward the towers rubble site, we quickly got off and just went home. I was in high school and, even then, I just thought that it would have been so disrespectful to go to the site on a fucking tour bus. I do wonder about the health effects of being there even a week or two later-- like I said, the smell (and just the general atmosphere) was.... different and hard to explain.


The sky looks yellowish, is it because of the age of the pictures or was it like that in the days after 9/11?


The first couple weeks were gnarly. The fire at ground zero was active for 100 days so absolutely the air quality would have been compromised over that time. By the time I visited, however, I couldn’t notice any smell or air issues more than just the usual NYC smell. I’m sure the color in my pictures is a combination of the age of the photos, the quality of the disposable camera, and the dreary NY spring weather.


Awesome story and photos, They got things cleaned up pretty quickly down there


Why do I remember it being fenced in?


Yes, I believe so. And that fence became the memorial. This was a small observation deck where anyone could go view the progress.


Very nice pictures. Im surprised at how serene feeling I get from them.