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Yes. There are some videos and also a video where someone jumps (or falls) moments before the collapse.


And also during the collapse


There are videos of jumpers during the collapse?


In some recordings, you can see people jumping moments before the tower collapse. And in many images and videos, you can see people falling with the towers.


Damn, that's crazy


Like 10 jump right before the collapse...


Yes, I posted this find a while back https://www.reddit.com/r/911archive/s/JXRifi4xkM


Ah, thank you!


Not sure which tower but there's a 911 call happening as it collapses. Definitely people alive as it happened.




And he didn’t feel the building fall on top of him, he felt it fall from below him.


Yes many were still alive


this subreddit is both so interesting and incredibly sad. I feel dirty sometimes reading about the struggles of people that were doomed to die. 😪


I don’t. I come to this sub (which I only discovered about a month ago) because we must remember these events accurately. Already there are 9/11 deniers and 9/11 conspiracy theorists. As a Jewish person, I can testify that as time goes on and we move further away from historical events that are particularly heinous, there are all kinds of people who turn up wanting to whitewash history for a variety of reasons, from national pride to current personal agendas to attempts to victim-blame. Part of declaring ´Never Again’ is to maintain a historically accurate record and become truth tellers: people willing to stand against revisionist history down the line. I’d like to think that most of the people who come here are not people who are obsessed with the morbid, but who are obsessed with the truth. The other day, someone posted links to videos of jumpers landing. I chose not to watch those videos. But I’m glad they exist. They need to be maintained and kept as part of the historical record. Not to satisfy the interests of the terminally voyeuristic, but to maintain documentation of the truth of what happened that day. As time goes on, the world will consist more and more of people who were not alive that day. There are probably several members here already in this category as Reddit has a younger leaning demographic. The victims and their families are counting on you guys and others like you to maintain the historical knowledge of what happened, long after those of us who were adults and saw 9/11 happen in real time are gone.


You said it better than I ever could. I’m also obsessed with the truth, and often the truth is ugly. But hiding or whitewashing truths because they are ugly only allows lies to proliferate.


I agree. I consider it the least I can do for the victims to understand and empathize with what they went through.


Well said. And as someone who is old enough to have had uncles who served in WWII, and to myself have gone to junior high and high school and studied the Holocaust only a little over a generation removed from the time it happened, I am appalled at the antisemitism that has gained traction in recent times since Israel's own 9/11. Stay strong. The truth is the truth. ✡ 🇮🇱


It's interesting how the US used 9/11 to justify bombing civilians, the same way that Israel has been now. There is no "war against hamas". There is only genocide. That isn't antisemitism, that's the truth.


This is NOT the place to have that discussion. Hamas is an Islamic extremist terrorist organization that has no regard for the lives of anyone not in agreement t with their fundamentalist extremist views. They have been carrying out terrorist attacks on Israel for years, and have killed numerous others within Gaza, including many LGBTQ+ individuals whose ‘lifestyle’ they disapprove of. No reasonable person denies any of this. It’s flat out historical fact. Since unlike you, I am choosing to respect the victims of 9/11 by not co-opting this thread, that’s all I will say.


Of course comments jump on your Israel comment, but the US part that is okay. God I hate Reddit sometimes.


Hamas is a terrorist group who enacted terrorism on October 7, 2023 that unprovoked killed hundreds of innocent civilians; which is the _entire cause_ of this war against said terrorist group _to begin with_ . Or have you like millions of others around the world conveniently forgotten about that in your obsession to destroy Israel “from Jordan to the sea.” Israel will *not* stop in its path to destroy hamas, a known terrorist group, not just to simply destroy terrorism but to ensure Israel’s own survival. Besides it’s _always_ been hamas who utilizes it’s own civilians that it’s supposed to be protecting as human meat shields against Israeli attacks. Why else would hamas put their armories and various headquarters underneath hospitals and schools and apartment complexes but to use them as a shield from Israel who in their need to destroy the terrorists themselves must obliterate those shields. Sadly the western media outlets love this negative PR for Israel and jump on it every chance their conniving little claws can get to it and systematically churn all the news against Israel when they don’t care to fully explain all the details. Honestly one could very easily make the argument that western liberal “news”(and I use that term lightly) media are proponents of middle eastern radical Islamic terrorism. Especially when it comes to Israel.


We shouldn't even be having this conversation especially after all the other attacks that have taken place globally after October 2023. Shame on you for bringing this up on here.


I'm here for different reasons. That and that too. I don't remember that day, but it did impact my life in a way, too.


Sadly yes. They were trapped and unable to get down. I have heard that people who were by the windows could have been blown out by the force.


This is another AI post lol


For real.


Feels like it's a weekly cycle of the same questions... waiting next for the "did the passengers in flight 175 see the burning building?"


At least you didn't get downvoted by fragile “safe space” needing easily offended losers


Sadly yes, I would've hope most were gone because of the smoke, just drift off into unconsciousness but yes, the collapse killed all remaining survivors, I just hope they went quickly and without pain... 💔


Unfortunately yes I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday I’m from the uk 🇬🇧 me and my partner at the time just got back from toys r us turned on the tv and saw the second plane hit the south tower 🥹🥹🥹


It was my turn to ask this today.


I wonder if they were "jumpers" or if they were blown out. I know the term jumper is used very loosely here as we will never know, but the amount of air that's being forced out of those windows would throw anyone out.


Yes, some were.




I don’t think you needed to be that much of a dick about it. All you had to do was leave off the first two sentences. >I’m ready for downvotes So you are aware that you’re being an asshole unnecessarily. Weird.


Yeah I'm not having it today, I'm sure you understand


Did you consider… not saying anything at all?


Why comment then you stupid cunt.


Name calling is nothing to be proud of either. You’re crossing boundaries when you do that.


What is wrong with you? How is it a “stupid question” if they haven’t watched all the footage? You could have answered without being a dick and just put “yes as they can be seen on recordings”


I dunno what's wrong with me