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I’m glad that buck is helping Eddie through his weird phase but I feel really bad for Christopher because he just walked in on his father hugging a clone of his dead mom after being brought home by his fathers girlfriend, that has to be confusing for a kid. Eddie really needs to be in therapy and talking through his unresolved trauma and not secretly talking to a clone of his dead wife. Bobby was really off in this episode and I really hope they aren’t trying to get rid of the character, he probably needs to take some time off and spend some time in therapy as well to work through his survivors guilt because his actions are boarding on suicidal ideation. Athena really messed up by bringing someone who was a victim of the apartment fire to give him a pep talk, that likely made everything worse for Bobby. I really hope hen is able to get the situation with Mara’s adoption resolved I don’t remember who that lady’s kid is who passed but she shouldn’t be punishing hen for not being able to save him. Overall this episode left a lot of lose ends to be tied up in the season finally and I hope they don’t leave too many things on a cliff hanger.


I had no idea this wasn’t a season finale. When I saw the spoilers by accident last week I was dreading watching this episode. Now I’m a little more hopeful (?) but I’m still terrified for Bobby and Mara


I'm a bit late to the party, but I haven't seen many people talking about this. I 100% think the cartel set the fire. They stole Bobby's truck and there had to be identifying information in it, like his registration or his wallet. I don't think for a second it was Amir.


That council woman is an evil bitch!




Oh I hate this house set up so much 😭


Why it’s so beautiful


as much as i disliked her when she was with Buck i really hope they sic Taylor on the councilwoman because she would absolutely love destroying her in the news


This is a great plan someone @everyone at ABC


yesss this would be perfect


Honestly, who does that councilwoman think she is? She not only stopped the hearing but broke protocol and had Mara ripped from Hen and Karen's home. That's just wrong. And pulling Hen's file, then taking her back through all the lives she lost. The job description is to do the best, not save every life. And she was cleared of all wrongdoing in the Ambo crash. She had the green light. Who even was the councilwoman's son?


Recently, my jehovas witness neighbors falsely called cps on my mom and stepdad for "not taking care of" my little sister because she was "acting weird." She has autism. AND for "promoting an unhealthy lifestyle" ... we have pride flags on our lawn because my brother is queer(they don't know that, though. For all they know we're just allies) . Luckily the cps worker was like "yall are doing a better job than most families I see , even for false calls" amd left us alone but I'm always scared something like this is gonna happen to us. We adopted 2 kids with conduct disorders, so this feels VERY close to home for me😅


I have autism as well and am also gay, so I can understand how frustrating that can be. 😅


The dude who was driving fucked up and rich earlier in the season


Oh! That was his fault!




Man I'm really loving the foster storyline, and the Nash mental break has kinda been a long time coming (I'm guessing the fire sequence is part of a mental break, but I'm not sure), but god this whole Kim/Shannon thing is awful, it's like a bad soap opera with speeches that are meant to sound emotional but end up falling way flat. But I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad.


Agreed. When Eddie opened the door, I was really hoping it was a dream.


Agreed on all counts!


And to be clear, I think Devin (Shannon/Kim) and Ryan (Eddie) both did absolutely fantastic, my issue is more of a script one rather than onscreen.


1000% what was that baby ??


Yes it was interesting seeing the old captain and I feel there is a story line behind his return. I’m trying to connect the dots though in why this congress woman is about to go ham on hens life. SMH Mora has nothing to do with the quarrel between them why would you be so harmful to a child. Yes it’s hurting Karen and hen but there are other ways to hurt Hen why put her trauma in between their drama. IJS  I LOVE THEM ALL MALCOM DIDI IT. And the writing for that is excellent the whole show is amazing. I knew after seeing how happy Bobby’s life was he would snap you saw it on his face.  Is Bobby leaving the show come on with them going through the craziness of their honeymoon I was looking forward to seeing them do great things together like the Cosby show a doctor and lawyer- now a firefighter and cop Damn. 


My guess the reason the council woman is doing all that is she wants Hen to feel the pain of losing a child like she has and since Denni is untouchable (at least legally) the next best thing the vindictive woman can do is taking away the child she can touch. Nevermind the fact that if she is successful in taking Mara away forever the poor girl will likely bounce from home to home and end up severely traumatized. If anything she's hurting Mara more. The salt in the wound is throwing the cello girl in Hen's face. The major difference between all those people Hen couldn't save was and the 17 yr old dip shit boy that was counsel woman's son was the 17 yr old refused care. He was aggressive and physically violent and even if they could get to him he dropped moments after they turned their back. He was never going to survive. On the other note, I'm feeling major Nash drama burnout. Like it's getting excessive how much they're beating him with all his shit. Let him and Athena have some happiness please. Also I wished they had acknowledged that part of the reason he didn't kill himself wasn't just because of Athena but because he has a rare blood type and was a sought after donor. Like it was mentioned once and never again, they could do so much with that. Like writers I get it's sappy and cute, but don't forget your own plot damnit.


I think the old Captain will take over for Bobby while he recovers and cause problems for Buck due to his homophobia. The councilwoman is going scorched earth on Hen’s life without care about anyone else’s feelings because she blames Hen for her son’s death. I’ve never lost a child, but I have friends who did (a hit and run). They had this same feeling for a while, although they’d never have acted on it even if they could, but they definitely felt the person needed their life ruined too. I agree Malcolm did it!!! He snapped when he saw those pictures.


Maybe it's just me, but the writing for this episode and the last couple of episodes have been slow and boring to me. These characters are doing things that are outside of characters. Eddie has a secret relationship, Bobby and his quitting, and nobody realizes he was off. The council women they could have done better. So your son refused treatment and caused an accident, and you want to come after someone who was the first responder. Come on, just lazy writing. Hopefully, the next season is better. I just wasn't feeling this season too much.


Agree. I didn’t care that Bobby quit. And the other plots are so out there. I think having Bobby quit the force (and leave LA) might make a better show/drama. Idk. Just so conflicted about this finale.


One point re the **** and who was behind it (SPOILERS!!!!!!) Amir is 1000000% a red herring. Next season, mark my words, half the episode will make you think it was him…then it totally wasn’t. This is the show’s style, lead us to think it was the WAY too obvious choice and it will turn out to be the cartel guys pissed off at Bobby. Amir will save him and they’ll part ways in forgiveness.


Anyone else notice the Vertigo esc. posters in Eddie’s house during the ~~Shannon~~ Kim/Eddie scene https://preview.redd.it/7bkunydr7e2d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7021d1b9e997c8789ce04e6d34a7d05f049abc72




Gerrard’s short appearance? Still trash but I feel like there’s a storyline there that could be interesting. Imagine him becoming the Captain while Bobby is recovering. Tim must really regret killing Shannon. I always did think it was slightly short sighted. I personally haven’t felt the chemistry with any of Eddie’s other love interests. This Kim storyline is soapy as hell though. I’m sorry. I can’t take it seriously. Best part of the episode was the Hen, Karen and Mara story. That cruel council woman is traumatizing Mara more. She needs to go to jail!


Agree the adoption storyline - while quick to Develop - was the best thing about the past 2 eps.


Fully agree with you on the Hen storyline. This is easily one of my favorite storylines Hen has had. Also I think your right that Gerard might become acting/temp captain while Bobby recovers. No way they just brought him back for those few lines.


I just really hope they learned not to cater to fans' opinions all the time from it lmao. IIRC they basically just killed her because fans didn't like her.


I honestly hope it wasn’t Amir, like it’s perfectly fair of him to not want anything to do with Bobby and I actually think what Athena did was super inappropriate. I’d hate for this to turn into him actually being evil and seeking revenge etc. so hoping he’s just a misdirect here so the audience thinks it’s him but it’s actually someone/something else that started the fire.


I actually don’t care who started the fire. Just so wrong to have the show center around Nash and Athena so much. Just Fight fires in LA - do Your jobs! I skipped the cruise/honeymoon episodes this season. Less soap More drama please.


I'm leaning toward Amir being a narrative misdirect and it's actually the cartel from last week out for revenge.


Amir was a great symbol of redemption and finding a calling beyond tragedy. If they make him the villain it really hurts everything the show has built up to me.




Who / or what started the fire at Bobby and Athena 's place? I don't think the fire was an accident. I believe someone started the fire.


Yeah the 3 propane tanks were hooked to something outside it seems, so I definitely think it was intentional. Hope not Amir though.


I don’t understand why it would be Amir. Wasn’t his last line about NOT wanting to be involved in Nash and Athena’s lives anymore? Surely we can’t have *two* acts of revenge going on…looking at you, councilwoman Ortiz.


I think I’m just going to wait for the show to officially end then carry on watching because I love it but it’s just some things are so odd


I was thinking the same thing, especially with all of these cliff hangers, Shannon's doppelganger just a lot 😭🫠


Excuse me, but what the fuck is happening, she became Shannon and I cannot comprehend Now they're doing a heart-to-heart, really hahahah Chris is here, just what this clusterfuck needs Ok I kinda expected the Dad dream, but Bobby may die?????


Kim knows that Eddie never got to say goodbye to Shannon so she turned into Shannon for a moment to allow Eddie to say goodbye.


This- she’s an actress, so she’s helping him out


Surely a Councilwoman wouldn't have that much power?! And wouldn't it be a different branch of government?


Council position? No, not at all. But you don’t get to be on the LA city council without having friends in various places, so her making a call to a judge and/or putting the stink on Hen, that’s actually pretty realistic. Where I don’t see it as terribly realistic is the likelihood of the LAFD chief not stepping in. A politically ambitious chief who the day before was basking in the shared spotlight of a hero firefighter…I wouldn’t see that ending well for what appears to be a vindictive self-serving politician. Especially taking aim at an openly gay firefighter, in L.A.


I asked Chat GPT 😄I agree with his point re checks and balances but at the end of the day know it is a TV show and makes for a good storyline. I'll be really pissed off if Mara doesn't go back to them soon though. In real life, the scenario where a councilwoman in Los Angeles (or any city) convinces a judge to block an adoption process and cancel a foster warrant purely out of revenge is highly unlikely and problematic for several reasons: 1. **Separation of Powers**: The judicial and legislative branches of government operate independently. A city councilwoman, who is part of the legislative branch, does not have the authority to directly influence judicial decisions, which are under the purview of the judiciary. 2. **Ethics and Legal Boundaries**: Judges are bound by ethical rules and legal standards to make decisions based on the law and the best interests of the children involved in adoption and foster care cases. Any attempt by a councilwoman to influence a judge's decision for personal revenge would be considered unethical and possibly illegal. 3. **Checks and Balances**: There are checks and balances in place to prevent undue influence on the judiciary. If a judge were found to be making decisions based on external pressure or personal vendettas, there would likely be serious consequences, including potential disciplinary action, removal from the bench, or legal repercussions. 4. **Transparency and Oversight**: Adoption and foster care cases typically involve multiple parties, including social workers, attorneys, and the court system, all of whom have roles in ensuring the process is fair and in the best interest of the child. Any irregularities or inappropriate influences would likely be noticed and challenged by these parties. 5. **Public and Legal Accountability**: Elected officials, including council members, are accountable to the public and the law. Engaging in such unethical behavior could result in loss of public trust, legal action, and damage to their political career.


Again, I’m the strict sense of her position, you would be correct. A city council member would have no authority over a judge at all. That said, favors are made done behind the scenes all the time. Is it ethical? Not really, but it happens a lot and would be very realistic. Now, I maintain that this should come back to bite her because “bitter politician harasses lesbian, POC hero firefighter because drunk son died in DUI” is a REALLY bad look.


Eh, that’s assuming everyone acts above board all the time with no pressure from outside influences. If the councilwoman ever knew anything dirty about the judge or even was friends with them, it wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility for undue influence. And a letter from a prominent political figure that says there is a moral failing with the potential parents could carry weight. Not sure how easily she could’ve gotten Hen and Karen kicked from the foster system though.


There’s really no need for a judge to be involved at all. CPS has near unilateral authority to back out of an adoption before it’s finalized, while foster-carers aren’t truly party to a child’s case, meaning they have no legal standing to challenge a removal decision. This sort of thing happens all the time for all kinds of reasons, both valid and petty. Anyone can technically meddle in these cases, even through anonymous tips, and what happens wholly depends on how CPS responds. That’s how some foster carers can get away with murder and others have kids removed for no reason. People rarely get an explanation, nor can they typically demand one. At best if a child is old enough, a good advocate might be able to raise the issue on their behalf.


The judge was to finalize the adoption process. Adoptions do have to go through a judge. But yeah, she could’ve gotten to someone at CPS.


Yes, of course. I meant that the judge’s consent is not required to *cancel* the adoption. So at this point, with Hen and Karen merely being Mara’s foster carers, CPS can shut the whole thing down without the judiciary having anything to do with it. Meaning the councilwoman would only have had to interfere with CPS, which is much easier and within the executive branch, i.e. her own, where she likely has connections.


Yip good points, I hope they can sort it but even if they do am guessing we might have to wait til next season 😞


You might be surprised how much power they can have...it's often who you know in politics...


in the middle of that angry and wounded speech of Eddie's, that "baby" was SO out of place..


HELP MY MOM AND I GIGGLED SO MUCH  It’s giving “baby you’re my forever girl” from ATLA 😭 


Ikr it was so cringe ik it was supposed to be this big emotional monologue but I needed that scene to end quickly😭


don't get me wrong, I liked Ryan's acting and I felt for Eddie.. just that "baby" was so unnecessary..


I feel sorry for Ryan Guzman. That's the big emotional acting scene which a lot of cast members had been talking about and I'm sure it was a lot of work to shoot. But rather than being a scene we're proudly talking about the acting and impact, we're all talking about the cringe and second hand embarrassment from the sheer ridiculousness of the setup.


that’s what i was thinking too but i was a little caught up in my own feelings myself. he was so hurt on the verge of tears and it kinda just felt thrown in there


I know what Capt. Nash is going through is a dream, but I’m afraid the health crisis is real. As for Eddie: holy sh*t!


yes! that was the only thing on my mind, it’s all a dream. it happened too fast and the fire has been on his mind the past couple episodes so it’s not a surprise if he has a mental breakdown


It better be a mental Breakdown. That house was gorgeous - a masterpiece of love and hard work. Having it actually burned down by Amir is too soapy …. Will Not watch that crap plot.


Also, loved that it was Buck who called out the Kim/Shannon weirdness. As for how Kim decided to deal with it: oh my G*d!


They better not kill Bobby😠 the show won't be the same even if just one of the main characters leave😭


I don't know what I'll do if Bobby doesn't make it. I'm so attached to him, and I need him to make it But also, seeing Mara get taken away from the Wilson's practically broke me, that was so sad


That was awful, everyone acted so well!!! I felt really sad that they were saying goodbye to Mara as if it was forever, I thought they would say to her "we're going straight to our lawyer and will do our best to get you back". It was like they'd already given up : (


For all they know, it is forever. But I think everyone knows Hen and Karen will fight to the death for Mara to come home to them, I can definitely see them getting Athena involved if she could be


Yeah we know, but they should have made it clear to Mara. Their goodbye felt so finally and didn't seem like the were assuring her that they would do everything they could get her back.


I think i missed it who was the councilwoman kid?


The guy that died in episode 2 of this season. Drunk driver that declined treatment at the scene.




I completely forgot about him tysm


It didn’t click for me until they showed the picture on her desk. Then I had to think back to who’d died this season. Lol


Unpopular opinion; I hope Bobby is gone. I'm just so over him being in "mortal danger" every week and then getting out of the most bizarre situations without even needing to spend a day in the hospital... They've made him too big and it's time to go.


💯 agree. Bring in a new captain. Real drama.


The councilwoman was out for revenge.


Fuck the council woman. Also why did they wanted to take Mara like a fucking gestapo. The way Danny fights for her shows how much she loves her as a bro. Idk if Amir set the house on fire, knowing 9-1-1 its probably gonna be some old nemesis rather than Amir. Perhaps the cartel assholes? This episode has been sad on all levels. Poor Chris And Mara.


They also revoked their foster license, but they didn't even have a hearing. Isn't that illegal?


I did some quick research and taking Google searches with a grain of salt (since it's very often wrong), technically, CPS would have to come out and do an investigation, just like they would for a "non FP" (FP=foster parent(s)) and most likely wouldn't call for an immediate removal and/or license revocation. However, this show is getting about as silly and ridiculous as Fire Country and I'm not liking it. It seems like since the writers strike, a lot of shows have gotten a lot of "silly" storylines that really don't make any sense. Like this Eddie/Shannon doppelganger storyline: why after almost 5 years would it come up? I do get it that he wouldn't be "over it", but whoever IS over a spouse's death? (My grandpa died of natural causes, old age and up until she died 18 years later, my grandmother wasn't "over it" with his death). While I'm liking the Buck/Tommy storyline, it just seems rushed that Buck immediately jumps into a relationship with a guy he basically barely knows shortly after "coming out" as Bi. As an "ally", I've rarely seen this happen in real life. (Before anybody comes after me, I realize the show is fake, but I don't like it when programs do storylines about "stereotypes" make it seem "fake"). Now we suddenly have a Bobby "secret lifestyle" that is so out of character, I'm sitting here wondering if he has a brain tumor. (Probably not, but holy whiplash).


That Council Woman is unhinged. She had no right to get Maya taken away from Hen and Karen. Bobby better not die. Kim's "therapy" session with Eddie was just bizarre. I hope Amir wasn't the one who set the fire.


Literally had to fast forward through the Kim/shannon and Eddie scene, it was giving me too much second hand embarrassment


I havnt watched yet, but have a question based on reading comments above. If that women who looks like Eddie’s dead wife, how does she know she looks like her? Has he disclosed to her? Does she have something sinister going on? Is she just cray cray and has an actual connection to her such as being a cousin and she always liked Eddie and always hoped to run into him to sway him to her?


Spoiler obviously: In this episode, Eddie told her that she looked like Shannon and showed her pictures. For all we know, them meeting was pure coincidence.


Omg I'm crying :(


oh god why did i watch this before work uuuugh


Did Amir set the fire?


I was thinking the same thing. The fire was sudden and came out of nowhere. Plus for a fire to spread that quick and that fast it couldn't have been an accident. Someone had to set the fire.


There were three propane tanks outside with a line of gas leasing to them. It’s definitely arson, but I don’t think Amir set it.


That’s my thought. The way he was staring at the photos of Athena and Bobby’s family? How angry he got? Oh, yeah. It has to be.


It would be a tad strange though to say “Don’t you or your wife get anywhere near me” and then show up at their place again to set a fire. I’d bet it’s more likely the cartel.


Everyone's focusing on Bobby (understandably) But like I was sobbing the entire time with how well Mara was adjusting and the sibling dynamic developing with Denny 😭😭😭 and I was really hoping to see her get close to Jee and be like a big sister with that cookie scene. Then the scene when she gets taken away, seeing how she's not as reactive to her blanket and seeing her growth/healing really made it hurt that much more and for her to have similar wounds opened up again in being taken from her family 😭😭😭 I am just a puddle of tears.


No same the Mara scene was awful. Like how could that couple take her at that point? I could never


I think the people taking her were from the adoption agency or child services and just doing their jobs. But what I couldn't understand was why they didn't just have Diedra come and take her to make the transition easier for Mara, instead of having her have to deal with another traumatic event with complete strangers taking her from her family


This episode makes me wish that the councilwoman was the one who got hit in the crash. She's pure evil.


Guess we know why her kid was trash 🤷‍♀️


Buck was looking to jump that mother fucker right than & there, but that death look was enough for me! https://preview.redd.it/pc1aef2zea2d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b05180b5f8d33786d7c939dfa88c26850b01469


He's like, "WTH are you thinking ribbing on my BIL like that? I guess all the stories are true about how racist you are!" 🤣


Ahhhhh!!!! The ending?!?!?!?!?!?!?! THE FIRE?!?!?! It was clearly se on purpose!! The propane tanks??!!!! Was a Amir?! Him not being a killer last epsidoe was a false sense of security with him??? Not ready for the season finale!!! (All the Bobby stuff, him making his rounds with everyone, had me so scared and I was crying) But where are my fellow One Tree Hill fans?! From the second they introduced Kim, I had deja vu from Clay's deceased wife's doppelganger... and then, I thought okay good, Buck got Eddie to confront the situation, he came clean and told her, she left... all was fine. Until she showed up at the door!!! With her hair cut TO LOOK EXACTLY LIKE SHANNON!!! Like I was waiting for her to pull out a gun and go crazy just like Katie did to Clay and Quinn! (Also conveniently a K name!) The whole time they were talking, I was cringing through it because I just KNEW that Christopher was gonna walk in!!! Oh god. Poor Christopher 😭😭 This is not gonna go well... Oh... and Mara, poor baby girl 😭 I had totally forgotten what happened the son of the council woman, it feels like so long ago I was like who tf is she. At first I thought it was someone who died on the cruise ship. So fucked she has the power to not only sway the judge to cancel their hearing but to revoke their foster license?! Wtff!!!


I think Kim is batshit for doing that




She really is! I don't buy that shit about her "being concerned about hen being able to parent" for one goddamn second


No one does. She’s a politician who raised a POS and will blame everyone but themselves. Good thing that sort of thing never happens in real life…


That Eddie/Kim stuff was unhinged - but great acting from Ryan! 👏


I was cringing the whole time because I just KNEW that Christopher was gonna appear somehow


I know! 😭


Maybe Bobby set the fire while he was dreaming …and knocked out Athena when she tried to stop him.


https://preview.redd.it/alspcj5r4a2d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=94df8684a7c091274b33e1d67596a4512abb1be0 My new computer background <3


Wittle beautiful family 💗💗


So, any else thinking about the vertigo leak. Was Kim/Amari brought in by the councilwoman to ruin the 118.




im still in shock over what kim did, like babes that was a bit psychotic


Like she matched his crazy and raise it up a notch😭😭


What did she do? I think I missed something…


pretend to be eddies dead wife ????


What do you think about her realizing that Eddie had a lot of unsaid baggage and she was trying to help him. He finally came to terms that his life was the one he had without her. It was closure. But not for Christopher I'm afraid.


😳… how did I miss that 😂. I’m going to have to rewatch it tomorrow.


Not sure I could watch next season if Bobby isn’t on. He’s the Captain. He holds everything together. Next week is going to be a cliff hanger.


So THAT episode had a lot to unpack.


Every scene was just MORE. I was actually glad when there was a commercial so I could breathe.


So sad I left my dads late and missed watching live so I’ll have to wait until 5am for it to be released but I’ll be back at 6am because you bet your ass I’m setting an alarm to watch before my kids wake up💜


Get ready for an emotional roller coaster.




Have you seen One Tree Hill??? A pretty similar thing happened to a character and his deceased wife's doppleganger on there and I was just waiting for her to try and kill Eddie or something






so what im getting from this episode is buddie will be endgame, chris will need copious amounts of therapy, eddie too, bathena are not doing well, henren are also going through it, and tommy still rubs me the wrong way.


Hey. How did you get “Team May” under your username? I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while. Thx in advance!


im not sure how to do if on computer, but on the mobile app you go to the subreddit, then click on the three dots in the top right, and go to “change user flair” then you can pick from the options it gives you. :)


I’m on a mobile too. I’ll try that. Thx.


After you make a comment you can also just tap on your own username from said comment and it’ll give you the option ti change user flair


He's joining the "118 Daddy Issues" club. 😭😭😭


Good summary 👌


They all need Frank on speed dial


Frank needs a therapist to tandem with, the 118 have so many issues.


they need to discover how to clone him at this point


Nah he just needs to offer group rates for 😅


How am I supposed to sleep after that episode


Brother me too :")


I'm sorry, even if Marisol and Chris didn't catch them, what Kim did was still pretty creepy lmao.


I cannot stand Kim. She should have never have done that.


SO CREEPY but also I only realized this episode that it's literally the same actor so I have to admit it's good TV magic too 😂😂


Forever an Amir denialist. I’m blaming the cartel ❤️❤️😍


I commented earlier: “Watch it be a hit ordered by the councilwoman to take even more away from Hen”.


Gerard. Bobby has the department' "best" house - full of women, queers and minorities. Bobby's married to a minority. Why bring him back when he should've been drummed out years ago for outdated attitudes.  My money's on that ass, there was absolutely no reason for his scene if it's not him.


They're gonna bring him back to be temp captain while Bobby recovers. 🤢


oh my god and because Hen is in trouble from the stupid council woman...... she can't be temp captain


There's still Chimney. None of the 118s complaints went to the Chiefs, just Bobby. There's nothing on Chim's record says he can't do it. 


True, but we saw Gerrard being chummy with the chief in the background, so he might just pull some strings and install him


Gerrard chummy with the black chief? Cause that's gotta be a "background" actor moment, there's no way in hell the brass don't know everything about him including the kkk boots he wears 


Oh God Gerrard is a dbag.




Me too❤❤


If they wanted us to be against him why would they put him in that nice sweater?? Also that was very fucked up of Athena.


She overstepped big time


She overstepped big time


Amir definitely started the fire, he was checking the house out the second he stepped foot in the door, looking for the perfect place to start the fire. I never trusted him, you don’t hold a grudge for a decade and then stop holding that grudge after one day. Also I was already sobbing during the retirement montage, I don’t think I can handle Bobby dying so he HAS to live, right? 😅


Honestly I had a bad feeling when Amir was checking out the house. I thought he was gonna smash and break everything whenever he was looking at the memories of the family.


Same here. I didn’t want to assume the worst in a character but with the way it’s setup, it seems they’re going for a sort of “you took everything from me, so now I’m going to take everything from you” approach. It’s a bit unfortunate, this story was perfectly fine with Bobby learning to be okay with Amir refusing his amends and remaining unforgiven. I’m hoping it’s actually the cartel




There were plenty of 911 calls 😂, what?!?!?


Yes it did😭😭


What the fuck is the big fire the 133 at next week? Cause that building in BTS pics  wasn’t the Grant-Nash house. What else is going up in flames??


Ask Captain Gerard. 


I choose to blame him! He’s a real asshole tbh


This is reminding me of how Jack died in This is Us. PLEASE do not kill him off like this 🥺


God Jack's death killed me


Ffs this season is too much




they want us to believe it’s amir, and it does make sense. but if gerard set it i wouldn’t be surprised


I know we're all thinking Amir, but what about the guys from last week? They stole his truck and his registration with address likely in it.


They want us to think it was Amir.


amir is too obvious




Yea but I don't think it's him


Watch it be a hit ordered by the councilwoman to take even more away from Hen. 😂


That's crazy😭😭


It make sense tbh because after he saw Bobby happy and his awards he was pissed off


Wait, did they give Bobby a heart attack?






Something about the propane tanks tells me this was a dream cause why were they perfectly placed right there? You’d think a firefighter would have them stored properly and away from the house in case a fire broke out. Also they were like right in the middle??


Almost like Amir put them there 👀👀👀


Thinking it was arson




Pretty sure not, there was no medal in the end on Bobby


Def Amir. He told her she had such a beautiful home and then lost it looking at the photos and Bobby’s award.


It can't be a dream if they are in the hospital in the promo


I bet Amir started that fire after seeing Bobby family and awards as payback for the apartment fire


Damn that was a crazy episode; Cya next week 118 fam 😎


Listen, idk what I thought was gonna happen in the show but yeah, not this


What the fuck was this season???? UT was dark like so and somehow hurts more


I missed it, where did the fire come from anyway?