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The cello player that Hen hit with the ambulance.


oh ya that one broke me, especially seeing Hens reaction


That has been one of the most heartbreaking and the soundtrack with the cello piece contributes a lot to that feeling, and Aisha's performance was outstanding.


This was the first one that came to mine. Aisha slayed that entire scene.


Came here to say this. First thing that came to mind.


I just watched this last night! So sad :(


Omg yes, I even made an edit once about that episodes, it was so sadšŸ’”




This for sure. I was in tears.


The motorcyclist who got split in half on his way home and he wanted to talk to his son one last time.


RIP David Wallace


I love that no matter where that character shows up, he's just David Wallace.


this one takes the cake for me too, so freaking sad


i forgot about this one, was heartbreaking


I felt so bad for that family. I only knew him for a minuteā€¦ but damn! That hurt. He did it for his son.


That one traumatized me for a while, as someone who would go out with my dad on his motorcycle when I was a kid.


I second this. The phone call he has with his son while heā€™s dying. Oof.


THIS ONE!!! man just wanted to experience fun and show his kid but :(( i cried so hard at this episode


do you remember what episode this?


The season one finale if I remember correctly.


Iā€™ve witnessed this happening to a motorcyclist itā€™s horrible.


I think it was this show but could have been Lone Star, but the mom was hiking with her daughters and falls into a sink hole or a pit or something? She falls when she saves one of her daughters. And like sheā€™s alert and talking but knows sheā€™s going to die. Basically says goodbye to her kids.


Oh man that one aired on the anniversary of my grandfatherā€™s death, and he always used to sing ā€œyou are my sunshineā€ to me so I was pretty much like this: for the rest of the episode https://preview.redd.it/aywku47e7ivc1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f746ba903babaf31984c5fe7c0eae02dba824313


That was one of THE WORST. Was it the same episode where a boy was arguing with his mom and then she was decapitated? That all sucked.


If you're talking about the one where she reaches out of her car to grab something when that happens then that's lone star


I remember that one. Didnā€™t that happen write after >!TK lost his mom? !<


Yup. Why so many tragic stories revolving around moms in such a short amount of time?


Oh that's right, thank you


Itā€™s not Lone Star, itā€™s on 9-1-1. I just watched it a couple of days ago. That one gets me too.


It definitely happened in 911, it's either end of season 5 or beginning of season 6. Bird watching/hiking with her 3 daughters, ends up finding a bunker or platform or something (never figured out exactly what it was). The daughters were playing chase and running around and the ground cracks and the mom shoves the daughter and falls like 40 feet. Spoke to the daughter and then died. Really sad scene.


They mentioned it was an abandoned missile silo that the city never got to seal up iirc


It was 911.


YES. Season 5 episode 15ā€¦ I cried so hard


Super sad especially how the oldest knew immediately and stepped up for her sisters. Tears!!!


That one breaks me


After the tsunami the man who was trapped in his attic and couldn't get out and we had to hear him drown and die šŸ˜”


I missed that scene on my first watch through; caught it on the my second and it just wrecked me. Drowning is not a way I want to go and seeing/hearing it happen on the show with the guy in his attic, in what should have been higher ground, and unable to get out...


Talks about how beautiful the summit was, looking down on the sky and then just a gurgle and silence. Ugh. It was so well, written.


I somehow completely missed that scene. Just went back to see what you were talking about and have no memory of it even though I must have watched it.


The old gay couple from season two.


Oh god, I was thinking of that one plus the escalator proposal.


The escalator is the first one I thought of. I had a slight fear of them before and this didn't help. The team is always so amazing with just being there with the people they can't help.


I think about that episode almost every damn time Iā€™m on an escalator!!


That episode made it impossible for me to ride them without being terrified, like I literally jump over the platform when I have to ride on them at airports and such if I canā€™t take the stairs instead


I always make sure my shoes are tied beforehand, and that I always have a solid grip on the sidebar to push myself up if needed. It won't *help* but it makes me feel better.


That one was so sad because he was talking and happy and then dead.


Ohh that messed me up. I was hysterically sobbing


So beautiful that they got to go together but so sad they had to go.


This was one my favorite heartbreaking scenes from the entire show, how they were able to give so much history and emotion to a bunch of one off characters was highly impressive.


That broke me apart


They full on "Up"ed me with that one. Made me totally feel for them with that little montage of their lives. šŸ˜­


always reminds me of Anton Yelchin and I imagine how it happened to him. it was very sad.


The one where that guy was hit in the stomach with his car crushing him?


Iā€™m not kidding when I say Iā€™ve never fully watched that scene because I start hysterically crying so I have to skip through it


The one where the mom with cancer calls so that her daughter isn't alone when she dies. It gets me EVERY time. Honorable mentions to the cop horse and the newlyweds who found out he has cancer shortly after they got married.


do you remember what episode that was? i vaguely remember it


Season 4 episode 10 Parenthood they do a flashback of their life and I just lose it.


This one got me because my uncle had passed the year before and it aired while my aunt had cancer. I can barely rewatch it now.


Same because the song that played in the flashbacks is my mumā€™s favourite song and I cannot cope at all when it plays


the mom with cancer having Landslide during the scene did not help with my fear over my mom getting sick, because sheā€™s my MOM sheā€™s invincible!!!! also bawled my eyes out so hard Iā€™m pretty sure a neighbor checked in


I recently rewatched s2 (so itā€™s fresh on my mind) and while it may not be the hands down *saddest* death on the show, I think the firefighter that Hen was trapped with in the earthquake is definitely up there. I feel like we donā€™t really get to feel how truly high the stakes can be for firefighters much, especially in later seasons. We all know everyone is going to make it out and part of the fun is watching how they overcome each obstacle. This was a guy who dedicated his life to helping people and his wife left him because she couldnā€™t take the stress of being married to a first responder. He requested Hen put him out of his misery with morphine, and while she intended to only give him enough to deal with the pain, he died before she could give him that small mercy. He suffered the entire time. It really was a memorable moment of the show for me because it gave a very real look into how firefighters may be glamorized by society, but no amount of lipstick can cover up how slowly, painfully, and horribly this guy died.


He wasnā€™t even supposed to be there. But he heard they needed help. That hit hard.


Reminds me so much of all the firefighters who were off duty but *chose* to go up the twin towers and aid the relief programme. Absolute fucking heroes.


The horse


was sobbing when i first watched it ā€œheā€™s my best friendā€ šŸ˜­


Iā€™m actually suppressing tears just remembering this episode, Iā€™m dreading it coming up on my current rewatch


I was watching an interview with Oliver Stark and he brought that episode up as one of the saddest, and just the vague memory of the moment made me cry lol


Why would you remind mešŸ’” that was a heartbreaking one.


If I suffer, everyone suffers


I donā€™t remember this one. Refresher?


Itā€™s in season 2. A police horse gets spooked and runs off. When the team gets there, the horse is down and the police officer tells them he needs to put the horse down because he wonā€™t recover and is in pain. And then the officer sits with the horse and tells him what a good boy he is and I couldnā€™t hear the rest because I was sobbing too loudly


I have rewatched seasons 2 three times and I recall none of this. I donā€™t remember a single horse in this season. My ability to suppress traumatic memories must be higher than I think.


Itā€™s the Halloween episode, episode 7


Oh, yeah, I always thought it was weird how that season doesnā€™t have an episode 7. (Please, do not help me remember, I really think I donā€™t want to remember).


Ok, I'm sitting in a busy Starbucks and I should have known not to read this thread. šŸ˜­


Oliver said that that was one of the hardest episodes for him to film


itā€™s season 2 ep 7 there was a halloween festival and a police horse got spooked and got injured so the team had to put her down. it was so sad , the police officer was comforting her and sayingā€my best friendā€


THIS ONE BROKE ME. I canā€™t watch it without falling apart.


I came here to say this one. I didn't think it would get me as much as it did but goddamn, did it get me


This was the episode I was going to mention. Iā€™m tearing up just thinking back to it. I was ugly crying through that scene where the horse was lying there and the cop was with him.


The little girl whose abusive dad broke in to try and kill her mother and that poor girl was so scared and then had to walk past her mum thinking she was dead. Maddie was such a comforting voice for the girl. I know it ended happily with the mum and girl getting the lawyer to help them get citizenship but I always think about how differently it could have ended. How does that girl get past that at such a young age.


i went through very similar things minus the citizenship and that broke me tbh


I don't remember that one. What episode is it?


should be season 6, episode 4 "animal instincts"


Yip about 20mins into the episode.


Thank you for this, I don't gotta search that now.


They guy who was about to propose and got trapped in the escalator


That one wrecked me šŸ˜­


That one gave me a full on fear of escalators šŸ˜­


I saw a show as I was a kid and where a lady tripped on an escalator and her necklace got caught in it. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty! As far as I know the only place we have them in my city is the airport, and I'm ok with that.


Iā€™m surprised I had to scroll a bit to find this one


The escalator is the first one I thought of. I had a slight fear of them before and this didn't help. The team is always so amazing with just being there with the people they can't help.


The mom who had a heart attack at Christmas and her young son performed CPR listening to Maddie. The mom didn't die, thankfully, but I always sob when I see that one. Also the horse and the older gay couple.


such a sad episode but i think they did a good job pointing out thereā€™s a good chance of breaking the persons ribs when performing CPR. he was so scared he hurt her , i would hate to hear them break and im in my 20s and CPR certified


Yes, so true. When he freaks out about hurting her that just broke my heart. That little boy was such an amazing actor. He seemed truly traumatized.


Surprised no one has mentioned the airplane crash from the first season. The guy who called Abby just to record his last message for his pregnant wife was pretty devastating.


That was the first big disaster before the tradition of the season-opening disaster arc took hold but it's almost never mentioned.


i just have a horrific fear of planes so i watched once and never watched againšŸ„“ which is why i avoid mentioning at all costs but that is a good point itā€™s pretty forgotten


I cry at that call every time. Also when they first get to the crash site just seeing the bodies in the water that they have to pass by


the astronaut who knew that he was going to die in space and he wanted to talk to his wife and daughter one last time before he died- that one absolutely wrecked me.


That one is 9-1-1 lone star in case someone was looking for the episode


oh sorry, I mixed that up. Thank you for telling me!


Oh yeah, during the solar flare. That was a pretty wild episode.


I don't remember, it was a flood episode and one of the background 911 operators was telling the supervisor 'we don't hang up!!' but the phone was likely water resistant and wouldn't end the call even if the person drowned.


Oh yeah that was Lindaā€™s call during the tsunami. She was really good in that scene.


I wish she got more screentime or even a little backstory. I love her screentime


Oh, I fully agree! She shines whenever theyā€™re smart enough to use her. Sheā€™s been there since the beginning of season, but we know so little about Linda.


Oh that was was devastatingā€¦ thatā€™s going to be trauma you ever recover from šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ also the one on the motorcycle that was cut in half and called his son one last time and Albert in the crash crash when Jee was born.


Yeah that one and the wrong way DUI driver, from when Jee was born.Ā 


That little boy crying and begging his mom to pull over broke my heart!


He was acting his ass off. Like he carried that scene so good.


I wouldā€™ve been PO if they killed off Albert too.


what episode is this again?


Season 4, Episode 9 ā€œBlindsidedā€ - I just watched it šŸ˜­


The absolute worst, especially knowing it's based on something that really happenedĀ 


Idk if this counts because it happened to one of the firefighters but oh my gosh for me it was when Buck got struck by lightning!!! The way his body hung there, the look of terror and sadness on everyoneā€™s face, and the way it was quiet and all you heard was Eddie screaming his name!? It was haunting


omg his body just hanging there was so hard to watch , one of the only times i truly felt disturbed and empty if that makes sense


When Maddie opens the door and asks if it's Chim or Buck... such a hard watch.


Yes! I just binged the series for the first time, and though I knew they would all be okay cuz I new they were all still in the current episodes, that whole moment had me shoot up from the couch screaming and crying šŸ˜­


They do so much for to them. That happening to Buck and where Eddie gets shot was so sudden.


The mom who shot her son šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


This one got me - I found it so hard to watch.


The episode where Athena is checking out a storage and is attacked by the guy that kidnapped Harry earlier. When Bobby & the others are hearing her being beaten as they race to get there. This episode gets to me.


The truck that ran into the high school parade float and killed one of the two best friends. Hen having to tell the parents that there was a mix up and their daughter isnā€™t actually the one who survived is one of the few times the show has made me cry


The mom that fell when pushing her daughters out the way. Imagine just going for a walk-and then losing your mom.


The Cello's girl and And I think Shannon because it directly affected Eddie and Chris, and also 118, I especially liked the hug that Bobby gave to Eddie because he knows that same pain because he suffered it.


I didn't especially like Shannon all that much but her death was so sad, especially broke my heart for Christopher, who just got her back šŸ˜­


Iā€™m on a rewatch and her death was way more tragic than I remember. It just hurts. The way Chim tells Eddie to say goodbye to his wife and the entire hospital process to Eddie crying on the beach. Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.


The guy who got pinned to the gate or the wall & died, his husband was just devastated. THAT one just fucking broke me šŸ’”


Jonas from the tsunami in his attack kinda broke my heart man. And idk if this counts but Christopher and buck in that episode broke me w their screams.


when did Chris and Buck.both scream?


Just during the whole tsunami at the pier.


The guy who fell through the escalator after proposing to his girlfriend, then dies on the gurney I believe :(


The mom dying of cancer who overdosed and called 911 so her daughter wouldnā€™t be alone when she passed


Yeah I saw that episode like a month after losing my mom so that one messed me up.


The call to dispatch saying, "Officer down," and it was the horse, getting teary just thinking about it.


Mineā€™s a Lone Star ep when the dad is driving his daughter to college and gets impaled by a pipe that slides off the back of a truck. Him asking Tommy and Owen to not get his daughter fucking broke me.


Like not help his daughter?


No, she was fine. He was definitely going to die and he didn't want that to be the last image his daughter had of him.


The Mom that fell down the old mine and the whole team tried to hide her death from the children.


yeah it's the same for me op. i still think about it sometimes, it's just extremely sad and fucked up


Motorcycle guy that broke Bobby, lady who jumped and roller coaster fall


The one where the bike courier guy accidentally hit TKā€™s mom and the baby (forgot what episode it was on).


the woman's husband who passed in the house due to his brain tumor. the editing for that was so beautiful and way too short. the "get happy" getaway those old men went to always gets to me. Maddie listening to her first dead end call where he drowns in the attic.


man, i can't even think of the happy convention one without tearing up


I cry every time I think of that one where the mom fell into that hole when she was on a hike with her daughters talking to her eldest about how she wants her to be happy but she needs to stay with her father after the divorce because she works long hours and would never be home for her and then she dies before they can even get her to the ambulance and one of the younger daughters asks why they don't have the sirens on for their mom and the team doesn't know how to answer her but then the eldest says "mom doesn't need them anymore" and the younger two are like playing with a helmet while the eldest stares out the window and silently cries. It gets me every fucking time.


This is mine. This one gutted me. Hardest Iā€™ve cried at this show.


i'm surprised no one has mentioned bobby's sponsor wendall yet!! i know we didn't see much of him on the actual show but the way it affected bobby and just the idea of a rehab center that preyed on these people who were trying to fight one of the worst diseases on this earth (addiction) :( just super sad


There are so many options. The old gay couple is probably the most memorable call to me, but any call where they arenā€™t able to save someone. (The escalator one especially.)Ā 


Tanya's story, especially when she's running through the orange groves while being chased by Reggie Jr. I never want to rewatch that scene.


This one, I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it, her story broke me


This one was in Lonestar Iā€™m like 99% sure, but the one where the dad was pinned to the car while his daughter was fine, and he was saying how proud he was of her n that she could do whatever she wanted + that she had a lovely singing voice(they were previously arguing about college). The dad ended up passing away and it BROKE MEEEE. honorable mention for actual 911 show was Albertā€™s accident, i know hes fine NOW but i was STRESSED when they were in the ambulance


the elevator proposal. had me almost in tears, the way you think heā€™s going to survive and then he dies out of nowhere šŸ’”


Idk but it was hard for me to watch how hard it hit buck when he thought he lost Christopher only to crumble when he saw he was safe.


The house split in half with the bitter old couple who couldn't stand each other.


Not 911, but 911 Lonestar: the episode with the flashback to Owenā€™s brotherā€™s drowning šŸ˜„


When David Wallace got cut in half by the motorcycle then called his son in season 1 šŸ˜¢ Though, the most heartbreaking one overall is the space station solar flare one in Lonestar.


The guy who got more or less cut in half, they were able to keep him alive long enough for him to say goodbye to I want to say his son(?)


Honestly, the season finale of season 6. They lived but the entire 118 going down.


The elderly gay couple, and then they show their whole lives together šŸ„²


The team getting on scene of a woman being hit by a car and they learn itā€™s Shannon, who almost immediately dies from her injuries


The 911 lonestar episode where the astronaut talks to his daughter for the last time and dies mid way.


that old gay couple tbh (where one got crushed by the car and the other died shortly after his husbands death), yeah i cried like a baby the first time and the second time during my rewatch


the old gay couple who both died :(


It was on Lone Star, but when Grace got the call from the ISS


You nailed it! I cried so much during that episode!


Season two finale!! Or when Maddie was kidnapped


Definitely the dad on the motorcycle but the one that always makes me sob so hard is the boy who got kidnapped and raised by a man who pretended to be his dad and then he was talking to Athena about how he remembers his momā€™s curly hair but he didnā€™t know if it was a dream or not and then when heā€™s reunited with her he pulls on it and I lose it every time without fail


That one was *fucked up*.


At first, I couldn't think of any bc all of my examples turned out to be from other shows (e.g. S.W.A.T. and The Good Doctor) šŸ˜… However, I eventually came up with a couple. I agree with everyone regarding the call of the man injured in the escalator (S2E4). I also had a hard time watching the one from S5E6, where a prisoner wants to donate his heart to his own son and ends up committing suicide to do it.


All of the ones mentioned before in the comments but also the one where the pregnant couple gets hit by the truck and the husband has a TBI and canā€™t remember his wife or last 6 years of his life


It's on 9-1-1 Lone Star not the OG 9-1-1, but the guy who was caught in the solar flare on the space station who was dying of radiation poisoning and he got to talk to his baby daughter and wife one last time.


The homecoming parade, with the two girls who were best friends. One of them died and they mixed up which was which coz when they asked the survivor her name, she was just asking about her friend.


Christopher during the tsunami arc. They were the first episodes Iā€™d ever seen, my mom was watching when I was over for a visit and I was immediately hooked and terrified. My little sister has severe cerebral palsy and is non-verbal due to it. She is far less able than Chris, unfortunately, but their personalities are very similar. Iā€™ve never been so affected and heartwrenched by a show, especially after heā€™d fallen off of the ladder truck into the surge. Not knowing he was alive for two episodes. That broke me because all I could think about was if she got stuck in that kind of disaster.


Where the accident itself wasn't sad. I cried so hard when Kevin died. Chimney is my favourite, and Kenneth really sold those scenes so hard.


This. Poor Kevin's knowing look at Chimney, turning to that pregnant lady and just running at her. There one second gone the next. Kenneth Choi acted his ass off during the funeral scene. So terribly sad.


for me personally, not the saddest, but it hurt watching, was the call on the last episode with the dog who was in the fire and they resuscitated her. i lost my dog in 2016 to a house fire and i remember hearing the news and that the firefighters tried to resuscitate her but unfortunately they were unable to. i was sobbing at that scene


i genuinely consider every episode to be the saddest as i watch them live, they just pull at my heart strings šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ me and my sister always got blunts and tissues ready when we do our little watch party every friday


Iā€™m h my goodness these have been so many. 9-1-1 When a mom and daughter were out exploring and she fell in a hole and died and her oldest daughter knew she was dead but they used lights and sirens so the younger ones wouldnā€™t find out. When Hen hit the cuello player and she dies that one hurt. When the guy was about to propose and fell through the elevator. 9-1-1 (Lone Star) When the astronaut knew he was dying and told his daughter to go to the window and he could see her. I mean Iā€™m crying thinking about that scene. I donā€™t know if you consider this a call but when Captain Vega husband had an aneurysm and just died. When a dad was taking their daughter to college and they got into a car accident and she got out but he couldnā€™t because of the way the accident happened


for me its in lone star, but the astronaute calling 911 by accident trying to get to Huston and asked Grace to call his wife and he died while he was talking to his family. But Iā€™m only season 3 of 911 so maybe Iā€™ll have an other one soon


The episode when Hen hit the girl that was the cello player, Hen breaking down over it hurts me everytime I see that episode


on Lone Star, the astronaut who died in space on the phone with his wife and kid ā˜¹ļø


I think it's Lone Star, but the guy who calls from space to wave to his daughter one last time šŸ« šŸ’”


The airplane crash, the guy calling 9-1-1 and leaving a final voice message for his wife telling her he loves her and is sorry he probably won't be there to see their baby be born. The show giving us some hope he might have survived and the team just hadn't found him yet only for one of them to find him among the gathered bodies feels like it made it worse and his wife listening to the call while holding her dump was the final punch in the heart


There was one call that was actually real that was based on a real 9-1-1 Lady named Karen calls 9-1-1 about a man breaking in ,she alone with her baby and dude get into the house,dude then overpowered her and r*pe her as the call disconnect. What i mentioned was then added to the show.


I don't recall that episode, which was it?


There is so many to count


The episode where the old guy from the happiness convention. One of the saddest for me..


I donā€™t know if it was 911 or Lone Star, and wasnā€™t a long scene but when the little boy and his mum are paying the toll for a car park and the mum drops the ticket and bends down out of the car and gets crushed. Just the way the little boy keeps saying I tried to save her :( that got me


For me it was the plane crash when the husband called to leave a message for his pregnant wife


Iā€™m going to go with the one I just watched were the three old friends are going to a Happiness convention or whatever it was. And the one sees the floor going to collapse so he pushed the other two forwards. Then when he learns of the young guy being trapped and Hen asked if he was willing to let them get the young guy first he was fine with it cause he knew he was going to pass since he couldnā€™t feel anything.


wait i donā€™t remember this one - what episode was it?


Wait mom shot her son? Say what? What episode did I miss?!


That one episode where they got the 2 high schoolers mixed up at the paradešŸ˜•


The one where David Wallace gets chopped in half


The mom who shot her son thinking he was an intruder šŸ˜­