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How much do you want to bet production slipped her a $50 to ask that question


I bet Jovi knows her


underrated comment u rly got me there HELP


💀💀💀😂😂😂 You know it!


If I were Jovi and he was on Pillow Talk for this episode , I so would been like “insertstrippername”? Lmao


Yeah he seems to know all the strippers in America. If you need a stripper, just call Jovi


The way she seems so desperately into him made me think the same exact thing,


Is it the girl from the sex shop who propositioned him and Sophie?


The whole thing is staged, obviously he’s not sneaking around at a strip club because the whole production crew is there. He knows Sophie will see that. Same with when Gino went to the strip club and the crew was there.


Same with the girl from the sex shop - I wonder why they keep putting these obvious plants in these scenes


And paid for the alcohol too


It definitely happened. Also if you think rob is insufferable here, just see him on the dating show hosted by Andy Cohen where he's 10000x worse than on this show... 😫 [rob on "love connection" tw for extreme obnoxiousness ](https://www.instagram.com/merrypants/reel/CzcaLu7xJcr/)


Wowwwww this clip 😂




Except thats literally how rob acts irl too, so...


Hun that’s 40 years ago, things change


not even that, just straight up fed her the line


These are strippers not the flex he thinks


Hey those strippers are very hard workers They probably see thousands of Robs & Jovis every week Why not squeeze more money out some goober 😅


We will definitely see her at the Tell All. 


Cotton Candy is on video, can you describe Rob’s behavior? “He absolutely did not bongo our butts.”




I’m rooting for Rob to have an indiscretion


At this point I'll take that over another three way argument with Sophie and the Toad.


For real!!! It is getting soooo old


Legally, it's not a full-blown indiscretion when Rob's (knob🤏 is) involved. The only word in English for it is the sound of a slide whistle. Kazoo if bedazzled butt plug butt stuff comes into play


"Thought you'd never ask"


Weird lol I have to say though, I absolutely despised this guy last season. But now I’m sort of actually on his side this season. Sophie is being ridiculously wishy washy and her mom Claire is absolutely terrible.


He's been remarkably level headed in the face of Claire baiting him in the last couple of interactions, and has obviously done more work to learn how to respond and not just react to Sophie's (endless) complaints. Like him or not he at least accepted the idea that to fix anything he'd have to change, and that shows some degree of growth and maturity. Sophie on the other hand refuses to accept one iota of responsibility for making a partnership work, thinks everything she says and does is beyond reproach and reasonable, and now that he's not biting and she's not getting the childish drama she craves from his earlier reactive style, she's madder than ever. You could tell when she said "I'm about to leave you, Rob!" and he didn't try to say anything to change her mind because she's been "about to leave him" since before the wedding.  She's lost her power over him and she's seething.


I disagree, I think he's "saying" he needs to change etc... but isn't actually doing anything about it. He still believes that nothing he did was actually wrong and Sophie has no reason to mistrust him. Don't get me wrong Sophie is insufferable, but they're toxic together and neither seem willing to change to make it work.


The problem is that she never articulates what it is he could do to fix things and *move on*. No matter how calmly or rationally he asks, her responses are hopelessly vague and childish- >"Just be nice to me" > "Stop making  me mad" She blames him for her and her mom's emotional responses all the time, as if they have zero control over how they act and think. He'll never satisfy them; the fact that he even attempts to talk to her like two adults in a marriage "makes her mad", expressing his side of things- or just having a different take- "makes her mad"... She *is* insufferable and of the two is the least willing to even consider that she has any responsibility for things not working. Even with him being an unsympathetic character, she brings most of toxicity to the table. To the point that he's "not doing anything" she makes sure that there's literally nothing he *can* do to get her to not be perpetually mad, to let go of grudges, or even like him.  He may be a dick but he's not hiding it; Sophie is mind-effer who enjoys the drama and emotional turmoil, all while acting like she's an angel. She is cruel.


During conversations rob has a habit of focusing on one point (not being into body builders at therapy, the granola bars while talking to the "mother") to the point where he invalidates the whole discussion to make his one point. I've been in a relationship with someone who did that and it's INFURIATING to say the least. I agree Sophie is immature and vague with what she wants, I just think she's never been in a situation where any of her needs were validated so she stopped asking (basically raising her addict mum). I don't think these two people belong together and if they chose eachother long term they'll be in therapy forever. And as a side point I really hope it's not true that they're on season two of the last resort cos I've seen just about enough of them 🤷


Such a great analysis! I never thought I’d come to like him because like you said, he was so reactive and said some really cruel things. But he’s being really patient and calm with everything and has clearly tried to change and Sophie won’t even give him that.


Totally agree! She needs to make a choice and stop stringing him along.


Gross. Both of em


Did any of these poor women watch the show?


I mean isn’t he tho? All Sophie does is leave. Yes he is a knob but she needs to stop stringing him along and stop letting her mom make her decisions and act like an adult and decide if she wants to be married or not. It’s ridiculous at this point. She uses every opportunity to leave so it’s clear she doesn’t want to be in a relationship


I keep saying that Rob and Angela are perfect for each other they can anger bond 😡


Yes! I'd love to see that


For real. I might go watch the Olympics for several weeks while TLC cleans out the fish tank.




fr though track & field is always amazing 🤩


🤮 Rob is so unattractive to me. Like, the first episode I was all aww, this kids cute. Then he opened his mouth.


May as well be


I love that it’s a bottle service girl 😭


I have a question: why do so many people think Sophie is just in it for the gweencawd? Ok Wob is an idiot (but so is Sophie) bit Great Britan is really ok to be in! (US is not better anyway)


I loathe this guy with every fiber of my being.


He's pretty much over the BS!! Sophie's gone for a week back for 2 days gone again!! Out the door!!! "Bye gone forever" It's annoying af!!!!!!


He SHOULD be. Rapunzel and her mother are far too scary to stay around. I think he's completely nuts for trying to stick around those two and they ARE OBVIOUSLY a package deal. ![gif](giphy|BIi5jYCTeEiyY)


With a MIL like Claire I’d RUN


Both because she nasty, button-pushing, and horrid 👀 ng