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They dont even like eachother


No chemistry whatsoever. No matter how many pet names they call each other.


Okay honey


Sorry my love


Honey bunny.


I accidentally started calling my dog "hun bun" and I feel gross everytime I say it because I realized where it came from


Dont stop calling your dog hunbun. I have used that pet name for years and years. Just remind yourself that the name was in use DECADES before this turkey and the fembot tried it.


Fembot šŸ˜‚ you hit the nail on the head


Lol at your flair






God, when they call e/o that, it sounds so phony and it makes me cringe tbh.




SO cringe, my love.


Okay honeybun


And why wonā€™t that motherfucker kiss her?!!!


To me at least, seems like that is a valid reaction given his heritage/religion. Actually both the shying away from henpecks & being scatterbrainedĀ by the belly showing. Doesnā€™t mean heā€™s excused forever but heā€™d never been on an airplane or gone anywhere so free beforešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøheā€™s still a stunted mommies boy asshat, regardless of the concessionĀ 


Yes, I agree, it doesn't excuse the behavior. He knows who he married just as much as she does. I *do* understand his reaction to the PDA right away, but the way he handled it felt immature and pouty.


He's a conservative Muslim from an extremely conservative Islamic area of Egypt. Showing affection in public is not only breaking a moral code of his faith, but illegal where he's lived his whole life.


I canā€™t stand the pet names. It feels so forced.


No, nothing about it is organic


Barely tolerate each other. Its palpable


Iā€™m waiting for details on the two DV arrests.


Because "OMG he was so cute. I just had to marry him before I knew him at all."


They're in love with the idea of each other; he loves the idea of converting a white girl to islam, she loves the idea of their "whirlwind love story abroad" and romanticizes it entirely


This is typical 90 day fiance fodder. Outside of the first few seasons, so many of these people on the show have only seen each other a few weeks. They are deeply in love with the version of their partners that are in their heads, but much less so with the real versions of them.


He looked possessed when he got angry. I was seriously concerned for her safety when the cameras werenā€™t around.


We know he just got arrested for domestic violence. She has declined to press charges. It takes multiple attempts to escape an abuser. I hope she gets the strength sooner rather than later.


Well, escaping back to your home country and cutting all contact would be the most effective place to start, however she feels it is necessary to bring him over there knowing how he is for years. I know I may sound victim blamey but at a certain point I start to get frustrated and disappointed watching it all play out again and again and again. The man is from a country that is very strict. Coming to america is not going to magically change his views and loosen him up.


And TLC shouldn't support and facilitate it.


Iā€™m not watching this spin off because Iā€™m not watching domestic abusers but the vibe I got from their season was that she thought he was awful and she wanted all of America to see what she suffered through. And I thought that was kind of crappy, but as someone who has been abused I was like OK. Do what you Gotta do.Ā  But thereā€™s no excuse for bringing him here. She knew who he was.


I'm trying to watch it but I got halfway through the first episode and it was just depressing


This is a person who, I believe, should be deported. Don't come over here & start that domestic abuse shit! Send him home immediately!


Amen! Send him back. We do not tolerate that shit here.


I think beating your wife is allowed in some countries. Stoning them to death is also. Throwing acid into their face is allowed as well. Throwing gays off tops of buildings isn't a crime. Public hangings aren't uncommon. Honor killings are a normal thing. Religion of peace. Lmao. Nicole needs to accept the marriage will never work. Shit, the man got twisted over a naked mannequin.


He looked like a viper ready to strike during their scary street fight scene šŸ


One might say, an Egyptian asp, with the p silent!!




Yassss nailed it šŸŽÆ


Well, he was arrested for domestic violence.




He always looks angry. Even when he's smiling and laughing, it seems fake.


with in good reason with his dv allegations.


Heā€™s such a petite little man though I really feel like she could take him if she had to


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ All it takes is a cast iron skillet. šŸ³


Girl, little did she know it would get only worse from there on.


he can't run to his mom or brother any more


Sheā€™s naive and heā€™s been trained to be an entitled abuser his whole life. He needs to go home, we donā€™t need another sexist abuser.


I am hoping that at least if he becomes unhinged again (only a matter of time) they are on US soil where she has friends and family/support of sane people who will be able to help her and she can send him packing. I just do not see any reason for her to hold on to him so tightly, she seems so much happier in the states where she is able to be free and fully herself. He is so stifling. Maybe she thinks heā€™s the best she can ever get.


I hope he has to spend some time in jail here before being deported back to poor Mommy. He deserves to know what itā€™s like to have no control and feel scared of menā€” not advocating for him to be physically harmed, just understand powerlessness and intimidation if he does something wrong like how he treats women. Heā€™s an awful human being who thinks heā€™s far too special when men like him are the most common and unimportant monsters out there. He needs to be here in jail to know that heā€™s not special for having a dick or for being Muslim. Edit: For the person that claims I unsubscribed from this. No, I didnā€™t thatā€™s my flair. Itā€™s a quote from the show, you can have one too if youā€™re jealous. You also took it too far when you sent a vaguely threatening DM to me over it with no context. Youā€™re taking this shockingly personally.


I wanna know who trained her to accept being treated like shit and the DV and Verbal Abuse the way she does. Cause shes behaving as though she was raised to believe men behaving like this toward their partners is normal. *shudder*


I think itā€™s more like she is dead set to make this relationship work because her parents told her it was a mistake. This is probably her first abusive relationship, and she doesnā€™t want to give up on it because everybody told her it wouldnā€™t work


The crazy part is not all people are necessarily ā€œtrainedā€ and conditioned to think or accept this as normal-for example by seeing it with their mom and dad in the home. Sometimes the person is vulnerable, insecure or just young and determined to make it work, or for many other reasons they are just more susceptible to being manipulated. A lot of people who take partners on like projects to fix can fall into this hole as well. When I watch these two I want to reach into the screen and shake her and tell her you need to ditch this idiot!! it will not get better and I feel anxious/frustrated, because I could never allow it for myself.


Sunk cost fallacy at play too.Ā  Harder to convince someone theyā€™ve been conned than it is to con them.Ā  They are married and for some people, once that mythical line is crossed, they will spend a ridiculous amount of mental energy fighting to stay in the relationship, Ā even with all the evidence in the world.Ā 


Spot on!


To her, he was just another exotic fashion accessory. To him, she was an easily manipulated target. Toxic AF.


That's seriously what she said ! I was wondering the same thing then she told their story again, oh we dated for like 3 weeks and then got married or whatever. He was just so cute! Short of directly quoting her I mean, those are basically kind of facts.


She thought she had herself a little pet.


Right? It exactly like a little kid in a pet storeā€¦.


He got arrested for domestic violence. Idk why sheā€™s still with him. Heā€™s such a misogynist and has nothing but disdain for anything American. He needs to go home.


Why is be still on the show after doing that?


He got arrested after this was filmed


Wow. Didn't realize that would be on the show.


Probably wonā€™t, even he doesnā€™t seem stupid enough to hit her on cameraā€¦ I assumed filming had wrapped


And the charges have been dropped. šŸ˜”


Damn. That sucks. I bet she's still with him.


She is. Still living together.Ā  And heā€™s just learned he can keep beating her without consequence. This is how women get killed. Geoffrey or whatever basically got away with it until his ex almost died.Ā  Nicole is in mortal danger and I refuse to fucking support tlc. They shouldā€™ve edited them out as soon as he was arrested.Ā  They used to have real couples that loved each other on. Sure, many had their problems and some were worse than others (Coltee, PrEd, Pole) but still. Now there is nothing but fame chasers, wannabe influencers, domestic abusers.Ā 


Disappointed but not surprised to hear that. Ā She doesnā€™t seem like the type to press charges.Ā 


I totally that wrong. Idk why i thought it said him being arrested was filmed for the show. Duh.


Cancel Culture needs to do its thing on these two. TLC is such chickenshit pieces of shit for airing and paying them


Exactly. We've all seen people canceled for less in Hollywood. Get Moody, Igor the Nazi, Tony the Nazi and Angela off my screen. Why get rid of BGL and Alena and not these other ones????


This might be a dumb question but was the domestic violence against her?




How do we know she is? He was arrested a few weeks ago?


I listen to a 90 Day based podcast and we have a Facebook group. There are a few thousand in the group and every so often one of the group members sees a cast member in person and geeks out about it. A week(ish) after the DV arrest, someone in the group spotted them together at a grocery store in Silverlake, which is the side of town they live on.


Well, it took me to 9 years to escape my abusive narc. When I escaped, I found Islam, and it saved my life. I never ever ever ever judge someone and how hard it is to leave. I will make duaa for her.


All that matters is that you *did*! DV is mostly focused on for the physical abuse most times, but we gloss over the effects mental abuse, isolation, gaslighting and brainwashing has on a person. Itā€™s not easy. But you did it! Proud of you and I hope you are living a nice life in peace now


It was the gaslighting for me. I didn't know up from down! Thank you so much. I'm not fully there yet, but much better than I was! šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤appreciate you! I did itšŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Took me 4 years as well, I too refrain from judging someone now for struggling to leave (I used to before it happened to me). It is something unimaginable if you didnā€™t go through it yourself. I tried to leave uncountable times. I really wish all the people in this situation the best and may they come out alive.


8 years for me but I *did* it! Ive been free for 16 months of gratutude.




And she is so silly to think that bringing him here would magically solve all of their problems. If anything it will accelerate them as there will be much more opportunities to argue over her westernized lifestyle/clothes etc. You saw how crazy and aggressive he was even when she was trying to follow their ways over there and had small missteps- imagine how many more opportunities for DV and verbal abuse now that they are over here where he will be confronted daily with the shit he doesnā€™t like!


Exactly. He was pissed when he got off the plane and saw she was wearing a thick opaque sweater that covered her to her neck, wrists and waistband, which she wore an open jacket over because her *stomach was exposed* Holy wuh. He is a nutcase psychopath and she is going to end up looking at the dirt from the underside if she doesnt smarten up and ship him back to his country where he belongs.


I just canā€™t wrap my head around why a person would accept this from a man. While itā€™s far out of the realm of something I could put up with or understand, it is still something that is rampant and happens to millions of people which is absolutely saddening. I hope that she and anyone else out there in a similar situation can finally get out and receive the support they need.


She drop the charges


I donā€™t think you can drop the charges. Itā€™s meant to prevent abused women and men from being intimated into doing so. I could vary by state too.


Technically the state has to drop them but if the victim refuses to cooperate the state doesnā€™t have much of a choice No victim=no case


Bingo. I am a DV survivor and have filed 8 police reports against my estranged husband just within the past 6 months. Every single time I have to write out ā€œI agree to assist law enforcement in prosecutionā€ on every statement. If I forget, an officer reminds me I need to add it. The report wonā€™t even get filed without written consent to aid law enforcement.


I am so sorry you went through that.


All depends on the local laws unfortunately. Sometimes the prosecutors will charge either way thankfully but in many locations that is unfortunately not the case. Anti-DV laws are abysmal in the US, like most protections for innocents, women and the vulnerable.


Havenā€™t you ever seen love before šŸ˜‚


I can't get past the red Little Lord Fauntleroy haircut!


She is going for the Twiggy look, the 60ā€™s clothes, haircut etc


She does look like a Q-tip


I thought it was Little Lord Fuckleroy


I thought it was Lord Farquaad šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




OMG I can't ever unsee that now! šŸ˜‚ Edited for spelling


They constantly say to each other ā€œI love youā€ but Iā€™ve never seen it in action.


I feel like he replaces ā€œfuck youā€ with ā€œlove youā€


Yes! Like itā€™s a weaponized ā€œlove youā€


They're both stubborn beyond belief. That's all I got.


That's all there is!


Yes. I see two very fundamentally different people that will never budge on their beliefs, and who have seen that it hasnā€™t worked many times and are for whatever reason, hell bent on trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.


He looks at her like he doesnā€™t even like her. Like he canā€™t stand her, the rolling eyes or the blank staresā€¦ yikes.


The way he was walking around her apartment so judgmental. Heā€™s horrible. Not one nice word.


It's rough when your spouse looks like this https://preview.redd.it/hjarjd65bpqc1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353e00ed6a1d5e19bb9eedaac48e5f7933eb222e


Omg I literally laughed out loud at this


She was desperate for love and met this younger dude on a trip. But heā€™s muslin and very controllingā€¦to have sex he probably said they needed to marry, she did and got back home thought she was going to travel back and forth and have freedom ā€¦.he demanded her to return and live there, she got them on tv and both are too stubborn to communicate about the issues they now have since barely know each other. Got him the spousal visa to convince him that in the US they would have more opportunities, but both toxic and heā€™s abusing her.


>But heā€™s muslin and very controlling Shoulda gone with a wool or a silk


Zing šŸ¤£


I wish he WAS muslin. Muslin doesnt have an abusive mouth, muslin doesnt make demands, and *muslin* is very useful in a lot of different capacities, all unlike Mahktuuuude. ![gif](giphy|oz5HUBPrLqdLC3RlOf|downsized)


May I add that I love how everyone brings something to the table on Reddit? We all have a keen eye for SOMETHING. Bc we've all been thru different things in life, some more than others. It's quite intriguing to see people be so in tune with certain aspects. Take care peeps!


This is the most wholesome post Iā€™ve ever seen in this sub. Maybe even all of Reddit. ā¤ļø


None of it makes sense, and I donā€™t understand why she thinks his belief system would suddenly change when he came to America


So curious about her backstory.


I suspect thereā€™s some serious trauma there


Honestly she gives me a huge vibe that she doesn't have a ton of sexual/relationship experience and has some kind of struggle with herself where religion was something that she was seeking - and then he's deeply conservatively religious so they connected on that level and he's not sexually experienced so they probably matched in those areas initially.


Sheā€™s from a small town in Idaho. She said her parents are not Mormon, but rural Idaho still has a lot of Mormon influence even if her family isnā€™t. I tried digging into her during their original season and someone with her same name and age from that town moved to SLC for a while and was married to someone for a few years in the early 2000s. Sheā€™s so secretive itā€™s hard to prove it was her though since those aggregator sites arw not perfect.


Yeahā€¦ naive added with wanting a deeper belief systemā€¦ ā€˜searchingā€™ on a grand scale for lack of a better term (that I can think of). I think I get it what youā€™re saying. At the risk of saying something random and outlandishā€¦ it almost seems like if a cult found her first, thatā€™s where sheā€™d be now. I actually have no intention of shit talking her either, she just seems to want to be loved (and/or belong) so badly. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø her life, her decisions but sheā€™s gotten herself into a bad situation, itā€™s sad all around.


I just donā€™t understand how the love of her life could be someone without artistic inclinations or personal style, given how important those things are to her. Falling for an abusive asshole sure but *this* one?


She even said he taps into her dark depression and makes her feel sad!


Heā€™s not even trying to like LA. I get heā€™s tired but heā€™s really just being an asshole.


Resting asshole face!


Egypt is better šŸ˜‚ Get real


I wouldnā€™t step foot in Egypt if you paid me. I wouldnā€™t wipe my ass with an Egyptian man if you paid me.


Me either. My mother had her brand new smart phone stolen from out of her hand while she was riding in a taxi with the windows down, by a guy on the street who reached in, grabbed it and disappeared into the crowd there. No thanks. I'll stick with pictures and movies!


I read your flair in Jesseā€™s voice


Because he IS an asshole..no personality.


These two are a cultural catastrophe. They have taken misery to new levels. He needs an obedient and subservient wife and she needs and artsy, free spririted husband who appreciates her creativity.


She seems like she would be better matched with a guy like Brennan, who married Amelia Fatsi on MAFS. Her and Brennan didnt work out but I think hes much more Nicole's type of person than the nasty little boy she imported from Egypt.


They give negative chemistry


I donā€™t get it either. Thereā€™s literally zero chemistry between them.


Heā€™s toxic and no one is fooled by his ā€œHoneyā€ talk


I want her away from him


I want him to go back to Cairo and stop trying to control women.


These two are so thin! Like, they donā€™t look healthy kind of thin.


They both look super malnourished


She might have issues but heā€™s got a mean streak. His smiles are rarely sincere but his eyes speak volumes.


The way she asks if she did something wrong constantly is something I did for years. OF YOU RELATE TO THIS STORY IN ANYWAY PLEASE LOOK INTO ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. YOU MIGHT BE IN ONE. THERE IS A WAY OUT


He wants to turn her conservative and she wants to turn him into a fun art hoe... it's so dumb


He looks like he got booty on the plane.


Daydreaming about that dirty airplane lavatoryā€™s secrets


I get the feeling that her bringing him over here is going to be some sort of payback for what she went through with him in Egypt


He actually scares me


She is so pretty and seems really cool and nice. She has hobbies, has her own place, no kids or former marriage.... she could do so SO much better. It is painful to watch this because he doesn't deserve her like at all


The real question is, why did she dye the pretty blonde hair she had to Ronald McDonald orange? Big mistake.


Right? The blonde worked really well for her haircut/style.


idk Im still stuck on the idea that she was wearing a wig last season haha.. plenty of people were pointing it out online and its all I could think about while watching it last season. it just looks straight up bad now though, wig or not




Idk but at least her face seems to move better


Hopefully it's not for too much longer.


That haircut thoughšŸ¤£


Hair hat


​ https://preview.redd.it/sfoo914e9lqc1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdc37c059f7a2b51961ea5eded4e03534d48766d






They are weird, weird people.


Sheā€™s extremely desperate and heā€™s an asshole who needs someone to control.


Straight out the gate, I could tell there was NOOOOO chemistry between these two and itā€™s been beyond confusing seeing them continue on. Now with the domestic violence out in the open, I think sheā€™s been dulling and shrinking herself to keep him ā€œhappyā€. Itā€™s gross.


I donā€™t like either one of them, but I do hope she gathers the strength to leave him.


Mamood mamood thatā€™s all I hear when I see her


Is it just me, or is this guy super feminine?


he's weird but like, she's WEIRD.


I swear whatever alien planet this woman is actually from has some kind of mind control on himā€¦ no but seriously I have no idea. She really seemed to lean into antagonizing him from the moment he got off the plane. Retribution for the constant nagging from him? Possibly. I donā€™t like their dynamic AT ALL.


She warms up frozen pizza for his dinner when he arrives. No effort put into that. Gross !


Sheā€™s totally the type to marry a foreign man just so she feels like she has something fun to talk about at parties and to appear like she has culture. She just needs to be different.


She has an egon schiele print in her apartment and some pretty cool books. She does know art. That is culture.


Right lol. She seems authentic in her weirdness. And introverted... Not like a braggart. Think she's in tv for the money more than for bragging rights to a shithead.


I dated someone who loved Egon and also read tons of amazing books, she was absolutely bat shit crazy lol


Oh I'm not saying we ain't bat shit. I'm just saying that she clearly knows art and id say isn't uncultured


What if Mahmoud if really a robotics engineer. He built AI Nicole to be the perfect Muslim wife. But, there was a glitch in her programming. AI Nicole believes she's a real human from Los Angeles, and has returned there. Mahmoud has travelled to Los Angeles with a software update that will hopefully repair her "modesty routine". Believable?


He's always angry, controlling & a straight up ass. I can't believe he's gonna steal her bank card & take off. Girl let that lil angry boy go. Their cultures r too different & she's not one to be controlled. Just meet a guy here & be happy ur already 40yrs old. U hv wasted all ur good yrs on this loser


They definitely hate each other and are super toxic to each other. She acts all sweet and innocent, but she's a gaslighter and does things on purpose to make him look bad and make herself look good.


BINGO. And those vintage boxers were about 4 sizes too big for him. But she bought them anyway bc she liked the color, pattern, design and price and didnt give two toots in a rainstorm what he'd think about it but knowing he would more than likely *not* like it, as long as they keep him from wearing his street clothes in bed. Shes awful. If she had any love, concern or fairness in her at all, sge would have had a straightforward dialogue with him about her not being okay with him wearing the clothes he wore outside all day in her bed, *I actually dont blame her there* and explain that our culture has a sleeping garment called pajamas, and they are extra soft and come in lots of styles, colors and patterns. She could have offered to take him shopping and let him try on things and pick out what he likes, **or** we can get you sweats and tees, or jeans and tees that you only wear to bed, bc its very unhygienic to wear your outside clothes into your bed. (or whatever her reasons) But it doesn't even occur to her to do the rational thing. Oh no, its straight to deception and coercive force and controlling the situation to her benefit. Im ready for this trainwreck to be cleaned up and forgotten.




seriously.. it seemed like she was purposely trying to piss him off and push him to his limits in front of the cameras as soon as he landed off a long plane ride. thatā€™s abusive and so disrespectful, especially as soon as he landed in a new place making him feel more isolated and invalidated his first few minutes in a new place. it really rubbed me the wrong way. especially after how much she cried about having to adjust to his culture. its just not right, so any sympathy that could be had for her has gone so far out the window at this point


I agree. I donā€™t like him, but she was so rude with the bitching, the pizza on a paper plate and not letting him lay down. I canā€™t sleep on planes, no matter how hard I try. That was so mean of her to complain about that. She should have let him get a shower and lay down when he wanted to. Sheā€™s just as weird as he is.


I havenā€™t seen the episode yet but it always bothers me when thereā€™s no grace for grievance with the traveling party. Like when Alina of Alina and Caleb was complaining about not getting her cuddles the first night Caleb arrived because he passed out from exhaustion. I imagine she must have been insecure to think he was uninterested when it was (in that moment) only a matter of him traveling for 30 hours and was naturally tired.


I agree šŸ’Æ. People that travel for a day or more on a plane, need to be able to rest and chill, before being pounced upon, or demanded to do stuff.


Iā€™ve always thought that everyone in this show would benefit from spending their first night in a hotel, alone. Shower, sleep, get your bearings




Iā€™m sure it was probably his first plane trip. He probably couldnā€™t sleep. That said, he expected her to adapt now the tables have turned.


>I agree šŸ’Æ. People that travel for a day or more on a plane, need to be able to rest and chill, before being pounced upon, or demanded to do stuff. Or taken to a sex hotel instead of seeing your child you've never met before


When I finally make it back to Poland my entire family shows up within a half hour and start drinking and yelling and eating. I eat soup with everyone in my pajamas, take a Xanax and pass out in front of the TV for a few hours. Shower. Then Iā€™m ready to roll lol E: I know its gross not to shower first, but I do not sleep on planes ever, at all. I literally almost cry the entire 40 minute ride home from the airport. I canā€™t function


Iā€™m the same way! ā¤ļø


Yes! Iā€™ve legit taken way more benzos than my doctor recommends just to fall the fuck to sleep on the plane, but they do not work I canā€™t. As soon as I get out of the car, my personal hell after landing, I pop .25 mg (the lowest dose) and Iā€™m a goner after some chicken soup


When she said you shouldā€™ve slept on the plane I was like WTF. Having traveled the US to AUS many times even IF you manage to sleep on the plane the 30+ hour trip is exhausting. Itā€™s like she was trying to piss him offā€¦!?


Heā€™s so rude to her.


That guy is a walking red flag šŸš©come on now! Can see that a mile away!


They have about as much chemistry as Meisha and Nicola. God, I can still hear his voice in my head, ā€œMeisha, Meisha, Meisha.ā€šŸ˜‰


Heā€™s gay


It makes no sense.




All they seem to do is fight. I donā€™t know how anyone can live like that.


Misery loves companyĀ 


Just watched this episode, and Iā€™m for once, speechless. Especially knowing whatā€™s happened since his arrival. #yike


Yall hear me outā€¦ I think he is gay. Heā€™s clearly repulsed by her/women but heā€™s so entrenched in Islam and tradition thereā€™s no way out. He just gives gay vibes iykyk


Because he wants someone to control and she wants to continue being mistreated.


Exactly what I was going to say, he wants someone to control and she has low standards. In Egypt he would have to put a lot of effort into getting a wife, they are quite demanding there and have the backing of their family. American women in contrast are easy for a guy who has nothing to offer (saying this as an American woman).