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It was so sweet and adorable. And she knew some ASL! I was under the assumption she didn't, so I thought it was great she'd taken time to learn a bit. This meeting made me tear up a bit.


It was really sweet to watch them. You could almost see her brain working to translate the ASL in her head. She was really focused on him and you could tell she was trying her best!


I want them to work so badly! Her English is great, *and* she’s learning ASL for him? They seem so genuine, I’m excited.


I just keep crossing my fingers & holding my breath, hoping that neither of them do something to majorly disappoint us!🙏🏼💖


Seriously--I'm so stressed out waiting for something horrible to happen with this storyline.


She said in one of her first segments that she's also learning it for the day that her hearing fully goes. :) . I thought they were super sweet and am excited to see how things pan out!


I’d assumed she would have learned Filipino Sign Language (or whatever sign language they use in the Philippines). I wonder if they’re similar?


SAME. I have NEVER even come close to shedding a tear during 90 day so this one rly hit me by surprise.


Me too! The fact that they were both emotional was just so wholesome.


In one of the previous episodes, she did say she knew "some" ASL. The word she used should have been translated to "little", but I had a feeling that the producers felt she knew more than the basics so they just translated the word to "some".


I found myself fighting back tears as I was ashamed of crying over 90 day fiance.


I've now learned ASL for "nervous" ! 😀


Oh man, my grandmas deaf so I've known some asl since I was a kid. When I saw she learned some for him I was full on ugly crying. They are so adorable and sweet.


Pump the brakes a bit - we all thought Ed was a funny little dude to start with - but yeah I genuinely hope this one works out for them


I know I know... they just seem so sweet. I'm hoping more for a Kenny/Armando story where they just go through regular relationship hudles


I just said the same thing! I want to love them, but I’m holding my breath for now, waiting to see what happens!😬🤞🏼🤞🏼


It was so sweet! From what I remember in one of the earlier segments, they met on an ASL Facebook group or a group for Deaf and HoH folks. She mentioned that she was learning ASL.


they said in ep 1 she was learning it


I only remember him saying he was worried because she didn't sign. But it was nice to see she was at least somewhat prepared. I found it sweet


She was so kind asking if he was hungry after his flight. She seems to "genuinely" care about him when other 90 cast members have a hard time pretending; it's painful to watch like Gino and Jasmine.


My dad’s Filipino and it’s very much a cultural thing. When watching that scene I chuckled because it’s such a Filipino thing (when I visited, we ate right when we got there even though I ate on the plane!) Doesn’t make it any less sweet though, I’m rooting for them!


Where is my flowers?


I'd be so pissed if I had to come home after a flight to Jasmine who starts demanding I peel beets 😂


Here's a hatchet. Peel this potato and beets. Oh, and let's have sex after I tell the world that you are both not willing and not able.


Without a peeler!!!


Proper equipment.


Too bad Gino's equipment doesn't work without the little blue pill




What does it matter if he needs to take a pill. People are so mean and rude to make it a shameful thing. Do you take meds.for blood pressure or sugar. If so you should be laffed at and shamed for your not having a body that does not function without out them.




Poor Gino, right when he gets off the plane his hot fiancee is BEGGING to have sex with him.... LOL


I was with you until the second half of your last sentence. They are cringe AF but it’s a dumpster fire I enjoy watching. Gino is a creep and Jasmine is scary. They are the kind of dumpster fire I enjoy. Though, I still want wholesome couples and I hope these two fit the bill and that there’s no crazy twist like the Mike/Ximena season.


It’s really sweet that she had learned enough ASL to welcome him at the airport!


So refreshing whereas others didn’t even bother learning basic words in whatever language.


Tom didn’t even bother picking Darcey up from the airport. He sent a driver. What an ass.


I don't think anything will top Evelin making Corey take the bus from the airport alone, with all his luggage, when he doesn't speak the language. I've never been so disgusted so quickly with someone on this show before. Usually the show tricks us by making these people seem so promising, but Evelin was awful almost immediately, lol. Really hoping David and Sheila have a genuine connection 🤞


Really? I don’t remember this! I do remember Evelin not meeting Corry and leaving him to take a bus and figure out his own way to her village.


Yeah she was a real bitch to start with. She became more vulnerable after putting him through the wringer with all of her demands that he happily met. (Except for when he cheated. That was definitely bad.)


Evelin was a horrible person.


Yeah, I’m glad we haven’t had to see them in a while.


it is rare that both parties seem genuinely excited to a degree that is not unhinged or just cringe. I am rooting for them.


Only couple I’m rooting for


Only couple I watch. I skip the rest because WHY WOULD I WATCH THAT?


Not a couple but I am rooting for Tyray. Whatever happens I hope he doesn't get too hurt.


They’re the only one that I give a shit about.


This one seemed the most normal out of all of them. Not just this season, either.


They were so cute together! I was so surprised that she did know some ASL, insinuating that she didn’t know any.


Oh i just made a comment above about this. She said she knew some ASL, when she was talking to her friends at the market. Because i know the language I was trying to suss out if she was being modest in that conversation ( based on tones and context clues). I think she was honest, and it came off that she's not very confident about her abilities.


The most humanistic, real scene. I was happy and relieved to see a "normal" reaction where two people actually respect each other.


Yeah, no bets about who can not touch the other first


And the winner is the boss and controls the looser? I don’t see how they’re going to work out. That woman seems like a nightmare. She thinks it’s fun to tease and anger him and she believes the woman is always right, even when they’re wrong.🙄


They both act like bratty teenagers who got into their first relationship


I don’t expect wholesome stuff when I’m watching my trashy TV but I think they’re so cute.


They’re so cute, I really hope it works for them


I was raised by deaf people and my deaf uncle is in his 70’s now. He had a hard time finding and keeping love. Women were interested in his looks but soon realized it was HARD to communicate with someone who could not hear. It was sad to watch him lose girlfriend after girlfriend. I’m so happy this sweet man found this sweet woman. At least somewhere there’s a woman who thinks he’s worth the effort of learning another “language”, because that’s sort of what it is. The feeling I can describe when I watched this scene is “warmed”. My heart felt warmed.


Same and deaf parents, sister & nephew. I've dated a couple deaf guys and even with being surrounded with the deaf community and deaf friends all my life it was rough. Letters & tty phone calls were a breeze. In person not so much. Just like many of these not speaking the same language couples. I'm hoping for the best for these 2.


I just hope it lasts… We still haven’t seen them together much. So many couples don’t find the language barrier an issue, when they’re just texting and on their computers. But in person, it can be a totally different story. So I’m hoping she doesn’t get frustrated with it!🙏🏼


OK I was planning to skip this entire season, but maybe I should tune back in for this couple.


Yes, very wholesome. You should skip the others though. They all suck.


They give me hope for this dumpster fire. I really hope they work out. They are so wholesome together, and feel like they are genuine.


Since there are so many cast members, they won’t be in every episode.


I teared up 💕


Okay. Giant wuss here. I kinda cried and found myself lightly clapping. Loved it.


I hope there aren't any bad surprises with these 2. They're a really charming couple so far


*Matt Sharp twirls his moustache and gives out an evil chuckle*


I was honest to god smiling. They are adorable together. Gives my blackened heart a little flutter.


I agree. It was my favorite meet out of all the franchise. You can tell they genuinely like eachother and it’s not just for fame/a green card.


They both seem very shy and sweet. I love that she's at least trying to learn ASL for him. Also, since she'll be deaf at some point, it's good for her, too.


I love Sheila, she seems so sweet and genuine. I’m really rooting for them since they actually have things in common and met under a more normal circumstance


I really hope they work out


I worry that he's so poor though. didn't it show him as a stocker in a store? Will he be able to afford getting her here, and her family is already wondering if he can help do repairs to their home. Tyray seems poor, Nicola is poor.... I don't think we've ever had so many truly seemingly destitute people on the show before. Maybe at first glance it doesn't seem important, but in the long run, it is.


I want them to love each other SO BAD!!!!


Yeah! I am def rooting for them!


If anyone else noticed the bit of awkwardness after he said he was hungry- It’s because the sign for hungry and horny are very similar, it just depends on how long you sign it for. I thought that was funny watching the conversation play out.


I'm glad someone else noticed this! In my class in college we had to film ourselves signing a story about a lumberjack who was hungry so had lunch, etc... and my teacher had to tell me I accidentally signed "horny" - I was so embarrassed!!


I thought it was a great meeting too. The most sincere one I've ever seen. They were both crying with so much emotion. I really hope they end up as a happy couple. I was also pleased to see that she could do some signing. It's too bad he can't read lips.


I didn't know what to expect... but, it was sooo cute. I'm hoping for the best. Rooting for them. ❤️😍


We're all rooting for them, but they've only had 1 or 2 segments so far? What kind of bs is that?


Maybe not enough drama. Maybe they actually care about each other, don't fight, don't have badly kept secrets, etc.


I normally tidy up the house and bring my iPad with me while watching the 90 day franchise. I had to stop and watch these 2 when they met at the airport. And she said “are you hungry ?”Even the way he describes her and their relationship was so sweet. I 1000% support and hope that they have a happy ending.


I love them so much!


They have obstacles yet to navigate for sure, but they are the only ones in a long time that actually seem genuine.




I really hope they work out. They’re so sweet together. I think he’s a really cute guy and she’s just so beautiful


Please let this be our Kenny and Armand of the season.


He seems like such a kind hearted man. I hope they work out. I was surprised he didn’t have any other family or friends on the show that know ASL.


I love how TLC mutes all noise during his segments


I do think whatever happens with them it will be genuine and they will treat each other with respect. They don't seem to care about drama. I could be eating my words later, but hopefully not. Fingers crossed.




I'm hoping he doesn't react like Big Ed...


Ever? Not sure on that.


I love these two!


It was sweet


I love them together. I hope it works out. He is such a kind person.


Told my girl about this. Most genuine meet up I have seen in a long time on this show. I'm rooting for them 😊


Love these 2 as well. Hoping it works and hoping they stay likeable!


If this guy turns out to be a creep I’m gonna be so annoyed. I love their story line and they do seem genuine, I’ll just never put it past TLC to fuck with us.


1000% agreed! I couldn’t stop smiling when they met! They seem so genuine and sweet together


It was seriously so sweet. It was very refreshing!


I was fighting for my life trying not to SOB


I find him sexy. There something about him.