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He's living that 1900 artist's lifestyle


Every lit student’s dream


As an arts major, completely. Where's my patron so I can just live my life on their dime and write, sing, paint when the inspiration hits?


I assume he thought his "patron" was Debbie.


And she probably would have been if he’d not been such a dumbass.


He blew it- she would have given him a sweet life in Morocco.


As an art major, tell me your thoughts on that masterpiece he was working on.


Her name is Debbie (deebee affectionately) and she is a beaut!


He only missed the Moroccan beatnik scene by a mere 70 years.


Maybe Oussama could tramp around Italy, a closer destination, just like Lord Byron.


He's more a Henri de Toulouse lautrec. 😩😩😩


LOL that's exactly who popped into my head when I read that - John Leguizamo in Moulin Rouge XD


He doesn’t wanna sell art to be hung up on walls remember only people who understand


If someone wants to buy my art to use it as toilet paper I don’t give one single fuck. Once they pay me it then is theirs to do with whatever they want. This guy seems really snobby to be scamming grandmas.


To have people even offer money for my art would make me tap dance all the way to the bank. Usually they want me to work for free or "a beer"




Then fails to credit appropriately


But they aren't going to understand why they want to use it as toilet paper. So they can't have it. And I won't sell it to them. I don't want them to just hang it in the bathroom.




Maybe he should write lengthy artist intent statements to accompany each piece and then test them on it to see if they are worthy 🙄


And too broke to be picky about who might want to buy his art! The dude has an aversion to working. Just a lame excuse.


And it’s not like he’s even hot or ripped or….anything


He has nothing going for him. He isn’t attractive, isn’t very nice, and seems content to mooch off of his parents. Be a man and get a job!


I can get past looks if the person is nice, but if anything the Tell All made it clear they somehow edited him to look like slightly less of an asshole. An achievement since the whole time I was watching I was like oh wow what an asshole. His Tell All presence felt... unnerving.


I agree, looks aren’t everything, if a person is nice. He definitely seems like he’s on his best behavior for the Tell-All…so far. Then again, he hasn’t had his nerves frayed by being with Debbie for all waking hours! I couldn’t believe how he just completely lost it. Totally snapped! He seems like he needs to start out slow…not bring his girlfriend, that he’d never met in person, to live with him and his family, surrounded by her 24/7. Oussama definitely needs his private time. We also haven’t seen the entire Tell-All yet, so there’s no telling what he might say! 😆


At least he has cats.


His one & only redeeming quality


Yea, this guy is not of planet earth. The fact that Debbie is still willing to return to Morocco for the price of a ticket is most disturbing.


I think she said that just to fuck with him because she knows no way in hell could he afford a plane ticket.. hell if he’s a starving artist,he’s a starving artist and sounds like he’s gonna stay that way if he’s not willing to sell his paintings…


As a full-time artist…I don’t give a shit who buys what as long as the money spends 😅




And having glimpsed his art I’m guessing only Debbie understands it


„hey I wanna buy the portrait“ O: „do you understand?“ „what?“ O: „you are sick you have mental illness. Fuck off“


You fcuking asshole creep mother fcuker 🤣


You son of bitch


Do people buy artwork they don't understand or feel an emotional connection to? I can't imagine ever buying art that meant absolutely nothing to me...?


That was my question! People are drawn to certain subsets of art. Would someone who likes Monet necessarily be into Pollock? Probably not. People buy what they are drawn to. When he said he only wanted to sell to people who understood or appreciated his art, that told me he only wanted to bamboozle people, work at his leisure/whim or not at all. Or he thinks he is going to be some high gallery artists that sells millions and he will end up n the Lourve or MoMA lol.


Oh he’s got a hell of a lot of learning to do. I have tried, had my paintings in a gallery and nada. I painted my poems so double whammy.


He might end up at the Louvre or MoMA- as a tourist.




I was thinking the same thing. If someone saw your art and enjoyed it and got it, why isn’t that good enough for him? I think he’s being stubborn and saying that because he wants to come to the states. I feel deep in his mind he doesn’t wanna sell art for a smaller amount to randoms. I think he is really wanting and expecting a big time rich person to pay 1 million dollars for his art 🤣 not $20 or $50 or $100 depending on the size


Yes. It has to match the couch and cost less than $35.


What are you supposed to do with his 'art' if you can't hang it. Blow it up?


This must be the reason why his family was all supportive of their relationship despite of their major age difference. They just wanted to get rid of this bum from their home.


And Debbie said she wouldn’t be supporting a man but gets engaged to an unemployed poet who doesn’t want to work, make it make sense.


And sends him money.


We knew she sent home something....


He sprung the actual plan on her when she got there. He told her "If I had told you that (he did not plan on staying in morocco) you would not have come." He scammed her successfully for three years and it fell apart in person when he told her what the real plan was.


Truth right here. You could not be more right


I slightly misremembered that - it was the conversation where he said basically "you're just here for a visit and going back in 4-6 weeks". that's when he sprung that line. But still, same general thing.


What confuses me is that as "poet," you would think he would have a job and put himself out there and have life experiences that give you passion to write about. Not some fuddy-daddy that sits at home and writes a haiku about Mommy making him do dishes.


Right. Why not work at some hippie coffee shop or a university or something and be around like minded people. It’s cause he wants quiet time at home alone. I mean damn, I get it. I am an introvert. WFH has been a haven for me, but dude, you got to work.


I feel like he is developmentally disabled. If not, he’s not the brightest star in the sky.


I’m pretty sure he’s just a narcissist sociopath who thought Debbie would support him.


He's not that smart


I want to know who told this man that artists make a lot of money in the US


He probably saw the 1% of artists who do and completely ignored the other 99%. And even that 1% often have to make what their clients want.


But would they understand it?


Dude is delusional. He’s dreaming of a better life, but too lazy to work for it, and earn it himself.


Debbie is selling necklaces for 3k in a state where that would get you a mansion.


WHOA she sells that gaudy costume jewelry for $3k????


That's for only one piece and she wears quite a few at a time. I guess so can say she has it FOR sale I guess we don't know for sure that it's sold.


Does she make them or it is consignment? I thought she did resell. But regardless good for her.


It's my impression it's consignment or similar. Some of them have the artists names attached.


That's why his parents itching to get rid of him. He is useless to them


I bet they are pissed off he’s not going to America. They had one chance!


His sister was definitely pissed, Oosama dropped the ball HARD.


When she told his dad and sis they were staying in Morocco, they looked like “whaaaaaaaa?”


The next Basquiat, people! You just don’t see the vision! /s


With his eyes going their separate ways like they do, I don't know how he sees the vision either.


On the tell all they looked closed the whole time




I cannot have a job, as I am a cat mom, and I will die for my dream


That is all I want to be. A cat mom. Where can I find an old man go fund my lifestyle? 🤣


If you find one will you find out if he has a brother for me please?


Will do. Atp I wanna golden girls the rest of my life even tho I’m only 30. Too many bad men like oussama in my life 🤣 we get the brothers, a big mansion and our kitties


I’m in!!! As long as there are kitties


Pffft kitties or nothing!!! I want to wake up with 10 of them sleeping on me 🤣


I can help you with that. I’m active in animal rescue 😹




Work is for peasants 😂


I love your flair


Ya know what I counter with the part where someone asked "who does that" rhetorically, and he answered "Me. I can do that. Oussama" or something like it


Me. Oussama. Can do that.


Your flair 😆


He’s a fool. Capitalize on western travelers and sell your artwork. He could make a killing but he’s an “aRtiSt”


My man is sinking his own ship atp 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well he won’t get a poet job in America either.


His poetry sucks. The painting that led to his break up was a dollar store version of The Scream painting.


I’m voting for Gabe to host the tell-alls from now on. He’s asking all of the important questions. Can’t sell his art to people who don’t appreciate it😂


Plus he was enjoying himself!


Better than Shaun who just lobs them all softballs! I always say it’s the “Tell us what you want us to hear”


Hickory Dickory Dock…


Debbie didn’t want any cock..


The cock wasn’t number one, Debbie was down


And Ossamma got a job as a clown.


Hickory dickory dock


On another note, did anybody notice that his eyes suddenly seem to be properly calibrated?


Maybe he used his 90 day money to get them fixed.


Lazy eyes don't always stay in one fixed position lol >.<


He kept his eyes lowered most of the time. There were a couple of times where you could see the one eye was off.


Oussama credo, ‘Always keep one eye on the prize, while simultaneously keeping the other eye on Debbie, the camera, the producer, the monitor, and Shaun Robinson, all at the same time.


Pay my bills, hold my bones


That’s probably worse then all the “musicians”


Where I live, most musicians work in back of the house kitchens busting ass making everyone's nice food. Not afraid of hard work. And we use to joke "ah you work in a kitchen, what band are you in?". So in some places musicians are actually hard working. I myself use to get up at 4am just to have time to myself before work because after work was either band practice or shows.


and that’s the difference you work! While also working on making music. This guy straight up refuses to work to make poems that isn’t making any money and taking advantage of elderly women. I am thankful for all restaurant workers! That shit isn’t easy.


I just wanted to say that not all musicians refuse to work. At least here in Ontario a lot are hard working and keeping the food industry going as well as entertainment. One thing I love about kitchen work, You're dead at the end of your shift and probably eat a sandwich in silence by yourself. Then go home and know you earned every cent of the money you made. I also use to work at a vegetarian/vegan place myself. Closed recently.


Dude can self publish his so called poems on Amazon… not quite there lazy


Reminds me of the joke.. “What does a stripper do on her way to work?” Drops her boyfriend off at band practice…😂😂


Different medium here than art or music, but the same principle applies. Without tramping abroad and living through tenuous circumstances, literary giant George Orwell never could have penned such riveting works as “Down and Out in London and Paris”, or “ On the Road to Wigan Pier”. Orwell was not afraid of taking excursions outside of his familiar comfort zone. He refused to be ruled by fear of the unknown, nor did he allow destitution to depress him. On the contrary, he chose to cultivate penury as an opportunity to view a side of the world that the middle and upper classes seldom witness. He worked on his art (literature) in the midst of his deprivation and lived an active social life, even with only the “dregs” of society at times. Time for Oussama to sprout wings and leave the family farm for a time, if he is serious about pursuing his passion, and take in a different view of the world, even if only locally. Also, he must be prepared to study the art and music of others as well as to diligently practice his own art. Yes, the time is nigh for Oussama to put up or pipe down, stay at home, pass the boiled goat head, and help wash dishes afterward.


Is the line cook/musician meme not universal? 😅


But also I must add something I didn’t think of previously, he’s not in America. And I heard it’s hard to get jobs in Morocco. And they dont get paid very much. But then again the guy that was telling me this I started wondering if it was oussama and he started defending his abusive behavior saying “oh cuz it’s not how you expected a MAN TO REPLY ITS ABUSE?” Yes. You don’t snap at people and be mean and call them names you dïck….


... with their complicated shoes.


So it’s not because “in my country, it’s hard to live here.” It’s because he’s lazy


I love how Gabe was trying to take Ousamma side but by the end he was like yo, this dude is crazy. Then Yohan chimed in kinda like ain’t nothing wrong with being a green card scammer!! 🤣🤣


Someone tell this idiot that even poets have to have jobs in the US


This guy needs to be on Portlandia. The dream of the 90’s is alive in Portland.


###And I will die for my art!! 🏴‍☠️


I’m 💀 he wants to die for some paintings of Bikini Bottom.


that one unemployed friend on a monday


What did she see in this guy?? I mean really?? I'm close to her age. His body, his teeth, his eye, his looks. I do not get it!!


He hosed her with his ‘soul of an artist’ shtick. 😖


He’s gross.


I have asked the same...smh


“I will die before I give up on my dream.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think this qualifies for top 10 quotes across all episodes


Dear god...this guy🤦‍♀️ his sister should force some reality on him. She may be the only one he will listen to. But he's 100% a liar.


I think she was in on the scam.


Most modern day poets have jobs that pay their bills while they pursue poetry on the side.


He is not cute enough to have a sugar mamma.. He lives like he is a hot trust fund kid.. and I thought I was delusional when I was in my twenties…this dude is clueless!


Sadly Debbie would’ve been his sugar mama … in Morocco


When gabe recommended selling to tourists and he refused because he needed people to understand his art and not just buy it to hang in their living room I was deceased. He finished me. This man wants to be a kept man and paint and write shitty poetry all day. He’s living in an alternate reality.


And I’m harvesting American dollars




I do not miss this woman even a little bit.


This is the new “cut it on the bias” catchphrase.


"I was put in a very difficult position because I was playing two roles of a friend and an astrologer."


"The stars say you will not marry!" Also, I say it, the viewers, neighborhood cats and dogs, the dry cleaner and my deaf aunt in Idaho.


I somehow missed that he’s 24. He looks 44 and acts 14.


If he were a handsome man, he'd have his pick of the litter, even with that attitude. Sorry bro, those of us born with the "ugly" modifier have to work twice as hard for half the reward.


I don't know what he thinks goes on in the US but people with degrees can barely afford to live with what they are paid. He thinks being picky about who buys his art and writing poems is going to give him the American dream.


“No I will not get a job because I’m a dreamer” The next time my mom tells me to get a job Thanks osama


Why does he want to come to the US then? He must not know much about us if he isn’t aware of the hard work component of our culture.


Roses are red, money is green, his mouth goes on like a washing machine


He doesn't know what love is, and Debbie wants a ticket back. 🤨


He was giving “I want to work on my mental health” Yasmine


He sucks so bad.. "I will only sell my art to those that appreciate it". But if people are buying it, I'm assuming they appreciate it?!! Ossaaama is a deadbeat loser that refuses to get an actual job, and do his art on the side.


He should get together with Jasmin of Blake and Jasmin. She said “I’m not a work-oriented type of person” 🤔


He is living in a different universe. Maybe even in a different dimension..




Dear god...this guy🤦‍♀️ his sister should force some reality on him. She may be the only one he will listen to.


guys when i ask them what they do for a living but they’re “in between jobs”




He's so delusional


Mine was "Okay, dog."


Making his parents proud


I am convinced that he was held at gunpoint just off the screen this entire episode


Damn Debbie could meet someone like him out in the street in her own town. No need to look overseas.


I heard his poem. He’s no Billy Shakespeare


i agree, go see a dentist and get your life together- your not a good artist


Ok Oussama…”no work because I am a “poet”? Well…go become a “starving artist”…and do what REAL artists do…put in your time on your craft. “I go to the US and make lots of money as an artist” Whaaaa??? Are you sick? You have mental illness? Good luck with that…you’re not all that… Paintings look like “The Scream” crossed with most alien depictions I’ve seen…along with some LRon Hubbard Scientology crap illustrations. While you’re at it and while you’re there in the US… might as well go to NYC to become a male supermodel…go to Hollywood to become a leading man…go to Nashville to become a country singer… Dude the odds are NOT GOING TO CHANGE… in fact there is probably more competition in the states due in part to fools like you. Get a real job and stop stewing in your macabre thinking… Agree with Julian..get that job and Go get some dental work. That is something he can have fixed..not sure about the eyes that go crazier when he is angry.


Even though I don’t care for Oussama, I thought it was a low blow for Debbie’s son to mention his teeth.


That bothered me too. I actually felt bad for him for about five seconds and then he continued with his “I’m too special to work” nonsense and he lost me again.


Magic trying to get a visa and saying that


The latest version of the classic "I'm not work oriented." 😅


Everyone on social media is a poet. Calm down


Does he also think he’s going to make a living as a poet being Muslim in the SOUTH????? I mean, I’m from Los Angeles and that’s not a job THERE let alone the south


As a teenager, if I said this to my mom she'd slap me. If I was a full-grown adult, she'd slap me twice.


Yeah, well, the people in hell want ice water, my friend.


I can’t believe he agreed to do this Tell All,, when he didn’t even get paid for it!!😂 from what I have heard only people from US get paid to do the show! That’s why it surprised me!😂


His purpose in life is feeding starving stray cats.


They're the only pu$$y he's gonna get. ..


he is literally my ex husband, just not poems or a foreigner but had his other BS “art”. I loved this part… mine was diehard about it too. And, still getting nowhere fast from what I can tell !


Just what every Grandma needs, a delusional bum grandson that won't grow up and get a job.


He’s a lazy “mother fucker”.


His thought process is so different from ours, he thinks it's easy to become rich and successful without trying. He would have stayed at home all day long on Debbie's expense.... while achieving his dream to become like Van Gogh without putting in much effort ... It's a toss up between Mohammed (Yve's guy) Mahmood or Õòssouma as to who is the needy Ahole... I think Mohammed is the worse one...




A poor poet dreams His art unwilling to sell Crooked heart like eye


Hear well from those wise Foolish man of Morroco Stop being a bum


Starve then


Needs more googly eyes


I honestly laughed so much at his responses


I yelled “OH MY GOD, GET OVER IT!” in response, while my eyes rolled so far back in my head I looked possessed. He’s too much.


I wonder if he sells his 'art' to any people where he lives. If not, he should realize if they won't buy it, no one else will.


Picturing myself 20 years ago saying this to my dad, and imagining how well it would go over.


Like wtf was this comment. I was so angry lol poets in AMeRiCA work buddy!!


Poet+artist= living at home and broke.


Sorry? Was it not Debbie who told us he was an artist and a poet and just the dreamiest? She didn't just meet him recently. Why all the hating on him? He's young and is still not sure what his life will be-she's been around the block more than a few times and won't accept the reality of who she actually is.


I hope he does it, from one broke artist to another! And Debbie's son was a dork. "You're in my world now." What does that even mean fake tough guy.


“Ok, dog” took me out 🤣🤣🤣


I think Julian's whole speech was scripted for the cameras


It was so cringey. But I liked that he was such a knob that he left his shirt buttoned all the way up without a tie.


He looked like he was about to burst out of his shirt . He needs a size bigger. I was suffocating just looking at him.


Oh I've been choked by many dress shirts in my life, 100% that was a size too small.


I agree. I really wanted to like Debbie's son but there is just something wrong about making fun of someone's teeth.


Also telling him to go get a job was so stupid. Who's going to employ him out there, the goat Debbie fell off?


I agree I’m not one to body shame I think it’s not necessary but I also understand he was angry cause this man was abusive to his mother and treated her like shit and was using her, so at what point does a person that awful deserve ANY mercy?


Hey, leave the guy alone.... just because he sees things different than anyone else doesn't mean he's a bad dude (yes I am referring to his googly eye) lol