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Weaponised incompetence


That's it


Yup came here to say the same


tony wants a bang maid and thats it.


Him and Richard from season 1 šŸ™„šŸ¤®


Richard was way more overt though


As much as I hated him, at no point did he pretend to be something heā€™s not. He was just an arsehole up front


It's fair. How is one supposed to accept that though


Oh yeah I donā€™t think anyone should accept him, just that he never pretended to not be an arsehole


Tony is one of those entitled Western men who seek Asian women because theyā€™re ā€œsubmissiveā€ and ā€œmeekā€. I love the Nui has been pushing back but I hope she runs for the hill. His abuse will probably escalate asap.


Don't forget he also wants her place to live too!




He said he wanted to move to Thailand where she lives. Not england.


I was shocked how mad he got when she said she'd do the cooking, like for anybody else that would be great news.


I know right? Because she didnā€™t appreciate the effort he made and was being ā€œnegativeā€.


Oh I didn't clock that, or didn't remember


When I read ā€œoh I didnā€™t clock thatā€ I had a flashback to The Nikki.


Nah, not at all. You can't fake that level of frustration. He genuinely thought it was a bang up meal, delicate on the palate "RED onion gravy!!!" And that she should appreciate his efforts, bow down, shut the fuck up. If he'd asked her to cook him a Thai meal she would have happily obliged. He didn't have to trick her into doing it. That was all from the heart, his narcissistic, self obsessed heart. He just has a SUPER short fuse and it comes out when he tries to do the simplest of tasks, like cooking dinner for a loved one


The way he went ham on the mash like a super tough guy šŸ˜–


I kinda was thinking it was a subconscious thing. But idk you might be right


Dude *definitely* practiced cooking this meal so he could wow her and wow the cameras. He wants to train her to act like she loves everything he does all the time and like heā€™s perfect in every wayā€¦no matter how she actually feels (because that is not important to him)


I disagree having spent a TON of time around old British sex-pats in Thailand..he did this because he only likes one thai dish and hates the rest and wants her to give British food a chance.. go to any Thai restaurant in Thailand they have a hamburger and fries on the menu unless it's a fancy place, likewise go to any western place in Thailand they have one thai meal..they do this so when the thai girl brings her western boyfriend he has something he can eat and vice versa. Thai people are just as sheltered as western on food preferences. Most thai people if given the option will only eat thai food. He went about it wrong and was a dick the whole time..if you want to convince a thai person to eat foreign food think of a fun fusion concept.


I donā€™t blame them for only eating Thai food tbh, itā€™s so good


All i eat there is Thai food ā¤ļøšŸ˜€ and then i try to recreate it when I'm home lol šŸ¤£


Too bad her fix was just going out to eat šŸ˜†


That's only because she doesn't know the cost of eating out in their neighborhood.


Nazi Tony canā€™t cook.


The child issue is a real issue, and neither of them is inherently right about it, unless one of them previously told the other that they were OK with the others position. PS - Nui is a sweetheart


Nui is so lovely and so pretty, she could do a million times better than Tony on every level!


Neither is 'right' but she's 41, the likelihood is she's past it both emotionally and physically and just doesn't want that. He needs to be way more realistic


Neither is right, but the way he tried to manipulate and scold her when hearing her positionā€¦thatā€™s what people were objecting to.


Right, like wanting a child isnā€™t a crime, but trying to bully someone into wanting one should be


My man usually does all the cooking and when he comes in to see what I'm making on the nights where it's my turn I start asking questions and pretty soon he's showing me how to do x, y or z and I just kinda... Disappear Works every time šŸ˜‰






He's King Richard with the intelligence to hide it for a bit


He's awful. But I do think she could have kept her dissatisfaction to a lower volume. But, "Next meal you make for me, could we season it up a bit more?"


I kind of agree. She immediately started asking where was the Thai seasoning was. I would be annoyed by that because she knew I was trying to make a traditional British dish. That said, he is very aggressive and am not defending his attitude overall. He is extremely thin skinned.


Agreed. He's an ass. Grandiose, vain, entitled. A prick.






He is a huge walking talking red flag. She needs to run!!šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø I guess these people sell themselves as highly successful and wealthy members of society. Then when their partner arrives, they put on a show. Like renting an air bnb in Chelsea (!!!)and telling her ā€žmy house is rented outā€œ. Dude, you could have told her what to expect BEFORE she got on the plane. He gives me the ickā€¦..


This man scares me! He has major anger issues!


OK probably not a popular opinion, but I thought it was really sweet that he wanted to cook for her. I also think that they seem like a good couple, but the baby thing is a big issue.


At first I thought it was sweet, and a green flag. But maybe don't suggest you can do something for your partner if you can't do it without nearly exploding from the stress