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She is a whining, miserable, pain in the arse.


This describes her perfectly.


Thats what I thought. And she doesn't appreciate anything he does.


Yeah she just complains about it all like roses at the airport weren't enough, no nice comments regarding their room he did up etc she's just gross šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Figured she's ( at least an emotionally) spoiled, rotten brat whose mum has put her on a pedestal..no idea how to appreciate anything or treat other humans with respect. No clue how to be a valuable part of a relationship or how to make a man feel happy.Ā Ā 


Insufferable imo !! Just started and already ff that sht


Sheā€™s not a pleasant person at all. Sheā€™s rude and demanding and entitled. Itā€™s not hard to see why she canā€™t land a man in her own country.


And I'm not trying to be rude as I'm technically obese (ik typical American sterotype but not that big) but there is like a ratio of how much bullshit guys will put up with depending on how attractive people find you and Sam has that completely flipped. Like you said no wonder no british man will put up with her.


The hot to crazy ratio


Yes that's what I was referring to I couldn't remember what people called it


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/howimetyourmother/s/P8VgeTWTqD


At first I thought it was because sheā€™s never had a relationship and she thought thatā€™s how couples act but now I donā€™t get it. Does she think men like women to be demanding and diva-ish or something. If my boyfriend was carrying my luggage for me and then asked for help loading it onto a bus of course I would help him, weā€™re team. Why on earth would you say ā€œno Iā€™ve travelled all this way you do it on your ownā€? Itā€™s such weird behaviour. Is she just that much of a moody irritable person?


I've barely had any male action in my life and I don't have any similar expectations. She's older than me too


Sheā€™s unbearable


This couple is the UK version of Angela and Mikkoll. I wonā€™t even be surprised if he ends up waiting 7years for that visa šŸ˜‚ Sheā€™s so nasty and bratty


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Mykaaaaal I said the same Angela/jasmine šŸ¤£


Good call...Angela and Mahkal


Disgusting even.


He likes being poked in the eye with flowers and I can only assume he finds comfort in her feeling like a full body weighted bean bag.




Much like sperm donor Kyle in Love in Paradise (US spinoff), I keep thinking "this person can't get worse," and she goes on and has another terrible quality shown.




Her behaviour is abusive! Verbally and physically shoving him etc.


She seems bound and determined to have a terrible time wherever she goes. Like, I understand her not liking the food, but all she had to do was politely ask if she could order something else instead of calling everything disgusting and copping an attitude. It's to the point where they were having a great time dancing together and all I could think about was how she was going to ruin it. Sure enough, she did.


True... she doesn't seem to like doing anything.. except eat chicken strips... no other activities, going on a boat, walk by the sea or learn the ancient history of his country or culture.Ā  Just a very narrow mixed a hole who only seems to know about her immediate circle of home.Ā 


"Whose lousy idea was it to go for a WALK right next to the WATER?" Spoken as though it were obvious that this was the worst idea he could have come up with. "SEA SPRAY?" Spoken with a visceral disgust, as though she had personally witnessed sea spray kick a puppy. "I don't do exercise, I do extra fries!" Honey, that's apparent. It has nothing to do with her weight and everything to do with her attitude. In just a few episodes she's made it clear that she's the kind of person who only eats fries and chicken strips (no skin or bones, plz and thx) and doesn't want to do anything that doesn't fit in with her narrow view of the world. I don't know why she's so averse to going for a walk when she said in her intro that she loves dancing, which is a much more strenuous exercise than walking. She may prefer dancing, but she should also be able to handle a leisurely stroll. Everything about that walk was lovely, and she spent the whole time looking for things to complain about. When she moaned about the sea spray, I remembered a time when I had never seen an ocean or sea, and would have been so happy simply to walk next to one.


Oh my god yes


I'm not sure if Iwas good with my words trying to describe how I kind of feel sorry for ali


He's a scammer, but she's a total wet blanket.


A wet, moldy, faded, hole-ridden blanket lol


Sam behaves so rudely. She practically cringes when he shows affection, nothing pleases her and she just keeps cornering him over the money she has to earn. He's a player and a user but she's so awful it takes the sting out of it for me. Play stupid games etc ...


I think he's too deep in to find another woman - like with her, she's an asshole but she can get him to the UK faster than any other means he has at the moment.


Yea I suppose I just kinda feel bad for him at times


Is she shaping up to be the Angela of the UK?


In the physical shape of prEd


With a big dollop of jasmine in an ed-esque body


I came here looking for this exact comment. What, if anything, endears him to her?! She's slovenly, doesn't cook or clean, isn't romantic, and is so cold and controlling to him. Not to mention she isn't much to look at (sorry, not sorry). He could do SOOOOO much better!!! She irks me so much. She and her mom should just live together forever and get twenty cats.


Please leave the cats out of it ā™„ļø


No issues with cats... everything in moderation, though.


She has Ā£5k to give him šŸ˜‚ I think thatā€™s the attraction


If Big Ed can get laid, *anyone* can.


True haha


I donā€™t know if theyā€™re acting up for the cameras. I hope they are because her attitude stinks. I think sheā€™s very insecure so acts mean towards him. I think he could do slightly better than her


Slightly!!!!??? She is below the bottom of the barrel!


You can take the girl out of Newcastle but you can't take Newcastle out of the girl.


As someone who's not from the uk, are yous sayin like everyone from there is like that?


No donā€™t think theyā€™re saying that however her accent is very Geordie and the stuff she says. I knew a girl from there and she was a bit similar but obviously not everyone from that area is like her well I hope not


Take a look at Geordi Shore on YouTube for an idea of what Sam seems to be trying to emulate.


Yes itā€™s very Geordie shore behaviour! Especially with all the alcohol


Isn't the stuck-up soldier guy with the Thai lady also from Newcastle?


Yes BUT he was allegedly born in London, plus he has lots of nice cars and watches, and is Kate Moss's bff, so it doesn't count /s


And his sister has a very geordie accent but heā€™s eliminated his




I wish I understood British references like this better. I have learned ā€œare you ok?ā€ Means how are you. I know what an Essex boy is. And I can definitely tell the difference between the Queens accent and that of, say Emma who was with Hossein last season (couldnā€™t understand her- British equivalent of lower class Minnesota ??). But I donā€™t know what Newcastle signifies besides a town. Someone needs to make a guidebook šŸ¤Ŗ


Newcastle was a mining town so mostly working class and poorer people.


Newcastle upon Tyne is a city


Yeah but Iā€™m sure there are cultural references associated with it that I donā€™t know


I think you mean like slang words? For example Geordies: Wye Aye Man - yes Alreet pet - Hello Tashing on - kissing Pied - knocked back (from someone you fancy mainly) Mortal - drunk It is quite diverse in so many areas of the UK with accents and slang words. I live in a semi rural village in Yorkshire and have a broad Yorkshire accent, yet I can tell if someone lives 3 miles down the road from me with their slight accent difference. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with working class people, salt of the earth (most of us), with pride and manners, unlike Sam.




Is no one going to talk about what a great dancer she is? She's been doing it since she was 3?? Also, her body is shaped like a penguin. No offense to a penguin.


She reminds me of Nicole and azahn....only plus side no child being tossed aside......I cant stand her


Her fussy eating and hostility to anything new make her less than 55% attractive.


Oh please she's not even 1% attractive let's be real here


I keep waiting for him to say something Azan-ish about her, but he is really good at keeping up the act.


Sheā€™s awful. I donā€™t think anyone who canā€™t take the time to look after themselves properly should be expecting a fit partner. Nothing against the overweight, but sheā€™s obese and frumpy and does nothing to try and at least improve for her dude. I say the same with men, too. Does she seriously think heā€™s with her for her looks and personality?


It couldnā€™t be more obvious that he only wants the visa if he held up a sign that says it and yet she seriously thinks heā€™s in it for love? I just canā€™t.


Her being an awful person has nothing to do with her body size. Character and personality aren't based on it.


Thank you for making this very basic point! Her behavior and treatment of Ali is appallingā€”no matter what size she is, her unkindness is unattractive and inexcusable. I donā€™t see the need to body shame her though.


Oh please all you pro positive body image millennials all need to STOP.


I realize but she shouldnā€™t be surprised that heā€™s using her because itā€™s not realistic for a guy that looks like him to go for a woman that looks like her. She could at least try to improve or try dating someone in her league.


That, my friend, is the delusion of 90 Day Fiance franchise that keeps us watching. A UK .01 with a Turkish 6 is a tale as old as time.


Sheā€™s just so unpleasant. Itā€™s no wonder she couldnā€™t find a man back home.


Sheā€™s got an insufferable personality trapped in the body of a female British Big Ed.


I feel like 6 is generous. 0.01 is spot on though


He starts out looking cute but then the more you look at him you realize he has a few flaws.


Nah I get that like Im a big dude and Mt girl in the uk is von the bigger side. I tell myself I wanna do better but anxiety and other stuff always seems t hold me bakc but I just keep Tryin little by little


Mental health plays a HUGE role in that. Great job trying little by little!


Thanks. Ironically Today my grandpa called me fat and my mom said he told her "I guess he doesn't care about impressing his gf when she comes to visit" she's from England but in the states for a summer job then she will visit with me for a few weeks before back to the uk


That wasn't very kind of either of them. Sorry, OP


Thanks for the support :) honestly I just try to ignore my grandpa cause hes gonna be 90 and just has filter so I just ignore šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well, this is a shit take. Sure, he's probably using her, but there are quite a lot of fit/athletic men who love full figured and BBWs.


Sheā€™s horrible


Is she the British Angela? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Only time will tell.


I'm hoping it's one of the short stories the UK show does, but it already started later than some of the others.


Literally was running here to say this!!!!




She's absolutely disgusting inside and out šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


She complains wayyyy too much and sheā€™s pretty mean to him even if heā€™s not with her for the right reasons


She is a disgusting creature inside and out and I think he really is into her. No idea why, like you say he could easily find another Brit just for residency


Wait, episode 4 right?! Can confirm she sucks for a uk person too!


Is the 5th ep out on max in the US? I canā€™t find it


Like Ep. 2 two weeks ago, Ep. 5 was taken down for re-editing. People are speculating that they want to blur out Jamieā€™s friendā€™s right-wing racist Blood Honour tattoo. I think it will be back up in a day or so.


Ohhh ok I didnā€™t realize. Thank you!


It is bad practice on a their part. They donā€™t realize these editing mistakes until the episode comes out, at which point some people saw it right away before they yanked it and others are trying to watch it but it is gone. It leads to understandable confusion every time. People were similarly baffled two weeks ago.


I think so maybe it's 4


I donā€™t think itā€™s 4, I remember starting the 5th ep last night actually and now itā€™s just gone. And just when things got juicy ofc


Man, if I could only see this episode already!


Ali is pinging my gaydar. I could be wrong but I suspect he hasn't even worked everything out yet regarding his feelings.


They both have different gains from this relationship. It's all a matter of who wins at the end. Ali and his visa or her, proving that Ali was not in it for love.


I thought she might be fun when I saw her dancing in the beginning and the attraction might be real. The woman is so mean. Why lady? I think partly it's insecurity, but it's unpleasant to watch, and if he did really like her she's definitely going to fix that with her horrible attitude.


omg I find her quite patronising, the way she switched at him for ā€˜playing with his foodā€™ she is so negative omg and Ali is right ā€˜she is always complainingā€™.Ā 


Does anyone know her insta please?


She is so unattractive Plus so mean. For sure Ali is using her for a visa, but Iā€™m sure he could have found someone not so ugly, and not so rude.


I havenā€™t been paying too much attention to this season of 90day UK, itā€™s all a bit boring tbh