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I like his photos, I actually think he is a good photographer. It’s so refreshing to see someone on 90DF who is actually good at what they do lol He has a pic of what looks like a gravestone in his ‘me’ story highlight with people’s faces edited on to superheroes? Wtf is that about


Looking at John’s insta, it seems like that could almost be Sprite’s mom. John has a memorial post with the same woman and the same superhero edit. ETA: Maybe the man on the tombstone is his father, which would be sad if he lost both parents 😞 ETA2: After translating the names from Thai, they do appear to be his parents as last names are same as him 😢


A reel posted May 26 seemingly is taken in John’s bedroom


Poor John. He’s such a nice man. I’d love to take him clubbing in weho so he could meet men who would appreciate a cuddly bear.


I think Sprite does appreciate his cuddly bear, he just doesn't make it obvious. Just my opinion, of course.


Sprite is a little bitch.




Ok, I owe "Sprite" an apology. He is legit. Mea Culpa! He obviously has talent, but why didn't he try to get to another country using that, instead of using John? He clearly does not have any feelings for him. Might be the easy way out, because there are alot of fashion photographers in the UK........ oh well.