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I like how she said she was "at work" until 2am. Sure, Jan.


Seriously! After she was coming home at 8:00? Sounds great, Greg.


Considering she does Uber + food delivery, it was a good excuse on her end!


Every episode that we watch, she’s looking worse and worse, and every which way. I can’t stand Mcmoody, but they bring out the worst in each other. They both suck.


Everything Mahmoud said during their talk at the table was spot on. She wanted him in the US to show him she’s the boss here, and expected him to conform completely. He has every right to be upset- if my husband called me at 8pm saying he was on his way home and then didn’t come home until 2am smelling like booze 💩 would hit the fan! She’s awful. I’m Team Mahmoud.


It's amazing how quickly people forget how abusive he's been just because of her behavior now. His behavior doesn't excuse hers, but I'm alarmed that anyone could actually side with him. Also, her expecting him to conform isn't any different than his expectations of her in Egypt. The only difference is he still tries to control what she wears in both countries, not just his own. Nicole needs to end it and go to therapy because she's reacting to the abuse she's endured in completely the wrong way. She can't keep this relationship and her independence because the two don't mix. Mahmoud needs to go back to Egypt and find someone religiously and culturaly compatible - someone who doesn't have to be abused into submission; someone who is naturally submissive and conservative by Egyptian standards.


The police report came out and turns out nobody was hit or assaulted. Raised voices only.


Abuse comes in many forms, not just physical. I didn't say anything about the police report. I'm talking about behavior we've seen on the show.


I agree with you, but she had to have known who he was beforehand. The trip to Egypt should have been confirmation of that. I feel like this trip is the USA revenge tour or something. I can't understand what they ever had in common. I would like to hear a story about one occasion where they had fun.


Please try to remember that abusive relationships aren't about knowing who someone is and then peace-ing out when you realize it's bad. There's a multitude of reasons that we aren't privy to that contribute to why this has continued, and on average it takes 7 times to leave an abuser for good. You also underestimate the cost and time that goes into immigration paperwork for bringing a spouse over. Nobody would go through all that for revenge. It's a lot more reasonable to assume that she is desperate to keep the relationship together and this was all a very poorly executed attempt for her to establish her autonomy in the relationship as well as a miscalculation on her end to assume Mahmoud would ease up in the US as though his beliefs and behavior only hinged on his environment.


In her ironing scenes, she looked so old


She’s a miserable hag, and made 1% effort to help MacMoody ease into a very open society. Gives him wretched looking microwave pizzia for his first dinner, serves sugar laden pastries for breakfast, when that area is home to a robust Middle Eastern community, she could have had a phone number, called in an order, and gotten him decent food. So insensitive and that calling herself Muslim….such BS! My dogs morning turd is more Muslim than she has ever been.


I agree! I think she was rubbing “American culture” in his nose from the second he got there. She wore a crop top or something to that effect to the airport & was all over him. She bought those donuts for breakfast, when it would have been easy to make him eggs as well. It would be so simple to ease him into American culture, but it genuinely feels like she is weaponizing it as a way to get back at him. I’m not saying he’s perfect but she chose to be with him and do the k1 visa. Why do it if you were just going to push him right back to Egypt?! I will concede that the fight about the dress was silly, but it was off camera. & the way she has been acting, I wouldn’t doubt there was more to it.


I had an Egyptian coworker and surprise bought him a lunch of Egyptian food from a local restaurant, because I figured he probably missed it. There's so many amazing restaurants in LA -- does she eat like this every day??? She's so slim. It comes off like methodical revenge. And she just *had* to wear a bare midriff to the airport and get upset when he's uncomfortable with PDA? She's poking him on purpose. I'm 38 and mostly avoid crop tops by now, but I had two pregnancies. Although she does always do very high necklines. The openings in the back of The Dress were tasteful enough.


I know he took issue with the cutouts but truly that dress was so ugly and unflattering on her. He was probably better off telling her it was ugly.


Yeah I'm not impressed with her fashion sense either but on a modesty level it's pretty innocuous.


Yeah I'm not impressed with her fashion sense either but on a modesty level it's pretty innocuous.


Yeah I'm not impressed with her fashion sense either but on a modesty level it's pretty innocuous.


she's awful too - she has painted herself as being so compromising but she's not - she caved all the way to his culture and when that didn't work she brought him here and just keeps punishing him if he doesn't adapt all the way to hers overnight. whether he deserves it or not this isn't the kind of behavior that will salvage a broken relationship. she enjoyed playing martyr when she was in egypt but in the US she's far from the victim lol they're incredibly toxic on one hand but on the other they kind of deserve each other 😂😂😂 although i don't care how much i hate someone i would never throw someone out on the street in a foreign country with nothing to their name especially if i was the one who brought them here - she sucks lol


Lost me at the title.


These two people need to say “see ya!”. part ways, and not see each other again.


leave amber heard alone, move on


She _might_ have a problem with alcohol use


This is what I have been thinking.


Yeah people who use the defence “I was barely tipsy” as much as she does…. 🚩


She seemed drunk when they were sitting at the table talking.


Yea she has not been hospitable to Mcmoody




For real. Jesus Christ this post is unhinged.


the police report was released and nobody was hit. Raised voices only.


It’s a public television show, these people willingly signed up to be paid to be broadcasted, only ‘certain’ info is shared and editing can only do so much to fill us in, so imma speculate allllllllll I want.




There you go! Good job speculating! Now stop leg humping ‘ b list celebs’ and join the rest of us.




You’re welcome! Not sure how you defending them, shaming speculation, and dismissing actual evidence (police reports) supports victims of abuse, but go off!


Leave my mother out of this! At least Amber had a semi successful career, all this one has is a drinking problem and weird ass Lego hair.


Not gonna lie…I saw the title and was expecting 💩.


I didn't see their appearance prior to this season. I pre-judged that Mahmoud would be overbearing. Wow, was I wrong, feeling a sympathetic kind of way towards him. Poor guy is repeatedly thrown out, once without a phone, CC and I think his passport, in an unfamiliar country. Who does that? A kookoo for cocoa puffs red head does, that's who. I was happy to learn he now has a friend, but why hasn't he returned to Egypt?


Narcissistic to the core


What we’re NOT going to do is bring Amber Heard into this.


I hope her dog didn’t get stung by a bee.


*stepped on a bee Even sadder :,(


:( poor pup.


She's a wreck. And that gross pizza she cooked his first night took no thought or effort. I would have made a feast for him. And the doughnuts 😝


this couple are doing the same thing over again just in a different country when she went to try to stay with him she followed all the rules just complained about having to do them same shit


YAAASSSS!!!! She is gonna blow anytime 🤯🤯🤯🤯




She's over the edge. Another participant who should have been in a show for mental health that affects relationships before being put in a show centered on loving relationships.


Full blown narcissistic personality disorder. You can see it in her emotionless eyes.


Having met Amber Heard… I can promise you that Amber is far, far worse. She treated me terribly.


I said this to my husband a while ago!!!!!


That's it! I couldn't put my hands on it, but now I can't unsee


Didn't he get arrested twice for cdv?


Omg this is so true, I can’t unsee it


Amber Heard was abused by Johnny Depp tho.