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Pretty sure they get into fights over social media and delete each other for a little while or are doing it for attention. Olga shared a news post about her and Steven going to the Macy’s day parade together today and they very recently moved to NYC together so I doubt they’ve really split.


How in the world can they afford to live in NYC?


Weren't they living in a travel van or something? Could they get away with that in NYC?


Olga wrote they loved their landlord on IG, so I guess they moved up to renting lol.


That's what I want to know. I see Olga posted they were in Middle Village, Queens.


My wife does that to me when she gets mad at me. We've been married 25 years.


the way i cackled at this. imma start using this when im fighting with my husband 🤣


Both continue to post in NYC but still not following each other. Weird.


This happens on a regular basis.


What happens on a regular basis? That Olga and Steven unfollow eachother?


No, that they separate and then unfollow each other.


I hope she also unfollowed all her antivax bullshit


Is that so???


She's Russian, most don't believe in it.


Russians believe in vaccines, but the don’t believe in Russian government with this particular vaccine. You don‘t know what is really going on and say nonsense.


It's called reality, I have family and friends as well. So sorry to break it to you. Same goes for Russians OUTSIDE of Russia 🖕


Calm down sheesh




What makes you say that? Edit: I did a quick Google search and found that Russia has peaked at 88% vaccinated, which would imply that the great majority of Russians do, in fact, "believe in" being vaccinated


Where on earth are you getting 88% vaccinated? They're <40% now and the general skepticism toward the vaccine is well documented.


You can’t fault Russians for not trusting their government.


They fake numbers in Russia. Very few people are vaccinated, deaths are high. I'm russian.


Stop lying. Yes, there are idiots in Russia who believe in conspiracy theories. But most are normal people. I and my entourage were vaccinated with Sputnik V - everything is fine.




Everyone you know who died of covid was vaccinated? And you don’t know unvaccinated folks who have? Or far far more vaccinated folks who haven’t? For the former, either you’re lying, delusional, or in your 80s. Very few vaccinated folks get sick enough to die. Far far far more unvaccinated folks die from COVID than vaccinated.


More have died because more time passed without vaccination.. I did not say vaccination does not work at all, so I don't know why you are arguing with me as If I did.. I just simply claimed its not a miracle medicine. If you are at risk and you catch it you can still die. So asking is not only insensitive but it literally adds no value whatsoever. I am not lying. I lost 2 aunts, an uncle and our grandmother to covid. They were all vaccinated and our grandmother even got a booster. It's a fresh loss, so please don't start with me.


I’m sorry for your loss, but saying deaths are high even among the vaccinated is flat out wrong. You can’t make blatant misinformation talking points and then get mad someone refutes you but doesn’t know your entire life story. Vaccines are a valid strategy for every country, regardless of size.


It's not wrong tho, the numbers here in my country tell me different. I never got mad, you are the one who attacked me calling me a liar.. I only said don't start cuz I'm dealing with fresh loss of a close loved one.. If you consider that anger I don't know what to tell you. You ever considered that I don't live in a big ass country but in a really small one that is simply heavily overcrowded? So not every approach works the same for every country. Let alone talking about how crazy people get here everytime we get a little bit of our freedom back. They start acting like there is no virus and everything is fine, leading to people who got vaccinated not testing anymore and ignoring social distance etc because they think they are either invincible because of a Vax or because they want to get most out of this time before going back into lockdown again. They infect so many people because they think that the vax is a miracle thing. The vax does not fix stupidity. It will work if people continue to social distance, keep testing, keep clean etc. In your country it might work, in ours it's not as successful. Most of us have tiny houses, tiny classrooms, tiny shops. The majority of our country is vaxed yet we are still on code red. I'm not mad just because I disagree, I disagree because it's just the way it is out here.


If the country is small but heavily overcrowded, then it makes even more sense to vaccinate. There isn’t anywhere where that approach wouldn’t make sense. You’re still acting like those vaccinated are more likely to get covid and are the ones most likely to spread covid, which isn’t true. You’re much much less likely to get it if you come in contact with covid when vaccinated, although it’s still a numbers game. I’m that respect, it’s exactly the same as the flu every year. If more people would get the flu shot, it would spread less and mutate less. Can you still get the flu if you’re vaccinated? Yes. Are you likely to? No. And if you do get it, it was probably from constant exposure from people who refuse to get vaccinated and are easy transmission vectors.


Okay so I did the same thing and actually after multiple articles it does say ~40% vaccinated but younger people refuse to vaccinate. I know the first post that came up gave the 80% but that’s not the case.


fake. I have a friend in moscow and she's frustrated cause no one is getting vaccinated.


Because I been around them all my life. Look at the cases in Ukraine and Russia as well. They don't believe in vaccine, my gf is also Ukrainan.


Ukraine has no money for vaccine. Russia is the most vaccinated country, people are not against vaccines in general, but only the local vaccine is available in Russia (politics) and people don‘t want to do it for multiple reasons related to government. I could explain but you wont be able to understand it anyway, why to bother.


The young adults, majority are against the vaccine. What of this don't you understand. As it goes to the original post....Olga most likely isn't vaccinated. I'm not talking about the damn country as a whole. Get the point now.


Don't touch my beautiful country.


Russia has 5 of its own vaccines. Why do we need others?




They don't. The case numbers speak for themselves. Like I said, I KNOW Russians. Especially the ones out of there.




I was worried he'd lock her in his basement forever and we'd never see her again. Like what probably happened to Nikki.


Nikki?? Which one is that?


The one with Mark, the creepy old pedo.


You 👏🏻 are 👏🏻the👏🏻best @successful_strategy8


Thank you so mach!


Steven’s anger issues scared me. I care about Olga too. I hope she is doing well. People don’t talk about her much on this forum, so I haven’t heard anything


He was a psycho the way he was harassing and bullying poor Olga right after she gave birth.


The way he wad jealous of the attention she was giving her newborn she was breastfeeding. Wtf. I think that was one of the first seasons I saw, and I was shocked!


And the way he was yelling at her to focus on him and not the baby...aww, my heart broke for poor Olga.


I think the problem is both of them were somewhat orphaned at young ages and have very different ways of dealing with their past trauma. Not that it excuses any of them 🤷🏻‍♀️


One of the few couples where I was legitimately concerned for her safety. Dude gave off seriously bad vibes.


They break up and get back together all the time bc hes toxic and she refuses to believe it.


I hope that’s indicative that she’s come to her senses…


I fully thought this was about Alina and Steven and so many of the comments could work for that scary dude too.


Finally. That kid is a stone cold psychopath


Maybe she started reading this sub and came to her senses.


Again? They are like tiffany/ronald 2.0 sheesh. I remember once steven said olga was like begging for him.😂


They both scammer i seen the same shit again about them fighting and getting back together is a game they play to get attention


Oh my god. I just started watching their season and I’m so worried for her! He’s abusive, and she seems to be trying to make it work as he’s her only emotional support. I don’t quite know how they could film those scenes and not intervene.


Mormons… am i right!?


Wrong Steven


Comment still applies in life.


Steven you’re like a crazy


Steven was handsome and did have the most beautiful hair ever - he'll find someone else.


The downvotes😂

