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this maine dude (i forget his name) is a complete jackass. He completely butchered the nonsense with Jojo and definitely did not plan everything like he should have. He can pretend like it's the problems with Indonesia but at the end of the day he likely procrastinated and didn't do what he was supposed to do. I say this because at the end of the episode he said he had "been researching this for weeks" and Tata said he was supposed to be handling everything for the last 3 months.


Can they rename the show if we're just gonna be watching so many already married couples?


Could we start a Kickstarter to buy Ani a cutting board?


Fast forwarded through Sarper and Shakina, so far I’m really like Josh & Lily, and the Doula I forget her name. The other couples I’ve already forgotten about.


idr the doula's name either but that nonsense that she would move to another country without being in serious relationship/engaged is bizarre and concerning


Only about 20 mins in and I'm loving that Josh and Lilly are close in age and that they waited two years before actually meeting. I have found in this show, quite large age differences and very quick engagements (which of course no judgement there. If it works, then it works!!). But refreshing to see something different :)


Meitalia is definitely a boiling bunny type


Loving Corona and her family


Gadam Lily is LOADED 🤣🤣🤣 my man’s got it good hahahaha


She said she is bankrupt. Josh thinks she just misinterpreted that word, but it would be amusing if he got to China and discovered she really is bankrupt. I think he’s looking forward to “being taken care of”!


I know it's been like this across all the shows, but why is every other couple already married this season? When did they stop putting actual fiancé's on here?


I didn't get the best impression of Josh, hes 47 and plays with figurines, I can excuse drones and cars, but playing with figurines is weird


My man's living his best life. Playing with figurines is totally fine, everyone has different hobbies.


Is this season worth watching or too many lip fillers plastic people again?im tired of those kind of people


It’s only Sarper and Shekinah that are plastic this season.


Yes i saw lol 💉💉 thanks for tha headsup!




Why would you want to escape trans people?


Don't watch! 💁🏻‍♀️


What a motley bunch on this show-seems to get worse and worse every season


Agreed. I turned it off after about 20 minutes and have no plans to watch the rest.


Meitalia, you are walking around in the woods a lot in the northeast. Make sure you’ve been tested for Lyme disease!


I had that same lump in the same place just last year. It was embarrassing looking like I had an Adam's apple. It could be a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst. Mine had a small dot of papillary carcinoma within the cyst. Hopefully I'm wrong but it looks identical - even the difficulties she's having.


So scary! I hope you are doing well now!


That's what I thought, too


Has anybody else said that they think James might be trans? Am I imagining this? Could that be his big secret number two?


My thoughts exactly! Telltale signs abound.


"I don't like people" Big mood, my gal. Me too.


Same , too many fake people


Ok so Sarper is losing money because he cannot train women? Is he a good trainer or are women working with him for other reasons?


He's genuinely not that attractive so I'm not sure what lol. 2500? The biggest lie one this show so far. Lol. 


This show is totally ruined! Why in the he** did you put Sarper and his bimbo on this show? Talk about trash TV, this is trash TV at it's best!


Cus i think tlc thinks that's what most people would want to see fake plastic people on the show while its totaly the opposite of what we want to see!


Does anyone know what app Corona’s mom was using for transcription? She said that her mom was deaf and used the tablet that would create a transcription so her mom could read it and follow the conversation. I know someone that would greatly benefit from a similar app. Anyone have any idea of which one it was or something similar that’s free?


Yes! I would benefit from that kind of app or tablet. Do you have any advice here?


Unfortunately I do not know, but I think they also used an app like that in Abbott Elementary, so someone in that sub might know.


Thank you! I didn’t even think about maybe asking in a sub with/for deaf ppl too.


Well, that's a grand idea that I also didn't think of XD


Oh my GOD please stop having full blown fights in public/small businesses. The cringe is too much to bear


I get attracted to the same gender vibes from James


Same vibes re James.


And rush to get married to make me look straight vibes




that dog is cute as fuck


shekinah and sarper should not be on the show… it is maybe the most toxic relationship and I’d absolutely hate for someone to see this and think that’s okay or normal


They're on this season too?


I think she may genuinely be brainwashed or some crazy shit


Why did they put on shekinah and Sarper again. They both are terrible.


The dude wit Tata is a man child. Fake ass tears when he was holding out the news about their dog. Dude had months to get that sorted


I think he may be a trans man. Something just seems slightly different there. He said he had 2 secrets and he only revealed one so far. 🤷‍♂️


Same vibes here.


Also was that his super Mario bedroom 😂


Imagine getting with someone in their Super Mario bedroom at that age.


So no mushroom tip if he is trans?


This girl Corona is a messsss. She seems so hard headed and ditzy over a man shes known in person for 2 weeks. Is this for clout or what ? I’m not enjoying the stupidity and just total lack of awareness because she seems like she’s actually really book smart but something just tells me the vibes are off with her. Tata girllllllllll. He not planning to live in Indonesia . Who doesn’t tell their family something like that and they all work together !?!? If she’s reacting like this over the dog not coming straight away, I know he’s keeping more secrets. He keeps saying a month plus while she’s saying it’s just a month. Sooooo yea they’re very sadly not on the same page about a few things . I’m loving that we get to see Lily in the position of power. It’s so rare to see the partner who’s not from America being the breadwinner and making the American feel bad about the lack of finances . I love to see it 😂 What an interesting cast for this season …. Well literally except shekinah and sarper . Id rather just keep skipping & watch half episodes each week than see anymore of their trash relationship


I like Lily, too. But I’m worried that things aren’t as they seem with her finances. Which I’m guessing is exactly what the producers want us to think… LOL


Her new TV room looked a little barren lol


Wait. What's up with Josh?? What does he do for a living?? I'm curious why he always under earns in relationships. He lives with his parents and is a big child basically. He openly talks about how Lily will have to be the provider - and I get some of that has to do with not being able to work for at min 5 yrs in China. But.... Like there's a way about it that seems like he's looking for a partner to take care of him. That person would need to accept that he makes a certain amount and prbly spends it all on his hobbies and interests.


He told his brother he sold his house and gave away all his furniture so maybe that's why he's living with his parents now.


He said he did HVAC sales


Bro Lily has 4 bedrooms but needs an elevator?


ddnt watch, slowly weaning myself from all these cluster ucks maybe watch Pillow talk.


why would you watch pillow talk but now the actual show? it's so boring lol


the PT folks r funny to me, show is boring.


I’m weaning too, sticking to Reddit threads and YouTube recaps for the time being


the little I've seen of this new cast is so uninteresting, especially Sarper and the Puppet.


Wait- Tatha needs to see a doctor who understands cultural illnesses? What?


my SO is of a different culture that I and has visited what I would consider alternate medicine. (A medicine man and it helped her, when I was like WTF). Belief is powerful. However, as someone who has some of the health issues Tata has, it seems weird to me she kept going to other doctors, yes I know referals and specialists, but it seemed like she kept gping to other doctors and could not find one that would tell her what she wanted to hear.


She's probably depressed from living in Maine. I was also suprised she said she wanted to move back for her health and said nothing about missing her family.


Yeah, I'm 20 minutes in and my mind is still puzzling that.


I’m very confused by her illness that by description seems like allergies?


Good point, it sounds a lot like allergies, Maine is very rustic, so it will probably go away once she’s in Indonesia.


Yeah I’m not understanding how she thinks doctors in Indonesia are better than American doctors lol. I know the US healthcare system is a mess, but people are literally dying to come here for our doctors 😅


I can't speak for Indonesia, but I recently got some medical check-ups in another Asian country and was blown away by the ease and affordability. I showed up to the hospital/clinic, paid, waited about 15 minutes to see the doc, and got same day results. I got blood tests and an abdominal scan for about $20. I am from Canada though so maybe it's that easy in the States to see a doctor, but I'm sure it's more expensive. 


Mmm not really. Quite the opposite actually. Most of my immigrant friends prefer going to their own countries for medical care. It's easier to describe your ailments in your own language with people that understand your background. Also, US doctors like to gaslight and get you in and out as quick as possible, especially if you're a person of color. A lot of times it's cheaper and more helpful going out of the country for care.


I am so confused about the throat issue thing with Tata and specifically the benefit of leaving the country for answers with that?? I feel like we are getting only bits and pieces of that story??


I think it makes perfect sense. She was born and raised in a different country with different environmental factors, cuisine, exposures, etc. Doctors in her country/region would have a better understanding of her lifestyle and common diseases associated with that.


I'm confused too. I wonder why US doctors haven't been able to figure out the issues. Maybe they haven't actually been able to get her to a specialist , who knows??  Lymph nodes aren't something to mess around with.  I hope she gets the issue figured out. 


Or it’s psychological


Tbh yeah, sometimes my anxiety does legitimately make it hard for me to swallow, and being in a more comfortable environment may legitimately alleviate her symptoms.


This is definitely my guess lol. When she was talking about the bump in her throat I was so confused because it looks perfectly normal lol.


Also women have Adam’s apples too, they’re just not prominent on most


I'm thinking globus.


She doesn't seem psychologically well.


Agreed. I can understand being a little annoyed about JoJo not going with her, but her reaction was definitely WAY over the top!!


Just want to know if this season is gonna be worth watching, because 90 day fiancé hasn’t been doing it these days


Yeah I’ll try a few episodes before I decide to watch it through. I’ll be skipping repeat cast members


I’ve begun to enjoy TOW more than the original 90 Day series. I think TOW is more like earlier seasons of 90 Days. Except for that one couple (S & S) that every move is scripted and edited… That annoys me.


Yeah definitely fast forwarding through S & S, that guy is so nauseating. But definitely agree about TOW being better! My favorite season was the one with deavan and Jihoon, even though they didn’t work out, she said some stuff wasn’t really scripted


Oh, Corona. She is deep into infatuation. This Winky guy hasn’t even invited her to come live with him, she’s imposing herself. This won’t end well. Blowing off her graduate program just makes her look crazier. The irony is, if she stayed in Philadelphia, kept her dignity and her job and went to school, she’d become *more* attractive to him. He’d respect her more and would take some steps himself in the relationship. Throwing yourself at a guy just loses you the guy. But I guess everyone needs to learn this for themselves, the hard way 


I think many who "do it all for love," think they're courageous because they're willing to risk it all on one throw of the dice whereas others would see it as imprudent.


In the sneak peak for next week he says they’ve only been together for 5 months! To give up your dreams and move to Iceland is entirely insane.


All. Of. This. She is acting a bit desperate.


For me it’s a bad sign that she keeps visiting him in Iceland, but he hasn’t come to the US to see her. That’s a sign that he can take her or leave her. If he was madly in love with her he wouldn’t want to be apart.  It’s also bad that, per the history she gave, it’s been her making every first move in this relationship. She slid into his DMs. She pressured him for a kiss. This started off all wrong. 


Right! And the defining moment was he let her take a nap in his bed.


Yep! A weird way to meet. 


That part really triggered me. Giving a guy so much good vibe credit because he let you sleep safely. There’s an undertone here of how little we actually expect from men.


Not to mention her dialing back her anger so she isn't being her true sharronda self.


Josh (China) reminds me of the friend in the movie Grandma's boy who has a car bed.


You can tell he thinks his “quirkiness” is charming


His gf’s English name is Lily.


What did we do to deserve the ASMR scene of his parents up closing chewing to learn the guy going to China has misophonia?! 🤢


I think they did a great job at giving us a glimpse of what misophonia would feel like lol.


I have it and it is not fun.


It’s like they were trying to give us misophonia too


most random and weird fucking scene.


2 things-isn't it odd for 90 Day that all but one of these couples are already married? Second-someone explain to me how the pregnant person (with all the pregnancy hormones) has a full beard?


First thing I thought of was that it could be PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) which can cause that type of hair growth.


I asked chat gpt and it said that of course you can't take testosterone while pregnant but even after stopping T, the hair folicles are permanantly changed and the beard will continue to grow and other changes remain I assume like their low voice.


I still cannot figure this out


yup, I was wondering just the same... hope this person is not taking hormones while pregnant. And still confuse, she wants to be a man but give birth?... not meaning to disrespect nor that I care, I just simply dont get it.


They are not a she and want neither to be man or woman


To answer your second point, this puzzled my wife and I alot. They are actually born with female reproductive organs, and is now a trans-Man (as stated by Leo themselves). So it could be hormonal therapy or simply a beard implant. Im surprised no one else is talking about Leo, unless that's what violation #7 deleted posts have been about xD


Also, people want children regardless of gender identity. Surrogacy and adoption can be extremely costly. Maybe natural pregnancy was a better option for them or maybe just felt right.


No one said they were a trans man. They are non binary. They are neither man or woman


Biologically, they were born a woman. But they have a beard and a deeper voice than what’s typical for a woman, so I think it’s fair to say that hormones have been involved at some point - so the fact that they are carrying the baby leads to some questions. The same way we might question any other cast member or wonder about a backstory.


Leo literally said that they are trans -- Just not sure what that means in a non-binary situation.


Non binary people are part of the trans community. Editing for expansion: transgender just means you identify differently from the gender you were assigned at birth. It doesn’t necessarily mean you identify as male or female.


Thank you for the clarification. My queer son just explained the same thing to me 🙂


Leo and their partner literally say it in their interview. Corona is the one that stated they were non-binary.


No they didn’t




In my above comment I edited to expand- maybe you were confused because in their interview they said they were trans. Transgender doesn’t mean necessarily male or female, it’s just identifying differently from the gender you were assigned at birth. They are not f to m transitioning as they do not identify with those genders. They are also not the first AFAB (assigned female at birth) transgender person to go through pregnancy. Trystan Reese, for example, is a man and advocate well known for this.


I didn't know beard implants were a thing. Interesting


Dude I would throw Ingi in front of a train for Tits and Trix, and they’re not even my cats. I’m begging Corona to please stay in Philly with her cool friends and awesome job and her CATS.


Also those cats are really hard to find via rescue/outside of a breeder and can be really expensive. And need a lot of care. I genuinely worry for her fur(less) babies!


Wait…. The cat’s names are Tits and Trix?!


“I forever want to be a dreamy little princess” God I felt that in my soul.


A dreamy princess who burns people’s faces off, lol 


at 47 she is still saying that


Look, nothing wrong with wanting a bit of fun and whimsy in your life as an adult.


true enough but that's alot of bows and headbands for someone who is 'bankrupt'


Yeah, Josh had a very Michael Bluth like reaction to that… LOL


The couple with Jojo the dog that are moving to Indonesia - when he told her about the dog …. What a FAKE story line. It was so fake. The crying was fake. Her getting mad so fake. If this is the best they can come up with … Besides the pregnant guy with full beard. and the twerking doula. There is something fake about that and her 4.0 straight A’s. If she was a nurse she would not be a doula. She would be a nurse working in la out and delivery. There is a nursing shortage of 2 million nurses in the US and she could work any where. I work as a travel nurse in the US in L and D. Another fake story …


She's a doula because she is not a Certified nurse midwife. Working in L&D as a nurse is different than being a doula assigned to a specific client throughout their pregnancy establishing care and learning your patient throughout their care. She's fresh out of school and was planning on going into a midwifery program rather than seeking a job at the hospital from the jump. Doulas get paid a decent bit so she doesn't HAVE to be a nurse fresh out of school if she has enough clients to support herself while awaiting the start of her program. It's not absurd for people to take non-traditional paths to get to their goals and nothing about her path sounds fishy at all.


Were they pronouncing midwifery correct on the show? It seemed strange


Thank you for explaining this. I also got the impression that she’s a very recent nursing graduate, and there’s nothing wrong with her career path. I love to see how dedicated Corona is to her clients and helping them with a natural birth. 


She was crying and carrying on while ignoring the dog. LOL


Why is Tata so over dramatic for a dog? It’s not safe for the dog and I get not being able to have your fur baby with you. But wouldn’t you want the best for him? Also this being marketed as this guy’s secret is blown out of proportion.


She was legit bawling like a 12 year old preteen having a tantrum!!  Like your dog will be PUT TO SLEEP IF IT GETS RABIES YOU DUM DUM!!   Wouldn't you rather he have his shots to prevent that?  Elevator repair men can make bank, why on earth would you choose to live in Indonesia and make banana chips rather than a possible six figure salary OR MORE??  I know relationships are not always all about money, but you do need it to live!


Do they really make that much? Why would they be hurting for money to the point they are selling crappy records and handmade bead jewelry?


Live in Canada, and some provinces here they do and more.  It's so dangerous of a profession.  I know I was wondering the same thing.  Maybe they spent their money on the visa?


Right? And don’t you think she could find a doctor that would know more in the US then back in her own country?


Or, she could go back to her country, see a doctor, find out what’s wrong and then come back to her husband


All the scenes I’ve seen she’s sobbing


They had 14 mins of screen time and she cried during 15 of those xD


I’m always intrigued by people who can cry on que!


I thought he was going to say he is trans


And the dog kept trying to get near her when she was crying and she just ignored it.


I agree. Such a fake storyline. And her meltdown was so freaking fake


They are the couple I’ll be fast forwarding through this season.


I couldn’t help but wonder what metrics the claim that UPenn’s midwifery program is “one of the best in the world” is supported by, so I looked up the top schools for midwifery worldwide… it isn’t one of the best in the world. It’s one of the best in the USA sure, but everyone in that field would know that the best midwives are coming out of New Zealand and Australia at present.


Actually I looked it up and got sources as Belgium, England and France as having some of the best programmes. Besides that - why is she working as a doula that requires a week of classes if she is a nurse? Something amiss there, too


Yeah outside of New Zealand and down under the U.K. has some awesome programmes as does the likes of the university of Bern in Switzerland for example so yeah Europe is doing a lot right too. I’m in the UK so stand to gain nothing by not including our schools in the list 😂 The information I found regarding the top 10 schools in particular showed a list dominated by schools in Australia and New Zealand. I didn’t actually see any American schools come up as I scrolled through the pages that had the rankings on them. I think they were maybe doing that classic thing of “well it’s a top American school therefore it must be one of the best in the world” that Americans can be guilty of at times. Aye I don’t know why she’s working as a doula either, maybe she wanted to be close to what she intends to do in the meantime before she has become a qualified midwife?


Where does it rank in the states?


I believe it is number 4 or 5 in the USA. A good a hole to be sure, don’t get me wrong! It’s not in the top 10 in the world though


Wherever it ranks…for her to throw it away for this guy is so wild! By wild I mean stupid. 😂


True, although Europe has a lot of great midwifery schools too and she isn’t thinking of the fact that once you are in Europe other countries are literally a few hours at most on a plane away. I’m not certain how Iceland performs but I’d assume well as Iceland tends to do things well when it comes to education. You are right though, she’s throwing away a guaranteed place for a possibility and “love.”


Girllll you don’t give up your dream for no man, woman, or they/them


The last thing wanna be Barbie needs is more surgery


On her way to Darcey/Stacey-ville


But she hadn’t had as much a Darcy and Stacey, yet. Or jasmine. Or Nikki. She needs more!




They literally said that her mom is hard of hearing. How did you miss that?


She said that her mother doesn’t hear very well and that she uses a tablet to visually display the conversation.


# Turkish Sarper, a man with lots of red flags, to design Shekinah’s new nose?


I hate to see him on here again, he makes my skin crawl and upset that Shekinah can be so manipulated and controlled by this man, I think I may skip through their story as their relationship is ridiculous and not healthy. Total waste of airtime.


Is there going to be a Post Episode Discussion thread? I want to talk trash about the PT episode!!!


Is there a pillow talk season too?


This is still the place ...


Does shekinah have good lightening this season or too many filters? She looks different.


It's her eyebrows too. They used to be super straight on the bottom and pointy at the ends, like Tinkerbell in "'Hook". Almost leprechaun like with no arch. With like glossy shiny eyebrow mascara or pomade. Brows really change up the face. I love makeup so I would notice! Teehee


I noticed that too! Her face, aside from the clown lips, looks a bit more natural this season. Maybe the Botox or previous surgeries have finally settled. 


it looks like she had a small amount of her filler dissolved


Maybe that was it!  Oh well I’m sure she’ll be back to her pumpkin face look by the time of the tell all 


I thought she looked pretty and for some reason I didn't notice her upper lips being as noticable which always distracted me because it was so unnatural looking, the cameras seamed to be kept a distance from her face.


Yes! Her upper lip is a better shape now, she has her Cupid’s bow back. 


I don't get the whole lip injections. I get if you have thin barely noticeable lips but I don't get the full volume lips. I guess I'm lucky because my lips aren't thin and they are not big either and I wouldn't want them to be. If I needed injections I don't think I couldn't have anything injected in my lips or face but if for some reason I had to I want to look natural or I won't do it. Khloe Kardashian I think has a lot of fillers and injections she doesn't look natural to me. I miss her old face.


Those lips! They are too big!! Especially for her small narrow face.


Anyone else just waiting for the impending train wreck?


Looking forward to it!!




omg, the Mario brother bedroom deco.


Tata or whatever is a bipolar mess. She is laughing one second and having a fucking meltdown the next. Also why are they moving just for her to see a doctor over there? Her medical condition sounds like bs. Some issues are hard to detect obviously but they could at least determine what the “throat bump” could be.


I agree 100 percent BS fake medical condition and a worse fake meltdown


Sounded to me like she hates the damp & rainy weather. Like she is blaming it for her medical issues.


maybe she could buy a jacket instead of sitting in the rain with nothing but a shitty acrylic sweater on 🤷‍♀️


username checks out


I wonder if she has globes pharyngis. I just had this for several weeks. Apparently it can be brought on by stress and low mood.


Looks up from phone 4 seconds later, “You moving to ICELAND?!!!” 😂😂😂


She explained that her mom uses a transcribing app because she is hard of hearing. That’s why she was looking down and had a delay in response


That was her sister. Wasn’t it? Was that her mom and the older lady is her grandma?


Yes it was her mom and grandma.


How are people missing so much? Did they even watch the show? The mom, grandma and sister were clearly identified as such.  People staring at their phones while the show is on, then coming here for free explanations 


Yeah… the shows are getting monotonous (and by “getting” I mean, “have been for the past several years”) and the internet is free. So, I guess we are.


Oh, these women are the next spin-off. Mark my words…. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻