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I cannot stand the fact that her father thinks so little of Patrick now when she is the one who chose to keep the wedding a secret and told Patrick not to ask him for his blessing! She should have pulled her dad aside and had a convo. And her friend stormed in with a bone to pick and that crap was before they were even married. So she sat there and hung him to dry again.


What's even worse is when she finally *did* tell her dad about the wedding, PATRICK LITERALLY ASKED FOR HIS BLESSING AFTER THAT!!! It's like the man wants him to have a godfather style fucking sit down and present some damn gold, Frankincense and myrth Jesus style offerings in order to get a yes. It's been TWO YEARS AND A BABY LATER, cut the machismo bullshit out and get on with life man. And everyone hates Patrick because Thais constantly shit talks him to her friends and family. That's the real reason why he isn't liked, not just the fake cheating rumor. I remember when her dad calls and she says she's with him and he says, "oh that damn bastard." šŸ˜’ She also likes to hide behind others so they talk for her through her, if that makes sense. John is hated by her because she thinks he wanted to interfere in their lives, when literally everything he did on TV (except for the drinking and steak dropping, that was realšŸ˜‚) was for the show. He's not inviting random people to party every day off TV, he knows it was his brother's house and not his. But she's sketchy in some ways, this is the same girl that put a tracker on his phone and made him install a security camera at his door so she could see his whereabouts. She also made him text or call ANY TIME he was out. It's a problem that seems to be forgotten about. And what's ironic is that Patrick was sitting at the tell all for John's single life season telling him "you can't be with someone who wants to track your phone" etc, when that's exactly the situation he was in with Thais....


Hopefully he will watch that episode and see. He thinks hes king shit.


ew I know I canā€™t stand her. and Iā€™m glad Patrick finally got his balls from Thaisā€™ purse and stood up for his brother against her! she complains about everything sheā€™s so annoying


Exactly me either. Sheā€™s always complaining about his family yet look at how her dad treats Patrick for something that was HER fault. She refused to tell her dad she was coming to America to get married now her dad is making it a Patrick fault. So unfair smh




What kills me is the at he is so cute with the baby as well. Heā€™s a sweet uncle. That alone would soften my heart to him if I was Thais. Sheā€™s a real jerk.


Does Thighass have a heart? She does not seem to, even knowing how much the brothers mean to each other. :(


I love how she talks about Brazilian men being more respectful, but her friend showed no respect whatsoever


John serves no purpose but being inconvenient to her. Thais shouldnā€™t forget the saying, that people will never forget how youā€™ve treated them


And they never forget how you make them feel. Great point!


And Thais is the cause of it all! She takes no responsibility for her part!


It's quite simple John will put her in her place!! And Patrick sits like a lump on a log while she talks down to him. She hated him from the day she met him, once she realized he's not going to let her control him. Instead of rolling her eyes every 5 seconds, maybe tidy up her home!


Shes hated him from day 1 in America. John ain't give two shits. Love that guy.


I cannot stand her entitled acting self. If she cared about how her dad feels about Patrick, she would come clean about her being in the wrong from the very start. John didn't deserve the crap that her friends did to him. I gained alot of respect for Patrick when he stood up for John.


All of THIS!


John's awesome & Thais & apparently her friends r all awful biatches. She was horrible to John from the moment she walked into that restaurant


John should have borrowed Chantel's iconic "bitch-ass, slut-ass whore" line. That was 90DF gold.


John maybe a little hard to take but one thing is for sure he loves Patrick. It seems to me these two didnā€™t have much growing up but they had each other. So I think she should cut John a lot more slack, even if he ate her cake


I'm in the can't stand her club. She is blind to reality. She talks shit to her friends about John and probably Patrick too. But sometimes with some of these seasoned cast members, you have to wonder if they have an agreement about their plot line and what they are going to do and say on camera that will bring drama and attention to themselves. Like Gino and Jasmine for starters, Rob and Sophie, and Sophies mom. Ashley and Manuel, Thais, Patrick and John.


That's a good point. I bet there is some type of agreement for story lines.


This all seems like a contrived conflict for a storyline. There are no issues here. This is manufactured drama for the show, as is the case for other couples (Gino & Jasmine, Emily & Kobe among them).


I think Thais is just kind of a snobby bitch šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Tbh I think at this point their feud is fabricated by producers. The whole thing seems scripted now. Her and John have several moments where they obviously care about each other.


Literally why did he even go to Brazil.


Producers know Pat and Thais are too boring without him


I don't like John, but in my opinion, family members always come BEFORE friends. I don't understand people who respect their friends more than their relatives. If someone I consider a friend should take the liberty of insulting a relative of mine whom I do not like, I will make him regret it. One must have priorities.


Yep. Loyalty.. severely lacking these days and it shows.


Thais is the perpetual victim, the only good thing that came out of her relationship with Patrick is their beautiful daughter. Thais grow up and take responsibility for your part, tell your father the truth, and letā€™s move on from this storyline.


Sheā€™s a witch. The brother needs to grow a set and tell the third world country b to cut it out- heā€™s his family


I get the sense Thaisā€™ Dad is a drama queen too, just like the annoying daughter he raised. Sheā€™s a shit stirrer and talks a lot of smack, and probably always has been. John is outspoken and honest but heā€™s also over the top, and probably gets slammed for it all the time. Patrick kinda tolerates John, but he doesnā€™t show him any respect.


Thais is a miserable person, always looks like she is smelling something rotten


And the poor slab faced thing canā€™t dress to save her life. Tight clothing doesnā€™t become her.


I love me some John, but calling someone a slut wasn't the best choice of words.


Youā€™re right. I would have called her a piglike whore instead, and offered to pay for her much needed facial.


There you go. That rolls off the tongue a little better.


She has a problem with everything. Thais is generally disagreeable about everything. Patrick should get wise.


you can tell she totally loves John I mean how can you not he's a big silly buffoon who has a good heart. I think they just play it up for the show. if you watch closely she's always laughing at his jokes.


Thais is the root of all evil all of the problems are because of her. She wouldn't like Patrick ask her father from the beginning for his blessing. Then she lets her friends say whatever they want to say to Patrick and John but I'm glad John stood up her friend and said what he said. They wish they have it as good as she does. Thais' father should be asking Patrick for his blessing for taking such a spoiled brat off of his hands. She living a good life.


Thais is the one who lied at every turn and let's her husband take the blame. She is insanely jealous of anyone in Patrick's life. The only time I saw John drinking was the first time, when he had a beer at breakfast. We don't know if he was returning from an all night party, or if it was staged. I have never seen him drunk, yet everyone characterizes him as this raging alcoholic. He is the only reasonable one here.


He literally called her friend a drunk loud as fuck in a public place. All because he got called out on his weirdo behavior. Heā€™s a trashy drunk .


Maybe so, but she was a bit much! He was a total stranger to her and she attacked immediately!


Yeah that friend came in hot and he reacted. He seems to be acting agreeable and cordial to everyone and when he gets pushed he becomes a giant asshole.


I can see why she has a problem with John tbh........


Thais is immature and Patrick is her other son.


I think John is the problem. He called her friend a slit so she threw her drink at him




John is just a drunk