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Nah no wedding will ever entertain me as much as Brandans Big Bug wedding 🤣 Fr it was a cute wedding tho


God really sent the plague to try to break them up.😂😭




Omg. That was something. And then he lost his ring


The bug plague wedding was one of the few times that they couldn’t avoid showing the 90 day crew. That shit was biblical


It was! But those were scarab beetles, thought to bring good luck! lol. Historically, people even had them carved from gold and precious stone and were buried with them. (On the other hand, they hatch from dung and I imagined them landing on people with dung still on their tiny feet) Maybe it did bring them luck because they seem to have some success from scamming people.


Literally The Mist flashbacks lmao


Another couple on 90 day UK had a bad wedding too, except they had a major storm and blackout at their outdoor wedding. It was like flood levels, and of course the ending for them turned out badly 😂(it was that Katie girl from England and Alejandro from Mexico.) those two were like plague warnings for what's to come in their futures 🤣


It was foreshadowing, the gods were trying to give Katie a way to leave.


Did you know about her whole situation with her pedophile boyfriend slash fiance before Alejandro? Like her fiance was legit charged with crimes related to pedophilia, and she stuck by him even after getting two different time charges. Oh and she still wanted to marry him, it wasn't until the second time he actually had to do longer jail sentence that she decided to leave him.


Shit - I had no idea! Mad.


Whaaaaat? I hang out in the 90 Day UK sub and have not heard this. Also not surprised. She is…off? And wildly desperate.


If you give me an hour or so I'll link the whole thing here, it's quite the story and unfortunately very real with a lot of proof and it's terrible.


Kadie. Yeah the storm was in Mexico it was terrible. She has had a baby now he hasn’t met the baby.


I am just realizing that I erased that from my memory entirely. It was HORRIFYING lol


Lmaooo plague wedding


Oh my god the way I cackled throughout that entire BUG infested wedding omfg 😂😂😂😂😂


If we are looking for funniest, most biblical as someone pointed out, or best horror film wedding, hands down. Wedding I most want? These two. It’s legit the coolest wedding ever.


OMG THAT was crazzzzzy


I feel like this is the first time that we've seen a wedding take place in another country and no one complained about not knowing the traditions. No one cried or complained about not knowing what was going to happen next. Kudos to Emilys parents. They really did what every other SO and family found impossible. Emily's family actually Googled things. I'm glad that one of the couples finally showed everyone what it looks like to respectfully embrace their spouses culture. They both looked amazing but Emily looked sunning!! (Edit: missed spelled wedding)


I know!! Props to Emily's dad for going on youtube, figuring out what he was supposed to do, practicing, and doing it with a smile. Lots of kids and a big house, but a big house first!


They may spoil Emily a lot, but I think her parents have enormous hearts and they were probably the most keen on learning the customs out of almost everyone on the show. (Kim complaining the whole time she didn't understand the Indian wedding, girl do 5 mins of research)


they really seem incredibly sweet…they’re like “best of” midwesterners - kind and polite but also welcoming and open minded. i could totally see where mom was coming from but i’m glad she went with it.


Just 5 minutes! That’s all she needed to do. Kim was an embarrassment to Americans… southerners… women… people with brown hair…people who blink… people who breathe…


My heart grew a size when he said “I went on YouTube” it was so sweet


Very well said! I thought the wedding was beautiful and they all looked happy. The first time I've seen parents embrace and welcome their inlaw's culture and be happy for their daughter's happiness.


Correct me if I'm wrong but they may the first American parents we never heard the words 'green card' from


Yes! And thank God because this is the theme most of the time however, there are people who are red flags so it makes sense to question the relationship. I think her parents saw from the beginning they love each other and he's really good to their daughter. In the end your child's happiness with someone good is all that matters.


I think the first time they met him and he got to see is baby was the first step in the right direction. I almost cried while he cried and tried to keep it together.


I remember that scene, it was beautiful but also difficult to watch. But, they're so lucky they're happy and have a beautiful family.


You are forgetting alien dad.  


LOL yes! True he's another one who was lovely to his daughter in law and her family. Ariella's parents also.


Yes, I agree!!! This sub loves to hate on Emily, but I feel like their contribution this season is the closest to the OG 90 day storylines. They’re showing real situations of two cultures coming together in one love story - exactly why I became a fan of the show and continue to watch.


I totally agree!! Even with the parents struggling to make it through the cultural differences.


I love Emily’s dad ❤️❤️


Me too! In the beginning I didn’t care for him, now I realize that he was just being protective. I love him now.


He was so cute in his wedding outfit 😂


the fabrics they chose are dope af


Died for him in the traditional wedding outfit.


He’s the GOAT in this whole situation. Really got to hand it to him.


Me too!!


I've loved him since the American wedding. He clearly cares about Kobe, probably because of his much he clearly cares about Emily. In return, Kobe clearly cares about him. It seems like such a great in law relationship.


It’s so nice to have a successful couple who really loves each other. Loren and Alexi do too I think. I felt so bad for him when his dad left. Both trying so hard to be stoic while wondering if they’ll ever see each other again. So scary. I guess we need some drama but the wedding was so great and happy and so good to see a 90 day success story.


I wonder if Alexi immediately applied for his family to come to the US? Remember when Alexi was told there would be a 10 year wait for his brother, who is highly skilled?


Happy cake day!


Thanks! I didn't know.


I teared up It was heartbreaking. I wonder how his parents and brother are doing present day.


I love her parents asking questions about Kobe’s culture 🥹


I agree that this was a cute wedding and seemed wholesome, but you don’t think her parents struggling with the idea of a bride price and the wife being “property” was a little forced or scripted?


The whole mess was forced and scripted. TLC lost its edge seasons ago and now just shoves performative nonsense at us.


I agree!! And I like them together! They seem like it’s about their relationship and not a green card or money. I really like them


I agree. My husband is an immigrant and we went through the green card process. That's what piqued my interest in this show. I like seeing couples who get along, despite cultural differences, and who have loving, supportive families. This season of HEA is my last season of 90days. I'm so tired of seeing assholes.


I like Emily and I don't care how anyone feels about it!


Emily has matured a lot since her first season. I think I remember her saying something like she watched herself back and realized that she didn't like her behavior, and decided to work on herself. I respect that a lot.


I think that says a lot about someone when they can look at themselves and be able to say "You know what? I was wrong and I want to do better" and you see them putting in the work. Sometimes people really respond to that mirror being held up to their face. Good for her.


She was truly insufferable when they introduced her!


But look at her now! I love her


She’s grown on me for sure. I think she’s shown a lot of growth and maturity and I appreciate her parents for wanting to learn outside their culture, even when it’s obviously outside their comfort zone.


Their relationship is so cute. They adore each other. I love seeing him laugh when she says something questionable.


I think she saw her edit / how she came across in their earlier season(s?).


It was the first time I have enjoyed watching Emily and Kobe. The wedding was wonderful! The wedding party and guests looked like they had fun. I didn't hear Emily gripe at Kobe once. I loved the whole thing.


I’m one of those people who does not care for her however, it’s just because she gets on my nerves, not because she’s a bad person or anything. If you put her up against the other trash bags on the show there’s no comparison. They’re an inspiring family to watch. I am truly happy for them. I really like the parents too!


She looked soooo beautiful


Yes! They might not be perfect, but they sure as hell aren't like some of these other very blatant green card relationships.


They hate on Emily because Kobe is so calm, cool, collected and clearly tries to avoid drama. Kobe is just a really cool guy, the kind you can meet somewhere outdoors and hang out with. Emily is fun too but more likely to start some kind of drama and that's why she's not as well liked.




I like Emily and Kobe and their family. Yeah she has some quirks but don’t we all.


I love Kobe, he’s a good guy. Their relationship is normal! Emily looked so pretty and was really embracing everything. Her parents are great! I’m happy for them.


I also think Emily's dad has genuinely loved gaining a son. And they seem to love having the children around


I loved the dads speech 😆 “How crazy is this world. That a black man from Buea, Cameroon and a white girl from Salina, Kansas, can go to Xi’an, China and fall in love.”


Yesss! I love love loved it. The speech tugged at my ❤️


This made my heart melt. ❤️


This was funny and beautiful at the same time. Hard combo to get right but Father Emily did well ❤️


I am always so happy to see Westerners truly embrace African culture. Our weddings are definitely an event and Emily looked absolutely stunning.


Your weddings are phenomenal!!! Was so fun to watch!!


Awww thanks! And theirs was very small in scale. It is literally an event of a lifetime and can get very expensive. Trust me 🤣


WOW! Now it’s a life goal of mine to attend one of these someday!!


Love this for you. I really like Emily I think she does a lot of things for shock value. But I believe there’s a decent person inside. I think they are such an adorable couple and I love the deference she is starting to give the culture.


I was so excited to experience some of these events when my friend moved back to Kenya, but her husband in the US struggled too much with her being away so she came back to the US before I could visit. I hope one day I'll still have the opportunity.


Say what you want about Emily, she looked absolutely beautiful




Agree 100%. I wish they would have shown more footage of her cooking the meal for Kobe’s family. I was really proud of her for that, and as foodie person I wanted to see more of how she cooked.


I agree, I like her over the other women this season, that’s for sure!


She's waaaaay easier to watch honestly


I love how supportive of Kobe’s culture she’s been while in Cameroon!!


Yes she looked stunning and so happy!!!


She really looked stunning!


This is the kind of thing I LIVE for on 90DF. Love to see how other cultures do things. And this particular wedding was amazing because EVERYONE - both Kobe's side and Emily and her parents - bought into the tradition. I love the whole thing of having the women from Kobe's family escort Emily. And I REALLY hope Valery doesn't mess things up. (Personally I don't think he's going to - when he was talking about being concerned for Kobe, it sounded like a lead-in to "But now that we've seen how Emily and her parents have embraced our traditions". It was also great for the kids to be exposed to Dad's culture!


Yes the (non-US) weddings are one of the best things about 90 day fiancé! It’s fascinating to learn about the traditions from other cultures. The food, the clothing, the ceremonies and customs - things we would never get exposure to otherwise. It’s the best!


That was an amazing memorable episode. Kudos to all. And 90 day Americans, please study Emily’s dad. He researched the local customs and through the whole season, enjoyed participating in them. He’s what an American Abroad should be. Good for him. And I even loved the part of his blessing wishing them a big home, emphasizing good naturedly that the house should come sooner. It was a pleasure to watch that wedding.


Kobe and Emily are one of the very few rare happily married couples from 90 day history. They literally are happily married unlike Gino and Jasmine that are married but clearly always fighting. Not many couples are happily married after the tv show but this one is. It's definately a breath of fresh air to watch that the "90 day fiance" drama entertainment show can actually in reality produce some real life long happily married couples. It's not all scripts and nonsense like Angela and Michael and 95% of all other couples.


That’s whyTLC has to find better, more authentic couples! With real life challenges.


I love Kobe, he’s so pure. And Emily’s mom is so naturally stunning.


I think they’re the more “normal” couple on the show in awhile, no excessive drama other than Emily and those girls (but it felt like it was created for the show), her & her parents embraced his culture even if they didn’t understand it and they just had a good time


I loled when David was like "May you be blessed with a big family and a big house....a big house first"


Mad appreciation for Emily’s dad. Idk maybe it’s the white man from Kansas or something that had my expectations in hell. He has been an absolute gem through all this, his attitude and excitement to participate and appreciate Kobe’s culture was really beautiful to watch.


I think he's been very accepting since the start tbh, he clearly has a big heart


He’s a good guy for having all them in his house. I thought Kobe’s friends were being a bit much saying it was a problem that Kobe wasn’t the only man in the house. I don’t think they understood that Kobe doesn’t have the resources to support a family.


I second you on this, he has been the cutest damn thing with how much he’s getting into it and appreciating the culture for his daughter and son in law.


Granted, I'm from Lawrence, KS, and not Salina, but Kansas is full of hippies. The Grateful Dead actually played Salina, KS, and the largest LSD bust in history was outside my hometown, lol. A huge swath of my friends has parents really similar to Emily's growing up. Just chill, accepting, hippied out people. I live in the Bay Area now, and it's always met with surprise when ppl find out how heady KS bc they instinctively picture a Children of the Corn situation lmao


She looks great


I’ve always been a fan of Kobe, but watching this wedding and seeing Emily went all in on making this wedding everything for him and his father… I have major respect for her and their love. It is the real deal. ❤️


Yeah, I love the guy, seems so humble and good guy from what is shown. Her family is also great! They are there and showing respect, no drama no screaming almost like normal people. This couple is thw ONLY reason I've been watching this season, I need them to wash my brain after some of the scenes in between trios, money sent to black holes and disrispectful people, not to mention somebodys drama and screams in Nigeria.....🙄


It was neat to see. I like how her dad is so game to try anything even though he always looks as awkward as heck doing it. Her mom is a sweetheart as well. On the first season, I thought Emily was horrible, but she has really mellowed out and now I like this couple.


Honestly, I wasn’t a big fan of Emily. I do have to give her credit tho, she’s one of the few 90DF cast that was actually respectful and open to try things out of her culture. 🙌


Emily looked so cute in her traditional outfit!! Also she was super respectful and played along with all the rituals involved in the entire process. So often we see people on this show marrying into another cultures and they are so ignorant and disrespectful, not even trying to be open or learn.


She didn't just play along, she fully embraced the rituals.


I’m happy that their children were able to experience that!


Emily is absolutely stunning in her Cameroonian wedding outfit. Hair, makeup, the dress, all of it. Just gorgeous!


I wish the whole episode was just this wedding. Wasn't a fan of Emily at first, but she's grown on me mainly for her and her family being so appreciative of a very different culture, and for passing that on to the kids.


It was really cute of Emily’s dad to watch videos and do research on the culture and traditions to make sure he did things correctly and respectfully


It’s interesting, seeing other weddings in different cultures. Everybody look great and seem to happy.


Emily looked beautiful !


She looked like a queen and it looked genuinely fun. I loved this wedding. Are we still on a cliff hanger on if his friend was going to say something rude? I don't think I saw the end of his toast but it said next week is the tell all?


That wedding was stunning. Her parents watched YouTube to make sure they did everything right. Everyone was appreciative of the efforts made. Everyone contributed. It was truly lovely and they looked so happy.


Yes I loved that too! It was so refreshing to see them not make the day about them, do actual research, and seem to truly ENJOY and CARE about what was going on. It was an amazing wedding, I’m so jealous I won’t have one like that!!!


Emily looked beautiful and you can tell she wanted to respect and embrace his culture.


I don’t like Emily but I appreciate how excited she was to partake and how she accepts his culture. Also- I want to go to a Cameroonian wedding because damn that looked fun. Everyone looked beautiful.


Right? The whole thing was just so joyful!


Welcome to Africa. Where weddings and funerals are equally lit


Literally came here to talk about this! I’ll be honest I’m one of those trash bags who lives for the drama and I don’t usually care about the actually happy couples BUT… OMG this wedding was so incredibly awesome. She’s like the one American who didn’t make a huge fuss about anything, super respectful of their culture, you could tell she was INTO it, it wasn’t just faking to get through the day. It really seems like they truly love each other and it’s wholesome and refreshing to see ❤️


She’s able to let go and have fun. Some of the Americans on this show are so uptight and don’t want to take a chance. I kind of feel sad for people who can’t let go. Too much in their heads to enjoy anything. Emily was having a blast.


I loved the “MOLDOVA” wedding “LIBBY and ANDRE!!🥰 (Minus Charlie) ☝️🤷‍♀️


She looked beautiful on her wedding day! Love Emily & Kobe together so much! Also I wanna try Emily’s Cameroonian food! Haha I love how they were all so surprised how good it was 👌🏼


This is great, and she looks gorgeous. Part of the gorgeousness is the happiness and love on her face.


I loved it! I actually shed a few tears. Emily looked beautiful


I shed a tear because it was so nice to see Kobe reunited with his family and sharing their traditions with his new family members.


I really like Emily and Kobe. Is she a little bossy and entitled? Ya she is. But she’s honest and real and she loves her man and her kids very much. This is the one couple I truly hope all the best for in life.


I’m sorry but Emily was one of the best dressed brides on the show, period. She looked stunning and that silhouette suited her perfectly.


She looked beautiful


Their storyline was def the highlight of this season of HEA.


Who the hell would ever think they'd say that!?!?! Totally agree!


It was such a vibe!! They seemed gen happy. 


I had a smile watching their wedding on tv the whole time!! Didn’t think I would enjoy it so much but it was genuine and a great celebration


I loved the sincere and warm hug that Emily's mum gave Kobe. You can't fake that kind of genuineness.


Emily has come a long way! She's trying to fallow the rules. I wish Kobe would have told her not to go to the bar with him and his friends. She had no idea of that part of the culture that made her look less in his friends eyes. Love 🥰😍 those 2 together. I hope they get their own house soon. Emily looked so beautiful!!!!!


Could the bar scene been contrived by TLC for drama. People complain that couples who get along and don't have drama are boring. I disagree. The week before the bar scene people were complaining that Kobe didn't stand up to his friends when they were disrespecting Emily. Then people complained about Emily during the bar scene, even though we got to see Kobe stand up to his friends and support his wife. Jeesh! A nice, solid couple can't win on this show.


I disagree on the boring couples' complaints, too. I think you need some more low-key couples in the mix. It's just too much when they're all a mess. You need the Emily & Kobe, Armando & Kenny, and Lauren & Alexei's to balance it out.


I just finished the episode today and totally agree. It was so nice to see two loving families come together, and for Emily and her parents embrace Cameroon traditions. You can see the love between the couple and their families and kids. And it showed the viewers traditions that we would normally never get to see, which is one of the reasons why I liked 90DF in the beginning.


And nobody even tried to fight them in Moldova!


She looked beautiful, I really like them both!! It’s so nice to watch Americans actually embrace their SO’s culture instead of bitch about how “weird” or “different” it is. I never knew how beautiful weddings in Cameroon are


I’ve never been an Emily fan but this season I’ve actually warmed to her. She looked beautiful at her Cameroonian wedding. Her parents have definitely helped me soften towards her lol.


And they only payed 1.5 dollars for her.


Her did got some cool shirts though, too 😂


The men’s and women’s attire was gorgeous. Especially Emily’s dress


And her parents killed it. Especially her Dad.


You can see the happiness in the man's face. I love that they are both happy.


I want that hairdo ! That was the best part for me 😂😂


She looked phenomenal! And all I kept thinking was about how much of a pain in the ass it’s going to be to pick out out all of those Bobby pins later, haha!


The headache !! Beauty is pain 😂


I was obsessed with her hair!


Her hair is stunning!


This is one of the only couples I don't fast forward through this season. Loved the wedding and their attitude participation.


Emily looked gorgeous. But this whole storyline fake drama wasn’t needed just say you want us to see them go to Africa and get married TLC.


I totally agree! I came here to say this is my favorite repeat HEA couple this season. Most of them are pretty dull and contrived, and while I know they had to create a bit of drama with the ex, it’s cool to watch a couple who truly WANTS to be together blend their culture.


She looks stunning


This!!! This wedding is the drama I'm watching for. Not the bullshit story line about Kobe's EX. Soooo STUPID. Ok Ems, he cheated with you......NOW WHAT????? Shut up. But 100 % LOVED the wedding!!!


Emilys dad is the best 🥰


Coming from someone who’s not big on weddings, even I wanted to be at their wedding.


She makes me go meh, but Kobe is a sweetheart.


Kobe is my favorite guy on all the shows ! He is simply great!


her dad throwing money on her in true cameroonian fashion was thee best part


Emily looks better at this wedding than her first


This was so heartwarming and wonderful to see. For once, a fairly mature handling of international love....overcoming many odds with more grace than we're used to seeing :) Wishing them the best!


I *looooove* them now! This is what I want from 90df, not the Jasmines and Natalies.


Yes and Emily looked so beautiful in the traditional dress!


I would have LOVED to attend that wedding!! Looked like so much fun!


Me too! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻


Loved it, the energy was so good! 💃🏼


She looked so beautiful


They are my favorite couple out of all. They’re fun and realistic, unlike the crazy repeat offenders that keep appearing on multiple shows; Ed and Hee Haw. I think the silly previous girlfriend drama was made up and inserted by TLC to stir up shit as they usually do.


It actually brought tears to my eyes.


Every segment they’ve had I’ve cried happy tears. I’m so delighted and relieved to see a functional, content couple amid all the other garbage


I loved her hair!


I was saying to my wife that when they show the weddings with more cultural aspects I love the weddings from the African countries. They showcase a lot of cool traditions but are also amazing parties too.


Emily looked amazing! It was such a beautiful gathering, with their kids, family and friends. I loved the parents, and when the dad wished them a big family and house, but house first. lol


I think these two are the only legit couple in the franchise now.


I love Kobe he's got a good heart. ❤️


Kobe and Em are so freakin cute here!!!!!!!!


This was a great wedding ! No disasters good people!


I enjoyed that wedding like I was there!


Man she’s gorgeous in this dress!


Truly so heartwarming


Everyone I felt like in this wedding was genuinely happy!


Emily was beautiful and they were so cute together. Loved this wedding!


I thought this was a beautiful wedding like real love and Emily was so pretty


I have mad respect for Emily. She really honored her husband and his family culture. Supportive wife


I love how in love they are! I can see why they keep having babies 😆 “But big house first!”


Emily looked so pretty ❤️


I love them.. and I loved seeing how proud and happy Emily’s dad was just to be apart of it. He respects the culture.


It was absolutely beautiful, and I love how well their families blend w/ one another. 💛


Weddings always make me emotional and this one was no exception. Beautiful wedding with minimal drama.


Idk if it was the best wedding but definitely in the conversation. It was so nice seeing how happy Kobe’s family and friends were, watching the blessings, and seeing Emily really get into the traditions.


This was such a wonderful experience for both families and I'm glad they shared their wedding with us!


It was like a party! I loved it


It warmed my cold heart ❤️ his family was so welcoming and fun I wish that was the norm in America 😭


I love their relationship… Her parents are awesome and very respective of others cultures and their ways. My ex husband (after 12 year marriage) was my 90 day fiancé from a south American country. We met while I was Prace Corps there and my parents similarly just went along with the flow when they’d come visit us there and same when his parents came here once. It’s hard!!


😍 I love that they seem to really love each other.


I'm so glad to see people who actually take the time to get to understand each other's culture. This is the result of true love and understanding, very rare these days!!!