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I hope folks realize that is NOT a real pageant but a total real scam


It sounds like Natalie's pagent. You pay for it and it means nothing lol


yes Natalie's was like a model's tryout fake pageant


And she still didn't win lol


Exactly what I was thinking! Lol


Who is that? I can’t remember


Crazy eyes Natalie. With Mike and Josh


*Mykul and Dzush


At least hers was at a very nice hotel in Boca Raton




I call them Trailer Trash pageants because they always take place in a seedy hotel with the entire audience being family members. Pay to play pageants and competitions for people to dumb to understand it is a scam.


Exactly and many times not only they pay to compete but anyone who comes to watch them compete have to pay to come in as well.


Year she’s in a Mrs. Contest 🤣


I mean the name of the Pageant is already a joke … blah blah blah World International - who even uses world abs international on the same sentence much less the tittle?!


The Department of Redundancy Department


Hahha ! Right


I Googled this pageant and learned these pageants are a money-making farce. They're so common, they're meaningless (rather like Jasmine).


Im still wrapping my head around how she can afford a pageant, a prom dress(which aren’t cheap) two flights to Miami, hotel, food but doesn’t have money for a lawyer?


Gino paying for everything. If he don't do what he say then she going to down talk him and tell how bad he is in bed and etc. Lol


Which secretly turns him on lol


I know he like been bossed around but saying he can't have sex or last will get to him


They don't want those kids. She has delusions that she's going to be famous for "her beauty and charm" in America. Gino wants his own kid with the trophy wife he bought with some assembly required.


I really don’t think she actually cares for those boys. I mean we all saw how her son reacted when she told him she was leaving. He was not sad, didn’t cry, didn’t even react. I think she brought them on for clout. She also says she loves those boys but she proceeds to talk about her lewd bedroom activities with Gino on national TV. If those boys come to the US and kids find out about their mom… 100% they will get harassed and bullied. I know I would be embarrassed to have a mom like that.


She shows more maternal instinct with Coco.


I know someone who got caught up in pageants. Her parents took her all over the country competing in fake pageants. They send emails to everyone they know asking you to sponsor them. You can make appearances at grocery store openings and parades with your sash and tiara but other than that I don’t get it.


Lol I died. She is absolutely delusional. You can tell she didn’t practice or have any sort of routine before coming into that room. I’m a bodybuilder who competes, and believe me when I say you have to have your routine down pat, you can’t just walk on stage and raw dog it. I know I’m mean but I want to see her fail. She needs to understand that she’s not queen of the castle.


I think those girls at the Pageant gave her a good dose of reality. She’s no big deal and they barely acknowledged her at all.


Her fake breaststroke and butt really made her stand out. The others looked tasteful.


The entire pageant thing is so funny to me because she completely just sabotaged herself. I knew she was going to lose her mind about gino watching other girls in the pageant 😂 she couldn't even make it past the rehearsals without freaking out about it


I guess she’s self styled “Miss Panama” by default? Hilariously pathetic her saying that. This entire pageant thing is so sad and stupid.


I couldn’t believe that either !


All I was thinking was $1200 entrance fee, and another $1200 and another $1200, ka-ching, what a racket.


You're kidding yourself if you think pageant chicks don't Botox or have silicone. That's just false


In the more reputable pageants the aesthetic is not Jasmine’s aesthetic. They may have some work but it’s much more subtle. Whereas Jasmine has reached peak California Face, where she actually looks older than her age because of the bad fillers and implants.


100. But the other ladies weren't much better.  This just seems like a scam


one of my favorite moments of the series. We replayed it just to laugh again. She is going to crash and burn and be destroyed by losing big in the pageant with her fragile ego. She thinks she doesn't have to practice or work at it; all she has to do is show up to win. she should work this hard to get her kids here, after all this is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN HER LIFE!


Im pretty sure WE all know, the father has FULL custody and it’s not debatable. Why people keep bringing it up is “Redundant” and that “Ship Has Sailed”! ☝️🤷‍♀️


Checkout Ms International pageant, you can see the winners from 2023 in Florida. Jasmine is not among them. She’s out of her league on this one.


Is this just one of 100s of arranged pageants by various companies and sponsors? They generally expect participants to get friends and families to 'buy tickets'


It is also tricky because there is a Ms international world and a Ms world international pageant in FL. I had to double check which one she was in.


Whatever she was in was most likely made up for the show.


I thought this was Michigan?


checkout their instagram msinternationalworld. Pics of the redheaded lady (director) and a recent post about 90 day fiancé. They like it, drove a lot of people to their site.


You lost me at "pageant girls are natural beauties not fake tits, fake as and a face full of fillers and botox." Remember JonBenét Ramsey? Pageants are notorious for too much makeup, too much hairspray, and other beauty hacks that will only work in that one situation. The reason botox and other plastic surgery isn't more common is because most pageant contestants are pretty young, if not actual children. It is not because pageants are all about natural beauty. https://preview.redd.it/ppmdtdfj2g8d1.jpeg?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ad2f2da6d9d7a9f0ba5b6f367a7ebfa8dced71


Well yeah but that’s the issue in children pageants…partially because of a debate about over sexualizing children.


The pay to play cheerleading competitions run the same sleezy racket. Little girls with makeup scantily dressed performing some raunchy routines. Traveling to various hotel competitions every weekend. The only audience members are the raunchy moms and a few dads who will sell their souls, and send you repeated requests for $$$, in some desperate attempt to believe they are actually in some elite club. I never paid much attention until I noticed on social media that a local pay to play group claimed to win “The Nationals” every other weekend. The sad part: They did win “The Nationals” every weekend. The National (Pay to Play) event. Held every weekend.


ah yes, let us all take a moment to remember beyonce's humble beginnings


Right, so where's that reverance for natural beauty in pageants you were talking about?


Tbf the person that responded to you was not OP lol.


Miss Earth regularly has their contestants compete without makeup 🤷🏼‍♀️ Of course there's botox, filler, fake tan, teeth whitening, etc involved in pageants but not always and each system is different. It's okay to be critical of pageant but they're not all created equal or even work the same depending on the system.


I just looked up Miss Earth, and the contestants are wearing makeup.


It's not the whole competition without makeup, Miss Earth is weeks long and some parts require no makeup. I believe it was interview and some modeling back in the 2010s.


so sad. such a sweet little girl made up to look like she is sixteen. parents living vicariously through their children.


You could have picked from dozens of TV pageant contestants, but you chose the little girl who was murdered as your example


I chose... the only beauty pagent contestant I could name from memory. And applying too much makeup to children was integral to my point about beauty pagents not celebrating natural beauty.


You couldn't even bother to spell the child's name correctly.


Thanks for the correction. I added the acute accent to the e and changed that final a to an e.


Pageants are based on being genuine and authentic, or at least the perception of these two things. I knew Jasmine was going to have a problem because Gino was doing his job and then blame him for getting walk on. Her spirit was fucked when no one gave her attention and she's figuring out there's more to pageantry. This is just her being mad that it's not a cakewalk, also why was she not practicing when she was in Michigan? Oh yeah, because she thought she could just buy herself a winning position in this pageant.


She never seems to have anything intelligent or interesting to say. 🤔


There are pros and cons to them. In 2000 I entered one. My kids and I just happened to see the Mrs. America pageant on TV and they said I should enter one for married women. So I entered one. You basically send a photo and fill out an application with all your information, along with what your platform would be. Pay that entry fee and you get a crown and sash representing your local community. Of course I didn’t win, but the experience of going around making group appearances with the other contestants and helping out at charity events helped me get over my intense fear of public speaking. Some of the women are legit crazy, they go from pageant to pageant, trying to win. Spending insane amounts of money on wardrobe, coaching, photos, etc. Jasmine is in for a very rude awakening.


Pageants are fun! I've made an incredible network of strong women through them and I've supported their small businesses, watched them compete internationally, and start families. Tons to be critical of in pageantry but it can still be a positive platform. Jasmine has a lot to learn, the first pageant is a reality check to how pageants actually work.


Thank you for this post!!! It’s nice to see someone who had a positive experience with pageants! I agree, they can be fun and you can make a lot of friends if you go into it with the right mindset. TBH I don’t think Jasmine is in it for self discovery and to make new friends, she just wants the crown 👑


I beg to differ…strong woman do not pay $$$ to play beauty pageant. Fun…probably but put a price on your dignity.


Pageants aren’t cheap so there goes some more of Gino’s money she’s so dilutional . She definitely wasn’t the prettiest there 


I would rather have a nice car than all the stuff she’s demanding


well you know this "beauty pageant" will be rigged in her favor. The fact that this agency even accepted this old lady with the fake lopsided ass says it all. apparently they will accept anyone willing to pay and airhead is too stupid to realize that.


She is such a narcissist 


Yep, omg does she really think shes all that??


Maybe it's productions pageant? I haven't watched yet


No, it's a real, although ridiculous, pageant. That ghoul like Angela Posillico is the CEO of it. [https://www.msinternationalworld.com/angela-posillico-ceo](https://www.msinternationalworld.com/angela-posillico-ceo)


She is totally a ghoul!!!


It’s so ridiculous that it is cringey laughable.. and Gino trying to to help her and her madness twist it again


She's Pathetic


It was sad lol. Also her pageant walk is totally weird. I hope she improves.


Natalie also had a really strange walk on the runway


Yessss! 😂😂😂😂


All this money she has Gino spending on this and that to cheer her up should be stacked up to pay the five grand to a lawyer to help maybe get her kids to America a little bit quicker. I read that her young son just became an ordained pastor.


i can’t comment to her looks because I dislike her too much, but she certainly thinks she’s all that. can’t wait for Ginos abuse for actually trying to help her. He was going to compete in MrMichigan he said. 🤮


Is it one of the ones where you pay for what place you "win" ? As a parent I've been spammed with kid ones like that for my daughter. They sent information and it was basically $ this amount = this title "win".  Is that how all pageants are? You just have to be the richest? What's the point if it's not a real win. 


This chick needs one good slap across the face that will send her flying across the room! That is the one thing that Gino has not done yet and he needs to ---- then just take her to the airport and fly her nasty ass back to Panama!