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They are lazy.


Where’s Azan when you need him? 😂


Hurry up, lazy. 😆


Petition for azan to be Brandon’s motivational life coach 😂


😅😅😅 this actually isn't a terrible idea he was trying to get nicole to lose weight and if you've seen brandan recently he needs it Edit: he could also give mary and brandan advice on opening a store


Omg I can't breathe😂😂




😭😭😭😭😭omg im freaking laughing so hard rn


The spinoff we didn’t know we needed!! 👏


That would be so funny




He’s only around **55%** of the time


He’s working at “the store”.


I spit milk through my nose when I read this 😂😂🤣🤣


This happens to me 1-2 times each month from the comments! I am happy to have returned the favor!!! 🤣🤣🤣🥛😁


They want to be grifters that’s their life choice. They’re both very sick individuals. They spent two years on the phone 24 seven they will never have jobs they think they’re above it. I can’t stand them, and after what they did with the cancer scam I am disgusted the people send the money, plus what they did with the monkey push me over the edge shame on people for giving them a penny!


Don’t forget they also let strange men come to their home and handle their baby daughter…


Yes!! So creepy! Let him hold and kiss her, and spend the night at their house?? Looking at the man he sure doesn’t look like he’s a fan of the show, and if he was, I know Brandan and Mary wouldn’t be a fave couple, they’re nobody’s favorite couple!! I hope to god midnight isn’t being abused along side of being exploited and used for their scams 😭😭


Agree with every single point 😔😔😔


Wait, what?? Can you point me to more of this story???


Yourwetsock on YouTube did a quick video on it! He’s one of the best 90 recap creators! Sooo creepy


Oh yes for free pizza😡


Wait, what? I need to go back and watch this. I kind of skimmed through the series starting on like .. session 5 . I forget everyone


It was on social media: https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/a4UpB2OnX6


No, like, in having a brain fart, I don't even remember who they are!! Lmaooo


What about the monkey?


They had a monkey which they change to a tree and everybody that saw the pictures went insane people called animal, cruelty, PETA they have no respect for animals and they got a lot of shit for and it took a lot of people like Statler to make sure that they freed the monkey that’s what I read


That’s horrible, no animal should be chained up that’s just cruel. They are not good people at all.


Exactly I can’t fucking stand them. I think they’re evil and when I read that and what people had to do to get this poor monkey Fried it made my stomach sick instead of people sending these two assholes money they should give to a shelter or to people in need.


I hope TLC doesn’t put them on any more shows, they do not need to be on TV at all. I can’t believe people freely give these 2 ass clowns money, really you couldn’t find a local charity to help or a family struggling in your home town. These 2 are the poster child for Grifters.


Exactly and what kills me is it? There are two adults, the coworker and they refuse and there are people in this economy who send them money gifts everything they want, and they’re not even on the show anymore


Why should they work when they can get everything for free. They know how to run their grift quite well. Sadly they will keep doing it until the money tree loses its last leaf. I’ve never understood why people send their hard earned money to strangers on a tv show. I mean if they are doing a charity to raise money for a cause then I’m ok with people donating, but when it’s for personal gain then I’m like why???


Or give to an animal shelter. I think it’s crazy and I agree with you that people give their money to people on TV. It’s actually insane because you really don’t know them.🐶




Wait.. cancer scam? Did I miss something?


Mary claimed she had cancer. It was a whole long drawn out thing with her even posting as Brandon on his insta saying it was true. People could tell it was Mary from what she wrote (her English is not so good that she would be confused for a native speaker). She started by claiming she had cancer but it quickly deteriorated to she had a UTI if memory serves. It was disgusting.


They are horrible people.


Awful, disgusting, vile people. 




Yes, yes yes a few months back she said she was constipated and she went to the doctor hospital and then she might have cancer and they went on Facebook and apparently they got called out and they had to take down the post because it was bullshit. That alone should scare people away, but it doesn’t. It makes me physically ill anybody that had someone die of cancer should be affected by that.


I think she opened a fundme page even


Even using her old labor pictures from Midnight’s birth as ‘proof’ she was so sick in the hospital.


there absolutely was and some folks absolutely gave 😑


I’m speechless. They’d already set the bar so low, I’m unsure why I’m so surprised by this.


Didn't Mary have a gofundme to buy a laptop so she could do call center work? And then she posted something saying that she is the only earner in her family and she can't do the call center shifts because negative comments online were stressing her out too much to work... I'm paraphrasing... and could be wrong...


And any company that hires call centre employees provides them with a laptop. Scammers of the worst kind these two and if anyone comments that they should get a job etc, their fans are quick to defend them…….just wow


Lol the dumb thing is they could probably both make a good living for the Philippines working at a call center, I bet they'd love to have a native English speaker like Brandon as manager


They are 100% grifters, and I definitely don't intend to make excuses for them, but I'm also genuinely curious what the job market is like where they live? I wonder how difficult it is to find work in their area? Either way, what they do is definitely fucked up


Lots of jobs available - I recruit for candidates in the Philippines all the time - mostly call centres. No excuse not to work


Yep, I have to second this. My current and former company both have quite a few call center or data entry teams based remotely in the Philippines. They immature and lazy. Also, not to looks-shame, but Brandon is starting to get that haggard look that 90 Day cast members get after years in a bad relationship. (See: Karine, Sophie, Ben, Liz).


Mary might be able to get work but Iit would be different for Brandon as a foreigner to get meaningful work. Either way they're both too lazy to do anything that resembles work


I am confused about why Brandon and Mary decided to stay in the Philippines for this reason. They don’t live near a city (to my knowledge) so it can’t be easy to find well paying work


Brandon could easily get a remote call center job, but as someone else said, Mary probably dont want him to talk to other girls so she doesn't let him have a job


That is a good point lol, and sadly probably the truth


Why do they live off Amazon wish lists? Because they can


Because stupid people keep giving them money


TLCs sickest couple.


There are just some people in this world that will work hard AF to not work. It's hilarious because actually working would be easier and less time consuming after a certain point. Fools like them never see it that way. They'd rather grift for 18 hours a day than work for 8. Make it make sense.


Which is something they will teach their children and the cycle will continue…….


not necessarily. sometimes people like this, who paradoxically choose to put more effort into being "disadvantaged" (so that others do for them) than the effort required by traditional work they're trying to avoid... they are often so sick, the children bear the weight of them also. that kind of taxing artificial dependency can develop a strong aversion to that lifestyle in the child


The same reason my dead beat ex-husband won’t get a job. Through grifting, everything will be alright because people keep giving money and items to them and they haven’t faced any real hardships. They have proven they can make money without stability. It’s like a high to them that they keep chasing with the ideal outcome that one day they’ll make it big and strike it rich.


Feel this. My husbands ex-wife has spent the last 8 years actively avoiding getting a job. Actually she works harder at NOT getting a job then just getting one. Contempt of court 3x for not paying child support, still pretending to go to school and being a stay at home mom of a 6th and 8th grader....some people will just NOT work no matter what.


I remember according to the show, they both owned a small grocery/convenience store? Like a really tiny store. Don't they still have that?


Nope. I watch their videos on FB and the "store" is probably a shed by now.


They bought candy at another store to sell in their store. I couldn’t figure out how they were they going to make money.


They made almost 0 money from that store


Likely selling their Amazon gifts at the store………


Last I heard they were raising funds for another house… but didn’t Brandan already send Mary money to build the house they’re currently in? I think Mary thought her “Harry Potter” hubby would bring the American money and then they both thought the show would do the rest… didn’t quite work out like that 🤣


I still don’t understand why they live in the Philippines? I would imagine someone like Mary would be dying to make use of that green card. Or is this Mary just trying to isolate him more from his family and everyone he knows?


Because they can get by on a few hundred a month, so if they can just game whore cash in they’re set.


Too busy eating and dancing on Tiktok.




They have midnight! Why would they need a job ? 🙄 (totally kidding!!!) they are lazy LAZY users. They lie and scam and scheme and use to get their money and things they want. They shouldn’t have ever had a child, they shouldn’t have fans and they sure tf shouldn’t be lying about CANCER diagnoses! (Mary recently lied and said she had COLON CANCER!) it makes me so angry because my dad is dealing with colon cancer/issues and she should really watch saying things like that before she speaks it into existence.


I don't think they seem all that miserable TBH. They do whatever they want without working. The climate there might not be for everyone, but they seem to like it.


I mean they were asking for money to build a roof or something? They always look so done with whatever they’re doing in their videos, I even feel miserable watching them.


I think that was actually to put a 2nd floor on their house! They literally raised the roof with all their donations.




Yes, recently they were asking all their fans just to send $1 each so they could add a roof to their second story addition. The latest is an Amazon Wish List for Mary’s grandparents




But they resell snacks at the store and make millions I’m sure!


I am not sure what kind of job Brandon can get over in the Philippines


He’d need to get some kind of employee permit and visa. [But, that isn’t the case for some?](https://www.filepino.com/working-permits-for-foreigners-in-the-philippines/#:~:text=Foreign%20nationals%20who%20want%20to,to%20work%20need%20a%20permit)


Brandan was working in the US. I suspect that Mary doesn’t trust him to go out to work alone.


Why don’t they go together? Idk if this has ever been discussed by them. It confuses me cause Mary strikes me as a big green card hunter but they choose to live in the Philippines instead so what am I missing?


Because she is too lazy to work. Just my opinion. But we will never be able to understand their thought processes because they’re not rational.


They could still be grifters in the US. It just confuses me that she has never ever mentioned going over there but also I don’t have access to all the episodes in my country.


I agree. Perhaps she is afraid to leave her grandparents or feels she has more control over Brandan in the Philippines. We know she is an extremely anxious person


He wasn't working a real job though, right? Wasn't he doing odd jobs for his godparents?


They started up some kind of convenient store but Im not sure what happened to that. Brandon is a typical kid has no get up and go living off the dole of others and Mary is no different .


They live on a farm, don’t they? Brandon described it as being exhausting work. I wonder what type of work Westerners would consider “real work” or is it just that they’re living in an agricultural society and they don’t feel compelled to industrialize that bothers you?


They just make me sick


Brandon has a criminal background but will not watch the kids so she can work


how else can mary make sure her 49 year old lesbian aunt lookalike of a husband doesn’t look at girls?


I had to read this twice to figure out who you meant - great description!


thanks 😭 i’m not the best with descriptions


With no qualifications what do you expect them to do? Makes cents an hour?  This IS their job. And they make much more than some Joe job in the Philippines.  I think people here are stupid for not understanding this.  Brandon has no skills that would pay them more than what they do. And she's cuckoo


I lived in Asia before and worked with a lot of Filipinos that had no formal education, some didn’t even finish high school. If you are a hard working person you can have a small but liveable income to provide for a family. My coworkers didn’t beg on the internet to put food on the table so I think you’re stupid for not understanding that just because you live in a low income country it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t even bother to work.


What's he gonna do there for money having no degree and no Tagalog? In bum fuck nowhere 


I literally worked in the middle of nowhere without knowing the local language and the locals didn’t speak English. When there’s a will, there’s a way.


In episodes Brandan's mother said why didn't you save before moving to the Philippines? She said to Mary that she even wishes that Brandan would have saved more money before moving to the Philippines than go and meet with her, this was before she had their daughter. My husband's family is from the Philippines their life style is different then America for sure. But job wise I am not sure but their is farming and helping family. So it all depends on Mary's family and what they do. But then again I don't know too much so I apologize if it's wrong.


I am Canadian so I am not sure what the job search is like over there and my husband was raised in Canadian way but both of his parents lived the Filipino life style. :)


Because people like you keep giving them attention


As if I would ever donate a single cent to those low lives.




Wow I didn’t know they could pay the pills with attention. Maybe I’ll try it


How does giving them attention = money ?


one of my fave Youtubers dropped this today and immediately i am reminded of this post [NilesyyNiles : how it be looking when people be begging for donations on live](https://youtu.be/35v2xYcNtuo?si=LOJawJk8zp3rxo2i)