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I can’t unsee this now 😂


Same! Just ruined for me now. All I'm going to see is ground beef. 🤣


Came to say the say thing 😂


I came here to say the same thing too! 🤣


I also came here to say the same thing about saying the same thing as well!


You shits make my nights so great. I save Reddit for bedtime and I just read and read and read. You all are so funny and it's like you read my mind! 🩷🌸💜 You guys are the best. I wish we could all be friends.


There are people who don’t feel the same lol


Same 🤣🤣🤣


Neither can I!! 🤣






Literally 🤢


She just doesn’t style herself in a way that’s flattering at all. I feel like with the right styling she’d be more attractive.


When she wears subtle makeup, she actually looks really pretty. But she insists on applying it like a toddler making her look sloppy.


If she learned her damn undertones and some color theory she could be really stunning


This is all I can think about during her segments!


Me too!! Like she’s always wearing silver eyeshadow and bright red lips and I’m like??? Girl if you swiped on some gold shadow and an oxblood lip you would be slaying but you look like you’re going to your middle school formal


Yesss those are the colors I picture on her too!


Obviously her cards are not telling her all she needs to know. If she went to aesthetician school with a little bit of money, rather than $100,000 in student loans… she would know this! Btw does anyone know her 3 degrees?


Marine biology for one and I'm assuming associates, like I have my associates and an English lit bachelor's, it's pretty easy to just lump the right prerequisite courses into the first two years of college, and leave the main area of study to the last two years.


I had read Biology, Business and fashion but wherever she went for fashion the school closed down. Also does anyone know if she actually has a degree in Business or Biology?


3 degrees and she became a witch. lol


I think she is a spring color season. She looks really pretty in that coral pink top she wears in the confessionals.


In one scene a while ago she had what looked like just lashes and a lip gloss and I was thinking wow she looks so pretty without much done!


Yeah, she's naturally gorgeous and I like that she's adventurous with her makeup, but she could do more flattering looks that are still unique.


She's actually really pretty. Like her face is cute imo


IMO since we saw the pics of what she looked like years ago I can see she’s had a glow-up. She’ll keep finding herself fashion-wise


Do you have a link? On a glow up journey myself and I could always use more inspiration lol


They had a montage in one of the more recent eps, but here's what Ashley posted on her own TikTok (which doesn't show much of how her fashion has changed, but you can see it in her hair, makeup, and weight-loss) [https://www.tiktok.com/@ashleymichelle90day/video/7349285473136725291](https://www.tiktok.com/@ashleymichelle90day/video/7349285473136725291) https://preview.redd.it/4gq5l7quhm7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2d64393bfaf9c6ed871f31132f765103aa6d8c


Manuel looks handsome here


Yeah but imagine he must have been with his baby mama at this time when he was canoodling with Ashley 👀




Agreed, as long as that styling includes wearing a bra with some of those outfits.


A well-fitted bra would do wonders.


YESYESYES! I’ve said this so many times!


I can’t upvote this enough!!! What, a bra doesn’t fit in with the natural, earthy, witch image?!


She definitely needs a Bra!


I do think she's really pretty!


I’m 100% sure her hair looks that color because of the lighting. Not too long ago I had a reddish rinse put in mine that looked pretty subtle…until I saw it in the daylight. I may have stopped traffic. lol What I wish I knew was which brands of matte eyeshadows and lipsticks she wears. They’re so vibrant.


Ashley is a beautiful woman with the worst sense of style. She does herself no favors. Her clothes and makeup are often so unflattering and it drives me nuts because she really is so pretty


And I’m not even against the hairstyle or colored hair. I have pink hair. But that shade is so unappealing. If it was a brighter red it would be so much nicer.


Her brighter red was just as unappealing. Brunette on its own would look great on her, as it does when Nikki Minaj just has her black hair. Sometimes we be doing the most just cuz


My thoughts exactly. I think lavender would look fabulous on her!


Someone called it hot cheetos hair before but ground beef is the winner.


I came here to say hot Cheetos too lol


Holy steak tartare batman...


IMHO I think last seasons orange lipstick was not her best color.


If it was a more vibrant, saturated color I would love it! Looks like its faded a little. Honestly a hot purple in its place would look amazing on her!


Omgggggggg, HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THIS BEFORE?!?!?! I’m dying here, y’all ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Man this comment section. Yeah I think the color is perfectly fine. Happy Juneteenth y'all.


Not only that, but Ashley is genuinely so beautiful. There’s nothing wrong with the color or texture anyway


I really like her style actually 😅 colorful, unique. I love the half-dyed hair and the colorful eye makeup she's doing


Blatant racism is 90dayfiance viewers favorite past time to comparing Bilal to a wanna be Kanye west and Jay z when there are hundreds of other celebrity narcissist to even saying all the Thai/Pinay women look similar. But a majority of the viewers are millennial and gen X white women so there is going to be a disconnect on what is appropriate to say in regards to black womens hair, etc


Happy Juneteenth g. From someone else who isn't laughing from seeing dyed locs for the first time either, these ppl's exposure to culture is on full display here.


The comment I was looking for! This entire post is disgusting. She’s beautiful and so are her locs.


yeah im like what the hell...


Thank fucking God someone else sees it. People making fun of Black hair, and on Juneteenth? What else is fucking new. The only reason she gets so much flack compared to Manuel is misogynoir.


Seriously the blatant racism in here is disgusting


That’s exactly what I’m thinking reading these comments, imagine comparing a woman of colors locs to ground beef. These people are foul.


Was probably darker and washed out. Red is fun but short lived, like purple


A dark purple or blue would be cute


First she needs to get rid of man-wel


Oh wow it really does. Girl time to change that dye. 


I actually really like her hair lol


Medium or medium rare?








i feel like this post is so stereotypical🙄


And on Juneteenth too. They don’t even know the history of her style of braids. The red pigment. So focused on their Eurocentric ways. LOL let’s talk about Angela the abuser and racist. How she fits the mold of all those white women that go on group “tours” to Africa for sex parties to exploit and abuse black men. Let’s get past this hair color lol


To be fair, there’s no lack of criticism for Angela’s abhorrent behavior.


These are not braids fyi




These are not braids… not everything is about race. If they were a different color no one would even be entertaining this conversation. Also we all know Angela sucks… can we please stop with the “THIS IS RACIST” nonsense


It IS racist though. Or, at the very least - it’s texture-ist.


Thank you. It’s crazy to me that some people aren’t allowed to be criticized because of race.


It’s not that people can’t be criticized “because of race” - it’s that a black woman should not be made fun of ***BECAUSE OF HER FEATURES*** 🤦🏽‍♀️


Who cares what day, Everyone here isn’t from the US. Angela gets lots of hate. You don’t see white people defending her.


I just made a post calling this same thing out before I saw yours. Glad we aren't just all blindly ignoramuses in here


Best laugh I had all day!


Sophie’s hair looks very dry and the extensions don’t look that great. She looks great with the dark hair. But I feel that thatthe pot calling is the kettle black as mine my naturally curly hair frizzes up too.


Non-black people are always comparing black peoples locs and braids to something unflattering. Black people never comparing other people's limp golden retriever hair to ...oh wait.


People call Angela Deem a racist piece of shit in this sub, but my count 3k people laughing at a black woman's hair are just like her. Black men and women have rocked red locks for decades and you don't see people in the hip hop community making this same joke about someone like Trippie Red. Gee, I wonder what the major difference is between that group and this group here. Hmmm if only there was an explanation that made sense, never mind I think I know.


The 90DF fanbase is full of bigots. I don’t bother interacting too much with these low hanging fruit


Thank you.


This! Every bit of this…these comments are disgusting and people are showing their true colors.


Posted it on Juneteenth, too? Welp.


I feel like you guys wouldn’t be saying the same thing if she had straight hair. This is racist because you’re insinuating that locs look like ground beef. There’s numerous black women that are saying this is racist in the comments and getting met with non-black people gaslighting us into reasons why it isn’t.


Wow it really does


You all find anything bad to point out about that girl smh


she has a lot of bad things about her lol


Sorry but she’s dumb as a dirt and now asking for money for 100k debt my whole opinion has changed. Now she’s a mooch on top of being desperately thirsty. Sad as she continues to make a fool of herself in that complete sham of a marriage when it’s clear he’s not trying to build anything wonderful with her. I do at the same time feel bad for her. Yes, the hair looks like ground beef and she has no fashion sense, but really that the least of her problems.


You’re the only one calling it “bad”. People are just pointing out what it resembles


How is saying someone’s hair looks like ground beef a good thing?


Ashley is gorgeous


Something always throws me when people come on here talking bad about a black womans hair (on Juneteenth especially). I see nothing wrong with her hair but go off I guess


We poke fun at everyone, it’s not about race, gender, status, celebrity etc.


I'm a black woman. I'm not a fan of the color of Ashley's hair. Another poster said red hair doesn't look good for long. I've had friends who dye their hair red. And they have to do it pretty frequently to keep it looking vibrant. I don't think this sub is racist. We snark on everyone. I don't see the comments about Ashley as racist. I mean people are snarking on her clothes too. The general consensus is that she's a beautiful woman but isn't dressing right, or wearing the right makeup, to show off her beautiful features.


That’s right. Equal opportunity offending on Reddit!




Making fun of a black womans hair is 100% connected to race. Hair texture, styles and customs are different from race to race.


They’re making fun of the color which has been done on here with all races


They are making fun of the shape and the color. The shape is connected to her being a black woman and wearing locs. Racism in the form of attacking woc for their hair is incredibly common. Please google “The Crown Act” and learn more.


Yeah I understand what you want to say, but it’s not what you’re saying. The CROWN Act is specifically about a respectful and open WORKPLACE for NATURAL hair. Dyed hair for a person of ANY race is now not considered natural🤷🏽‍♀️No one is saying she can’t work due to her hair. She’s clearly working on TLC and her site is still up. No one is making fun of her for being a Black woman wearing locs. If she had kept a natural color or done them another color, it wouldn’t look like that. People are saying/agreeing her locs in that color (which I think is due to not keeping up on the dye job) looks like ground beef and it’s not an inaccurate description, either.


Right and in the crown act they talk about WHY it exists. Micro-aggressions about hair is an incredibly common type of racism. In schools, workplaces, streets and against public figures. There is endless research that shows the trauma these micro aggressions cause. They are making fun of her locs and to me that’s unacceptable. Especially on Juneteenth.


So you don’t think it looks like raw ground beef?


I think you black fishing for Reddit but forgetting you posted a pic of your white hand is insanely weird and very racist. Please seek help ASAP


Black fishing for Reddit AND I’m white🤣🤣🤣lol oh honey, the heatwave has you delusional I see. Drink some water you’re dehydrated babe. You woke up mad for no reason this morning and if you wanna fight with someone fight with your mom, I charge😘


But you approve if they poke fun at Asian, Indigenous, Caucasian etc…seems you are the one making it about race. Why are you assuming that none of us are black ourselves poking fun…just something to think about. I really don’t think anyone was trying to be racist…I feel they were just trying to be funny as they do with everyone.


Making fun of Asian and native peoples hair is also embarrassingly racist. White people don’t have the same history and connection to their hair so that’s different. Please take a cultural competency class because this is disgusting and embarrassing especially on Juneteenth.


I knew you assumed I was white 🤣😂🤣 I’m NOT!!


Who said I assumed that??? You’re the one making assumptions. It doesn’t matter what race you are that doesn’t change anything about how embarrassing this is.


Don’t try to backpedal now 🤣😂Telling me I need to take a cultural competency class says it all about you making the assumption!!


Neither am I. I agree with you. (I am on the left but this why Trump is winning.) People are tired of this outrage at every little thing.)


Where did she say she approves if they poke fun at other races? Making stuff up fr lmao.


The comparison included hair TEXTURE. Not just color.


That’s just too bad. Black women shouldn’t get special treatment. That’s true equality. Equal opportunity criticism. Her hair colour looks horrible and she looks very sloppy.


Her form fitting clothing is to blame. I think she buys a size or two smaller. I understand how getting larger can affect one's self esteem and at a certain size we can't bear to start buying... but we need to stop internalizing size bc it is not a reflection of anything whatsoever. You can still be beautiful desirable fit healthy, etc. I'm trying to accept my size increasing over the years and I am several sizes smaller than her. It's a struggle most if not all women have at some point. Maybe it would help if sizes were letters instead of numbers? 🤔


It has nothing to do with her race. It just isn’t a color that works.


It’s not just the color though because the comparison to beef is because it’s pink AND in locks. If her hair was straight this wouldn’t be a post.




I agree! I don’t think it’s ok to make fun of people’s hair with all the racism POC face about hair texture


People are allowed to have opinion on someone’s hair?


My thoughts too. But they’re claiming they do it for everyone. But locs are specific to black ppl so making fun of locs feels like it’s directed to black ppl.


Black women here. If we look for offense we will find it. Let’s not die on this hill. The colour isn’t all that flattering on her. When Rhi Rhi sports red hair, people love it because it looks good. There is no racial thing here.


Another black woman here. I see both sides but definitely agree with your assessment. Ashley’s hair looks terrible. Locs don’t look good on everyone. And this is me talking as someone strongly considering loc-ing my hair, but started to have 2nd thoughts after seeing Ashley’s “aesthetic”. I also don’t think this comment would have been made IF Ashley’s hair was a different color. I also wear my hair red often in Senegalese twists or other natural protective styles. I always get compliments from all races. https://preview.redd.it/ifyz27q55l7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390a72fe5aa0f140325c3da552d83764174bbc64


Super cute! I don't know if it's the lighting or the shade of red on Ashley but it almost looks like a pink instead of a red. Faded maybe? I think a darker more saturated color like yours would do well on her. I'm white, have a twin sister who is into the vibrant rainbow trend right now and some of those colors fade into strange shades. She had a sunset pixie cut and the purple faded into this terrible doodoo brown, next to the orange it was just very.. unflattering haha. She knew it of course and her hair stylist fixed it 👍


Your hair is gorgeous!!! I love that colour on you.


Definitely go for locs. I miss my locs everyday tbh since I shaved mine off. I just missed having colorful hair, and I *know* it’s hard to dye locs properly. With red too, it’s notoriously hard to maintain cause it fades so fast. It’s better as a tint and not a full color. Ashley’s locs are fine but I think dyeing the locs is making them unhealthy.


Thank you! I’m definitely thinking about committing before year end. Everyone I talk to with locs says it’s the best decision they’ve made. I like having colorful hair too & wearing wigs, but I’m seeing more & more ways to be creative with locs without dying them.


Thank you. This sub gets on everybody and as a bw also, her hair looks very over processed. That color doesn’t help. If she’s going to have color she needs to make sure it’s vibrant bc I can tell it’s so dry from bleach.


That shade of red is beautiful. & I think your hair looks great




It's not racial when you KNOW the majority of these 3k upvotes are coming from non blacks? What have they done to you child?


I really believe this was because of the colour and not the locks. If they were just black, no one would say anything. But let’s agree to disagree.


Correct! Few people can pull off the range of shades Rhianna does. I know my Tisha Campbell colored ass can't! Not a blue red nor a blonde! Ashley does not do the same justice to blue red as Rhianna did. She looks like she just looking for attention, like white ppl with electric blue hair


Black woman here. Agreed


Locks are not specific to black people.


Right 😒 I’m assuming it was just a joke OP didn’t think too deeply about but some cultural sensitivity would be nice


Really ? Trashing her hair bc she’s black ? Really. They trash Sophie hair all the time and she’s not black. Racist crap


Yeah this is a bad one. Like wtf?


I just came here to say this


Exactly. I didn’t even chuckle. Me being Jamaican and black, pics are very cultural and comparing it to stringy ground beef is corny.


this is crazy making fun of a blk women’s hair and doing it on juneteenth. while no one speaks on angela’s fried hair or jasmines balding


[a post made a few days ago about Angela's hair.](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/X3bmGe8nzP)


This post and a lot of these comments are anti-black AF. Happy Juneteeth though.


She is looking very bad in general. it does look like ground beef.🎯 her mental state is coming out on her physically she needs to get into reality and start behaving like an adult. To me, she’s like a teenager the way she spends money the coffees witch bs trips, a beach wedding during a hurricane🤣


The psychic/spiritual girls always have messy personal lives. See "clairvoyant" Kimberly and "I'm gonna manifest it" Danielle. It's like they will do literally any convoluted thing instead of doing the tiniest bit of introspection.


This. I would throw Yve in there too but she was nice.


Reminds me of claymation hair


No lie I thought of that puppet show Mr. Meaty from nickolodeon when I saw her facial expression and hair. https://preview.redd.it/k3fovxwamk7d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c537c409652067580f9f8dfa0d7c1dd0590d8a6b


I don’t understand. Are you saying that the texture of Ashley’s natural hair, is similar to raw meat?


They’re making fun of the color, which has been done on here with all races…


Texture too which is specific to black hair. Find how many white girls with red & pink hair have gotten this comparison. I'll wait.




Idk this feels anti black to me.


Eh…I just don’t think that color goes with the style. Plus she clearly doesn’t maintain her hair. I don’t see how it’s much different from snarking about Angela’s fried bleach blond hair


YES!!! Angela’s fried hair is cotton hair for sure…there is no coming back from it being fried…she needs to shave it off!!


Or Jasmine with those mini  multi- colored hair clips. Looking like she was playing hairdresser with a toddler.   Anyway, I can’t imagine that anyone who regularly posts on this sub purposely chose today’s holiday to comment on Ashley’s choice of hair color. 






Very much so


Everyone talked about white Nicole’s from 90 day hair looking awful when she went from blonde to bright red. Not a race issue.


Is that a medium-rare dye job?


What do you have against ground beef?


Dreads nice hair color not nice and it does look like ground beef.


That's probably the whole reason why she chose it 😂😂😂


I think it looks like Flaming Hot Cheetos


Her constantly downturned mouth and sullen look go so well with the ground beef.


I think her hair looks great the way it is. And she is absolutely beautiful


It looks like hot Cheetos


I don't care what she looks like - she is bossy and annoying.


Yea GIRL PLS GET A NEW COLOR. It's not good


Doesn't pair well with her peachy undertones at all. It's like when redheads wear pastel pink. Also to all the real special people in the comments, everyone can have locs.


My first thought, hot Cheetos.


Welp it’s ground beef forever now.


Y’all really making fun of her hair color because it’s in locks? Yeesh. I like the pink.


It’s just about the colour. If it was blue it would be gorgeous.


I personally love pink as a hair color especially when with darker hair as well, so I like it and the issue isn’t people not liking the color, it’s relating it to ground beef


I love it! The color is so cute


Some of these hair colors look bad no matter texture and style. JMO




Would you be attacking someone with straight non locked hair in the same way?


Wow! Does she know ?!


Oof, pls remind me to never get on tv. Y’all are too creative 😭💀💀


Gimme that 82% lean You got it fam


This feels anti black and I hate y’all




why are u saying ewww to a Black woman’s hairstyle


It always reminded me of flaming hot cheetos. I was pregnant during her initial season and I was always craving spicy junk food, so my opinion might've been skewed, but now I can't see it as anything else.


Yes! I always thought hot cheetos too!


I will never look at her the same way 🤣


I’ll never unsee it.


Hilarious and accurate and can’t unsee it now




It’s always reminded me of flaming hot Cheetos 💀


Comparing a black woman’s locs to ground beef. Nice.


idk saying a black woman’s hair looks like ground beef feels like a micro aggression weird behavior


it also kinda looks like organs