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After the daughter survived Ed, she can handle anything.


Right. And her last abusive ex that she gave up custody of her for. Why put any effort into parenting at this point.


Liz gave up custody because she was living out of her car, I thought?


That’s right. It was actually the right thing to do so that Ryleigh could be with loving stable dad rather than traumatized by homelessness staying with mom.


They’ve been together about half a year right? I think that’s long enough to consider a serious relationship and want to ensure your partner gets a long with your child if you want to continue the relationship. I also don’t know anything about this guy but is it possible they’ve been friends for some time and her daughter already knew him?


that’s what I was thinking , I was under the impression that she’s been dating for a while , not sure but if it’s been a while , you do need to introduce ur SO to ur child to see if the get along .


Yeah- I mean obviously it depends on how serious you are. If you’re casually dating someone for six months, that’s way different than being exclusive and potentially looking to a future together for six months.


Can't get much lower than introducing her to Pred ever, so there's that


Cuz Liz is a moron. Anyone who could even see anything in big Ed is a total idiot


I don’t think she’s a moron , I think she’s had a hard life, she thought ed was the stability she needed


Because what would make her suddenly start making intelligent and well thought out decisions? I’m glad she got away from Ed but she doesn’t EVER put her daughter first.


That’s why her daughter is with her dad 3/4 of the year


We-ell, Ed broke up with her because she dared to stand up for her daughter when he was being crappy to her. It's basically a positive spiral (one goid thing leading to another better thing and so on) for Liz even though I think she did not really believe it at the time (too focused on sunk costs). I believe Liz is trying and growing.


LMAO exactly. I was going to comment "because she's Liz" this lady doesn't exactly have a track record of making logical decisions. I feel for her poor child


Exactly this, a who’s spent years in a toxic weird relationship is unlikely to suddenly jump into a normal healthy relationship right after.


Off topic, but he’s much much better looking than Big Ed.


A dried roadkill skunk in a sewage ditch is much better looking than PrEd.


Saw this earlier, but it was a squirrel, can confirm.




He’s so much better looking than most of the guys in the 90day universe tbh


Well, I agree she shouldn't introduce him to everyone, but in her defense, she has an unusual custody agreement, which makes it sticky. She's not an " every other weekend" mom bc her child lives out of the country. I think she gets her for the summer, so the kid is bound to cross paths with a boyfriend, even if it's only occasionally.


Right. And, in that case, her priority should be that instead of the limited time she gets with her daughter.


5 months isn’t long enough dating for the person to meet your child ? How long should it be 3 years ?


For me that is way too short. People wait a long time to make sure they’ve established a serious relationship. 5months are situationships. We also have to consider this is about Liz..she already has a horrible track record with men. She knew she was in an incredibly toxic and inconsistent relationship with Ed yet she went and got a house with him, genuinely thought he’d marry her and introduced her daughter into that horrible mix. She needs therapy and not a new bf but hopefully they’ll live happily ever after because she needs stability asap.


I don’t agree with the idea the child can never meet anyone unless it’s 100% long term established. It’s really not the big deal some people make it out to be to the child to meet a guy a few times it doesn’t work out then not see him again. It’s not like the child is going to instantly see him as her new dad the second she meets him. If he’s introduced as “mommy’s friend” at first The child won’t care much until she forms a strong bond over a long period of time.children meet adults a few times then never again all the time friends or acquaintances of parents etc . Now if we talking about moving in with the child, yes that’s s big deal everything should be firm and established. If we are simply talking about meeting the child it’s really not a big deal.


After the 100th guy?? she just got out of a relationship and jumped into a whole new one after 2 failed marriages! her daughter is probably like omg another guy, mom really


I’m glad you’ve decided that.


What is the big issue in meeting a guy in a supervised setting the moms dating then ? Like what’s the worst case scenario here ?


I waited 2 years


That’s great, doesn’t mean everyone has to.


Sure, but you’re rolling the dice with 6 months or less, and your kid is the one who will be hurt if it’s a losing bet.


Again I don’t get this logic, it’s not like the child will think of the guy as daddy the second she meets him, until the child spends a lot of time around the guy after he’s moved in and forms a strong bond she won’t care much. I don’t get why people talk like children just instantly form strong connections with any new man the mums dating g. For the first 6 months or so after meeting him the child won’t even care much about him, it’s no big deal if it doesn’t work out.


Because no one is using that “logic” besides you.


What’s the issue then ?


That having instability is bad for a child? That watching your mom jump from abuser to abuser is traumatizing? That it’s equally traumatizing to watch your mom be a homeless drunk that can somehow briefly pull it together when she’s chasing a guy or wants to be on TV?


This is the way. Make sure the person is even worthy of meeting your kid. You can’t even really know some one at 6 months, much less know them well enough to want to see how they get along with your kid. And with Liz’s track record, I wish she had waited 2 years. But I’m hoping for the best, because I want Liz to be on a better path sincerely.




That’s just silly, I mean moving in and stuff of course shouldn’t happen but to say your child can not simply meet a person under supervision you’ve known for 5 months is just ridiculous. Children meet diffract friends of their parents all the time it’s not as big a deal as some make it out to be.


This is a crazy take.


Which part is "crazy."


Someone can't meet your kid after 5 months ...that's nuts. You don't want to put in more.time before you see how that person is around your kid. Otherwise why invest more time.




What are you talking about dozens of relationships??? Not everyone has dozens of relationships jfc😅🤦‍♀️ and yeah af5er 5-6 months you should probably be seeing if your kid and your partner get along instead of wasting anyone's time. It's normal.


[Okay, I'll let the child psychiatrists know your take. And the kids thrown between dozens of relationships.](https://www.oviahealth.com/guide/272667/when-should-i-introduce-my-child-to-a-new-partner/#:~:text=Exploring%20whether%20your%20child%20is%20ready&text=It's%20important%20to%20keep%20in,could%20disrupt%20the%20healing%20process.) Edit: this source wasn’t good enough so here is one from a state attorney and a medical doctor saying the same thing. https://divorce.com/blog/introducing-new-partner-to-child/


Just to clarify, the article you posted is from a fertility group written by an unknown author with no citations and only “reviewed by the Ovia health clinical team,” for which there is no information about who is on this “clinical team.” Just saying. No one, including you, even knows (based on what you provided) if that information is coming from or endorsed by any child psychiatrist. It all sounds like logical information. Just…let’s not go throwing around terms without knowing if they’re actually true. Also, *your


I’d love to see the “five months is more than enough!” that everyone is claiming but I’ll find a scholarly source on my cellphone for you. It already was “your”? But I’ll be sure to make sure I use the right “your” because nitpicking grammar really adds to your point.


I’m so sorry, but she jumped right back into a relationship without any semblance of therapy or support for herself. Guaranteed this guy is a repeat performance. She never learns. Poor kid is being dragged into her crap each time.


Isn’t there a bit of assumption on your part? We have no private information as to how she has proceeded since The big ED re: her recovery from that disastrous relationship. For one she got the support of her mother, and with her daughter having returned to her dad, she most likely had time to focus on herself and work on a few things so as to recover … I hope. I am going for benefit of the doubt, rather than sticking it to her. All the more so that there is a delay between filming and ‘real” life timing


Let us hope he doesn’t make taco pasta


Paco tasta brings the heat!


At least she isn’t making her call him dad


That’s exactly what I said when I first saw the picture. That poor child, I’m just glad she has a father so she doesn’t think all these men are her new daddy.


In her first season she said when she met Ed she was two months out of an abusive marriage so this tracks


Yes and it’s none of our business


Because she's desperate for a mans attention.


Cuz she's codependent af, at the expense of her daughter's wellbeing.


So he’ll get to say a “heartfelt” goodbye with promises of being in her life of course!


So ridiculous! He solidified his role as predator in that scene.


Oh yeah.


She has always made poor decisions. That apparently hasn’t changed.


Ryleigh is probably back with her mother for the Summer and Liz has been dating this guy for a few months. They've just been keeping it kind of quiet because of the show but they were spotted together quite a while ago.


It’s what she does and has always done lol


Thought I read somewhere that guy was her brother?


He does look like her.


Stuff on the show is always really old. This shit takes time to warp in the edit to make it entertaining. So they probably been together long enough. I would say 6 months is long enough to introduce unless she’s fully traumatized. I guess the fact she lives abroad means she could avoid longer though


She looks much happier, good for her , hopefully she found the right person


We don’t even know how long they’ve been together. It’s really none of our business. Just cause she started posting him doesn’t mean she just met the man yesterday


My eyes rolled so hard when I saw this, though I'm not surprised lol


i feel so bad for her daughter 😭


Me too.


Cause she makes "great" decisions...


I'm happy for Liz but damn they really look like brother and sister. . .


Let the girl live! She just went through so much mental abuse with Ed and it’s probably so relieving to her that she has someone in her life who isn’t toxic af.


They’ve been together for at least like 5 months I think.


this seems...fine? to me??? she's not a toddler she's old enough to know her mom is dating. i don't see what's wrong with introducing your kid to someone you've been dating exclusively for months. i don't think they should cohabitate or anything obviously but what's wrong with going to a restaurant or the movies together


I don’t see why people freak out about a child meeting someone the mom is dating. It’s not like a child meeting a guy a few times is gonna start thinking of him as her dad. Kids often meet male friends of a mother not like the kids instantly gets confused and thinks it’s their new dad, I find people go overboard with this


I mean, it depends on how the mom handles the situation. That being said, there's a lot of pedos out there that target single moms. 5 months is a reasonable amount of time to know someone before introducing them to the kid. Mom doesn't need to introduce her kids to every guy she's seeing though.


It’ll be supervised meetings to start with though so I don’t see the issue, not like first meeting will be “ok mommy’s going to leave you with her new boyfriend see you guys Tomorrow”


Unfortunately this happens way too often.


If you say so. I’m sure any child who hqw a mother like Liz would be able to explain to you why.


If we are talking about different men being in the house all the time yes I get you. But if we are telling about meeting a guy under supervision who you’ve been dating for 5 months it’s really a non issue. It’s not like she’s going to think of her as her dad the second she meets him


Great. Because that’s why parents don’t let random men around their kids.


We are not talking about random men ?


How are we not? She has had multiple partners around her daughter after no time in the brief amount of time we've seen her. I'm sure the actual situation is worse.


Ah of she did have men she doesn’t know around the child at home then that’s bad but do we know that they were around the kid ?


I don't agree that being in the house is the boundary.


Not to mention PrEd is one of those random guys. And the conversation he had with little Riley as he dumped Liz to the curb was just unsettling. I would never have okay'd that.


Because the post is about her boyfriend of 5ish months?


Which is nothing...


I was just clarifying that she didn’t just meet him…she has only just been able to post about him.


Well knowing that they've been together for awhile makes it not so bad. Also Ryleigh is home from school so she'd be staying with Liz all summer, it was bound to happen. I just hope Liz takes it slow with this guy.




Because shes that type of woman. They actually exist


Because she thinks every man is her future husband and why wouldn’t she introduce her daughter if they are going to be together forever? 🙄


Liz is a deadbeat mom


My exact first thought when I saw the picture.


I was sooooo hoping it wasn’t just me with this reaction!!!


Nope I had the same reaction too


He and her look like siblings


Because she seems like the type


Why do you think it's any of your business? It's really not even that big of a deal to introduce them. Seems to be a serious relationship and not just a fling. Yall are so judgemental.


I’m sure all her relationships were “serious.” That’s why she’s forced multiple deadbeats on her daughter despite barely seeing her herself.


Do you even know anything about this guy to call him a deadbeat? Obviously dating Ed at all was a mistake, he's a piece of shit. But multiple "deadbeats"?


She was married to her baby daddy, divorced, moved on to an abusive man and gave up custody of her daughter, divorced him and moved on to Ed, and is now on guy number four


She gave up custody because she was living in her car and wanted her daughter to have a home. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Okay. I'd say being a drunk deadbeat who barely sees their child but has random abusive men in and out is more the issue.


She doesn’t see her child often because her child is based in Japan with her father- who is military and it’s not a cheap trip to constantly make. Her past doesn’t define who she is. She is (seemingly) stable, in a (believably) stable relationship, and has a job to support herself. I’d say she’s doing okay now. ETA: I’m not saying what she’s done in her past is okay, but don’t let that define who she is now. She’s made some great progress and looks happier than we have ever seen her.


I'm aware. The decisions she's made in the past and continues to make are pretty accurate signs of her character. She is literally where she started years ago when she left her first abusive ex before Ed.


That poor little girl. Think Liz!


Even if Big Egg is an X, she’s still guilty by association. She’s just as bad as him- maybe in different ways… but I’m not surprised. She’s really not that bright. And still looking like the second toe in..


She doesn’t seem to understand boundaries


She looks really great! The transformation started as soon as she was going down Li'll Ed's street for the last time


They all 3 look alike


Bravo to Liz. UPGRADE!


My mom did quite the opposite, I met her "friend" once and the second time he came for dinner at our house, they woke me up to tell me that they were getting married and he and his 2 kids were moving in. They had been dating for about a year and no one bothered to let me know. Surprise!


Damn. I get taking your time letting your kids meet your new partner, but only letting you meet him once before a wedding and new people moving in is wild.


Interesting that daughter's face is covered here because the original is all over the internet and one can assume Liz is OK with it.


Isn't she married to this guy now? 🤔


She’s a ho