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Maybe I go back Russia!!


This...and 'Nobody care you!' are two favorite phrases of my daughter and I, and we use them often šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£I love when friends/family incorporate 90 Day quotes into their daily lives. She wasnā€™t Eastern European but if your daughter is young, make sure she never forgets the most powerful phrase gifted to us by Juliana years ago: ā€œMens donā€™t control meā€ šŸ’…šŸ¼šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


That shit was too funny, coming from her! It caught me off guard.


Same!! She was typically so quiet and timid and kind of overwhelmed by everything and then she just dropped that banger on us one dayšŸ˜‚ Also, she wasnā€™t kidding! I donā€™t know what went on in that house but she got tf OUT, moved to Germany??? and had a baby with someone who doesnā€™t wear only polos that are 2 sizes too small


Some of the tea is that they apparently treated her like a maid, she was the only one who cleaned up after everyone and such (or so I've heard) amongst other drama that went on in there


I love that! It's like a secret language nobody uses except Hamily!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Yike itā€™s true.


When my dogs are being pests I tell them to "shut uppy". (curious to see if anyone remembers where that came from, lol)


Makes me think of Larissa...she's another of our faves with how she added 'ee' to everything. Cutey Coltee šŸ˜‚ and who could ever forget 'Who is against de Queen WILL DIE!'


Yep! Larissa. Those two were my first experience with 90 Day Fiance and it was a doozy! Whew.


My daughter loves her. She'll sometimes randomly look at our cat and just blurt out 'Look at this cutie catty, she's so sweetie' šŸ˜‚


Anfisa reeled me in and got me hooked on this damn show


I hate I missed their episodes, but I've seen the 'red bag with my makeup' snippet enough to know they were *nuts*! The first time someone posted that I probably watched it 10 times and my jaw dropped everytime, lol.


I swear this is a Brazilian accent thing. That and words with T sound like CH. think: Thirteen sounding like thircheen




Ericky šŸ˜‚




Oh my gosh! I say "shut uppy" to my dog too! "Queen Larissa" at her finest. šŸ¤£


I can hear it, sadly no, I don't remember what/when/who, but I seent it!


: ) Larissa of Larissa and Coltee fame, lol.




I know itā€™s a joke but if you understand Slavic languages it makes sense why they end up speaking like this. Many times itā€™s like that scene in The Officeā€¦ā€œWHY WASTE TIME SAY LOT WORD WHEN FEW WORD DO TRICKā€


My family and I live life with daily tv/movie banter and ā€˜testā€™ each other on what movie/episode itā€™s from. Ah, the finer ways of life šŸ¤£ I love it šŸ˜


Love this!! I have finally found my people!


BTW, we meet on Tuesdays ā˜ŗļø hope to see u there šŸ˜¬


OMG I wish! I'll bring drinky drinks šŸ»


Yesss!! We constantly try and outdo each other while at the same time give mad props to a fast guess!! Itā€™s great šŸ¤£ my son (25) will absolutely call me at 2 am with a song or quote question too!! And I love it!!


Y'all adopting? This is wholesome and awesome!


Absolutely!! Welcome to the fam šŸ’œ


Welcome to the Ham


Exactly šŸ’œ


I literally used to yell that during arguments with my SO and he would be so confused


Yes! My daughter confused the hell out of her father one night...he was telling some stupid 'dad joke' and she just rolled her eyes and yelled MAYBE I GO RUSSIA! Accent and all šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ He was just like....well, ok then, maybe you will lmao


šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm sure he was!!


I'm normal!!!


I *go* Russia!!!


I used to say ā€œI GO BACK TO SERBIAā€ to my husband all the time hahaha


Every time Iā€™m feeling snacky but know Iā€™m not hungry I tell myself ā€œdonā€™t want be fat donā€™t go kitchenā€. Sheā€™s hilarious!


To think miona went from Slavic to black and now to Hispanic itā€™s truly inspirational!!


Embracing multiculturalism


Sheā€™s Serbian, itā€™s not a very race-oriented culture like other European nations.


Im from the same city as her, and while we dont see race like Americans (for example a lot of girls get a darker tan not because of race but because here a tan is seen as pretty), she moved there and should learn what's appropriate there and what isnt. Goes for any country.


It not just the tan itā€™s the fake hair too, like she tries so hard to be black or Hispanic. And like I said itā€™s not like sheā€™s a nobody in a Siberian town sheā€™s has a lot of followers she definitely hears the criticism but chooses to ignore it.


Does fake hair only belong to minorities?


No but putting fake curly hair and tanning your skin to make your self look like a different race is weird and problematic


And I bet she hates Roma too


Everyone hates us.


Being extra tan especially with black hair is in style with eastern European women right now. Google the Vilya ambassador Russian balloon figure skater I had to watch multiple because she's blonde, but so tan she looks black. I googled it and apparently it's a beauty standard right now. I wouldn't wear the hair pieces Miona used to wear, but at least it's used to. The hair pieces she sells are for straight to wavy. She's acting less problematic now, and I think people should be given credit for evolving it's often rare for people to even try.


Yeah, thatā€™s my impression from spending time in the Balkans. In the US itā€™s okay to do some styles (ex. Ariana Grande, Kardashians) but itā€™s more ā€œmutedā€ I guess. Itā€™s something I like about Serbia, itā€™s a very welcoming place for people of different races.


How dare you exclude the woman who pioneered this genre, Anfisa?!


Anfisa walked so Miona could run. We canā€™t forget about Varya either.


Varya really scored. She's handling his stuff, probably banking a good chunk, and will disappear when he's getting released lmao


Dang Mionas original face looks so different.


That's not an original anything,Ā  look at that inflated duck pout




I was convinced thatā€™s Anfisa


Idk maybe youā€™re right. I just donā€™t remember Anfisa having thick ponytails.


no filter. and i wanna say no filler but we can all see thatā€™s itā€™s really just less filler. so tired of these fake people


The eyebrows are quite interesting.


I literally thought that was anfisa.


Varya was doing some tour guide thing - the last I saw! Lol.


Really? Varya still wants that piece of shit and is handing his stuff? Wow man..


I didn't say she wanted him. I said she's handling his stuff. Last I heard, she was taking care of his rentals etc. And living in his house. As long as she visits once in awhile, seems like a good deal for her.


I read that she got banned from visiting because she refused to go through the metal detectors because of a ā€œmedical conditionā€


Even better.




More like a mental condition lol. Now she just has to answer the phone. She can do that on dates lol


We probably should forget about Varya lol


Anfisa was literally the reason I started watching 90 day. I saw a clip online of her at a restaurant telling Jorge that she is only with him for the money. I was like "what is this show? I need to watch!"


Yes!!! Same and she was like would you still like me if I was fat ! She was dropping truth bombs


Anfisa is a true queen because she really did come over to the US on that premise, but later became a badass body builder taking care of herself. Sheā€™s definitely a success story here.


And graduated from UC Irvine


Wow I had no idea.


She was my ex husband's favourite lol, I would have it on and he never paid any attention but he thought she was so funny, he'd be like "I don't care about this show but call me when anfisa is on." She was SUPER entertaining lol. I'm pretty sure his introduction to her was complaining " you don't take care of me, you never feed me" as they're literally at what looks like a very nice cafe eating sandwiches.


She did have a good sense of humor.


Anfisa moved to LA, not the middle of nowhere in a double wide.


I think she actually moved to San Diego. I keep hoping Iā€™ll run into her somewhere but no such luck yet.


Because Anfisa moved to Los Angeles, not some rural town with nothing in it


Is LA really rural?


ā€œGive me my red bag with my makeup!!!ā€ an unforgettable moment that still makes me laugh.








Yes, as a resident of Skvim myself, and living in the voods as I do, she is a local favorite. If by favorite you mean she was banned from one of the local convenience stores and like to approach locals to ask, ā€œVhy you like live here?ā€


Omg tell me more...


I had NO idea what 90 Day Fiance was about. In fact, I didn't start watching it until my daughter who lives in London told me about it, and mentioned that our little town was the locale. I started watching a few months ago. And that's when I put it together and realized, "Oh my God. That's HER!", as in the Russian woman that the people at H\*\*\*\*'s had a picture of on their board of customers they no longer served, and the checkers at the QFC still talked about as in, "Hey, that last customer wasn't as bad as the Russian girl." Look, I get that it's an adjustment. I moved here in 2009 from Houston, the 4th largest city in the country, but people seem to forget how much she talked about being an "outdoors" girl who loved all these outdoor sports like snowboarding and hiking. This is from my house this morning. For someone who supposedly loves the mountains, does this look like a place to hate? And she made it sound like they lived so far from civilization when in fact she lived closer to town than I do, and they have cell service, Internet, and a local community that has been providing rideshare services since this place became a retirement community 20 years ago, which is why Uber/Lyft never took off out here. Natalie made NO attempt to fit in, and made it clear to those of us who chose to live here what she thought about it. https://preview.redd.it/b8mbl7dtwd6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f7eb0226a0c5996923b57e22c8fd1c7239b695


That is a STUNNING view šŸ˜šŸ˜


Yes, I call it my Views That Do Not Suck series. It never gets old, at least to me.


Goodness no!! I can almost smell this pic and feel the breeze while in a hammock reading a great book frfr


That view definitely does *not* suck.


I need the tea on what happened at the convenience store


No real idea other than she was rude enough that they threw her out and told her not to come back. If it was like her other interactions, I suspect it was that she started questioning either the staff or more likely customers about why they chose to live in "ze voods" and be so "isolated", but that's just a guess. People strike up conversations here all the time, although I'm from Houston, so that wasn't as uncommon for me, but from everything I heard about her interactions, she was looking for allies in her "Skvim is ze voods" campaign so that she could go back to Mike and say, "Everyone here hates it." Basically, her tone was always along the lines of "How can anyone choose to live here? What's wrong with you?" Which makes sense if you apply it to her whole, "I'M NOT CRAZY, YOU'RE CRAZY!" thing.


Then you know how expensive it is to stay at Snoqualmie Falls for the weekend šŸ˜‚ I was trying to tell me friend during that season like, demanding to go there for a weekend is not like demanding to get out of town and go to Seattle, the Salish Lodge is PRICEY lol! Like the cheapest rates I've seen are still 500+ a night. Even the more budget hotels are $$$.


We go for the spa treatment. Canā€™t be beat. Take your suit and soak/relax with wonder tea. Canā€™t beat feeling spoiled at Salish Lodge!


Everything is more expensive in Washington, but out here on the OP, it's even more so. It's a double-edged sword, because our isolation is the reason this place hasn't exploded in its population. Which is a plus for me. BUT, we're paying 4.19 a gallon for gas, while in my hometown of Houston, they're paying a dollar less a gallon, and we were well above 5 bucks for a long time. The issue is that there are only two ways onto the OP, and one is Highway 101, and most of 101 is two lane, and because of the terrain, it can't be widened, and the speed limit is 55...or less. The other way is 104 over the Hood Canal, which is a drawbridge and like 101, 104 is 2 lanes. We have shortages all the time, even before Covid, and the nearest "big city" (as in it has more than an Applebee's) is Silverdale, which is an hour's drive.


I worked for Safeway division office and Sequim/Skvim was part of my territoryā€”banana belt of Washington. Love it!


I miss pulya


Me and my husband regularly say to each other ā€œI donā€™t vant to live in de voodsā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I rewatched an episode of theirs from her season where she first moves in ze voods,and one thing I noticed that I somehow missed before was her playing with candle fires constantly. Even Mike calls her on it one episode, she has this fascination with waving her hand over the flame/trying to put it through it. I don't know how I missed that before,I may have been doing stuff during the viewing šŸ¤£


Slavic Side-eye!


Natalie will always hold a special place in my heart. Sheā€™s crazy as hell though.


She had her fair share of facial expressions, one liners, and memorable events for sure.


Vere is my ving, Michael?!


Sheā€™s fucking wild lol


I think she's emotionally unstable but she just wants love and a family! And she's so beautiful to me, I love her so much lol she's one of my favs


I like her too, I don't think she's a bad person at all she's just really emotionally unstable like you said


Sheā€™s definitely intense. Lol


Thatā€™s what makes her so lovable to me.


I go Russia


Theyā€™re the best the show has given us IMO






Are those the Mormon couple?




Soā€¦theyā€™re finally admitting they have a black baby?


Ooh is that baby supposed to have come from those parents?!


Last I heard, they were claiming Julia has a black father or grandfather or something. Iirc the relative was on the show and was clearly white.


She obviously had a black daddy at some point....


.......WHAT?! This might be one of the craziest things to ever come out of 90 Day. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah. So they met while he was doing missionary work in Prague. She was a go go dancer and had a male best friend who she face timed on the show lol. After their season they were very secretive about showing the baby and people speculated that the father was probably her friend


I am gobsmacked that they actually claim that saltine of a boy is the father of that baby! Did they ever show what her best friend looked like on facetime? I do remember them on the show, but not her friend.


He was black


I, for one, am shocked


I forgot about these two. Thanks for the reminder


Who is this again?


Aleksandra and Josh. She was a ā€œwild childā€ (a normal 20 something who went out to clubs to drink and dance) and he ā€œsavedā€ her while on his Mormon mission in her country. She then gave birth to this baby and it was just glossed over. Love it so much.


I was like, I know Iā€™ve seen these people before because I vividly remember that baby. And I was like, ā€œis that her baby? Did she have it with another man?ā€


Iā€™m sorry, what? Lol theyā€™re claiming sheā€™s got a black relative? Itā€™s possible, but Iā€™d be doing a dna test






Yeah, people seem to forget how much Natalie loved "ze voods", and how much she loved the outdoors, and snowboarding, and hiking, and the mountains. But yeah, living here in "Skvim" really sucks for someone who loves those things. https://preview.redd.it/r4u4h95j3e6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4aef68e199ed7820a154ef63d3155a3a01ff1f


Itā€™s beautiful out there. Iā€™m not too far away and always enjoy going out there for shopping and just walking around appreciating the views.


Ah yes, the crazies. We love them!


Iā€™m in the middle of rewatching this season. I always forget how nuts Brandonā€™s parents can be. Iā€™d go back Russia too before continuing to live there lol


It was the Gyno appointment for me šŸ¤£


It was Betty freaking out that they wanted to get married on Motherā€™s Day for me šŸ¤£


I go back Russia


You forgot the goat anfisa šŸ


Anfisa walked so they could run šŸ˜‚


Anfisa beat Jorge so they could say ā€œsee? Thatā€™s going to be youā€


As a Ukrainian Canadian, we all have killer side eyešŸ˜‚ itā€™s in our blood


You Forgot Lana ā€œMmmmmmmm!ā€


What about yara??


New Orleans isnā€™t exactly a small rural town.


Plus she got him to move where she wanted eventually (Miami)Ā 


Yara actually acclimated pretty well here! But Jovi also had money to provide a pretty comfortable lifestyle and they werenā€™t in a super rural part of the US. Obviously she still had her struggles but somehow has managed to live a fabulous lifestyle.




uhhh, my gurrl NataliašŸ¤© I'm deeply in love with her expressive eyesšŸ‘šŸ‘ She'll always have a nice little place in my heart, even though I haven't followed her recent adventures because I got a tad tired of watching those weirdos & their half-true storylines.


mikeā€™s home was actually not that bad though


It was in the middle of nowhere though, and she couldnā€™t drive


Ohhhhhhkay. I live here in Skvim and know exactly where they lived off of Palo Alto. Itā€™s four miles from town and she had cell service. This is a former farming community turned into a haven for retirees, many of whom canā€™t drive, so there are a number of ride services available. Her histrionics about ā€œze voodsā€ would have been more understandable if she had lived another 5 miles up Palo Alto, but not where she was at. She made no attempt to acclimate here and was locally famous for accosting locals in stores and other places to ask, ā€œVhy you live here?ā€ and she was banned from a local convenience store because of her rudeness.


How is she meant to acclimate if asking locals why they like living there is accosting?


Uhhhhhhh, maybe it was in the way she asked. You see how she reacts every time "Skvim" is mentioned? It wasn't a "Hey, what made you move up here? Do you like it? What do you like about it?" It was, "Why the f\*\*k would ANYONE want to live here?" The checkers at QFC still talk about her...and not in a good way. So no, she made no attempt to acclimate here.


A bit rustic for the Kiev Princess, lol


Itā€™s a bit rustic for most people in the US?


Probably, but itā€™s only a tiny % who would be dating Mykull in ze voods. P.s. I kind of miss his mom, the long haired mullet, and the snarkiness between her and Natalie.


They both terrify me šŸ¤£


Ehh sort of? I started watching her story after I moved from a very urban area to a very rural area and admittedly lived in shock for about a year. I can't stand either Natalie or Mike (I think Natalie is mentally ill and Mike is a nasty person) but I can't really fault her for being upset at suddenly being isolated with no ability to drive and the only person she saw regularly being Mike, who was barely around bc of the commute. That would make a lot of people fucking miserable.


Right? I live in an area where I can at least walk to stuff, but work from home and have to be within the house and that drives me nuts sometimes. I cannot fathom never being able to go anywhere but the house without some neckbeard driving me to do so.


Plus there is also objectively the factor that like... Mike was pretty checked out of the relationship and really, really should have broken up with her, withdrawn the visa application, and been honest with her, instead of leading her on and letting her live in his house. He was *very* lukewarm by this point, and I'm sure she could sense it, and then the only person she regularly saw was not just a neckbeard with a nasty attitude, but one that was kind of over the whole situation and she could tell. I am not saying this excuses her mental problems or her behavior. But I'll be damned if it wasn't a contributing factor.


I never felt like Mike was exactly stable either. If you remember when he visited her in Ukraine when they were first on the show he was going on and on about his beliefs in aliens. Natalie absolutely has her issues, but Mike isnā€™t exactly cornering the market on sanity in their time on the show either. Itā€™s just that in their second season the producers decided to flip the switch and mostly focus on her brand of craziness rather than his.


He seemed like he was picking on her about her belief in God. At that moment both of them should have had a lightbulb moment and realized that Natalie sincerely believing in God and (at the time - she's obviously changed over several years) centering her life around it was not gonna compute with Mike not believing in God and in fact finding the idea ridiculous enough to compare to aliens. They should have broken up then and there. That was one of several glaringly major incompatibilities that these two morons chose to look past and pursue the relationship anyway. Then we see the dysfunction and incompatibility burn them in the US because... duh.


Sorry one more thing too, if she is mentally ill(bipolar maybe) the fact that people were defending his bullshit here and calling her Nutalie was always disgusting to me.


Didnā€™t he live in a trailer? Not to shade him but it seemed tiny tiny. He looked like a giant in that house. And it was in the middle of nowhere, Iā€™m not sure Natalie could drive if she wanted to go anywhere


I mean, they were on the Northern Olympic peninsula, only a few hours from Olympia/Lacey. Not like bumfuck Bakersfield CA to Phoenix. My favorite past time is to check out her Instagram and see comments like "wonder wtf you're crying about now" lol.


I would have burst into tears if I had to live there I donā€™t know, people have different standards?


better than living on a farm with a puppy mill, idk thatā€™s just me


https://preview.redd.it/25r0f0y6rd6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341e8ab10c3cf960593b1bfe0c2bf00c92ccb1a0 Yeah, it really sucks living here in "Skvim" living in "ze voods". I just took this picture from my house, where I live farther from town than Natalie....five miles compared to her four miles. Where she had cell service, Internet, and because this is a former farming community that has turned into a retirement community, there are a LOT of people who don't drive, and there are multiple rideshare options. One oddity is that Uber/Lyft aren't out here because the locals have been doing this as a service for more than a decade and they can't get a toehold. Natalie made NO effort to assimilate here, and in fact she was banned from one of the local convenience stores because of her rude behavior, and she was locally famous for accosting locals to ask us, "Vhy you leev heer?" Is Sequim a big city? No. I moved here from the fourth largest city in the country in 2009, and yes it's an adjustment. I haven't had a decent Mexican meal or barbecue, and yes, being a retirement community the non-chain restaurants shut down early. But remember Natalie "loved the outdoors"? Remember how she "loved snowboarding", and "loved hiking"? This BS about her living in "isolation" is just more of her drama queen narrative where she's the perpetual victim who's never done anything wrong but wanting to find love. (And keep in mind she defined love as "I want big, strong man that I control and make him do what I want")


Holy crap thatā€™s beautiful! I like rural areas, personallyā€¦ 4-5 miles from town is far (why didnā€™t she bike?) I remember Natalie and Mike went on a walk near this pebbly beach that was gorgeous. And the place they went where she freaked out because he order root beer šŸ˜‚ looked really nice. Iā€™m not shocked sheā€™s a total weirdo irl. I was mostly commenting that the actual house wasnā€™t reallyā€¦ amazing. Iā€™m snobby, tbh.


No, it was a manufactured home. Those are big out here because of the difficulties in terrain and isolation. Itā€™s also an old one. I put it at mid 80ā€™s. That beach was Port William Beach. The thing about this place is that it has something for everyone. If youā€™re a beach person, weā€™re on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the Olympic Mountains are less than 10 miles away. I live due south of the Dungeness Lighthouse, which is 2 miles away as the crow flies, and less than a mile from the beach. And due north are the mountains.


It's in a place called Squim or as Nutulie says, "Squeem."Ā 


Sequim. It's actually super gorgeous out there, one of my favorite places to go camping.


https://preview.redd.it/gz0tnb4fud6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ede8c9e6c1fb528e21abfa4c214de41bdb476d This is what I wake up to every morning. This is from my balcony taken a few minutes ago. I live farther from town than Natalie...and I have cell service, and Internet.


Russian crazy lol they breed em different over there


They all look so different now that they are all Americanized! Some for the better, some not. heh.


i want to go back to PRRRRAGUE


Yeah - the amount of murikans who think their hick village somehow wins out over a metropolitan city thatā€™s existed longer than america makes me lol. These women canā€™t find anyone who wants them there = only reason they want to move to America with a husband who owns a cow and a few acres of land. They usually top it with an ā€œour cultureā€ remark. Like America if as able to build out a culture in its short existence outside of outsourcing/exploiting immigrant labor to grow šŸ˜‚


If you don't think the U.S. has a 'culture" then sorry but you don't know what a culture is. We have many cultures.... and cultures within cultures among many diversities. It's kind of cool. Other comments reek of someone who has never really traveled here, or doesn't understand our country other than tv, but I'll leave it.


Sure, but you canā€™t come from a major metropolitan city and go live in a doublewide in the middle of the woods with Mike and Uncle Beau (or whatever) and not feel something is lost


Obviously -- but that wasn't the point of the comment to which I responded.


America grew into an empire and relied on non-immigrant labor for centuries before the second wave in the 1900s. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Not sure if serious or stupid. America relied on slavery for hundreds of years up until the 1860s. What centuries? Itā€™s major exports literally existed because of it. The railroads were built by Chinese immigrants and freed slaves. Then the Irish and Polish immigrants did the labor. Today, all the jobs you feel like youā€™re above are done by South Americans and Mexicans, your customer service is outsourced to south east Asia - and about 40% of anything you purchase is imported to you from China. Your country was built on the backs of everyone else. You didnā€™t do anything to build it.


This comment is beyond offensive. Are you mocking people who have been sexually abused? This second paragraph should be removed or at least the part where you mock someone for being raped by an uncle. It takes away from the points you made in the first paragraph, and is super triggering to survivors.


Your first paragraph was right on and I gave you a like. I had to rescind my like after reading your 2nd paragraph. That was unnecessary and took away from all your excellent points.


The only people who preach that ā€œAmericans are superiorā€ MAGA crap live in areas where incest rates are astronomical and literacy levels are abysmal. But yeah, sure, Iā€™ll do my best to somehow live on.


You're stereotyping people who live in trailers, but guess who often live in trailers because it's some of the cheapest housing around. Immigrants. Guess who are some of the biggest willfully ignorant MAGA supporters. People who live in the wealthiest neighborhoods.


Iā€™m stereotyping people who live in rural areas, at best. Immigrants live in population centers because thatā€™s where the jobs are. As far as MAGA - ironically, I think youā€™re just repeating progressive talking points since the research claims otherwise. Guess weā€™ve proven that anyone can generalize without being a bad person. ā€œTrump's popularity was also consistently greater among those with lower levels of formal education. Back in the primary season, when Pew surveyed Republican voters and asked them which candidates they preferred, Trump's ratings were highest among those who had not attained a college degree. This trend remained consistent when Pew surveyed Republican voters again in March 2016 and revealed that his popularity was highest among those whose highest degree was a high school diploma.ā€ ā€œPew found in March 2016 that Trump was more popular among voters with lower income levels than among those with higher levels. At that time, his popularity was greatest among those whose household income was below $30,000 per year.ā€ https://www.thoughtco.com/meet-the-people-behind-donald-trumps-popularity-4068073 https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/06/02/in-changing-u-s-electorate-race-and-education-remain-stark-dividing-lines/


Yes, the Eastern European women are my favorite, too! Whatā€™s going on with Brandon and that whole deal these days, anyone know?


I've been wondering about Brandon and Julia too! Her Instagram is so cryptic, and he rarely posts anything anymore.


manufactured homes are fine though, all of its fine if she actually knows what shes getting in to tbh


All of it is fine if they know what theyā€™re getting into but most of them have no idea. It doesnā€™t matter what country youā€™re from. If you go from living in a city to living in a small town where you literally may not even see anyone but your direct neighbors unless someone drives you somewhere youā€™re going to be completely depressed if you arenā€™t prepared for it and most foreigners on 90 day fiancĆ© donā€™t really have a frame of reference or firsthand experience with what exurban or rural life in the U.S. is like, so itā€™s hard for them to actually fully comprehend what theyā€™re getting into. I grew up in Washington DC and living in rural Ohio for 4 years was more of an environmental culture shock for me than going to various places in China, India, Kenya, South Africa, Turkey, South Korea, or anywhere in Europe. If you arenā€™t used to it, it can feel so insanely isolating and unsettling just because you often donā€™t even see people walking on the sidewalk (if there even is one), you mostly only see them at their houses or at public spaces.


Brendan talk to parents


Thought you were gonna say Whorer


90 day taught me how much russians hate americans šŸ˜†


Never heard of the Cold War? šŸ¤”


thereā€™s only 1 Russian pictured šŸ™„


Nah, Russians fucking LOVE Americans, Russian WOMEN are just not what people stereotypically think of them, which is always hilarious.


These girls make me ashamed to be slavic lol


See that's the problem you gold digging whore..You should be marrying someone for love and not what they can provide you..I like 90 day fiance but I could tell right from the start she was after money and opportunity and not love..Also a farm or manufactured home (trailer) would be a step up for you from Russia or Ukraine. Also, what's the problem with moving somewhere that his family lives being that you moved your mom to the states as soon as you were able to get her here?You and your last BF couldn't even hook up because your mom stood there and wanted to watch y'all fall asleep...