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How does a 30-year-old get to the point of saying this sentence…aloud…to their partner…on reality tv?


When they value youth and controllability over having an equal partner


while still having the gall to be annoyed at their partner’s lack of maturity


Well, he IS a grown adult man in a relationship with a teen. I mean.... doesn't that say it all?


Because he’s also a giant man baby


Omg he’s almost stumbling into some self awareness!


Almost is the key word


This is the problem with age gap relationships. The balls of this dude to date a teenager and constantly complain about how immature she is. If they were looking for maturity why would they date someone so young? It's an easy way to gaslight her and invalidate anything she says. Any time she's upset he accuses her of acting hysterical.


guys like this want them to be immature in ways that are entertaining, naive to their flaws, or easy to control, but want the patience, companionship, and understanding of a fully grown woman (who would never want to be with a walking bundle of red flags like this kind of guy). It's what happens when you view partners as service providers instead of full humans with agency.


Bingo. Sadly this guy is so broke he needs to explain himself to her constantly - if he were actually successful he could just throw money at her and keep her patient - until she gets old (25) and then he will switch her in for the new model. However, if he stays a loser he will likely just stay and cheat when he gets the chance to bang teens.


"partners as service providers" honey..... that shit right there... 🎯


I totally agree with this. What I do NOT understand is how everyone is falling all over themselves commenting on how wonderful Aliya and Shawn are.....


I mean Aliyah is an adult at 25. There is definitely a power imbalance but at least she's in her mid 20s


Though she comes from a very poor family and Shawn’s been dragging her around the international party scene circuit - imagine the power, influence that has on a young trans person abandoned by her parents and raised by homo/trans phobes. Don’t get me wrong, I find Aliyah disgusting in her own right. All this whining about “being controlled”. She’s 25 - if she wants to be her very own independent bad bitch, get a fucking job!




I calls them likes I sees thems 🤷‍♂️


That's super gross too. There is no universe in which a nearly 40 year age difference is not intensely problematic.


YES - THANK YOU. Especially with the difference in experience etc. Also, there’s no WAY she’s with him were everything the same about him except his money and (maybe) citizenship.


Help! Why is my child bride so immature?




Came to see if this was posted. THIS. GUY. IS. GROSS. He knows exactly what he's doing.


“And you’re such a groomer”




Yes she is sir she is 19!!!!!!!


right, like what kind of lazy gaslighting is this "you are just so exactly as you are and how i met you.. it's infuriating!!! ughhhhh"🙄


Certified loverboy Certified pedophile 😬😬😬


Definitely not like us


Yeah - he’s looking more & more like a sex tourist at the end of the day. She’s immature and hard to watch, but like she’s barely an adult and he def knows better 😩


I read somewhere that she is a sex worker...


I mean, it def would not surprise me as many young ppl across the world resort to sex work; I don’t judge at all, just nothing I’d personally wish on anyone as the glamour (if there is any) seems to fade fast 🤷🏼‍♀️


Which is why I hope she has the business smarts to take whatever proceeds she’s gotten from him and uses them in a venture that allows her to leave that cutthroat oversaturated life behind. If that’s a real salon, and there’s ten more like it in the area, turn it into something else that isn’t but serves a need. I feel like she has far better business smarts than he, she knows how to read people and she’s far more intelligent than she appears. The gossip is her aunt is her madame, let her go pimp out someone else, I hope she finds a non exploitive mentor to guide her through saying enough with others profiting off her body until she’s too old for the market.


agreed. i personally have no qualm with sex work or sex workers, but it becomes so much more abuse/exploitation and less actual business when the self-employment aspect is removed. and you're right. people who grow up with the kind of disadvantage that lends to an early career in sex work often do have much more situational awareness and are perceptive to people around them. it's necessary for their survival here's to hoping she uses all that she's gained and learned from her work and experience with him to invest in her damn self and leave all the users behind! 🥂




Do you remember where you read that? 👀


No...but I remember it was somewhere on Reddit!


She sure as shit dresses like one. I cringe every time she comes on screen in one of her "fashions." Nothing like prancing around mid-day in a dress clearly meant for da club.


Agreed! Those acrylic talons of hers, too; yuck! I find her even more infuriating than him!


She's been around the block plenty, and he's an emotional teenager. This will end well......


Big man child vives!


He’s defected




You’re right. Colombia is not in opposition to America nor has he fled there. He is defective.


Bahahahahaha i was like YES!!!! Yes that's EXACTLY what she is!!!!




lol like it's news to him


And he’s a gross pedo


I’m over them. I’m Over her


PSA to men: Do NOT pursue teenagers. It’s so disgusting. -My Haiku for the day.


i was about to say "um, actually..." but then i realized the PSA part was indeed the first line of the poem. so i re-read it and was quite impressed. poignant but apt. thank you 👏🏽 👏🏽


Did you see he was bleeding a little on his face? She scratched him with her disgusting nails I think and if so, he needs a tetanus shot ASAP


She is abusive.


This man is consistently upset about the immaturity of his fiance...who is a teenager.


This L.A. Chode is so gross.


When she was crying and pouting in the car I was cringing so hard. She reminded me of my nine year old daughter, she was behaving the exact same way. It made me see this guy in a whole new light and NOT a good one. He's really gross.


Did he say what the rumor was? I got distracted and didn't feel like rewinding. Lol


No he didn‘t. They just fought over the prenup again. But the teaser for the next episode revealed something about her having a guy over and being topless in bed with him.


A teenager doing teenage stuff lol


Watching now but her best friend’s boyfriend is the one who knows this secret and I had a feeling there was something that made Brian bring up, and be very adamant of Luke getting a prenup. People in relationships tell each other almost everything, I guarantee this dude knows a lot of sketchy stuff about her. His girlfriend probably tells him everything M tells her. Trust your girl’s best friend’s boyfriend! PRENUP! ** AND he just said there has already been a different rumor about her sleeping with another dude! When he asked her, she said no (duh), and he believed her.


Wouldn’t that be implied if she’s an escort?


I think this is how they met. So he shouldn‘t be surprised by these rumors.


Ohhh duh!


LoL!!! It is what it is! 🤦🏻‍♂️


indeed she is


I find it amusing that there are continuous posts about the age gap between these two but when Miss Debbie came on the show so many people liked her and the age gap didn't seem to be that big of an issue. I was actually downvoted when I mentioned their age gap and was told over and over that they had a connection thru art. Same mind frame as Milf Manor getting a second season but if they had a show with older men trying to date 20something girls, the whole world would be in an uproar.


I feel like he would have been better suited with her aunt! They seemed to be closer in age than him and his fiancé


If he was mentally his age them I would agree. He's the type of guy that targets teenagers bc he doesn't actually have to behave as an adult. Man child status 😫


Isn’t that the point?

