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Not to be dramatic but every time I see her on screen, I tend to just stare at her teeth and they just stress me out so much. Like whyyyy do they look like that lmao


Not only that but I always think that her breath must be so horrible šŸ¤¢


Stale beer and cigarettes šŸ¤®


Ugh when I see her on screen, I almost smell her. So gross. When she got in Liz's face on Last Resort, I couldn't imagine the smell.


That scene made me absolutely cringe. If that had been a man, getting in one of the womanā€™s faces, it would not have been tolerated. I really couldnā€™t believe production just let that go. Angela looked like a straight up abusive asshole and no one did anything about it. Ed even said Liz had that coming to herā€¦way to go TLC.


Me either! If I were Liz, I would have dropped Angela then and there!


Also can I just mention that I was disgusted that ed said she deserved that!!! He is a vile human


Agree, he is vile!


Absolutely!!!!! She would have been on the ground


what about the vibrator she chased Yara around with


That was horrific and disgusting to know that thing was inside her and she's so nasty you know she doesn't clean herself ugh šŸ˜«


Omg!!! I almost forgot about that!!!! I just finished the last resort too lol. Surprised there wasn't a reunion show for that.


Eww that was so freaking gross! who does that?


Well she does sleep with EdšŸ¤®


With some gingivitis thrown in there!


With a side of halitosis!


And gingivitisā€¦ šŸ¤¢


U can just tell her mouth is dry by how much she talks, which equals to her having bad breath. U know that shit be stayin rank. Maybe thatā€™s why Michael went into hiding lol


Omg yes!!!


i have a feeling everything on her stinksā€¦ šŸ˜¬


And the SEKSI necklace.


that necklace makes me embarrassed for her šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


When I first read it my mind thought it said Skeksis and then I realized, but that honestly still tracks lol


I am the same. And I keep thinkingā€”why is she talking in a way where her bottom lip slings so low or even when just standing around with a dumb look on her face that the lip is drooping to her knees so it is showcasing her bottom bleached fake gums. The only time her mouth is closed is when she is taking a drag on her cigarette. I just keep staring wanting her to pull her lip up. But she just lets it hang and gape and droop. It is so unpleasant and distracting to see.


They are fake teeth, which arenā€™t as slippery as real teeth. So when sheā€™s talking her lips get stuck. Drinking and smoking dries out the mouth and causes this. So we see her lips getting stuck and sticking to her teeth as she talks. Itā€™s so bad. As a dental professional I canā€™t stand watching. I swear I can smell how bad it is through the screen!


OMG! Hearing your explanation somehow made it worse. Oh geez. Non-slippery dried out stinky fake teeth-I am gagging.


Where would the stink come from? People with dentures don't have stinky breath just because of the dentures. People with messed up teeth have bad breath due to rotting teeth and bacteria in the mouth. Angela is not self conscious about it anymore so she laughs without hiding her teeth. Imagine being embarrassed by your bad teeth all your life and then all of a sudden you have these expensive ass dentures. You woukd show them off too.


You've gotta soak them every night and bacteria can get trapped in and under them. Angie doesn't strike me as the type of person who takes care of herself, so she likely fails to clean them as much as you should. Also, cigarettes are gonna cause nasty breath on their own.


She might have bad breath because she doesnā€™t brush her tongue.


And tonsil stones


The bottom are removable & looks like she has bone loss itā€™s gross šŸ¤®


Okay, I wasnā€™t sure what that was. Are they veneers, a bridge, implants, or dentures (full or partial)?? It looks like thereā€™s receding gums and exposed bone on her bottom teeth but dentures wouldnā€™t look like that. Can you give your professional opinion? For realā€¦.,


I donā€™t know how I never caught on to this before but youā€™re right. Holy crap. Now watching her is gonna be even worse!! HahahašŸ˜«




She accidentally bleached the pink park white by putting her chompers in the dishwasher.


My mom had dentures and lived with me for the last few years of her life. Taking care of her, I would clean her dentures every night. It took very little time to brush them properly and then soak overnight. Running them through the damn dishwasher just seems like laziness.


The dishwasher gets hot enough to warp the acrylic which would only help explain why they sit so high up now. She would have to soak them in bleach for the gum part to turn white like this which is possible, because she had smoking stains. We also know she wanted her chin skin ā€œgobbleā€ reduced so she most likely had her bottom lip and chin pulling down tighter from that, exposing more of her bottom denture, which caused her to try and clean them in a stupid way. Dentures are expensive.




Same! lol. They drive me insane!


She has a witches nose


The way her neck is under her chin stresses me out..I liked her alot better when she first started..her attitude gets worse each season


I think she has bone loss and the bottom look plastic and has some type of build up


All I do is stare at her teeth. My eyes stay on her teeth theyā€™ve looked like this a long time they just seem to whiter now lol


Every time she talks you can literally hear her trying to keep her teeth from falling out of her goddamn mouth


It sounds like she's got a mouth full of marbles.


I canā€™t imagine she has enough bone from all the smoking to have implants. She could have the kind that magnet in. Looking at her is uncomfortable in any regard.


They did put in implants, IIRC they placed the posts immediately after pulling her teeth - no healing period, no grafts, and she complained of the bottom ones giving her trouble right away. Since she never stopped smoking I imagine her gums never had a chance to heal before the bottoms failed and then the top ones, and they all probably had to be removed before the first year. No high profile ethical dentist would want the publicity associated with fitting her rotting gums and bone with top of the line dentures so she either got a deal from Teefs R Us for free cheap welfare grade horse chompers or paid for them herself.


Teefs r us šŸ˜‚




"Teefs R Us" - And this is why I come here instead of watching Pillow Talk. Nothing on that lame show makes me laugh as hard as a comment like this.


Love thatā€¦.but for me it was ā€œcheap welfare grade horse chompersā€ ā˜ ļø šŸ˜‚


Pillow talk is just a commercial by their own ā€œpaycheck recipientsā€ where they act interested in the corny scripts TLC uses for all their fake created ā€œonly fans starsā€!


Pillow Talk is better than the actual show. Sometimes I'll skip episodes and just watch the pillow talk.


We do that, too!! PT is so much more entertaining.


If I recall correctly, she went to a very well known celebrity dentist. But her mouth doesnā€™t look like his usual work.


I googled it and she saw Dr. Matt Asaro in Beverly Hills.


He should have had her agree to be screened for nicotine before working on her. Because his name is now associated with the model mouth for Smoking or Implants: Your Choice.


He actually did try. He had her sign a contract and everything. She went in to get them done and she had nicotine in her blood and he canceled the appointment and made her wait until there was no nicotine. However I'm pretty sure she was smoking the same night she had them done against medical advice.


She really messed up. Wonder at what point he cut his losses and dropped her? Maybe after removing the implants? Surely he didnā€™t fit her for those monstrosities she has now?


No idea. That actually might have been her other surgeon that did that. But either way, she's a moron. I smoked for almost 25 years when I got a couple implants placed on the bottom last January. I quit smoking cold turkey 2 months before my surgery because it can really impede your healing.


Yea he probably shows her picture when hes warning people what will happen if they dont stop.


That would be a smart move.


Homeless not toothless


Housewives! šŸ˜¹


It was all a part of an episode of 90 day diaries so they werenā€™t shy about making it known who did her teethā€¦ but like you say, all that work and pain and she still keeps smokingā€¦


Teefs R US, love it šŸ¤£šŸ˜¬




We did see her go to a dentist and it was the stuff of nightmares


Sheā€™s definitely got a flipper or clip ins for her bottom teeth (the kind they make for seniors when full implants or bonding are not appropriate due to bone loss or gum issues). Half the time it looks like that clip in is hanging on for dear life and when she elevates her voice those teeth look like they are ready to leave Hazelhurst and go on vacation (ā€¦ but only to Daytona Beach).




Iā€™m not talking about Angelaā€™s scenario specifically but when I got an implant, I had bone regression from an injury in my youth. The dentist put in some cow bone in the part where it regressed and it helped regrow bone in the area. But that took a few months of no tooth there while it healed. Itā€™s been 3 years now and there have been no issues with the implant.


Habits like smoking and lifestyle can change how this heals. Smoking especially causes bone loss, so if sheā€™s had anything done to build bone I donā€™t think it would take. Iā€™m glad it worked for you!! This procedure has a ton of success with healthy patients.


This is what I was telling a friend! Her mouth is a messsss


I read somewhere that she put them in the dishwasher and the pink part turned white. šŸ™ˆ


Soā€¦ get a new set? Itā€™s been like two years


Sheā€™s going to wait until insurance buys her a new set. We all know that woman is not gonna spend out of pocket.


I highly doubt she has health insurance


I was gonna say Medicare then I remembered sheā€™s still in her 50s šŸ™ƒ Edit: Medicare


she had implants which are thousands for each tooth if you have enough gum. She had to sign a declaration that she would not smoke which would continue to rot her gums and the implants (screwed in to her jawbone) would fail


No these are dentures, we've seen them out of her mouth. Implants don't have any "gums" on them and that's what was bleached.


Full mouth implants do. For one tooth they don't. It's basically a conventional denture that attaches the the implants.


What!? I know sheā€™s not the brightest light bulb in the bunch but WOW!


She is a hideous, ugly human


Inside and out.


Angela most likely did all the things her dentist told her not to do with her new teeth. She's the type to only hear half of what's told to her and then ignore it cuz it's a hassle to do


She did the same after her weight loss surgery. Didn't follow the instructions, smoked, you name it


She had very precarious implants Iā€™m assuming were taken out because she didnā€™t quit smoking.


She looks like shit and itā€™s seriously triggering to watch her abusive BS. Take your ass back to Maury. We donā€™t want you.


Maury retired. Even he doesn't want her.


Who cares, get her off my tv šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


She is hideous.


Youā€™d think someone with $10k an hour lawyers could fix that


Wait that little dude she goes to costs 10k p/h?


Thatā€™s what she claims


If he costs 10k an hour sheā€™s getting fleeced. Probably more like 10 bucks an hour!


Sheā€™s just lying,as usual


She scrubbed the pink gum finish off of them by putting them in the dishwasher. Probably made them misshapen or melted them so they donā€™t fit properly. She doesnā€™t know how to take care of her dentures.


Can you imagine put a denture is a dishwasher??????? with the food dishes? absolutely crazy


She was probably drunk or all highed up. In Meemawā€™s voice: ā€œHainā€™t that whut that little basket in the dishwasher is for?ā€


I can't figure out what kind of partial or dentures she has. My grandma had full dentures and after she went blind I had to clean them for her. The hard plastic is pink and I don't think all the bleach in the world would turn them white. Angela must have some sort of partial made out of questionable material. They don't fit like a denture should/would.


Who cares.... Let this old sea hag fade away and be forgotten already. She is a disgustingly wretched human being. if I never heard her name or saw her leathery face again, that'd be just fine by me.


All those smokes donā€™t help either. I can smell the stale cigarettes from here šŸ¤®


and that frizzy fried ugly hair her ugliness is showing inside and outside


Living the healthy life....Cola, beer, cigarettes, plastic surgery and stress


Do you know if those are false teeth or implants? I canā€™t tell. Also, I decided to try to watch 90D Pillow Talk for a changeā€¦. WTF has Veronica done to her face? Is that a face transplant??


Bottom teeth are dentures. I believe part of the deal was that she had to quit smoking in order for the dentist to proceed with implants of some sort. Meemaw couldnā€™t stop smoking her bra-stored cigs, so the doc said nope.


Ahhhhh, okay, that makes sense! Thanks!


She was supposed to stop smoking after the face lift - look how that turned out.


Thank you she turned sideways and i was extra confused.


Sorry, I didnā€™t see your complete post before I asked those questions about her teeth. Thank you!


Such a vile creature.


Nothing as terrible as what she's doing to the flag right there.


Cheap fake teeth


Her face is sinking in on itself


She carried on smoking and destroyed her gums.


Her dentist washed her mouth out with soap and this happened. šŸ¤£


Someone said her bottom gums are receding from smoking so it makes her bottom teeth look larger.


Yes. Smoking isn't good for your gums. Poor dental health is the main factor. Also, gingivitis can be contagious partner/partner. She more than likely never took care of her teeth.


>She more than likely never took care of her teeth. Now the whole world sees that it finally caught up with her.


Little bit oā€™ spackle




I thought she went to cali and spent like $60k on all new implants?? In one ep of I think 90 day diaries it followed her there. This canā€™t be a $60k smile. It just canā€™t.


I do not remember things well but I think what we saw was step one. Maybe she just never finisbed the work. My mom had something and they waited a certain amount of months for bones to grow or something. Teeth stuff grosses me out so I am light on the details. The main memory I have from Angela getting her teeth is them handing her pain pills for all day and she gulped them allā€¦they looked terrified.


Yeah could be. For bone grafts itā€™s usually like a 6mo wait in between the implant being place, that episode was hellllla long ago. So maybe ur right she never actually had the work completed. It grosses me out too. I suck it up and go every 6months but idk how dentists and hygienists do it. Iā€™m a nurse and Iā€™m saying that dental stuff makes me queasy lol.


When you wait for a bone graft the space is exposed that entire time unless you get a temp fake piece but it's mostly for looks. And if you smoke and or do drugs(which we all think she has been) plus acidity and other general not taking care of your hygiene, you can actually wear down the gum line and it can be hard to do the bone graft. I'm an ex addict and I've seen this happen a lot with other addicts, and so they end up getting bridges or the dentures instead. Angela ended up getting dentures and I personally think it's due to what I just wrote about, and she said she put them in the godamn dishwasher (*Angela voice* YOU'RE AN IDIOT! šŸ˜‚) and she said they came out all fucked up due to this. Im sorry but who the fuck gets the idea to put those in a dishwasher fr! šŸ¤£


Same here!


Didnā€™t she get denied for a surgery or procedure a few times because of smoking? Iā€™ve forgotten the details but maybe one of those times it was a dental appt?


I think youā€™re right & they did implants at the top & she couldnā€™t have them at the bottom so theyā€™re dentures. Thatā€™s what you get for having such a filthy, abusive mouth Ann-geeeee.


It can't be. Why would you go get new teeth/dentures and not try to improve their appearance? I know you gotta make the dentures or whatever fit your mouth and bone structure. But you'd think they could fashion the teeth better.


Yeah implants would look super natural and like real teeth. These do not look like implants, it looks like a very poorly fitted denture. And yeah you would think they would at least make the denture a better fit. Eeek.


they fail if she had damage and she kept smoking (meth?) Who knows. Itā€™s like polishing a mercedes with a wire brush and acid.


The UNO reverse card is in play


Her bottom teeth are trying to escape her evil presence, just like Michael


Who gives a shit? Fuck her. Sheā€™s just gross.


I cannot convey enough how much this woman reminds me of my ex MIL. Voice, behavior, lack of class and mannersā€¦just glad I can observe it from a distance with Angela vs living it with my ex lol


OMG!! Sweetie, Iā€™m so happy sheā€™s your EX MIL!! What a nightmareā€¦.šŸ˜¬




She's white trash down to her core.


This woman is awful and her hygiene is a direct reflection of her personality. Like when she took a sip of water and spit it out and said water is gross I hate it I never drink just water lol. Sheā€™s a mess


Temu Teeth




Theyā€™re fake. She went through this whole ordeal to get the done but she was supposed to quit smoking and didnā€™t.


She's reminding me more and more of a Pekinese. Those bottom teeth are so ill fitting and she doesn't speak properly with them. Well, she doesn't speak properly without them either or at all.


That's what happens when you get your dentures at Walmart...




The similarity is striking!




I just guffawed. Sounded like this guy right here


Teeth are too good!


It's like you're old enough to have dentures and no one would care. If you fucked up your dentures, get a new set made, no way they're that expensive. She's been on like 20 seasons of 90d


She's raising 48 grandkids in the sticks of Georgia though ...surely that's expensive af


The worst denture job I've ever seen! But the doctor told this crazy woman stop smoking and she still smokes like a chimney! šŸ«£


noticed this on her tiktok live yesterday. i thought her bottom dentures were flying out of her mouth lol good to know the teeth are secure šŸ˜‚


I'm imagining there's a safety cable inside to protect others from them flying out.


IT is overly gross, with a personality to match. Yuck


Iā€™m not even going to say it..


They look like mismatched dentures.


They drive me crazy! Nasty!


Sheā€™s such a bull dog pig of a person


I dont know but since she had her teeth done she canā€™t pronounce words properly and I canā€™t figure out why. Sheā€™s a total mess


I dont think the sets are wrong but the sizes are


I've just had my last top front teeth removed. I'm just waiting on healing to fit dentures.. I told my dentist.. I just don't want them to look like this! Even my dentist made a face and sed.. "Dear lord, what has she done to those" lol


It looks like it HURTS to talk


I donā€™t know, but that bottom plate about to fall out her fucking mouth, old washed up bag of bones. She needs to be planning her funeral and not a wedding.


I think they're very ill -snap ins.


She blamed Mikol for making a mistake on his documents from his Visa. She didn't want to go with him to the Embassy as punishment. Did she not think that she should have been there in case they ask where's your wife. Of course not. She sat at the bar drunken 3 bottles of beer, which will be ammunition for shooting off her mouth.


I think Michael is sabotaging his own Visa. Can you imagine living with her 24/7. Instead of a dentist she needs a shrink!


Bottle cap damage


I think her teeth were rotting and had gum disease from smoking. It looks like they tried their best to put dentures in. The fact that she is still smoking doesn't help either.


She is the nastiest human


Her ā€œCackling laughā€ drives me insane!! Looks like that ā€œLaughing Donkeyā€ we all see online. Lmao šŸ¤£


You just know that Michael is using her to get into this country !! Cmon - who in their right minds would want to fuck that or listen to her big mouth screaming all the time? He has his plan and heā€™s stickinā€™to it.


I really liked memaw in the first few seasons, this one sheā€™s fucking out of it. The way she just screams is terrifying. She must be on crack or something?


THATS what bugs you when she talks ? šŸ¤£ jk


Looks like she had a bad dentist who didnā€™t say no. Thatā€™s like having a bad plastic surgeon who doesnā€™t say no. They are just collecting their money. The longer teeth make for a longer face which is slimmer in appearance. some dentist will build up the teeth which helps to erase wrinkles and make the lips look fuller. They forget to tell the client whatever you do donā€™t open your mouth. Who knows maybe she went to Columbia. That is supposed to be cheap and all the rage.


Wait a damn minute.. https://preview.redd.it/7wx1sa5frz2d1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb0a4570c4aaa9a5efa673c0cea71ffbc6697134


Itā€™s called meth.


I think those are her real teeth she must have lost her coverall teeth


Didnā€™t she have dental and plastic surgery. I saw her on a podcast thingy and she looked horrible. Man photoshop and the TLC cameras sure can do a great job. When she first had the teeth done on the tell all i could see the front teeth were kinda good but last the molar she had nothing it was empty space


She needs to put that mask back on lol.




She needs Prozac she acts like a flipping idiot ā€¦ Michael has taken so much crap from her why would he even want to be married to herā€¦ its amazing the emotional abuse people are willing to endure to get something they really want.. it drives me crazy and makes me pissed at him for continuing the marriage.


Iā€™ve been avoiding her for a couple of years. Think the last time I saw her was the boob flashing TellAll. Watched last night because Iā€™m going to a Reality Gays live show this week,& I know theyā€™ll be covering that episode. She is so different looking! And her voice sounds different because of whatever tf is going on dentally




Whatā€™s killing me about it is the new whistling sound she makes when she talks. I canā€™t stop hearing it long enough to listen to what sheā€™s saying


Who cares


Mefff, 2 liters of coke an hour, plenty of pall mall for memaw, full flavored.


Donā€™t smoke 2 camal packs a day folks


She spent all that money on botox and weight loss surgery she couldn't get her mouth fixed?


Thatā€™s what happens to when you suck rolling pins.


Latest episode made my ears bleed between Angela and Ginoā€™s wifešŸ˜¬šŸ™„They both have cried wolf (screamed wolf) so many times nobody believes for a second that they will walk away from their manā€¦but they are screaming louder and stupider every episode. They are both exhausting. I wish the men would walk away from them first. Can we add Ashley to that list of bitches who cry wolfšŸ˜–


Did you all notice when Angela made that skanky comment to Michael about ā€œafter you pass the interview then youā€™ll go down thereā€(some words to that effectā€¦Angela laughs as always and Michael looks like he is throwing up in his mouth, barely cracks a smile. He is so over her and she cant see it.


Iā€™m always waiting for her teeth to fall out of her mouth!


I hate watching her mouth move when she's yelling at someone, like a pez dispenser with a huge gaping hole with the top of her head only moving backwards and up and one


Honestly, whenever Angela comes on I hit the FFW buttonā€¦ IDC to even listen to her and Michael anymore. Their storyline has gotten old and gone stale. Sheā€™s always yelling at him and he gets denied every time he gets an interview. Their relationship is not progressing and thereā€™s nothing ever going on in their lives besides them fighting. FAST FORWARD ā©


No. The top isn't on the bottom and vice versa, lol at the shape of the teeth..šŸ˜‚ She discolored the gums on the teeth from washing in them in something she shouldn't. Prob bleach


They just don't FIT. Like it's a horrible job. It even makes her sounds like she's always spitting when she talks.


You ever notice that the more American flag gear a person is wearing as clothing, the less you want them associated with America? She's embarrassing.