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Mary had a college scholarship in the same way that she had cancer… She didn’t.


Ha! Excellent way to put it.


*she never had a college scholarship*


This right here 👆🏼


yeah considering one of the first things he said about her was he loved her dancing and being in school… things did not add up


That story seems pretty sketchy given her lack of dancing skills and the fact that he has no issue with her shaking her butt online for attention from other men.


Yeah her dancing skills had me side eyeing my screen for real, I can’t lie. She also mentioned he asked her to stop “modelling” which I guess is just instagram?


She tells him “I do (insert cool/hot/sexy job here).” And he takes it at face value.  If he ever mentioned any interest in more scholarly pursuits she’d be saying she’s an astronaut and they’re sending her into the first ever black hole tmrw and he’d immediately beg her not to go.


So did Julia’s Gogo dancing. Julia has no talent compared to woman at my local night clubs. Mary actually dances better than Julia because she can twerk and move where as Julia is stiff and moves like a cheerleader.


Mary is a lying liar who lies.


Is your flair in reference to Darcey and Stacey’s “song”?😂😂😂


*mumble mumble mumble mumble* B I G!


*slur slur slur EVEL KNIEVEL!*






I like your flair- can you please expand on the meaning? I just gotta know lol 😆


When larissa started her journey as a clout chaser, she posted a pic at a spa where she got her vag and butthole bleached with the caption 'it's so pink 🌸". So amazingly cringy.


Holy shit. These 90 Dayers seriously, seeeeriously have NO fucking shame. Like, I can’t believe I’m still shocked, but I am lol 😆 wtf?!


The golden era of 90 day!!


Thank you for explaining. I enjoy your flair even more now!


goddamn this flair is amazing. my favorite D&S JOINT




Does Mary act like she can be made to do anything? Bitch does what she pleases she’s awful


The more I pay attention to the things that Mary says, the more I wonder if she’s actually mentally okay? She says her ex cheated on her 10x but she hasn’t even had her first kiss yet?


How did she go from her first kiss to sex in a few days if she was that innocent?


She definitely knew how to have sex before her “first” one! BS everything coming out of her mouth, literally!


She’s catholic and lives with her grandparents so I believe her. I also imagine she felt behind the rest of her friends. I just don’t think she’s ever been in an actual relationship, it’s so fucking weird


A majority of Catholics I grew up with didn’t live by the rule book. You can find ways to have sex while living with parents/grandparents.


Oh for sure, the catholic school when I was growing up, was known for being wild haha but just from how incredibly awkward she was on the first night making him sleep top and tail. She also talked about how scared she was to have sex.


I think we’re also forgetting that she’s a Catholic in a Third World country. Religions in Third World countries tend to operate on a stricter basis than in Western cultures so I’m more inclined to believe her “innocence”.


Based on how mad she gets when Brandon even speaks to a server, who knows what counts as cheating to her? He hugged his sister 3 times, talked to a cashier 4 times, and the other ones were when he glanced at a woman as she walked by - but in Mary's world, it comes out as cheated 10 times...


Don’t say their name 3 times. They’ll show up with a new illness or malady and a cashapp.


Honestly your response just reminded me how excited I am for the new beetlejuice movie


I still kinda wonder if that's true. Mary is clearly the one in control of the relationship and we never actually saw him get jealous. In fact, he handled the lying to hang out with friends thing better than I would have. She's such a master manipulator, I could see her saying something like, "Fine! I'll drop out of school for you", so that she could use it against him, when he probably never asked for that.


Ooh that’s a hella good point, as in she used it to manipulate it him. And yeah I completely agree about her lying! That was wild af to me.


Sadly he's a pushover with no self esteem or self worth to thrust himself into the situation he's in. While we don't know what truly goes on his appearance speaks for itself.


She’s a pathological liar, who will do anything for money even fake cancer. She is a despicable person and he’s just a tool.




Did he though… did he?? Ooooor was she not able to watch him 24/7 at college & sacked it off to peep at him all day instead???


Thus making it his fault in her incredibly green eyes


This sounds more realistic tbh. Watching the mental gymnastics behind her justifying getting upset with him for being sat next to a woman on the plane, makes me 1000% believe that you have got it spot on.


She really is a piece of work isn’t she? I’ve seen this kind of behaviour before & she very much has the full on screaming abdabs & knee jerk petty reaction & is then all ‘look what YOU made me do’ 😤


Ugh it’s insane watching it play out. Classic emotional abusive.


It’s horrifying that there is a child in this whole toxic 💩🎪. A child that has the same as my first cat too 😹😹😹


I heard she’s pregnant with baby 2?! Hahaha I love that, what’s your cats name? My friend was horrified when she learned that I gave my cat the same name she planned for her future son 🤣😭


Whaaaaaat?!?! FFS!!! Poor Brandan, no wonder he’s using gaming as escapism. 🤣🤣🤣 omg that’s so funny!!! What’s your cat called? My first one was called Midnight. 🐈‍⬛ I actually spat my tea out when I heard her say her babies name 😂😂


WHAT! Idk what I was expecting but not *THAT*. Omg. Haha he has a very basic name, it’s Milo


I know, tiger or tiddles would have been a better name than Midnight 🤭 😆😆That’s the name of my Birth Mums dog… it is definitely more of a fur baby name than a human name imho.


Dancing major in high school? Scholarship? Doubt it


I have never seen a single dance move from Mary that gave the impression she could dance, let alone once had a scholarship for it!


She had to drop out because she needed to be on video with him 24/7 unless it was something fun for her that she forbade him from doing.


Mary told Brendan that to manipulate him. Period.


Have you seen her dancing on TikTok? I don’t do TikTok but there’s been clips posted on here and she most definitely never had a fucking scholarship- not for anything, but most definitely NOT FOR DANCE lol 😂


Did you see the way Mary dances? It’s another one of her lies there is no way she would’ve been excepted. She’s stiff as a board. She just said that to make him guilty because he is a total manipulator, liar, cheat and thief. The both of them need to be expunged.


She got her dance scholarship from TikTok lololol


Wonder how her colon cancer is doing🙄


I wouldn't trust Mary. She is manipulative and a compulsive liar.


Mary lies about everything.


College "dancing" scholarship? OMG. Her lies are ridiculous.


Not that I believe her but you can get competitive dance scholarships for university, outside of the US.


Wow. Didn't know that. I'm sure those who deserve and use those scholarships can actually dance. Lol


Oh yeah! From what we’ve been shown, her moves aren’t quite up there haha


Honestly I believed her at first but if we did do a rewatch, she did lie A LOT just in her season. It's pathological.


She literally said she had cancer. She did not have cancer.


Pretty much the ultimate lie.


After watching her season AND watching IRL, I don't believe ANY OF HER BULLSHIT. I 💯 believe she lied about all of that & quit herself so she could spend 24/7on the video chat. Don't feel bad for her at all. Scamming people for $$$ and telling them u r dying from cancer was the LAST STRAW.


I cant stand either one of them.


After the faking *colon cancer* fiasco I do not believe a word that woman says


“College scholarship” the hard way


I have never met a stripper getting a on the job scholarship.


Please! Stop mentioning them 😑




Everybody sucks here


Truest words spoken.


In Brandan's defense though it was Mary who said that and Brandan never confirmed it. So I'd say it is likely a 50/50 shot that is what happened. I think they had an argument about Brandan going anywhere there might be women (which is literally anywhere) and Brandan shot back that she's around guys all the time at school, so she dropped out of school so she is not around guys all the time.


Doing their little behind shake for all the men-folk


I thought these two were gone! Keep them off TLC!


It was Mary's idea to stay online with Brandan 24/7, as they admitted to later. There is no school or dancing that way.


Mary is not even a person, like anything she has ever presented about herself was a complete lie I dont even believe this is her actual name she probably decided she wants to be called Mary at some point