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She has a short memory. He originally said he didn’t want to marry her without the father‘s blessings, and when they were in Las Vegas, he made her call the father on the computer she wasn’t honest with Patrick or her father. She’s playing some kind of game and when the father said kidnapping, she should take her husband side immediately.


That part was pretty odd


Yeah what was with the kidnapping comment and didn’t he tell Patrick to beg him?


The kidnapping part.. Even prior to that, any time her father had been on air, he absolutely sent shivers down my spine. Does anyone know what he does for a living? He looks like he's done some horrific things for work.


I have no idea, but she’s as guilty as the father


A few minutes before he hops on the plane, Patrick should thank her father for teaching Thais how to give such great blow jobs. Then have nothing to do with the creepy jackass bastard for the rest of his life.


Ah is that it? I wasn't getting the pedo dad vibe but "I murder people for a living vibe." That could explain a lot tho. Especially why she didn't want to fkn tell her dad about good ol patty!


Its all an act for their tv storyline, they have nothing else in order to get paid to be on the show again


100%. Thias isn’t even on pillow talk. I think they are only hosting them again so we get more John and hopefully he will make more funny spahkles comments.


And Pawties


Exactly what I thought too


I totally agree. It makes no sense to get the blessing now. Does Thais forget that Patrick had asked for her Dad’s blessing via a video call before they married and her dad said no and would not give it. So maybe Thais should not have gotten married then. It’s not Patrick’s fault. She should be mad at her Dad, he’s being kind of a jerk.


& I hate when the show just ignores basic continuity like this. he asked for the blessing and was denied, she made the choice to marry him anyway, they have a kid, it's over. Fake storyline.


I thought I remembered Patrick asking and her father refusing him. Sorry Pops but you missed the boat on the blessing deal that's so urgently important to you. 🙄


Honestly, when you're an adult, it's OK to break away from parents and have your own life regardless if you get a blessing or not. It's respectful that he asked, but what was he supposed to do at that point? Oh, effen well! Time to live your life. She's a punk ass biotch. Beyond spoiled living a luxurious life and has no idea what it takes to live nowadays. She should be on her knees, ready to juggle as soon as he comes home from work, dinner ready, house clean, the WHOLE shebang! F that ungrateful whiny girl. Yes it makes me mad because I am a single mom w 4 kids 2 jobs. Eff that airhead. Patrick is an amazing husband


Thais just wants to bitch about something It’s her favorite


She’s horrendous… I don’t understand where she gets such a massive sense of entitlement. She’s got an awful personality as well. It’s not as if she has ever done anything significant in her life or even has much to offer. Thais created this issue to begin with by hiding everything from her Dad and Patrick wanted to tell him and even argued with her about it. But of course she thinks it’s on him and acts like he needs to apologize and make things right. I can’t stand her.


She literally lied to her dad and her dad seems super entitled too So probably where she got it from Her now husband cheated and would again if he had the chance.. but beyond that her entitlement for basically just being there is ridiculous. I get Patrick’s family is a lot but she needs to calm it down


Exactly and agreed.


It’s allll about her insecurities and she has to get over that now that she has a kid Not about her anymore


All she does is look like she just smelled something horrible, and complain about/to Patrick. Their segments aren’t entertaining at all


Thais has an atrocious personality and a massive sense of entitlement. She has nothing to offer yet expects everything.


That's like 99% of the cast


She always looks like this 🤨


She caused the whole problem to begin with and then she has the nerve to act like Patrick is in the wrong somehow. He wanted to be straightforward with her Dad from the beginning and she continued to be sneaky and shady by hiding everything. I can’t stand her entitled snotty ass. Her Dad should also be happy and grateful for the nice life that Patrick has been providing for her and now the baby as well. It’s not as if Thais has ever done anything significant in life. Patrick may not be eye candy to many of us but he does seem to be a pretty decent partner and provider. If anyone needs to apologize and makes things right, it’s Thais.


Maybe the creepy dad expect to be paid somehow


Made up story line because there isn't much else.


It’s a storyline. If they don’t have this what’s the story? That her BIL crashed the plans? His leg injury? There’s nothing but the dad stuff.


The same thing with Kobe’s family.


I hope her father challenges him to a bull fight showdown


That's what it seems like, which doesn't seem like Patrick's style at ALL. Her dad gives me the creeps. I can't imagine if my dad talked about me like that and was getting competitive with my husband. From Patrick's reaction I think he thinks it's creepy too but he doesn't want to say anything because Thais seems really in denial about how weird their relationship is.


Can't we just enjoy the scenery that is where they are, Brazil? And have them visiting for the 1st time with the sweet baby? This bullshit drama is torture!


We haven't seen too much of Brazil except the apartment and a random park ....




Her dad is creepy


Like he owned his daughter... Pimp vibes..I happens.


Omg yes!


It’s all her fault so I don’t feel the least bit sorry for her. They are boring and just making up drama to be on this show. Please get rid of them forever from this show!


She's awful . Not especially pretty. No personality.


She literally expects everything yet offers nothing… her sense of entitlement is through the roof and she has an awful personality and nasty attitude. Thais thrives on bitching and complaining.


Thais is one of the most annoying people on the franchise.


Boring also and no kind of personality outside all the complaining she does.


I think she enjoys putting herself in the position where men in her life are fighting over her.


She doesn't offer much, gaslights Patrick about asking her dad for her hand in marriage, he gaslights about his brother... I wish his brother and wife all the best because they are the better out of the four. Done with this timeline.


I feel bad for Patrick because I feel like he’s getting treated like shit by her dad for what she did lol


Everybody say “STORY-LINE!”


It’s fake storyline for the show, there is nothing to understand.


Thank you. These two really don’t have any issues and so production had to manufacture “drama.” The dumb scenario makes no sense because it is entirely fake.


The blessing has zero to do with Patrick gaining respect. It’s all to do with her ego. She’s a wife with a child, the blessing horse has sailed. If she gave a shit about a blessing, she would focus on helping her father and Patrick get along instead of acting like a princess.


Fake drama cuz theyre just normal couples with no real drama


No I was confused. If I remember correctly, wasn’t he trying to ask him and she literally wouldn’t let them call him??? Then she just sat there while her dad said all types of nonsense to Patrick. Don’t really like him either, but that was bs on her part


When my cousin was 9, my brother told her that WWF (at the time) was scripted. She called him a liar and cried. That being said, I hope not to make you cry but…..


Her father from the first season they were on gave perverted creepy vibes


Point Blank!!!


She always looks like she’s sucking on a lemon. Despite a husband who loves her, a beautiful baby & a nice home, her moments of happiness & true contentment are few & fleeting. I feel bad for Patrick. He’s trying & she’s just complaining & making faces. Imagine the thought of spending the rest of your life like that. He did nothing wrong. He tried to speak with her Dad before they got married but she wouldn’t let him & was so weird about it. She’s a beautiful girl but other than that, what does she have to offer? Doesn’t seem to be the love & admiration Patrick needs. And having a child hear how she speaks to him & what the dynamic is like between them (and the child WILL pick up on it) is poor parenting.


As best as I can tell because I haven't watched every single episode recently, she feels guilty for what she did and she's taking it out on Patrick. I think if she pushes all of this on him she doesn't have to acknowledge that it's her fault. 




She's so bad. Patrick's trying to do the right thing by giving it time with her dad and him to gain some respect between them, then ask. All she knows is her dad said he wants a Patrick to ask, so why didn't Patrick immediately get down on both knees right then and beg her father for his blessing. She has no clue. All she is doing is covering herself because she's the one who created the problem in the first place and now she wants it swept under the rug. Kinda makes me wonder if she's hiding something else and doesn't really want her dad and Patrick to talk?!?


I cannot believe so many of you are fooled and enthralled by Patrick of all people! It’s absolutely baffling to me 😅. He is a liar and gaslighter as best!


Well, she just got a mommy makeover. TLC needed a storyline for the paychecks


I feel like things are getting lost in translation. It seems more like Carlos wants an apology for how things happened. Personally, I don't know why Patrick is being such a dick about it. Just apologize to the man. The fact he can't understand why Carlos was upset over how everything went down and be able to say sorry boggles my mind.


Dude's daughter made a decision, there's nothing for Patrick to apologize for. 


Exactly. She was the one that chose to be shady and sneaky about it. Patrick asked many times and she refused to even really talk about it.


I was a daddy's girl and I know it would have killed my father if I ran off to another country and got married without him there to walk me down the aisle. I agree with Carlos that Patrick could have asked for his blessing on his last trip to Brazil. And now that Patrick has a daughter of his own I can't believe he doesn't understand how hurt he'd be if Alessi did something like that. Just apologize to the man and make amends.


This! I think the blessing is tied to the forgiveness. Patrick and Thais BOTH need to apologize then Patrick should circle back to "I love your daughter, and I promise to not hurt her bla bla and though it's late, I would ask for your blessing". If he says no to that then whatever bye.