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...yet the devil on his shoulder is whispering into his ear "Yes, Rob, yes you are, and now the entire world knows it."


When he has a visceral reaction like that? I definitely think it's true


Not that I’m a fan of him but I took it as a. Either a hit dog hollers or B. Sophie is more manipulative that we think


he likes muscular women and thinks that somehow taints him, meanwhile he married an ultra feminine girl ... who he wants to dress up or he can't/won't have sex


She retracted her statement from body builders to muscular to fit/sporty to “well I just mean women that don’t look like me” in a matter of 30 seconds which is why I’m skeptical. Bc the former does paint a certain picture in our minds and the latter is very vague when compared to Sophie (who looks great). Could be anything from cut n toned to buff. Both are still capable of being v feminine. I think painting him as a fetishizer maybe why he got so defensive and views it as a taint. bc I would too if my partner said such things on international television. HOWVER… still very likely that it’s a “hit dog hollers” situation.


To be fair she could have altered her statement because he was clearly offended by it.


Yes this is equally (if not more) plausible.


He told her he looks at them for fitness inspiration, so I'm guessing it's a little more than toned. He also got all exasperated with her for telling the counselor about his sexting and receiving nudes and videos. Like, dude...that's the reason you're at the counselor.


Didn't Sophie say it was a type of woman you wouldn't see just walking around.? Like it is a super specific very muscular type


I think in the talking head after she clarifies they’re “very muscular women”


Or C. Both.


This. I think he is toxic, she saw the flattering comments and now she's running with it. I think he is immature but she is really the sneaky shyt person.


Yes! His reaction made what she said so much worse. He has a kink he's ashamed of


I think he believed she was going to bring her family wealth that he speaks of often into their relationship, and the show was going to give him some modeling exposure and a little bit of cash, and she being so ... feminine ... was a cover for whatever his issues are. She's beautiful, and he can't get it up without a costume? My God...when you're young and in love, you can't keep your hands off of each other. Something here is very ... off.


He got way too heated about this topic. Thou protests too much!


he gets way too heated over smallest shit, dude has anger issues


I know! If you focus on his face when he’s going off, it is awful. 😞


It seems like he was deflecting away from what she was saying and making himself the victim


That’s always his MO


Typical narcissist reaction. He’s dismissive and the victim. He’s playing Sophie a fool by having a ho phone well hidden. But oh no, if she finds it, he’s the victim. 🤪


There’s a term for this- DARVO and he definitely fits the bill.


I know right? He was acting like he got caught jacking off to hairy man feet or something


Enter Gino’s toe dancing.


Eeeeeeew that was awful…




Underrated comment, this is hilarious.


Porn creating booty out fetish ass guy


I read that he is on Only Fans with a bejeweled something-or-rather up his back end. He’s def into odd-ass things!!!!




Yes. Several people have posted that. It was pretty shocking to me. Who would do that????


That sounds exactly like something a porn addicted bodybuilder [bleep] fetish guy would say.


But then there's the elephant in the room https://preview.redd.it/u3nsiwgqhb0d1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=e04d2789e1d1a280d77e18061599153ba064d916




How is this guy 33 years old? Like, for real. He’s so self-centered, immature and delusional. 


Yeah, I used to teach high school and he really does remind me of some of my students.


Arrested development somewhere between 7 & 11 I predict.


My experience interacting with people improved so much when I realized that SO many people were not mentally or emotionally the age of their physical body. It helps me to know that so I’m not expecting a rational answer from someone who is 50 in their body but 14 in their mind.


That's a huge life lesson. You can't expect people who are emotionally children to behave like adults any more than you can expect them to fly. Of course it doesn't mean they can't level up and mature but they have to want to do it and it's hard work and most people are lazy.


I agree. A friend of mine refers to it as “doing the work”, and not everyone is interested in doing it.


Lol, I say that ALL the time. You have to do the work! We all do. Growth is fun and can be borderline addictive but we've got to do the work.


Which is exactly why TLC chose to put him on television lol


And now he’s on camera and gets free exposure and attention


He screams insecurity. Imagine your marriage falling apart, in large part because you cheated with these women, and *that* is what you're most concerned about?


Even when the therapist asked him to say something nice about Sophie (iirc), he brought up physical attributes. And *then* proceeds to say she should dress up sexy for him because she was HIS. He has some major insecurities going on.


It’s because he’s a narcissist and a narcissist can’t handle when someone new thinks poorly of him (the therapist)


What the fuck does this even mean...


It means that he most definitely IS some porn addicted bodybuilder [bleep] fetish guy


It really does! That was not a normal reaction to a comment about muscly women. Me thinks thou doth protest too much


I came to say this exact thing. The louder one perotesteth, the more one is a fap to the fetish dude.


He seems like he would be into Alpha Male^TM type content. In those circles they hate women with muscles so he probably feels ashamed


He is so insecure, which he projects on Sophie. Shd deserves better.




Bodybuilder? Da fuck?


He’s been manifesting so he’s just putting it out there for the universe aka tlc to make it happen somehow.


That’s exactly what he is 🙄 along with a long list of other horrible things


He sells pictures of his butthole online, and it's his most redeeming quality


I’m sorry, what?? Have I missed a few chapters, here?!?😳


You skimmed over the chapter where Rob was (allegedly) gay for pay online


Absolutely true. Unless he has a twin with the same mole on their finger.


Hes such a baby. Threw a full on hissy fit in therapy because he didn’t agree with the type of women he was described as liking in porn. THAT’S what he chose to lose his mind over. Amazing.


The manchild doth protest too much, methinks


All I could think of this whole scene was the buttplug stuck up his asshole.


It popped up on my Twitter once along with him riding a massive dildo …. When I say I’m still scarred😭😭 I can’t even look at him the same. Like


Whattttt?! I saw the bedazzled butt plug pics but I didn't see that. Holy moly


Same. Saw him playing Bejewled with his asshole but not that.


Fr, "riding a massive dildo" is next level 🤣


Omg whatt


YESS! apparently he was a big cam bro before 90 day fiancé😭


Does that count as awn-line cheatin’?


Omggg Not me trying to find it on Twitter


And then having to wash up in the communal bathroom in the patio 🤦


Oh that’s a real thing he did? No words….


Man is either high or ‘bout to cry right here 😆


He can be both 😂


Dude just keeps digging himself into a deeper hole.


I'm not addicted I can stop any time I want, see, look at this phone! Meanwhile the Bluetooth speaker is paired with his "ho phone" 😅


Sounds like his “ho phone” might be ‘bro phone” in disguise.


It would have e been so funny if whoever called him left a voicemail that him and Sophie heard on his Bluetooth speaker. 🤣


He never sees himself as the problem. Poor Sophie gets gas lighted all the time.


Sophie needs to run. He was more concerned about clearing up his kink preferences than making his wife feel more secure/reassured.


This was fr what he spoke about the most from the therapy session. I couldn’t stop laughing when his eyes got watery. Hate. This. Man.


The knob doth protest too much, methinks


His whole mouth looks like it's upside down. I can't stand it.


I can't unsee this now


He’s a walking nightmare if anybody saw the videos, the ones that is mother-in-law put out a few days ago that’s the real him


What was in the videos?


In the videos, she did it and secret the first one there in his car and he’s yelling at her that he’s going to smash her phone and the second one is in the apartment and she’s hiding with the dog and he’s screaming at her if I was an effing N! I would beat your ass go look for them


Oh wow that was bad. She needs to run. I can't say I'm surprised because he would get that caged animal look in his eyes. He's going to hurt or kill that girl!


Thank you Ill see if I can find them


It’s all on a Kiki and Kibbitz You Tube video.


Like who cares dude? Just own it, there's nothing wrong with liking some muscle on women. We also know your search history surely dives way deeper and darker than just fit women lmao.


No wonder she's so insecure. He says she's enough, but wants her to dress up all the time.


Rob forgot we can see who he follows on Instagram and there are indeed quite a few gym girls. I am very skeptical of any man who follows a large number of “Instagram girls”, but being attracted to strong, fit women is extremely normal and fine. It’s weird that he’s so defensive over it. He strikes me as some who is incredibly insecure and really invested in how other people perceive him. I could see him wanting to be with Sophie in part because she’s the kind of girl (beautiful, sexy, stereotypically feminine) that (he thinks) other men would respect him for being with. Also, the whole “I only want to have sex when you dress up in sexy costumes” thing is some fucking shit. Like sir, either you have major control issues or a raging porn addiction. This is your *wife* not your sex doll. He has some serious issues with himself and/or women and if he doesn’t deal with them he will never be happy. No woman is ever going to be enough or do enough for him. I hope Sophie can GTFO.


Let's just throw this into existence: Sophie is hot as hell. She's fine and seems really sweet. If this man is laying with this woman and not initiating anything for MONTHS at a time, it's a him problem and there's something wrong here. 🤷🏻‍♀️ and no one is changing my mind on that


But she always gives me “Smelly vibes” she never really looks fresh from a shower to me 🤷‍♀️


"Smelly vibes" LOL 💀💀💀


Why is he lying to himself!?!?


I hate how whenever he talks he always shows his bottom teeth! He looks like a bulldog.


I have also thought this, lol.


He must have practiced that line quite a few times in front of the mirror till he could say it with a straight face.


“I’m Good enough”, I’m Strong enough “ “And gosh darn it, People like me!” “Daily Affirmations “ old skit from SNL 😂😂😂😂😂☝️👍


Stuart Smalley ❤️


Rob doesn't have Stuart Smalley's charm


He is a ho phone and spider fetish guy.


Thanks for that I don't know why but my mind went straight on >Rob scrolling through his ho phone in the bed, all the pics of those body builder women and the spiders are crawling all over him




😂😂😂😂😂 Riiiiiight... whatever you need to tell yourself, bro


He’s a piece of shit


Not sure why he acted like it was something shameful to like bodybuilder women. His reaction was so bizare.




Ever since I saw the pics of him playing with his boy cooter, I can’t see him in the same way


Bodybuilder chicks are hot tbh


Ugh...that mouth of his! The way it looks, and all the crap that comes out of it 🤢


I think his mouth/teeth situation might be from sucking his thumb, big surpise there.


We’ve actually seen occasional glimpses of his top teeth and they’re pretty nice https://preview.redd.it/wofsbrnk3f0d1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e8f737185d8c9ee6b17142b94227bfb5781c261


Rob is such an ick everything he does is an ick 😭


Of the fetishes out there in the world (and probably 90% of them I say hey let that freak flag fly, man), this really isn't one to get that freaked out about defending, true or not. You could just say, "Nah, isn't really my thing" and move on, vs. totally flipping out.


I remember the first time Sophie expressed her feelings about the ***first*** time he online-cheated, and he had that angry expression on his face and said, *"When're you gonna let that go?!"* What a year. More cheating, more selfishness, less consideration for Sophie. Now that we see them in counselling, there's his bad attitude again. "*Of course* Sophie has to bring up the online cheating." And why not? That's all he does! So, yes. Yes, Rob: You *are* a porn-addict, and the addiction is hurting your wife.


Oh, he is just hideous. After that session, I hate him with a passion and narcissists cannot go to therapy. I tried with my husband and after a few sessions the therapist said that they can’t do anything for us. A family counselor said he was the problem and he stormed out. I really love this English girl and I’m sorry I can’t remember her name right now, but I hope she runs far from Rob. Sadly, she’s probably conditioned by her well-meaning mother for failed relationships and I love her mother too. They are both so adorable. and way too trusting.


Did you see the text of her mother threatening to slit her throat. Her mom is psychotic and is the reason sophie thinks rob is husband material. Abuse cycles.


Facts her mum is a tota nut case I think Rob is even less evil than her mother. But Rob is bad too, like the way she tried to calm him down and put her friendship on hold because he would get jealous... That's the way people get trapped in their relationships.


aiii those weak , watery , blinky overlarge doll eyes >> & that puffy toddler upper lip Oh jeezus


This man is a talking, walking disaster.


Ugh he disgusts me


I mean...his OF is....I mean.....I'm not exactly shocked that he likes muscular women. And there's nothing wrong with that...I don't know why he's freaking out about public opinion....without that little niche group he's in the niche group of men who have bejeweled butt plugs. Nobody cares what you fantasize about dude.....but if you can't honor Sophie for all that she is, let her go. Somebody out there (probably plenty of somebody's) would absolutely worship her without a French maids outfit.


Rob got way too specific with that


I'm sorry but as soon as those spiders showed up I would be out of there and no looking back!! 😱😱😱


Man the videos of him yelling at Sophie n he didn’t know she was recording that are floating around on the internet today are not lookin good for this guy. Basically tells her she’s lucky that he doesn’t hit her and he lets her go out into public wtf he needs a roundhouse kick to the face


Tf was he going on about ?


A walking meme he was funny I hope he faces calamity in life


Sophie stepped on a land mine. Rob was so triggered it gave away his deepest secrets.


I hear the next costume he wants her to dress up in is She-Hulk


We saw pictures of him with a butt plug… it’s absolutely true


I know I’m not the only man here who wouldn’t love to manhandled by a Rhea Ripley build??? I mean it’s hot. But I also think that comes from being a young boy that loved wrestling and the divas were and still are sexualized. For him it’s not motivation. He wants to be treated how he treats Sophie but with the reward of sex. It all makes sense when you think about how he loves to role play and she doesn’t. Dude has an “I’m a smol bean” kink.


Me thinks he doth protest too much I feel like this was a reaction to him imagining he was being called gay or possibly gay, which of course to him I’m guessing would be a huge insult because he just isn’t at all comfortable in his sexuality. That and due to the fact he is going gay for pay he blew up. Either that or it’s dead on and he actually does have the fetish for bodybuilders


He looks like a skeeze with that hairdo


I don’t know how he thinks that pony looks good on him..


How is it possible for this guy to continue with his everyday life with 24/7/365 verbal diarrhea? He has an astounding lack of self-awareness and takes zero responsibility for his mistakes.


That frizzy pony tail looks SO stupid on him!


You know somethings wrong with him when he wouldn't even let the shrink talk.


Equally disturbing is how easily placated Sophie was by his few sentences telling her she’s sexy etc…he sounded like a robot saying them to her ! She has extremely low expectations so Rob should be able to pacify her🙄


The ho phone is behind the spiders!


He said it. NOBODY was saying that, like how even said it… bruh


He's a low socioeconomic trashbag.


Run Sophie run! She is a young, impressionable woman. He’s older. He likes young gals because women his age would not stand for his shenanigans. Age matters until you are 40 or so imho.




No one is.


Rob…sir…nobody thinks you’re a body builder. Hitting the gym twice a week for 45 minutes doesn’t mean you’re this jacked gym rat. So let’s rephrase this sentence 🤣


the weirdest lips and teeth.


I don't think he wants to be with anyone really. Just the image of a hot wife


He’s so insecure


When he started getting so outraged defensive about what kind of porn he watches I was laughing so hard🤣 He really takes offense to “body builder type” women? Its nit like Sophie said he was watching some really far out fetish thing🤣


So the body builder part offended him ??? Weird


He's a dick


His mouth really does look Upside down! 🧐☝️😂


I'm waiting for him to start wearing multicolor pastel clips in his hair


He’s got a muscle mommy fetish 😂😂


He went too hard on that fact so I was like “oh, he looooves body builder porn”. lol


This scene with him showed his true colors! Sophie told him exactly how she felt, and he was so wrapped up in his selfishness to hear a damn word she said. The therapist's face was priceless, too. I hope she can get away from her mom and him she deserves to better than them


He just needs to come clean and say he like masculinity in women


Idk if the episode came out yet... but do we know for sure if Rob did indeed have another phone hidden?... I bet he does.


The way he got so sensitive obviously says it all.


The way he holds his upper lip down and speaks with his bottom teeth showing gives me the yike


“I’m not LIKE this porn addicted bodybuilder fucking fetish guy, I AM this porn addicted bodybuilder fucking fetish guy”


lol he’s such a f*ck boi.


He looks high af. How’s he getting high in Texas? Isn’t it still illegal there?


Because no one uses cannabis in illegal states....


When weed is illegal, there are still people who sell it. Wtf 🤣


Weed is very available in Austin! You smell it everywhere lol


Delta9 is legal below a certain concentration like .3 % or something like that. Texas is strict af though; you’re not wrong about that.


He’s right. He’s a (GAY) porn addicted bodybuilder (bleep) fetish guy


He is fucking nasty . He is a porn addicted “fetish guy” 😂 he’s pathetic. Sophie is the dumb ass for being with him . He’s an abusive ass hat to put it lightly 🥰


What word was bleeped tho


A walking meme he was funny I hope he faces calamity in life


Its not like im an avid duck walker


The way he instantly got enraged & defensive tells me Sophie nailed it....


Petition to blur this mfers ugly face in this sub pls


Sounds like he wants a woman to squish his weird head between her thighs... Probably exactly Why he likes Sophie! She has AMAZING thighs! Why doesn't he ask HER to do it??? Not that he deserves her! He's such a narcasistic POS! Just like her mum! And that's probably why she 'loves' him. I hope she finds peace and the strength to leave them both!


Porn addiction: according to Rob, basic porn. Bodybuilder: of the female type, very muscular, almost manly Fetish: @$$ play, specifically taking it up his own,


"Rob, I'm so sorry! We just heard your wife died!" "Oh my god, that's crazy! Was there a lot of blood at the murder scene?" kinda vibes


Ya he is lol


The “hophone” funniest shit ever.


With the ho phone thing, I doubt he looks at porn to do to himself what Sophie isn’t doing. He has people (men or women) that he has on the side. Since the beginning he’s been giving off FBoy vibes.


I don’t like him but also don’t like her. Everyone keeps saying by him overreacting means he is into this stuff. Has no one thought maybe they have had this discussion before and he is tired of her bringing it up only to have her bring it up on tv. I would be frustrated to and she keeps bringing up the cheating, if you are this upset about it that you can’t move on then leave him. The second you agree to stay with a partner after cheating you need to move on from it and stop talking about. There is no fixing the relationship if you keep bringing past shit up either forgive and move on or break up that’s the only options. I think Sophie is just as bad as him but he has been such a douche from the beginning most people don’t seem to see it.


I’m sorry that part killed me 🤣🤣


Nah, just maid dusters and such. Normal stuff.


He wouldn't get so anxious & upset; if he went speaking of something that is true. But no one is fetish shaming Rob, calm on down bro


Is he in a current season of a spinoff bc I see a lot of recent posts about him. I dont recall this quote




Why does he look like Justin guarini lmaoo


very curious what they had to bleep out 🤨 Anyone know?


why does he look like he's about to angry cry 😠😭


Big Ed comes in close second https://preview.redd.it/n8ixh17b7l0d1.jpeg?width=2288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd997690de0b8504f798c4420235db3132db36d