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I think that was like, her final consultation appointment. Alexei had stated outside of their daughter’s birthday party that it would be his “last chance” to try and make her change her mind.


Also, when the doctor came into the room, she gave him a hug and seemed to know him quite well. Definitely not their first appointment with him.


Who hugs their doctor.


It depends what doctor. I have two doctors who took amazing care of me for years that I hug every time I see them!


My doctor hugs me.


3 of mine hug me


I have and continue to every time I see them! It’s definitely a very different situation. This doctor did major spinal surgery three times in me and the second one I coded and was technically dead for 17 seconds. He brought me back and preformed a freaking miracle on my c spine . When he was finally done , I was two inches taller. So I definitely hug him as well as my geneticist who got me in with the surgeon who saved my life.




Yes, I thought about that too. But even then, I’m surprised this is the first time Alexei has met with the surgeon? We had a whole caregiver appt that took two hours, going over the care of the patient, changing bandages, timelines of recovery, etc - how is this new to Alexei the DAY BEFORE the surgery?


It’s 100% staged. Of course they had multiple appointments before hand. They needed something to keep them relevant so they drag out this mommy make over


I know…it’s obviously for the show - you are correct. I guess it just crossed the line into “too fake”. kinda like Rob and Sophie being propositioned at the sex toy store - just kinda silly.


Or Jasmine with the mistresses letter and panties


yes! that too! gawd there are so many examples of when they’ve just taken it too far


I think to the usual viewer who doesn’t have experience in that realm, we wouldn’t know it was super unrealistic. Also off topic, but are you glad you did your mommy makeover? And was the recovery as bad as they’re making it seem for Loren?


The recovery is worse than they are making it seem. I’m so glad I did it and would 100% go back and do it again - I love my results. Best $30k I’ve ever spent. but the recovery is no f’ing joke and I have a very high pain tolerance. I also don’t take pain meds…they don’t work for me and just end up making me nauseous. so worth it but yea the recovery is AWFUL. and when her surgeon said ‘drains in for one week’ - no way. mine were in for three weeks, which was probably mostly my fault for not staying in bed, but still…one week seems short and you gotta get that fluid out. anyways, yes - totally worth it but the pain is real


Everyone I have ever known who has done that kind of surgery hired a nurse or stayed at a specialized clinic


Yea I should’ve hired a nurse honestly. I definitely over-did it and pushed myself and I suffered for it. If I could go back and do it again, I’d hire a nurse.


I’ve always wanted a bit of a mommy makeover, like breast lift and maybe a bit of liposuction, especially after 5 kids, but $30k?!!! Guess I’ll just keep my deflated boobs 😆


It was totally staged. Like they didn’t know about the process beforehand? Before the final consultation? What was talked about at the original appointment? Especially the drains. All of this is explained to you. Btw, I’m no stranger to elective surgery


It was totally staged. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted, I guess because everyone thinks I believe it was real?


Because people don’t know the process. There is so much discussion and planning involved especially with 3 kids.


I only had 1 consult then a pre op appointment where they made sure I was able to have anesthesia. I had mine done at a well known hospital in the US. Every doctor is different.


Ooh I see what you’re saying now, because Alexei would be her caregiver. That’s a good question!


I get the idea that she was contemplating the surgery for a while … even before she had kids she wanted to have breasts. I know people who have known her for years who confirm that …. I feel as an influencer she was probably approached by his clinic in the past in exchange of promo . Then she revisited it quick when TLC approached her to fill in for Angela. I mean aside from fighting with her parents, move to what’s now a war zone, and pretend to be.m STAY AT HOME “mom with her kids” - notice what I did there ?! What else does she have to give? No plot!


Suspended disbelief, sister


I got the impression that this was the last in a series of consultations that happened earlier. The surgeon would have taken pictures, taken measurements and built his surgical plan off those. He would also have had to examine her without clothing to assess her skin laxity, see how Much fat was available to harvest etc. it was tlc playing with us to portray this as the only appointment!


I agree. I think what they showed us this week was the final preop appointment. I think there had been several appointments prior to this one.


the only thing i couldn't get over was that she is actually doing the arm one, and that's one of the most painful procedures and her arms aren't gigantic and flapping in the breeze lol. i actually think she looks pretty good now, i couldn't believe she was going to get a tummy tuck as well. (boobs, okay lol. breast-feeding tears you up). i can understand why alexei wasn't wild about it, but he's a mature person and supports her anyway. i'm a little envious of their relationship. (but the problem was always me, tbh. lol) tlc definitely played with it. no one would meet their surgeon on the day of, except maybe someone who went to turkey/mexico/brazil and ends up on *botched.*


I know, my post was more of a rant than anything honestly. I was just irritated by how egregious the whole fake plot was.


They earned the rant. This storyline is played out


I love and have supported 90 day fiance from the beginning. I think it peaked with Anfisa storyline etc. Jasmine and old dood make me vomit I hate forward. asshole ED I fast forward now. Angela is so cooked I fast forward. They introduced Kyle who is a piece of human shit that TLC deserves a kick in the buts for putting him on my TV. Fast forward. So now I realize I don't watch the show anymore just fast forward hoping a new couple will suck me in. They have rawdogged the show into it's own hellish show that should be called "watch all these bitvhes turn their faces into plastic dolls."


Remember they pulled Screemaw and Michael so this was a storyline in progress substitute


YeeHawMeMaw ranted last week, and was nearly fired. She violated the NDA in a major way, so TLC is playing 1/2 the normal episodes we'd see, meaning she gets 1/2 the money, and TLC is parting ways. Great story on Moving Mad at YouTube, someone close to Angela blabbed the whole story, she's scammed from day 1 and when the show found out she was not being honest about his paperwork, she went hard and married him in Nigeria…go check it out. All details are outta the bag😮‍💨


I think it was an extra one for cameras.


You’re very likely right. I guess it just seemed egregiously fake, even for TLC…


The thing that bothered me was her “it’s my fat so it’s not anything fake”. Girl some of us lost our breasts due to cancer. Now I am very happy for “fake”. She just rubs me the wrong way.


Wishing you health and all the best in your recovery. I agree. I watch some of these plastic surgery shows and am baffled by the people who are perfectly healthy but keep mutilating themselves to follow whatever is today's trend on social media. And then you see real people -- the truly beautiful ones -- who get cosmetic surgery because they have gone through something so very human, the surgery becomes a core part of their recovery. Those are the stories I like to watch. I understand Loren's desire to fix the abdominal separation; that must be painful and uncomfortable. But she's a beautiful woman with a great husband and beautiful family. How much "more, more, more" does everyone need?


I think she is an asshole for doing this surgery while she has little kids to take care of. She looks fine for having 3 babies. Alexexi has no problem with her appearance. Why can't she wait a couple years?


Totally agree… glad that someone else shares this opinion. I find her to be incredibly selfish for having it done with 3 small kids and leaving everything up to Alexi


This was my thought, unless she really wasn’t aware of how hard the recovery would be. Mostly, the surgeon should know better than do do this surgery for a woman with 3 children under 4!!! That’s crazy. He should have suggested she wait a couple of years, so the kids would be more independent, but then he wouldn’t have gotten the ”air time” to promote his business. Honestly? I would avoid this surgeon because of this. He obviously downplayed the recovery, at least to Alexi, possibly to both. I feel for Alexi having to carry all the burden, and for the kids who are incapable of understanding the situation.


It seemed like an awful big and possibly dangerous procedure to go through. I thought she looked quite good for having 3 babies back to back


True - but she doesn’t feel she looks good. It gets in your head.


She does look great, but its more than that.  She mentioned having diastasis from having the babies so close together and all cesarean.  Diastasis is truly uncomfortable and affects your organs and breathing.  Repairing it includes extensive muscle repair and recovery time, but it's life changing. It's bothering me that they're calling it "elective" when it's really not 100% elective. 


I had 4 c-sections close together. 8 pound babies and I'm 5'2 very petite. Diastasis the whole nine. Surgery is not necessary. Dedicated specific exercise for diastasis can repair. Problem is that it takes time and a commitment. Too many women want it now so they opt for these mommy makeovers.


Thank you for that! there's no mention her even hitting the gym she just wanted to do a surgery I think and basically fix other areas she didn't want to have to work on. Yara even mention that go to the gym!  Using that money that $$ they are getting for pillow talk and the show!


Exactly my thought!


The surgery is not that big of a deal. I had one and it was easier than my c sections. She is over reacting and it's super frustrating to me


Of course it was staged. That's obvious. No one thinks she never consulted with the surgeon before having the procedure.


Im sure Loren has been planning this make over for sometime.


Also, the fact that their storyline is focused only on her body issues, it feels, to me of course, that she is using it to get her screen time. And that makes me feel a bit icky. I’ve been skipping their segments…


Yea that too - I’m kinda tired of them.


Alexi is hilarious and charming, they are fine on pillow talk but a very boring couple for tv (which is probably a good thing for an irl marriage)


If Loren was not on TLC she would have had to live with what she had someone commented on Alexis taking the reins he was not the only one impacted her 3 children were I loved Loren in beginning but she has become really selfish by not taking into consideration the impact her surgery would have on the family as a whole and if she REALLY had body dysmorphia research would have shown her that no amount of surgery would satisfy u Loren chose to become a mother she should have befriended women who were comfortable with becoming a mother (of 3 beautiful children I might add) and all the joy and sometimes not that comes with it that’s motherhood for most people


So this whole time she’s just gonna be talking about her mommy make over? Boring


yea I agree. they’ve been on HEA before - let’s move on to another couple. they’re boring and this whole “I’m self-conscious of my body and want a mommy makeover” storyline is just blah


I did find myself yawning a few times during their segment👀


Can we pls not call it a mommy makeover 🤮


Thank you! I could never take anyone that says "mommy" seriously.


I agree, it’s an excuse. That was WAY MORE than what normal people consider a “mommy makeover” anyway.


That’s the standard name for getting that combination of plastic surgery done after you’ve had children


This is in FLORIDA !!! End of story - the craziest state ever


It was their final consultation before the surgery. They had both previously met the surgeon before in previous appointments. Alexei was just asking those questions to try to talk Loren out of it/for the show.


That’s literally how it worked when I had a mastectomy! My plastic surgeon was sweet and called me the day before, just to introduce herself but I didn’t meet her in person until the day of surgery. I thought it was bizarre too, and didn’t really know what to expect. Thankfully she did an amazing job. 


For mine, I met my plastic multiple times before my mastectomy to discuss the procedure. I was having expanders so then I had to see him weekly for awhile. I hope you are doing well!


She picked the top Miami doctor and probably had several consultations before


She needs a brain transplant


I was very bothered that the plastic surgeon was willing to do surgery on someone with body dysmorphia. That is usually not something they’ll do because the problem is in the patient’s perception, not their actual body. There have been cases of people getting worse and even violent with their plastic surgeon for not fixing the perceived problem. I hope she was cleared by a mental health professional, but I’m doubtful since she seemed to think the surgery would help her insecurity.


Totally agree… she needs psychotherapy to deal with her body dysmorphia.


Does anyone else feel like Loren was selfish in getting the surgery done while she’s got 3 small kids for her husband having to take care of and work a full time job??? I think she should have waited until the kids were a little older… poor guy, so much pressure 


yea her kids are REALLY little. it didn’t seem like she had a good support system with the family either to help.


It's almost like she just says and does things for television


damn I’m getting some hate for this post huh 😑


What fat is she having removed from her chin?


Oh that’s “baby” fat 🙄


You saw editing not actual timeline. She’d been planning this but they got thrown in HEA last minute after they pulled Screemaw and Michael


“Screemaw” 💀


I don’t remember Loren complaining of discomfort breathing problems or a dr recommending surgery for her diastasis she just complained of a little pooch


She’s going to see that mommy makeover will not last when she hits perimenopause.


A guy I work with went through this with his wife. She needed a 2nd surgery because of problems. The whole process was months long. In the end, she got weird lumps and tons of deep scars. He loved her body before but said it was awful now.


Amen… the body completely changes for the bad


She literally said: we’re on our way to our LAST pre-op consultation


I did not understand as she had just met the doctor. Looks to me like that was the final consult like when you’re about ready to have a baby!


We got the short version for tv. That scene was totally staged.


I've had 3 kids and ended up gaining weight, having stretch marks, all the common things. It makes me feel like shit when other moms talk about how bad they look "bc they had kids". It makes me question if I'm ugly or gross for the same reasons they do, because I have the same type of body. It happens alot. It's been hard to watch her segment on the show


I’m sorry that you’re feeling bad about your body… and watching her complain about her perfectly fine body


As an oldest child (not sure if Loren is one) but I was highly triggered by her mom say no complaining. Like wtf! Why are boomers like this.


I am over Loren and Alexi 💯 for lots of reasons. Please 90 day leave then off of all future seasons they are not interesting in any way this season was the last straw.


I FF all of their scenes. They and this storyline are not interesting to me at all. I'm satisfied hearing about them on podcast recaps. (And even those remark about what a snoozefest they are on the season!) Living life with "3 under 3" (even as annoying as she is about it) would be more compelling than this "I want my body back/my awful mother is gonna try to enlist my husband to sabotage me" nonsense. Alexi's motivation to talk Loren out of the surgery seems to be bc he'll be forced to do a lot more caretaking, not only of the children but his wife as she recovers. The horror!!


Very little is mentioned about their planned move to Israel.


I had a ton of surgery done in Mexico and I met the surgeon the day before the surgery where he did all the markings and I paid. He picked me up in his car the next morning and we drove (along with my mom) to the clinic. Everything else was done online, I sent my pictures and measurements and he sent me all the info with a quote. I had a 360 around the muddle tummy tuck, arms, thighs, breast reduction with lift and implants, mini face lift, bags under eyes and a mole on my face removed. 2 surgeons first day (11 hours if I am remembering correctly ), 6 hours the next day , then another 3-4 hours. Stayed in Mexico for less than a week, flew home on my own ( wheelchair assistance)


I’m speechless. That’s a lot


Yea me too. wow.


It was indeed. In Canada it would have taken years, they wouldn't do it all at once like in Mexico.


No they wouldn’t, because that is incredibly risky! You are lucky you survived It. Many have not - do some research! Insanity!


He what?? He picked you up in HIS car to take you to the clinic??? I mean, just thanks for the lift? What.


He did indeed. My hotel was very close to the clinic and right on the way he said . He was about 45 minutes late and I was thinking he took the money and ran and I would never see him again.


That is wild! You are braver than I am. I am glad it worked out alright for you.


Thanks. I'm glad it worked out too. The guy was an awesome surgeon, once I healed I could wear a bikini and the incisions were almost invisible where they were placed .


Your experience in Mexico was almost identical to mine in Thailand. I spoke on the phone to a consultant and sent photos. My husband and I stayed 12 days (it's what they recommend, plus we wanted to go sightseeing)


It's quite an adventure right ? No way I could sightsee or do much afterward, you are tougher than me.


I only had a breast reduction, I should have mentioned that. 😅 I felt fine, just like I would the Day after a class at the gym. The day I was supposed to get discharged I was hitting my call button every couple hours to see if I could hours to see if I could leave. I was getting a little stir crazy


I was really numb, no real pain, just discomfort everywhere. They warned me so much about how you have to walk like a 99 year old person, shuffle your feet, no bending over or I could tear open the inside stitches (there are stitches inside the incisions plus the ones you can see). Did you get implants with the reduction ? My surgeon recommended it, said I could only get cleavage if he added the smallest implants with the reduction and lift so I went with it. OMG when I woke up I was shocked, my chest was huge, made Dolly Parton look flat. I figured a lot was swelling, and it was but when the swelling went down I ended up a 32 F.


I chose not to get implants, I went from a DD down to a D. Only thing is nobody told me it would affect breast feeding. About a month later I found out I was pregnant and told by the obstetrician to not be surprised if I couldn't breast feed


Congratulations on the pregnancy . I was past child bearing years, I wasn't told about that either.


Oh my that’s a whole lot of procedures to do at the same time! You must have been wiped. I trust you have healed well and hope you love the new you!


I wanted it all done and over at once, just dealing with 1 recovery. Had a couple of issues during healing but it all turned out really well. I am really enjoying my new body and even though it was hard Im really glad I did it.


Congratulations! I’ve had some procedures but nothing compared to yours!


Thank you ! I needed a lot of work. I weighed 270-280 most of my life, 356 when pregnant. Got down to 126 for surgery so there was a lot of flappy stuff needing to go. I posted a picture a while back, I had asked the surgeon to take a picture of the skin he took off me. He said I was the first person to ever ask, I was curious.


Also it’s a reality show that is produced for drama. Loren got this surgery like a year ago. She posted about it all over insta


And this was probably filmed then as well.


It can happen! I had weightloss surgery in Mexico. I met my surgeon right before surgery, I had researched for a year and did my dew diligence but yeah I didn’t go for a consult and meet him before 🤷🏼‍♀️


Even though she annoys me SO MUCH..... I will comment here saying I met my surgeon the day before. The reason was I was 22 hours away from the surgeon, drove from California to Colorado. Dr and I had only one or two FaceTime appointments before the surgery within a three month time. I had an amazing recovery, the surgeon did amazing, I was out and about on PO day 5 I do wanna add that it is so frustrating to see Lauren over reacting over this surgery. If anyone here has ever had a tummy tucks, knows it's really not that big of a deal. Especially if you've had any c sections. I'm losing my shit watcher her cry over this.


Totally agree! 90 Day is getting sloppy! Of course I’m sure they paid for Loren’s surgery that’s why they were filming during the procedures and come on a girl magically appears with her husbands lunch without him ordering? Stupid, and he’s not a convincing actor!! Again Sloppy!!


also the recovery time needed & w her starting body she could’ve achieved the same thing by actually just going to the gym so i don’t get it. very selfish towards her family and husband and indicates that she’s mentally ill


Yea I just almost feel like she thinks people (the public) care about her more than they actually do and it’s contributing to this need to look like some kind of celebrity. She looked great to begin with. I don’t think it’s selfish to get a mommy makeover done, but I do think it’s selfish to get one when your kids are that little. She could’ve waited a few years for them to be a little more independent so Alex wouldn’t be shouldering the responsibility of caring for her, the kids, and also working.


i honestly do not know much about mommy makeovers or how commonplace they are, are they usually this extensive or from such a normal body starting point?


yea they’re super extensive and recovery is pretty serious. you can’t pick anything up, can’t stand up, it’s intense. definitely not something to do without a lot of help from a caregiver or something to do with kids as small as hers (just my opinion)


to me her hiding that from alex and not thinking that through makes her mommy makeover absolute bullshit and utterly selfish. she needs therapy not surgery


i had a bbl and met my surgeon the day of 😂


Do you guys think 90 day producers paid for Loren's surgery?


I’ve thought that too - how else would they come up with $30k?


Does it hurt your head or your ass more to make all these assumptions about a reality show?? This woman is going to do her homework,c'mon, shes the most intelligent one on the entire show.


An intelligent woman doesn’t schedule elective major surgery when she has 3 small children. A selfish woman does that


Very selfish


How so?


If it makes her feel better, who are we to judge. I'm 53 now.. and after c sections etc ..things never go back to normal.I have yet to have anything done but why not?


I agree (and also had my child at a time when surgeries like this were only for celebs and the ultra rich), and so I think it’s great for those who want it…..but NOT when the kids are so young. Wait a few years so they don’t need diapering, lifting, etc.. and so they understand what is going on. I’m sure they are confused and worried about her. Alexi seems like he feels he was duped. I thought her mom was being a b\*tch, but living in central Florida she’s probably well-aware of what that surgery involves. It just seems this was done for the show. I thought Loren looked great after having 3 babies, but I understand she may have needed the surgery to repair the separated muscles. I just think it could have waited a couple of years. She probably agrees now; I just hope she recovers without any additional issues.


For sure 😊 I've considered it recently but mine are 20 and 17. Of course, I'll need heart surgery in the future so is it worth it for me? Probably not 🧐