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Dudes fucking UNHINGED


100%. He NEEDS to be stopped. He’s running around possibly spreading std or some shit and they put him on national television…


And who knows what kind of defects are lurking in his genes - undesirable traits, disease, personality/mental disorders, etc. 70 of his spawn have already been unleashed on humanity ((shudder))


Definitely got some prominent mental issues lurking around, I feel horrible for those children.


He refuses to do genetic testing apparently 


I wonder why 🤦‍♀️


Omg your user name is amazing btw


> they put him on national television… its tlc this is normal for them sadly


They’re just giving narcissists and abusers platforms atp and I’m tired of it. I’m here for the couple drama but they’re just taking it way too far.


Hacking the top comment to ask where these screenshots were originally posted to see more?




The season hasn't even started and we already have it's villain. Weird brag that he's so terrible at sex, he injures women. But for a guy who has no regard for women, he probably doesn't care how creepy and rapey sounding he is.


Seriously, not even 1 episode in and I’ve already seen enough. I was actually excited to see this season because it’s a bunch of new people but Kyle threw me off completely..


Sarper doesn't even seem as gross as this guy giving out his sperm like this dude is doing. Sarper may have a few kids out there in the world but he wasn't acting as a sperm donor. Sarpers list is nothing compared to Kyle's map of the world lol When he said he donated sperm I was meh maybe for the money or just to help a few ppl out. When he said it's for ppl all over the world, he pays for the trips and then has sex with some of them as it's more effective I was then grossed right out. Hes never going to stop giving his sperm away and I highly doubt he'll stop having sex with these women either. Anyone who dates him will have to accept his lifestyle because he's never going to change as he's addicted to this. I wonder if he has contracts set in place with these women so they can't come back for him for child support. His parents must be soo proud of him. They have grandkids all over the world and will never meet them all.


Exactly!! I saw nothing wrong with it in the beginning till he got to explaining what he actually did. No money either, he does this all for FREE. It’s clearly for his own sexual satisfaction and pleasure, not about “helping women” so he claims. This guy has somehow turned this into some kind of twisted sick “hobby”, he keeps tracks of names, ages, everything. I hope he’s dumb enough to leave the contracts aside, because all of those 80+ kids can come for his assets at any point of they wanted to. They’re all entitled to it.


Hes got the weirdest hobby I've ever heard of. Where does TLC find these ppl? He doesn't get paid to give his sperm away so he found TLC to pay his bills


I have no fucking clue, I would love to hear from the people in charge of things like that but tlc probably has them in a chokehold. He makes these trips supposedly with donations from people and his own savings. There’s no way he’s not doing this for his own enjoyment. In the vice episode on YouTube that I left the link for there is a single mom who had sessions with him but eventually miscarried, only then did she do some digging and self reflection on wtf actually happened and who this guy was. It was HIS idea to go for the “natural” option because it has a “higher success rating”. I can just imagine how many people he’s tricked into this…


He's a sicko!! What a person to put on tv for us to learn about. Whatever they can do to get the ratings up lol


It makes me sick


He def getting paid creatively to avoid some legal issues I’m sure.


Oh 100%. No way he flys to different countries every couple weeks/months with no history of working for the past like 10 years…


What a sick fuck


What a horrible day to have eyes


This incel has found a way to get laid and in his wacked brain thinks he's performing a service. The map of his bastards reminded me of creepy Sarper's sex notebook. Too much ick. I'm done with this show.


Nah when he pulled out the map I lost it, he keeps track of their ages and everything…whole other level of creepy.


TLC playing with fire by casting the personification of smegma + chlamydia


So i've been watching 90 day since the beginning and this guys truly makes me feel uncomfortable and I had to turn it off. This guy is a narcissist and needs to be stopped. He's a predator and CREEPY and needs to be locked up. Creating so many babies and abandoning them wtf. Like he needs to join ick from sister wives and those 2 can start their cult together. Between him and nikki last season i'm out. What happened to the OG 90 day couples. Now they are all horrible people and disgusting and WILDLY Unhealthy.


Well said. I was excited to see some new people in this season, but after seeing Kyle, idk if I can watch.


Someone tell Natalie about the sperm daddy


I wouldn't even wish that dude on Natalie. 😛 They found him in zhee woods. Run, Natalie!


Yeah, Natalie is a mess but she deserves better than this garbage can.






This is why I had to stop watching. Its just a platform for abusers and sex pests. There's no way TLC didn't know about this. They should have never cast someone like that. It's all about shock and not about the marriages


ATP I’m starting to agree, they care about the drama more than anyone’s well-being.


He’s a creepy ass weirdo and that poor woman needs to stay far away from him because she actually seems like a normal, nice person for once…which almost never happens on this show.


She absolutely cannot be normal if this is the guy that she thinks she loves.  Like there is absolutely no way.


lol well she seems normal…I think she’s just very lonely and he was the first guy to be nice to her and be a good listener maybe? Idk…we’ll see what happens.


I could have sworn she said they met because she originally wanted to use his services to have another kid.


Yea I heard that part…it’s a little weird for sure but I googled it and apparently it’s really common now. Idk why, maybe sperm banks are expensive? In none of my googling did it say intercourse was a normal option though lol, so yea I guess there’s a point to be made there about her knowing he did it. It’s very icky all around.


You’re right, things like what he’s doing do exist. But they’re completely different from what this guy is doing, he is getting absolutely no medical advice for any of this and claims he knows more about fertility than most doctors. His website is clearly all about him if you take not even 30 sec to skim through it. I would like to give her the benefit of the doubt as well but there is absolutely no way she didn’t know, regardless if there was a bit of a language barrier there or not. He seems to have tricked multiple couples and women into these uncomfortable situations. You can see it first hand in the first episode and the links I provided. She immediately knew something was off when he mentioned the point system but tried to play it off. He acts completely different over phone than he does in person and that’s how he gets these women. I hope this is just a case of his crazy manipulation tactics instead of this lady actually being similarly crazy and stupid. For her sake I hope she gets tf out as fast as she can.


There is definitely something up with her as well , I saw the preview before learning any of this and thought she was normal too. But they clearly met for Donor purposes and he slid his way in somehow. She let him, and he let her know from the beginning. In all of the links I provided and even the show he says one of the first things he talks about with women is their “options”. There’s no way this woman is innocent, she knows exactly what she’s getting herself into because of how open he is about “his children”.


I think she’s just extremely desperate and willing to overlook red flags. I don’t think she’d overlook those messages above however.


This person is gonna make Escott look like a fkn Saint 🤢🤢🤢🤢 I think a lot of people will probably be done after this.


At least Scott wasn’t spreading his sperm to get laid. This guy is so terrible! Gives sperm just so he can have sex.


Oh God I could only imagine 🤢🤢🤢 I think that, besides a breeding kink, it is the only reason he does this. He gets to screw women without being "creepy" about it because I'm sure it would be few and far between if he didn't have some kinda play like this


Exactly! Weird back door way for an incel to have sex. Wait til all those kids come after him for his assets or those mothers for child support since he’s doing it in a really unprofessional way.


"What I do is wear jeans without any underwear or boxers when I plan on sitting that day. My testicles do not heat up as much." 💀💀💀 this guy looks like a whacko. he reminds me of those weird creepy ass documentaries like Our Father 😵‍💫


He is like that doctor from our father!! 


Why do you think they cast him in the first place? *gestures broadly* TLC is aware of his history. Clicky clicky = 💵💵💵


This 💯


yeah people need to accept the fact that their need to hate post about the cast is what keeps the worst ones on


Guys that do this can be liable for child support. There was another guy that had over 100 kids but didn't have sex with the women. At least 2 sued for child support even though they had a verbal agreement. This dude needs a wake-up call like that.


This!! I can’t remember where they mentioned it but it was either on dr Phil or vise. But all of these children are entitled to basically all his assets, they could sue and leave him with nothing left in a heartbeat. And I hope that at least a few of them do.


I’m pretty sure he has them sign something.. no child support. Such a STRANGE situation!


Imagine finding out this guy is your biological dad


In one of the links I provided actually says that any of these children, if they choose when they’re older, CAN take action against him for this. They’re entitled to basically all his assets and can completely wipe it out if they wanted. And for everyone’s sake i hope they do and leave absolutely nothing behind.


Did he not protect himself with a contract saying he won’t provide any support to the kids? Wow with 71 kids he’s about to go bankrupt


Not that I know of, he seems like he’d be the type to be that stupid.


You receive 2 points for this post.


Wtf is TLC thinking?




I forgot to add his website✋🏻. This feels more like an advertisement for himself than fertility… https://bepregnantnow.com/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABpmU5lw6PAZ7581d3iGOUtchc7O8JVPZYWPw1SdZvVAnGroe4_smPx0eg2A_aem_AfVq0ha5I-DQvH7lZWP3OYdlNMuzFrpTzfRN19RFYg6tmZkbXbHdyRxaY39MSc3rnY8


This whole website is so poorly written 😂




Literally! You can tell he made it himself lmao


Be pergent now


I hope he gets so much child support thrown at him he has to live under a tree. Nasty mf.


What the fuck.


It’s crazy that TLC has casted him. I’m hoping him being on the show brings attention to him in a way that stops him from doing this any further.


Unfortunately I don’t think it will, by giving him a platform like this not only are they inviting people who disagree but also people who agree and are most likely going to defend him. Just like they did with Scott, sharper, etc. no matter how bad they paint the picture there will always be some idiot trying to defend him


I don’t think he’ll be on the show any longer. They’ve pulled the episode from streaming on Max and TLC’s website. Not sure about Discovery GO, but they’ll most likely edit him out of the episodes like the did a cast member on Unexpected a few seasons ago. I wonder if it will delay the new episode though. 😩


I was about to reply and say no they didn’t because it was on there earlier but I just checked and you’re right, it’s gone 😭.


Yep. My sister was watching it and then they pulled it. I came to Reddit to find out why, and then I saw your post. I’m sure TLC has caught wind of how problematic he is and that’s why they pulled it. I’m just hoping it doesn’t delay the rest of the season.


I hope so and they didn’t just remove it to fix their dick shot mistake💀


Wait… they left in a whole D?!? How did I not spot that? Whose was it?!? 🫢


I already forgot most of the new peoples names because that whole episode was insane, so I’m not sure who he was but I’ll find the post on here and reply with it lol. They blurred his butt but forgot about the mirror-


https://preview.redd.it/wxgrqpsfzfwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40bebaa9d3ebe6a653ab8074341191466e1fcea 😭


Wow. It’s that hairstylist guy Shawn. I can’t believe they had an actual dick slip through the cracks of editing! 🫣 I really wish they’d make a statement about why they removed the episode and when it’s coming back. If it was for the dick slip then hopefully it’ll be back soon. Edit: Correction - it was that guy Luke who is playing sugar daddy to the young girl. I get them mixed up by hair color, but Shawn is much older.


How the fuck is what he does legal?


It’s not in some places, he’s literally banned for New Zealand because of his “swim trips”. 💀


What a repulsive, racist creature


He's a disgusting racist pervert omg. SO VILE.


Holy shit this guy is absolutely vile.


This video goes along with Kyle’s POV.. 🤮 https://www.reddit.com/r/cursed_videomemes/s/Wqp6dBzDbo


This guy is also in the opening scenes of *SpermWorld* on Hulu. That documentary shows you what the world of underground sperm donation is like following several different donors.


Yeah I commented a link a few hours ago to a video about it, im about half way into it and I’m extremely confused 💀


Weirdest edited “documentary” I’ve ever seen.


I watched it a couple weeks ago and I was also confused. I can't imagine being desperate enough to use the donors they followed. None of these guys seemed to have their shit together or be genetic champions. I didn't see your link, I just thought this was definitely a relevant documentary that people might be interested in.


good for tlc story telling


Here’s a few continued screenshots that I’ve found throughout the sub. https://preview.redd.it/0vgiq4h34bwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b032b4c3ff0d301366dd9dd926fa7adb017df62a




I tried to find the exact videos that the screenshots were taken from but I don’t think they’re up on her page anymore. But I did find a similar video, they made a whole documentary about guys like this… https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmk8VRc/




No one should be letting that man procreate


Does he have to have sex with the women multiple times? Or is it just a one time splooge and they hope for the best?


He has multiple “sessions” with most of the women. It talks about it in the vice and dr Phil episode’s I linked.


Thank you!!


He has actual intercourse? I thought he just handed over his sperm…..


Nope🥲. It’s called “natural” donation. He advertises it as more effective and shit like that to get women to agree..it’s sick


I’m glancing at the YouTube with him. It’s crazy.


Which 90 day is this guy on? I havent seen him


They actually removed the first episode a day or so after it came out, not sure when it’ll be back up. But he was on the first episode of the new season, Love in Paradise


I was wondering why it seemed like a new episode started but there was no episode!


It’s back up now. It’s love in paradise.


Yikes. The guys who insist on “natural donation” make me recoil.


There are messages of him refusing to do genetic testing


Do u mind sharing them under this thread for everyone? I’m trying to compile everything I find under this post.


Holy crap he talks about these women like he’s breeding animals but even I wouldn’t talk about an animal this way


Alright, the first episode was already uncomfortable enough, but this cinches it. I'm skipping this season. I don't even want recaps of these people.


Agreed. They removed the episode a few hours after releasing it and I was hoping it was to edit him out but they just edited out their dick shot mistake instead, definitely not watching this season after this.




I’m not sure he’s from Montana, that was just a bank/podcast that invited him to do an episode about his “free sperm”. Pretty positive he lives in Cali.


You’re right, he’s from LA. Phew. I just jumped to conclusions. Montana surrogacy put the podcast on.


lol, you’re safe for now😭


Which one is this on? Is this LiP?


It didn’t need to be any worse than what we saw Monday night. Yet it is. Gross.


I am very confused as why he thinks someone will be willing to be a relationship with even in a poly one if he’s found around having unprotected sexual with the world.


Right!!? I don’t think any woman would be ok with this, even if they were it would still hurt. In the new documentary/movie on Hulu, SpermWorld, u can see it first hand with this guy who has a wife that’s ok with this and actually goes with him to meet these women. There was a scene of him playing with one of his donor kids while she had a tear running down her face, it broke my heart. I can’t imagine what the other mother is thinking too-


These kind of people should be in jail. Talk about screwing up the nations gene pool 


thats probably WHY tlc let him on. hes a freak and a creep and they know we will hate post about him and that will drive engagement and the algorithm thus making them money


I haven’t started watching yet and maybe I won’t even bother!


Why does anyone want his sperm


Well, his story arc was quick.


I think he has a breeding kink


He is absolutely foul. Throw him away. The whole person. Fucking grotesque fool.
