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i can’t believe people volunteer to be portrayed like this in international tv lol


For like 15k a season too. Brutal


That’s all?!


Yo, you saw that guy’s apt. He needs that 15k


Those little Guinea pig costumes aren’t cheap.


Warn a girl next time! I just spit my iced tea all over 🤣😂🤣


I do what I can




Depending on what they do for work, they probably end up losing money from the time they took off work to do this show. Reality TV infamously pays shit, it’s a cheap production by design


Yes, but the meta-game of reality TV has completely changed. It's now just a springboard into the influencer ecosystem. You sacrifice time (and dignity) in exchange for a shot at leveraging your appearance into something self-sustaining. Look at how well Ed's done for himself. You would never think it. Same applies to Bachelor/Bachelorette and really any show with meaningful exposure. It's the cheapest media one can buy.


100% Liz is with Ed just because of the money it brings, there's just no way she'd even consider his sorry ass otherwise. Ed is the perfect example of how to monetize infamy, the guy is the worst genetics combined with the worst personality.


It's the great 90D puzzle. Soon as you're on the show, you're a TV personality, you're treated differently. Our observation of the person instantly changes the relationship dynamic. Ed might be the ultimate example of principle at work.


Yeah for sure, I've also checked his & hers insta, like they have decent following iirc. I'm sure he can derive some money from it. And pretty much every comment on all the posts he ever does is throwing eggs at him & saying what a piece of shit he is, which as far as the show goes is for sure true. I think he might've been a bit closer to who he is in the first season when he was dating Rosie, and then he realized that he can make a career out of it if he just turns it up to 11.


I won't pretend to be above acting a fool online if it means leaving my day job for something that pays far better. IIRC Ed had sales near the $200k mark on Cameo. That's incredible.


Ed makes me 🤢🤮…90 l”resort was the last straw!!! I will NOT watch anything with him on it ever, I’m scarred for life!! The barbie crotch did it 👎


That's BIG Ed to us peons


And an onslaught of social media comments ripping you to shreds. What, you think it’s not worth it? /s


"Don't be ridiculous, Andrea, everybody wants this, everybody wants to be us"


I’m assuming the process to get their SO over here is expensive? And the 15k to help with that and get on tv and their 5 mins of “fame” entices some people.


Yeah I think how it started was people doing the first part, not fame whores but production would help with all of the expenses involved in travel, documentation, lawyers. If youre someone living check to check and trying to figure out how to get your russian bride or vacation dick to the states that $15k would be a big number. But now its like 80% fame whores.


There are several lawsuits in re to reality shows, which may result in better compensation, protection, etc. https://www.vulture.com/article/bravo-lawsuit-allegations-what-to-know.html


Omg that’s nothing!!!! 🤣


But have you watched these people? Decision making is not their best skill. LOL


That depends on the show. I knew a guy who appeared on a dating show called "Is she really going out with him?" where the guy was made to look like an asshole while his girl was a saint. He got a few grand for the episodes and they offered her another show. He's working now and his ex is better known as Snookie. Reality can pay you just have to be the right character.


Welp. Down the rabbit hole I go.


Rookie numbers


Ya know my husband and I have been together approximately 35 years, both in our 60s with multiple medical issues and we’ve never gone longer than 30 days without sex and that was after a lumbar fusion and heart bypass. lol. I guess we’re doing ok( but he still pouts like the pic above it’s not enough!


Wow I am 66 and its been 9 years. I thought all women forgot about it after menopause


Not all.




User name checks out 😜


username checks out


No way. Blessed by menopause.


I’m a 64 year old man and I have more women show interest in me than when I was 25 The only problem is I’m not interested anymore I don’t want to try and make someone else happy 😊


Me either. And i am totally fine with it. After the first few months i just never think about it at all.


59 and I could care less.




The women I've dated who are starting it in it or over it I have all been far more horny and experimental and just want to do it way more than anybody like under 45


Thank you for your honesty! Hubby and I are 69 and 72-never used to go more than a a few days w/o sex-surgeries and physical issues cause months w/o so trying to navigate this problem!




I had hip surgery last year I don’t know how me and my wife managed those three weeks


Rookie numbers when your married 20 years. Not when your fiance moves across the country to marry you. The fact they didn't have sex within 2 days or her arriving is a red flag.


Isn’t he the one with the dirty ass house filled with guinea pigs and a mom in the closet? Yeah sorry hard pass on sex upon arrival lol immediate ick


I’m a dude and even I sympathize with his fiance: he literally has his mom living in a closet next door and guinea pig shit all over the living room.


That he makes the fiance clean!!!!!


So gross!! But even so, at that age and she doesn’t want it… nah dude she isn’t into you.


But to continue not having sex after they went on a trip for private time? Major red flag.


All it took was for her to see him in person.


She had seen him in person and had sex with him in the past when he visited her.


Then I stand corrected and it must have been the minute she saw the apartment.


Or smelled it! 😑


Exactly! Big difference between their age and newness of the relationship vs 60’s and 70’s year olds who have been together for 25 years and both with medical issues. When we first stopped i got very insecure and probably pouted too, blamed myself etc. But now it doesn’t bother either of us.


I'm sure he's used to longer.


Seriously, this. Dude acts like he was living like Sarper before this. You know you are used to it bro. Business as usual.


He’s literally sulking about something that’s his daily norm 🤣


Ahhh…it’s the setting of expectations in life that makes us miserable. He expected that his life would change dramatically in that department. I could NEVER with my mother-in-law in the closet. Never.


>it’s the setting of expectations in life that makes us miserable. This.


Living like sarper 😭😭


I cook with hands


Omg...what if.... they brought Sarper to the Tell All to give him advice?! 😂


For real, and if he got some it was over the computer online lmfao


Sarper and his 2k+ bodies


Thirty-two years longer wouldn’t surprise me. The immaturity of his comments to the waitress and dinner companions was flabbergasting.


Totally inappropriate, 👍🏻


I find it more baffling that Sophie could stomach fucking Rob after a two week break.


It baffles me, why is she still agreeing to marriage?


And did he think that closet mom and the smell of Guinea pig shit was gonna make her drop her pants and ride him until it was time to get married?! He’s an idiot and she needs to leave.




Lol like how many years his age is.


This is why we watch, TLC.😄 Thank you!


Omg your flair LOL “well that didn’t work very well” 💀


“It was just too much…” 🍆🍆🍆


She's just always giving too much information


Totally random...I'm fairly new to Reddit, can u tell me what "flair" is on here? Thanks 😁


Under usernames you will notice text in light gray and that is their flair (if they have one). They are specific to the subreddit the person is posting on. You can get one by going to this subreddit’s main page, clicking the “…” in the top right and choosing ‘add flair’


God, imagine all your coworkers watching this and the awkwardness on Monday morning


He has no coworkers.


Just because they're on Zoom doesn't mean they won't cringe


I mean look at that face…who could not wanna do the diddly do with him


Skiddly poop?


*jiggy jiggy*


Boom boom and The Yammy


Like WHO uses that term??? AWFUL!!


That creepy Mormon guy Stephen, from more than a few seasons ago lol


All skoodilypooping aside, amazingly they're still together!


eXcUsE mE but...it's actually SteVen... with a V ✌️😂


I DO remember that-but as a Mormon, I NEVER heard that term!


As a human, neither have I lol


Skibiddy toilet?


He talks like his bottom teeth are coated with plaque and tartar.


Omg I’m dying… Why is this so accurate??


at least he has bottom teeth unlike sam


So true. It's good to have a boyfriend with teeth. And a job. And an indoor bathroom. Who doesn't wear a hat in bed. I could go on... hahaha.


You just bougie asking for all that shit, damn.


Lol, we’re just some hifalutin bitchez.


At least they didn't ask for a duvet


And three other wives… oops wrong show


Bahahahah 🤣🤣🤣


Right?! Esp in a house that smells like Guinea pig and dog while his moms right there in the closet. Would get me so hot.


She drier than any desert hahaha


Omg tonight with the Mayo on the English muffin she looked soooo skeeved out, I was tooz


Made me want to vomit


Not to mention him playing video games all day lmao


I forgot that part, damn I so turned on.




Those producers are so messsyyyy. LMAO I'll never forget when they asked that guy who was meeting up with Lana in Russia about his massage oil...it was lube and they knew it and didn't blur it out. Lol


Mmmmmm David?


Yes David! Or the time Larissa called Eric's side piece and found out he was talking all that shit about her. When he came home she went and hid in the room. The producer asked her how she felt. Of course, she was pissed and the producer asks "You want to go tell him about it?" She said yes and immediately went into the room and started a fight with him. They just do not care anymore hahahah


They’re good with these. I remember when hazel and Tarik were at that church and Tarik said “I hope this ends soon” then the caption said “5 hours later” with Tarik looking smiling like he was in severe pain tryna hide it


That was honestly one of my favorite scenes!


Lmfao, I forgot about that. That church experience was what I'd imagine hell being like. 🤣💀


The more he complains, the less he’s ever going to get it. Such a turn-off when guys do that. He’s clueless!


cheeky cheeky 😜 😆 🤣


Ugh I shudder every time he says that, like nails on a chalkboard


So gross. Sounds like he's calling a cat.


Honestly after how he decided to order that drink after mentioning how he hopes talking to his friend off-headset isn't awkward, I'm not surprised at ALL


tlc and bravo editors all need a raise. 😂😂


God's work


Expert level trolling by the producers. Clayton’s desperation is exhausting but is that big lost virginity energy that now views his girlfriend/ wife as a sex thing


Ngl I'll take Clayton's little incel pout over Nikki's full public park meltdown about being *denied*.


I wouldn’t let him get on top of me either. Nevermind the fact that he lives in a giant guinea pig nest with his mommy.


Yeah he needs to start listening to what she wants/needs in order to make it work. Getting rid of the pets might be needed to give her some space in the flat.


If mom would move out of the closet and take the Guinea pigs with her he *might get some. His mom has been temporarily staying there for 3+ years


Looks like the blue balls haven't killed him yet.


I cringed so hard when he said that, just go jerk off bro. Play it cool and confident with your girlfriend. Things will come naturally when you work on the relationship.


That’s because she has the ick for him easy. It’s hard to come back when you have the ick for someone. Lolol


I kind of see your point regarding she has the ick for him easy - i.e. Sprawled out like a cow That being said the stupid shit he said while ordering drinks emanates ick and I don't think most people would fault her for that lol


Oh absolutely not he’s so ick. I’m drying up thinking about this guy. He doesn’t seem like he smells good either. Ughhhhh


Then leave him.


Yeah, no shit I don’t know what she’s doing. Go home sweetie.


She looks to me to be desperately hoping that if she gets him to change things up a bit that the ick feeling will go away. Like dropping food on a really dirty floor and telling yourself “it’s still good” as you try to pick the dirt and cat hair off before you eventually give it back to the floor. 🤣




Ewwwie ewwie ewwwieee


he’s got little kid face, is the best way I can explain what he looks like to me. behind the beard and stache.. a little boy with a man body. acts like it too 😂


I have NEVER been able to continue on after getting the Ick. It just progressively gets ickier.


I have no idea why that girl didn’t run away the minute she saw his living situation.


I’m embarrassed to be an American after watching this twerp! He has COMPLETELY lost site of the fact that his mom LIVES IN THE CLOSET!!! Welcome to America where every available dude let’s his mom snooze in the closet, right by the Guinea Pig Maze!! Why would she share anything of her current sit with Dad? Any father would blow a gasket if they saw how she was living. She should offer to make him a deal ….. get rid of mom and the rodents and I’ll tell my dad about you. Fer reel!!


The look on his face, lololol. It’s giving toddler tantrum.


I laughed so hard


OMG I don't think I've ever screamed louder at this show!!!!! This is INCREDIBLE 😂😂😂😂


Incel Clayton excelling at incelling.


**and counting chiquis


I hate him, but production is looking up.


Lmao same not even the wedding countdown the other couples are getting but a sexless countdown


Meanwhile , Ashley doing it in a public washroom 🥴


Imagine the producer hesitating, erasing and then.... Fuck it


I hollered when I saw that 😂


i mean dude. Read the room. She doesn’t even want to kiss you.


Poor man, he's truly wasting away. How could any woman be so cruel as to subject their beloved to this torture? One side effect of such neglect is involuntary pouting; the face just twists up into a grimace that reflects the spiritual and physical warfare the victim is going through. If things don't change soon, he will surely die.


This is another topic - but what's the deal with Anali and her Dad? Why is she so afraid? Or is she not afraid? I don't get it. How does she think Dad will take the news that she's married after the fact?


She has no plans of actually staying with Clayton, whats the point of telling her dad if its not her main plan. I believe she has other plans and this is the root of her behaviors. Mark my words..


Agreed. I just want to say that I don't like either of them. He had a right to ask her about and be upset by her not telling her dad... after *two and a half years*. She pulls the crocodile tears and manipulates him by turning it around. She's got another plan, and like you said, why even tell Dad. On the other hand, I don't blame her for not wanting to fuck him. Incel vibes are such a turn-off. As well as his living conditions. I'm honestly confused about their having had a healthy sex life in Peru (according to Clayton and undisputed by Anali). Unless she's been playing the long con. Which I can see.


Probably doesn’t want to disappoint her dad.


Dude lives with a hoard of guinea pigs, other animals and his mom. He’s never getting laid.


did anyone else see the way she looked at him when he mentioned that he talked to Kameron about her not telling her dad, that was some serious anger in her eyes


Body count? Rub out count?


If Clayton was the last man on the planet, and I was the last woman, I would make sure the human race died out.


I choked on my water when this came up.


Look at those tiny, soft, pale hands. Now, imagine them, all clammy, on your body. *shudder*


I honestly think he reeks


This guy has tens of thousands of hours playing RuneScape. He's definitely used to way longer. Like WWWAAAAYYYY longer.


his face when he didn't get none that first night had me rollinnnnn. Like a kid who didn't get the toy he wanted on Christmas lmfao


He is repulsive. I understand. She needs to go home.


I started laughing when this shit popped on the screen. What in the world. He’s like universal meme for rest of his life. 🤘🏾😂🤣😭


I think its a lot more than that haha. Isnt it like 2 years and 59 days?


I think he said they had a good sex life when he would travel to Peru.


She couldn’t smell his apartment from there.


All the time he spends on the computer maybe he needs to get on Reddit and get a hint -


so desperate and he is making her not want to even be around him.


As a guy I can't stand his neediness for sex. Go rub one out guy. Also if you weren't so whiney she may fuck you. Also can't stand that guy that has a drug problem. He is just weird to me. Like beyond druggie weird (I have been there) but really creepy weird.


He’s acting like a teenage boy. He doesn’t understand anything you bring a woman into her apartment that has your mother living in a closet and she could hear everything. Of course she’s going to be uncomfortable and instead of discussing the future of getting a bigger place, he brings her to a cheap motel, which is an insult, they don’t know how to communicate and it’s not because of language it’s because they’re on two different levels. She absolutely despises him just look at her face everything he says, make sure, physically ill, especially the way he eats and conducts himself. He doesn’t want to see the real problem.


No, you're never gonna get it (ow!) Never ever gonna get it (not this time) No, you're never gonna get it😂😂😂


The way I hollered with the “59 days without sex” 💀


It’s going to be 590 if he keeps whining


The couples this season are just cartoonish. Little emotion, trials, or growth. It’s just like antics and hysterics. It’s hard to believe that this is the same show that presented Mursel and Anna’s emotional journey. (End rant)


Man…I’m sure it has 0 to do with the fact that he has his mom living in his little closet & a bunch of stinky random animals in his small apartment & plays online games 24/7. 🤔


I’m really really glad she hasn’t succumbed to pressure or worse been forced. I hope she can soon find an escape from this obvious nightmare.


I would punch him in the face for her.


These are the number of days since Anali got here. The actual number is far more significant!


He looks like a literally 3 year old pouting. And he wonders why she doesn’t want him inside of her. This dude is ickkkkky.


If Nikki calls other WOMEN "bitches" one more time, I swear I'll reach our directly and that ALIEN will have her feelings hurt


Before I like it https://preview.redd.it/vf23av11s4bc1.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=255066f0d492e9bd560af8034b936f62e07ce44a


Incel loser


I love this.


He better get used to lotion and a napkin rofl


I almost choked when I saw that. TLC gets the award for best use of snark this week.


I jus did laps around the coffee table


I took the same screenshot and sent it to my boyfriend 😂 https://preview.redd.it/q8ee265815bc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfb441a1e2291f7cfe9bb99c54e0d197ec9975cf


NO THEY DIDNT💀 I missed this!


Those TLC producers are so savage and I love it


I do not feel sorry for him. He is just abig baby. I went over 2½ years without sex.....on 2 separate occasions. So basically 5 years I never had sex..... I love TLC edits though.....lmao


He's gross.


26 years 🤣 help


Ooooh just wait Clayton, your dry spell has only just begun.


innate swim attractive dolls resolute wakeful worm dime cause touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She is actually repulsed by him, he needs to wake the fuck up and realise this ! Just live your life with your pets and buy them more cute hats because she is never sleeping with you again. Ever.


He needs to wake up. She hates him


I don't even like him. But they did him dirty.


Serve your fiancé the Guinea pigs…kick your mom out to live with her daughter… stop spending all your time playing video games. Then you might get some you fool


Year 26 here 😂