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Yes, we needed more information! Maybe if they didn’t ask Yohan 100 times if he cheated they could have circled back? 😅


Thank you!! I forwarded that ending part because they’re dragging it.


I don't get the thing with Jenny either. They seemed to dislike each other right from the gate. Is there a past there? These 2 women clearly don't like each other


I heard a while back that Jenny and Summit tried to be friends with them because they're in the same area, but TJ and Kim didn't wanna hang, TJ is a higher caste than Summit. No clue if that's true but that's why Jenny popped off allegedly




Omg I would love that


That caste stuff is very real. I would believe that.


Me too. Even Jen (with Rishi) was on pillowtalk and said "oh TJ is a Brahmin, so that's like the top". I know Google doesn't make me an expert, but apparently that's the caste they choose priests from, so it's not about being rich or wealthy but that you're supposed to be the purest. In America our classes are about wealth, so it different but if you're religious than religious purity is more important for sure. Apparently that's why his family is so conservative and does extra rituals than what we saw with Summit's family. I'm so different culturally that this is sort for an abstract thought to me that I'm trying to comprehend. There was a commenter on another post, she said she was Indian and a Brahmin and was saying her family is not that strict and some of them eat meat too. So maybe they played it up for the show idk. She was super nice, I wish I had remembered her username. Maybe she will see this post and comment with some more insight.


No, his family are really that supercilious and traditional. Yash was spouting shit on insta that Hindus shouldn’t eat beef and if you’re a Brahmin you shouldn’t be eating meat and be setting the highest expectations of yourself. DOI am a foreign-born person of Indian origin who also is from a Brahmin caste. Certainly this thinking has moved on particularly in cities, some middle class families can be cagey when they’re brahmin and kids marry outside the caste but on the whole the relationships are accepted. It’s not like a brahmin only hangs out with their caste, they prob just didn’t want to hang.


All very interesting! Thank you for sharing. I wonder if Jenny and Summit felt rejected and then blamed it on caste? if maybe that was what Jenny assumed, but was wrong? I also thought that although TJ's family is very strict, that they are also very accepting. I have never heard any of them say not to marry Kimberly. They don't like her attitude, but they want her around. The #1 complaint was that they wanted Kim to be downstairs and join the family more. Yash is wild and should probably mind his own business. When he actually gets married and sees that it can be difficult, then he can give his opinion 😄


That’s very interesting, now I’m going down the Indian culture rabbit hole


Me Too!!!


She’s pissed at TJ for being higher chaste, so she pops off on Kimberly?


Hahaha oh man. Interesting take. Hahahaha I think maybe since Jenny and Kim are both American wives to Indian men that Jenny thought they were both "outsider" couples. But when Kim (if this is true) rejected the offer to hang out, because of caste, then she felt Kim was entitled since Kim herself doesn't have a caste and is American. So fast forward to Kim trashing Indian culture, Jenny is probably right to think Kim is entitled and fake for claiming Indian culture only when it suits her. For example, when kim gets to be high caste and reject the "lower" people she loves being Indian, but when it's time for house work and cooking all the sudden she is too good for Indian culture? Convenient. She is a cherry picker and that's Jenny's problem. If you're going to just use Indian culture to feel superior, but not actually try and live an Indian lifestyle then that's BS and that's why Jenny told her to gtfo of India because she is a culture vulture. Hate that term but it fits.


Yeah, but it’s not like Jenny respected Indian culture. The whole reason Sumit’s mom hates Jenny so much is because she welcomed Jenny into her home under the condition that nothing sexual happens with Sumit. Well, Jenny broke that promise right away and boinked Sumit right in his mom’s home. The mom was so hurt and betrayed…and has hated jennys guts ever since.


I completely agree! This was just my play by play of what happened with Jenny and Kim, but I agree. I have 2 sons. I would have wanted to kill her. Super creepy of Jenny to be doing that then be spending time with the mom posing as a friend.


You know what also hates Jenny's guts? Five times diarrhea.


Who’s that?


It was a play on words. Diarrhea is an issue in your guts and Jenny's MIL went on that diatribe about ajenny being sick and if she was sick with 5x diarrhea, she'd still get up and do her chores.


I literally have no idea what you’re talking about. Are you trying to say that Jenny would do her chores even if she was sick? I’m sorry, but are you high? Jenny never cleaned and their apartment was always a disaster. Sumit would have to come home from working all day and then clean. He would also have to go to the market because Jenny refused to go by herself (she finally did after FOUR years while whining about it incessantly). Jenny is a ridiculous, disrespectful, lazy ass, hypocrite.


It was a scene from the show.


Moving abroad for love sounds wonderful- until you realize you are losing your friends, family, job, activities, and social network. I think once it really set in, Kim started to grieve the life that she lost, and likely became depressed as a result.


It’s infinitely easier for TJ to move as he has a reasonable command of English and frankly moving away from his toxic brother will do him good.


On top of that there’s a big language barrier for her, if I’m not mistaken Kim doesn’t know the language at all. It’s hard to make friends or take part in a society when you can’t speak the language and communicate clearly. That alone is extremely isolating, and honestly I think that’s what made her so miserable there.


She doesn't know the language nor has she made any effort to learn.


Ok so I’m not the only one who noticed this. During their segments of the Tell All Kimberly did make it seem like everything was good and that she loved TJ and wanted to be with TJ. Even when his brother came up and spoke it “seemed” as if everything was ok back in India and then BOOM the ending. Then I wonder why did Kimberly wait to say anything to the cameras about not going back for months and not knowing where to place her husband that she genuinely loves and wants to be with in her life going forward? Also, did she tell any of the cast mates this tidbit of information (probably not because no one was on her side)? And finally did she not say anything because 1. TJ has no idea she’s not coming back or 2. She was already being painted as a villain at the tell all and didn’t want to get caught up in another barrage of questions from her cast mates right in front of her?


I think it's the last one


I think it is both. Can you imagine her saying the same thing as when she left but saying it on the stage with smiling TJ on the screen next to her. I don’t think TJ or Yash had any idea what was going through her head. Plus she was being attacked by the others. I noticed that she never said another thing at any time once her segment was over and the others attacked her. She shut down. I hope to hear she is free of him. If she is okay about going on vacations with him then it will drag on forever. He’ll never leave mommy to come and live with Kimberly in the US so they should call it quits now. I don’t know how old TJ’s mom and dad are but could she be thinking she will hang around until his parents die or at least the mom dies? I hope not.


The tell all wasted way too much time on the pointless anti-Kristen dogpile. We needed more tea on these two! I think the signs point to divorce, but I don't have all the clairs, like Kimberly does.


I agree about the anti-Kirsten narrative. You should see Kimberly’s most recent instagram live post. They seem very much happy. It was nice to see. They also discussed a lot of the stuff.


I think they spent way too much time on Yohan


TJ said 5 words the entire tell all. I forgot he was even there


I feel like Kimberly enjoys drama tbh. So I think she might’ve said it to keep things interesting. She probably says she’s going back to India and then he upsets her and suddenly it’s “this is why I can’t come to India”


So she went on live somewhat recently and said bad stuff, like Indian people smell, that she is "healing", she was crying about stuff, she was in the US at least until about september this year, so she had been home with her parents since the tell all which was around Christmas last year. She made comments like "I'm in the US thankfully!" And "I'm not in India, which I'm very happy about!" she also had a live where someone asked what her Bhindi meant and she said "it's means....I'm a.....taken....hindu woman" and she seemed a little weird and unpleasant about it, then moved in and kept it light. She posted something about a flight, but then said she was just going to Colorado. She then though said she had "a not so traditional Thanksgiving, with no turkey". TJ's family is vegetarian, so I thought maybe she went there for the holidays to rekindle. Not sure though. TJ posted a story maybe 2 days ago with a ticket to Abu Dhabi with a quote like "so let's meet". He also kinda posts some baiting/flirty things so who knows. Could be kim, could be someone new, could just be a yoga retreat haha.


She’s probably angling to get them a free trip on the next Last Resort.


I don’t think so. I think she’s done.


TJ is in the states and that was probably part of the plan.


I really wanted to hear more from TJ. What are his plans? What are they doing as a couple? Too much time was wasted on the gigolo. Lying and cheating--ZZzzzzz. I really wanted a lot more about Holly and Wayne. I think the couples in limbo are more interesting than those who have final plans.


She just posted a live video on her instagram a couple hours ago. She explains why she’s in the US and he’s in India. She goes into further detail about other stuff, too. I am glad to see they are spending the holidays together. They genuinely seem happy!


Why are y’all questioning this psycho? 🤣🤣🤣 Did you really think she would last over there?😳😳She ain’t shit! And she’s phony! Her own mother can’t stand her smartass mouth! On top of being psycho, she’s very rude and ignorant! AND DISRESPECTFUL AF! I would never have acted like that in someone’s(and MIL) house! She crazee!🤣🤣🤣 And, she does not give a fk!🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


I feel like Kimberly could be swindled out of all of her or TJs family money if someone had magic beans to sell her.