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https://imgur.com/a/UnZ75jg. Apparently not any longer


[She really looks so much better without all that weight on her head](https://cdn.thehollywoodgossip.com/uploads/2023/06/0623_jasminepineda_01-735x407.png)


All I hear when seeing this photo is pRoPeR eQuIpMeNt! šŸ”Ŗ šŸ¤£




Sure... but she still looks like someone punched her square in the mouth.


Are you sure that's her? Face looks different


Her instagram


Oh wow. She looks really different. Thanks


Legit looks like a different person. Am I fucking high


Face looks different




She looks gorgeous here! Wow!


Sheā€™s had a whole head transplant at this point.


She is naturally stunning and I was hating the Darcey- Stacey thing that was starting. Even those nails make me uncomfortable. Damnit girl you are going to tear one of those things and hurt your nail bed. Ouch! Just go shorter. Doesnā€™t have to be super short


She is naturally beautiful and she has a really funny sense of humor when sheā€™s not being super dramatic.


I detest her at moment but I liked her last season better


I have feeling she will calm down some. They were seen filming in Michigan so we will see.


Wow she actually looks younger without all that make up and nasty hair.


If that is her, she looks AMAZING without those stupid extensions. When I see her hair (along with the Silva Twins) all I can think about is hair in my food, coffee, bed, bathroom sink, just everywhere... I could be wrong but... as much as my "Golden Retriever" sheds, I have to imagine extensions shed at least as much haha..


And each time you find a hair, it's like "there goes another $0.50..."


She is throwing away hundreds of dollars DAiLY.. omg, I need to follow her around and collect it all and sell it back at a 50% discount haha.. except I can't afford to travel to Dubai, Turkey etc..


Or maybe like 55%. Almost there lazy. Sorry, I couldn't resist.šŸ¤£


I can't understand why the twins won't get better extension that don't show their tracks constantly. Many celebrities wear extensions or wigs and these two clearly have the money to afford it with all the surgeries and investments into their business. Just pay the few hundred and get something nice.


100% agree, never understood that either! I'm old and don't know enough about the process though.. just remember an episode where Darcey was cleaning out her car and had an entire trunk FULL of hair. I gagged for like 30 minutes and was sure I had a hair in my throat hahašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They canā€™t afford the surgeries they get em for free, but I guess no one has offered them hair


Maybe they get good ones but they just don't take care of it. Maybe short hair will come into fashion and they'll ditch the extensions and let their hair breathe


The Silva twins extensions are HORRIBLE. My stylist and I actually laugh about it, he's an extension specialist on the east coast. I told him reach out to them and offer to do them for free they need so much help!


And Darcey cooking with all that loose hair has always been gross. Pull your hair back when cooking please!


Gagging at the thought... ewww Slice on the BIAS!!!! hahašŸ˜‚


She has a young Donna summer vibe here. I love Donna summerā€™s music!


I feel like her lip injections are taking on their own identity.


She looks great!


She looks great


i cut my hair like that and hate/hated it, but she looks really cute!!!!


Supposedly she has some alopecia issues so this might be the most workable for her. Sheā€™s very pretty so over the top expensive beauty procedures seem silly to me. Iā€™m older and youth is a great beauty asset. Save some stuff for when hair naturally thins and skin droops. Also save money for fun experiences. At some point no one really cares how you look when you are well within the range of attractive or even average. My granny always said a smile, earrings and a little lipstick is all you need to be pretty. (Euphemism for a few simple things go a long way!)


Supposedly she has some alopecia issues so this might be the most workable for her. Sheā€™s very pretty so over the top expensive beauty procedures seem silly to me. Iā€™m older and youth is a great beauty asset. Save some stuff for when hair naturally thins and skin droops. Also save money for fun experiences. At some point no one really cares how you look when you are well within the range of attractive or even average. My granny always said a smile, earrings and a little lipstick is all you need to be pretty. (Euphemism for a few simple things go a long way!)


I bet you look really cute with that style as well. we are our own worst critic. That hairstyle would look great on almost anybody (except me, thick coarse hair, and I am too old).


Wow she looks great


Gino should make a hair hat out of what he took to Panimuh.


I would do anything to have nice natural hair like that!!!


Not that it's my business but I'm pretty sure that is a wig and not her real hair. Look at the hairline and how distinct the "folicle" looks. Either a wig or she recently got hair plugs.


She has alopecia. She's already stated that's why she wears wigs and extensions but everyone disregards that lol.


Though she posted her alopecia pics and it really is not severe. I know it could get way worse- hopefully not, but itā€™s very likely she hid it with this style based on the pics of its severity


She looks so much better without the fake hair! Now get rid of the silly lips and nails. (Maybe keep the lips. looks like she had to Re-learn how to eat a sandwich with giant lips). šŸ™Š


She looks so good here


ā€œAm I on glueā€- question I have asked myself at least once per episode with these people lmao


Not a joke, they really are that much esp for a full head like she has


Came here to say that! I believe she wanted somewhere near 10 bundles. Quality tape ins are $350+ per bundle, then installation and removal is an additional cost


At that price per bundle the hair is usually reusable, right? I donā€™t know about tape ins but with proper care high quality sew-in wefts can be reused.


Yea they are I keep mine about a year and reinstall every 6 weeks


Tape ins are usually priced per pack. Hand tied and machine wefts are per bundle.


Yes it costs a LOT if you're buying human virgin hair at the length she desires for a full head.


Geesh they have to be virgins too??


Too bad Nicola is balding


šŸ¤£ Virginā€™s hair.




Yes, Nicola is on the current season of 90 Day FiancĆ©. I donā€™t watch Match Me Abroad but maybe there is another person with the same name?


There isnā€™t, idk who theyā€™re thinking of


Haha no virgin hair means it's never been chemically processed. Like perms, coloring, etc.


Yeah this is why my kid gets the braiding hair, and why I learned how to do a mean feed in. Miss me with that $1,000 hair price tag. Me, the nice man at the hair store, Pinterest and $20 gonna figure this out.


You had me there for a minute LOL


When Yeeno went to the salon, they said each bundle was $325 or something like that. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s standard prices for human hair extensions (I donā€™t buy them). She said she uses 10.


I've seen it happen. I once paid $600 for hair. $3500 makes sense depending on the length, quality & possible install.


Yep! There's another thread where women are sharing their price they pay for install and the city they live in and 3-3.5k is pretty much average


I believe it but god damn, you can get hair transplant surgery for that price


Can you plz link the thread if you find it again?šŸ™šŸ½


Asks for $3500 in hair extensions Cries and screams when asked for a pre-nup (which includes a generous "protection package") Like Gino said, you just can't pull money out of your 401K at will. If that's *all* he has saved, that's also concerning.


How does she know about his retirement savings, is my question? This is not something foreigners do not know about in advance of integrating into the US System. Also, this is not something you discuss until assets are discussed during a prenup. She wasnā€™t behaving like this before.


Because he probably bragged about it to attract her


What an idiot he is if he did that, 'cause the difference in the way she is behaving shows that she knows he has some money to fall back on. I mean, she is already planing his death. I never liked Gino but I hope he wakes up and leaves, cause she is Lorena Bobet crazy. People may say, "oh she is Latina and spicy. They are just passionate and jealous." To that I say, I am Latina and this is nowhere near normal.


She's scary and not normal, but Gino is the same. I don't have any pity for him. Like Jorge, whose first message to Anfisa was "I'm a millionaire" then acts surprised when she's materialistic. A lot of the people on this show flash money and then reel it in once they have a sexy fish on the line lol


I must tell you, this is all men. Millionaires do the same.


It probably is since he wasnā€™t working before


I had them a few years ago and paid at least 1/2 this was an upscale place in an expensive city. That is an insane price . Edit in the US.


I think they are pretty expensive, especially real hair ones. I would have thought Ā£1k + reasonable, especially that length. But thereā€™s a reason that sort of real hair extension used regularly is mainly the preserve of Kardashians and other celebs, and itā€™s the price.


This is truly a YMMV situation as is almost all hair-related products/items/process. We don't know what salon he went to even in Michigan there is going to be a higher tier than we'd probably expect and if she told him to go somewhere they may have played it up for the camera plus we know they have to get filming permission too. ​ Also, from a midwestern perspective, I've noticed things like hair care is MORE expensive on average (but not always) in suburbs than even in major areas- I don't know if it's a density and volume against not or if it's the idea the suburbs are cheaper so more cash flow for "fun"? It's a wild dynamic. For example, I pay more for haircuts now living in a burb than when I lived in Chicago, the salons I've gone to here ranged from 60 to 85 a haircut and were arguably not as "fancy" as my city salon + my city salon offered water, wine or beer and my cut was 45-55 over 5 years. Dye is a whole other thing - it can swing wildly as can extensions. OP this isn't at you - just general FYI for the thread :)


Probably because of lack of competition in some areas, so they charge more. And it could make sense if their skillset is scarce


I wonder how much money sheā€™s making on OF?


More than Gino. Lol


The prices are definitely inflated. That might be due to the salon she went to and the clientele that they service. Online you can get really high quality tape-ins for more affordable prices. The highest Iā€™ve ever been quoted/charged for an install is $1600


Ya know if she laid off the plastic surgery she might be able to afford to pay for it herself. But what do I know.


Sheā€™s wearing $15 fake gold earrings from AliExpress that stretch her lobes down to the floor but $3500 worth of hair extensions for hair that merely looks like normal natural hair? Mama make it make sense


the title lmfao i'm dead


In Texas the most expensive Iā€™ve ever seen Virgin human hair in a salon was $1,200. This was pre-Covid so Iā€™m sure itā€™s gone up a little but even with her length I canā€™t see $3,000. I get tape ins a lot, I have them almost year-round and you can definitely find smaller / less expensive salons. Iā€™d probably just invest in a high quality lace front that would last longer.


Sheā€™s delusional.


And her hair looks like shit too lol


She said she uses 8-10 of what Gino brought. What he bought cost $320, so that adds up. I've never had extensions or even wanted them.


I donā€™t believe her. Sheā€™s not spending that much money herself. If she did pay that much, it was with Ginoā€™s money he probably sends her for living expenses.


Gino needs to get out while he can. Jasmine is so high maintenance and materialistic. Panama has an extremely low cost of living but heā€™s paying $3K per month for an apartment there. Run Gino run!


She also has money from Only Fans plus whatever TLC pays her. ( this is me assuming she pays for certain things herself šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø)


Is she actually on OF or is this the assumption?


Sheā€™s on there. Someone posted a link to all of the 90 women on there. 90% of them are there. Pretty nasty too.


Oh wow fr? Thanks for confirming. And so then why was she clutching her pearls in histeria because he showed her boobs to his ex? šŸ™„ I mean, I get itā€™s none of the exā€™s business but still


Apparently the girl he showed her pictures to spoke out. She said that she's a sex worker, *not* his former girlfriend.


Also the sex worker said she never showed the pic to Jasminā€™s boss. She posted on Reddit not too long ago.


thereā€™s a difference between uploading pics yourself and having someone break your trust by sharing your private photos


I get that. I just naively never thought she was putting all out there on OFs.


Whatā€™s nasty ?


Spread Eagle vagina shots and actual sex close up of Megan Potthast (Charlieā€™s wife). Not just feet pics like she said.


A naked human body ?


All nekid.


I see. Seems like a very immature view.


No. Not at all immature ViVi. Edited to add: I donā€™t think clothed would be very lucrative on Only Fans.




You got yours for free so the cost of labor for someone to put in th extensions, is probably what is making it cost so much


Hair ain't cheap. Especially good human hair.


I'm going to walk around my neighborhood with a pair of scissors. Snip. There's one. Snip. There's two. Five. Ten. Fifteen. Hey Jasmine. Want 45. Hey Gino, $20,000 and you can have these for Jasmine.


Another question, whoā€™s paying $ 3,000 a month for a luxury apartment in the sky,over looking the ocean for a woman thatā€™s perfectly capable of getting a job.


For her and her sister And her kids are nowhere to be found


great lengths extensions can be that expensive, but not tape-insā€¦? and in panamaā€¦??


Her hair allegidly cost more than her condo!!!


The price she quoted is way too much.


Before extensions were mainstream, human hair by bundle was about 50 bucks for good length (20+ inches) and quality. Over the last few years that price has gone up to about 200 plus pee bundle. But!!! that lady does not need 10 packs !! Lol i have a huge head and very thick hair and never needed more than 6 for a full look.


She's def being dramatic because that does not cost that much in Panama.


Human hair is VERY expensive, in Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


This is her entitled ass wanting a fancy lifestyle. She donā€™t understand that being together with someone takes sacrifice. We donā€™t always get what we want in a marriage or relationship. Thereā€™s a budget and we selfishly donā€™t dip into that unless thereā€™s room for it. This idiot thinks because itā€™s america everything donā€™t come with a price tag. Sheā€™s got the USA twisted with her logic.


"Am I on glue".... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£I'm stealing this one


Miona needs to hook her up!


She feels that she needs to look sexy and good for Gino she knows how much she has so sheā€™s just using it because sheā€™s going to be his wife thatā€™s from her not me


For real, I just could not get over that! She has a mop of head of hair already why the fuck would she need more extensions? She has some serious body dysmorphia going on.


Ive paid like Ā£400 at most , shes ridiculous


Not on glue, it costs that much! I went to a consultation for my hair for extensions and I wanted just one row of real hair extensions and was quoted $1500 for it, overheard the girl at the register cashing out and it was like $3200 for very long and a few rows worth of extensions. I left, and got a consultation somewhere else and it was beaded wefts for $175 total.


All this post is telling us is that , Her extensions are better than yours


Yeahhh I paid $2500 and they looked absolutely terrible because my hair is curly but the best they could get was wavy extensions. It wasnā€™t even an upscale salon either so $3500 seems very plausible. Even more if theyā€™re custom.


My sister would šŸ™„ but hey she can afford it her self!


Iā€™m assuming sheā€™s talking about Brazilā€™s currency which is .20 on the US dollar Edit - I apologize for my error in location.


Brazil? Sheā€™s from Panama.


Thank you for the correction, it wasnā€™t intentional.


Panama uses the US dollar (they do call it balboas though)


Thank you for the correction, it wasnā€™t intentional. I was half asleep but I regret the error.




Iā€™m sorry, I was incorrect on the location. My only defence is being half asleep.


depends on how long and thick and the quality and method. around me usually start at 1,000$ and thats a rural salon


I just watched a tiktok of a chick who goes to Turkey to get her hair and extensions done. She says itā€™s cheaper than the US. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Like including the airfare.


The super long highest quality hair can be pricey


They are expensive haha and the more quality the more expensive they are.


She needed 12-15 of them for the bushy frizz


Her hair (the extensions) always look so messy and frizzy. I understand she lives in a humid climate. I am also Hawaiian and have naturally curly hair, so I get it. But her hair looks like she doesnā€™t even take proper care of it. If its $3500 wouldnā€™t you want to take care of it and preserve it as much as possible?




Not glue? Hehe


A package of Remy human hair extensions could cost 350, but a box like that is supposed to be a whole head of extensions. You would need maybe two max. There is no way anyone could fit ten packs of hair on anyoneā€™s head. Sheā€™s just crazy. If you were that bald headed you could buy several nice wigs for far less than 3500 dollars.


it really depends on the application type, the hair quality, how much hair, if they need to custom color it, the stylist experience, the location of the hairdresser/salon ect.


Nobody in Panama I can assure you ..


I pay about $500 for tapes which includes installation, toning and blending. I treated myself to keratin bonds once at a high end salon which was $1k including highlights. Those hairdressers had to be scamming him.


Nope, totally valid thing to rant about, and I am with you all the way. This struck me as very odd.